NRSP5: National Program for Controlling Virus Diseases of Temperate Fruit Tree Crops
(National Research Support Project Summary)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Cembali, T, Folwell, RJ, Wandschneider, P, Eastwell, KC and Howell, W. 2003. Economic implications of a virus prevention program in deciduous tree fruits in the US. Crop Protection 22:1149-1156.
Joyce, P., Rodoni, B., Crosslin, J.M., Howell, W.E. and Eastwell, K.C. 2004. Detection of Pear blister canker viroid in pome fruit orchards across Australia. Acta Horticulturae 657:373-378.
A book chapter has been prepared for publication in 2006 by Guerra and Eastwell describing phytoplasma diseases of temperate fruit crops and their detection.
Joyce, P.A., F.E. Constable, J. Crosslin, K. Eastwell, W.E. Howell, and B.C. Rodini. 2006. Characterisation of Pear blister canker viroid isolates from Australian pome fruit orchards. Australasian Plant Pathology. 35:465-471.
Guerra, L.J. and K.C. Eastwell. 2006. Phytoplasmas in deciduous fruit and nut trees. IN: Molecular characterization of plant phytoplasma, Chapter 6. Harrison, N.A, G.O. Rao, and C. Marcone, eds. Studium Press, pp. 93-136
Bajet NB, Unruh TR, Druffel KL, Eastwell KC. 2008. Occurrence of Two Little Cherry Viruses in Sweet Cherries in Washington State. Plant Disease 92:234-238.
Eastwell KC. 2008. Ilarviruses (Bromoviridae). Encyclopedia of Virology, 3rd edition. Elsevier, Oxford, UK, in press.