NRSPOLD3: The National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP)

(National Research Support Project Summary)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports



National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2001. NADP 2001 - NADP Committee Meeting Proceedings. (prepared by Douglas, K.E. and P.S. Bedient) NADP Proceedings 2001-01, August 27-30, 2001, Champaign, IL, and October 14-18, 2001, N2001 - The Second Annual International Nitrogen Conference, Potomac, MD. NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 120 pp.

National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2001. National Atmospheric Deposition Program 2000 Annual Summary. NADP Data Report 2001-01. NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 16 pp.

National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2001. Quality Assurance Report, National Atmospheric Deposition Program, 1999, Laboratory Operations, Central Analytical Laboratory. (prepared by J.E. Rothert) NADP QA Report 2001-01, NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 127 pp.

National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2001. 2002 CALendar. NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 30 pp.


Bischoff, J.M., P. Bukaveckas, K. Ohrui, and M.J. Mitchell. 2001. Nitrogen Storage and Cycling in Vegetation of a Forested Wetland: Implications for Watershed N Processing. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 128:97-114.

Bytnerowicz, A., P.E. Padgett, S.D. Parry, M.E. Fenn, and M.J. Arbaugh. 2001. Concentrations, Deposition, and Effects of Nitrogenous Pollutants in Selected California Ecosystems. The Scientific World 1(S2):304-311.

Butler, T.J., G.E. Likens, and B.J.B. Stunder. 2001. Regional-scale Impacts of Phase I of the Clean Air Act Amendments in the USA: the Relation Between Emissions and Concentrations, Both Wet and Dry. Atmospheric Environment. 35:1015-1028.

Civerolo, K.L., E. Brankov, S. T. Rao, and I. Zurbenko. 2001. Assessing the Impact of the Acid Deposition Control Program. Atmospheric Environment. 35: 4135-4148.

Civerolo, K. L., and S. T. Rao. 2001. Space-time Analysis of Precipitation-Weighted Sulfate Concentrations Over the Eastern United States. Atmospheric Environment, 35: 5657-5661.

David, M.B., G.F. McIsaac, T.V. Royer, R.G. Darmody, and L.E. Gentry. 2001. Estimated Historical and Current Nitrogen Balances for Illinois. The Scientific World. 1(S2):597-604.

Driscoll, C.T., G.B. Lawrence, A.J. Bulger, T.J. Butler, C.S. Cronan, C. Eagar, K.F. Lambert, G.E. Likens, J.L. Stoddard, and K.C. Weathers. 2001. Acidic Deposition in the Northeastern United States: Sources and Inputs, Ecosystem Effects, and Management Strategies. BioScience. 51(3): 180-198.

Eshleman, K.N., D.A. Fiscus, N.M. Castro, J.R. Webb, and F.A. Deviney, Jr. 2001. Computation and Visualization of Regional-Scale Forest Disturbance and Associated Dissolved Nitrogen Export from Shenandoah National Park, Virginia. The Scientific World. 1(S2): 539-547.

Fenn, M.E. and M.A. Poth. 2001. A Case Study of Nitrogen Saturation in Western U.S. Forests. The Scientific World. 1(S2): 433-439.

Johnson, C.A., M.A. Mast, and C.L. Kester. 2001. Use of 17O/16O to Trace Atmospherically-Deposited Sulfate in Surface Waters: A Case Study in Alpine Watersheds in the Rocky Mountains. Geophysical Research Letters. 28: 4483-4486.

Harvey, F.E. 2001. Use of NADP Archive Samples to Determine the Isotope Composition of Precipitation: Characterizing the Meteoric Input Function for Use in Ground Water Studies. Ground Water. 49(3): 380-390.

Krajick, K. 2001. Long-term Data Show Lingering Effects from Acid Rain. Science. 292:195-196.

Likens, G.E., T.J. Butler, and D.C. Buso. 2001. Long- and Short-term Changes in Sulfate Deposition: Effects of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Biogeochemistry. 52: 1-11.

Miegroet, H.V., I.F. Creed, N.S. Nicholas, D.G. Tarboton, K.L. Webster, J. Shubzda, B. Robinson, J. Smoot, D.W. Johnson, S.E. Lindberg, G. Lovett, S. Nodvin, and S. Moore. 2001. Is There Synchronicity in Nitrogen Input and Output Fluxes at the Noland Divide Watershed, a Small N-Saturated Forested Catchment in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The Scientific World. 1(S2): 480-492.

Mitchell, M.J., P.J. McHale, S. Inamdar, and D.J. Raynal. 2001. Role of Within Lake Processes and Hydrobiogeochemical Changes over 16 Years in a Watershed in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State, U.S.A. Hydrological Processes. 15: 1951-1965.

Napier, T.L. and M. Tucker. 2001. Factors Affecting Nutrient Application Rates within Three Midwestern Watersheds. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 56(3): 220-228.

Nilles, M.A. and B.E. Conley. 2001. Changes in the Chemistry of Precipitation in the United States, 1981-1998. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 130: 409-414.

Norton, S.A., B.J. Cosby, I.J. Fernandez, J.S. Kahl, and M.R. Church. 2001. Long-term and Seasonal Variations in CO2: Linkages to Catchment Alkalinity Generation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 5: 83-91.

Parker, J.L., I.J. Fernandez, L.E. Rustad, and S.A. Norton. 2001. Effects of Nitrogen Enrichment, Wildfire, and Harvesting on Forest Soil Carbon and Nitrogen. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 65: 1248-1255.

Pryor, S.C., R.J. Barthelmie, M. Carreiro, M.L. Davis, A. Hartley, B. Jensen, A. Oliphant, J.C. Randolph, and J.T. Schoof. 2001. Nitrogen Deposition to and Cycling in a Deciduous Forest. The Scientific World. 1(S2): 245-254.

Rabaud, N.E., T.A. James, L.I. Ashbaugh, and R.G. Flocchini. 2001. A Passive Sampler for the Determination of Airborne Ammonia Concentrations near Large-Scale Animal Facilities. Environmental Science and Technology. 35(6): 1190-1196.

Showstack., R.2001. Further Emissions Cuts Needed for Speedier Acid Rain Recovery. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 82:161-162.

Stottlemyer, R. 2001. Ecosystem Processes and Nitrogen Export in Northern U.S. Watersheds. The Scientific World. 1(S2): 581-588.


Center for Environmental Information. 2001. Acid Rain: Are the Problems Solved? Conference Executive Summary, May 2-3, 2001, Washington, D.C. 34 pp.

Daley, B. 2001. Acid Rain Resists ‘90s Fix, Study Says. In The Boston Globe. March 26, 2001.

Dripps, W.R., C.J. Kucharik, J.D. Lenters, M.P. Anderson, and J.A. Foley. 2001. Modeling the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Groundwater Recharge Across a Forested Watershed in Northern Wisconsin. In Proceedings, 2001 Spring Meeting, American Geophysical Union. May 29-June 2, 2001, Boston, MA.

Driscoll, C.T., G.B. Lawrence, A.J. Bulger, T.J. Butler, C.S. Cronan, C. Eagar, K.F. Lambert, G.E. Likens, J.L. Stoddard, and K.C. Weathers. 2001. Acid Rain Revisited: Advances in Scientific Understanding Since the Passage of the 1970 and 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Hubbard Brook Research Foundation. Science LinksTM Publication. Vol. 1, No. 1. 20 pp.

Driscoll, C.T., G.B. Lawrence, A.J. Bulger, T.J. Butler, C.S. Cronan, C. Eagar, K.F. Lambert, G.E. Likens, J.L. Stoddard, and K.C. Weathers. 2001. Acid Rain Revisited: Advances in Scientific Understanding Since the Passage of the 1970 and 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. In Hubbard Brook Research Foundation Acid Rain Update II. 2 pp.

Ecological Society of America. 2001. N2001: The Second International Nitrogen Conference, Optimizing Nitrogen Management in Food and Energy Production and Environmental Protection. Program and Abstracts. October 14-18, 2001, Potomac, MD. Ecological Society of America, Washington, DC. 119 pp.

Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc. 2001. Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNet) 1999 Annual Report. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. 176 pp.

Evans, J., I.J. Fernandez, L.E. Rustad, and S.A. Norton. 2001. Methods for Evaluating Carbon Fractions in Forest Soils. A Review (Technical Bulletin 178). University of Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono, ME. 39pp.

Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission. 2001. Air Quality Sulfur Dioxide. In 2000-2001 State of Kentucky‘s Environment: A Report on Environmental Trends and Conditions. Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission, Frankfort, KY. pp 51-52.

Larson, R.S. and V.C. Bowersox. 2001. The National Atmospheric Deposition Program‘s Databases. In Proceedings 94th Annual Air & Waste Management Association Meeting (paper #669). Air and Waste Management Association, Sewickley, PA. 13 pp.

Lloyd, S.A. 2001. Acid Deposition. In Ecosystem Change and Public Health. Eds. J.L. Aron and J.A. Patz. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD. p. 209-213.

North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 2001. Acid Rain and Statewide Trends. In 1999 Ambient Air Quality Report (Air Monitoring Section Report #2001.01). North Carolina Division of Air Quality, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Raleigh, NC. pp 58-73.

Risch, M. 2001. Monitoring Program for Mercury in Precipitation in Indiana. U.S. Geological Survey, Indianapolis, IN. 4 pp.

Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative. 2001. Acid Deposition Assessment. In 2001 Interim Report. Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative, Asheville, NC. p. 16-17.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2001. Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNet): Monitoring the Results of Emission Reductions. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air and Radiation, Washington, D.C. 2 pp.


There were more than 220 publications, including 61 journal articles and a Master of Science

thesis, using NADP data or resulting from NRSP-3 activities in 2003. An on-line database that

lists citations using NADP data is now accessible at


Lehmann, C.M.B. and V.C. Bowersox. 2003. National Atmospheric Deposition Program Quality

Management Plan. NADP QA Plan 2003-01. NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 104 pp.

National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2003. NADP 2003 - Long-Term Monitoring:

Supporting Science and Informing Policy and Ammonia Workshop. (prepared by Douglas, K.E. and P.S. Bedient) NADP Proceedings 2003-01, October 20-24, 2003, Washington, D.C. NADP

Program Office, Champaign, IL. 176 pp.

National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2003. National Atmospheric Deposition Program

2002 Annual Summary. NADP Data Report 2003-01. NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 16


National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2003. Quality Assurance Report, National

Atmospheric Deposition Program, 2001, Laboratory Operations, Central Analytical Laboratory.

(prepared by J.E. Rothert) NADP QA Report 2003-01, NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL.

206 pp.

National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2003. 2004 CALendar. NADP Program Office,

Champaign, IL. 30 pp.


Aber, J.D., C.L. Goodale, S.V. Ollinger, ?L. Smith, A.H. Magill, M.E. Martin, R.A. Hallett, and

J.L. Stoddard. 2003. Is Nitrogen Deposition Altering the Nitrogen Status of Northeastern

Forests? BioScience. 53(4):375-389.

Burns, D.A. 2003. Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and

Southern Wyoming - a Review and New Analysis of Past Study Results. Atmospheric

Environment. 37:921-932.

Butler, T.J., G.E. Likens, F.M. Vermeylen, and B.B. Stunder. 2003. The Relation Between NOx

Emissions and Precipitation NO3

- in the Eastern USA. Atmospheric Environment. 37: 2093-


Castro, M.S., C.T. Driscoll, T.E. Jordan, W.G. Reay, and W.R. Boynton. 2003. Sources of

Nitrogen to Estuaries in the United States. Estuaries 26(3):803-814.

Clow, D.W., J.O. Sickman, R.G. Striegl, D.P. Krabbenhoft, J.G. Elliot, M. Dornblaster, D.A. Roth, and D.H. Campbell. 2003. Changes in the Chemistry of Lakes and Precipitation in High-

Elevation National Parks in the Western United States, 1985-1999. Water Resources Research. 39(6), 1171, doi:10.1029/2002WR001533.

Dayan, U. and D. Lamb. 2003. Meteorological Indicators of Summer Precipitation Chemistry in

Central Pennsylvania. Atmospheric Environment. 37:1045-1055.

Driscoll, C.T., K.M. Driscoll, K.M. Roy, and M.J. Mitchell. 2003. Chemical Response of Lakes

in the Adirondack Region of New York to Declines in Acidic Deposition. Environmental Science

& Technology. 37:2036-2042.

Driscoll, C.T., D. Whitall, J. Aber, E. Boyer, M. Castro, C. Cronan, C. Goodale, P. Groffman, C. Hopkinson, K. Lambert, G. Lawrence, and S. Ollinger. 2003. Nitrogen Pollution: Sources and

Consequences in the U.S. Northeast. Environment. 45: 8-22.

Fenn, M.E., J.S. Baron, E.B. Allen, H.M. Rueth, K.R.Nydick, L. Geiser, W.D. Bowman, J.O.

Sickman, T. Meixner, D.W.Johnson, and P. Neitlich. 2003. Ecological Effects of Nitrogen

Deposition in the Western United States. BioScience. 53(4):404-420.

Fenn, M.E., R. Haeuber, G.S. Tonnesen, J.S. Baron, S. Grossman-Clarke, D. Hope, D.A. Jaffe, S. Copeland, L. Geiser, H.M. Rueth, and J.O. Sickman. 2003. Nitrogen Emissions, Deposition, and

Monitoring in the Western United States. BioScience. 53(4):391-403.

Fernandez,I.J., L.E. Rustad, S.A. Norton, J.S. Kahl, and B.J. Cosby. 2003. Experimental

Acidification Causes Soil Base Cation Depletion in a New England Forested Watershed. Soil

Science Society of America Journal. 67(6): 1909-1919.

Galloway, J.N., J.D. Aber, J.W. Erisman, S.P. Seitzinger, R.W. Howarth, E.B. Cowling, and J.

Cosby. 2003. The Nitrogen Cascade. BioScience. 53(4):341-356.

Gilliland, A.B., R.L. Dennis, S.J. Roselle, and T.E. Pierce. 2003. Seasonal NH3 Emission

Estimates for the Eastern United States Based on Ammonium Wet Concentrations and an Inverse

Modeling Method. Journal of Geophysical Research. 108(D15):4477,

doi10.1029/2002JD003063, 2003.

Hidy, G.M. 2003. Snowpack and Precipitation Chemistry at High Altitudes. Atmospheric

Environment. 37:1231-1242.

Kester, C.L., J.S. Baron, and J.T. Turk. 2003. Isotopic Study of Sulfate Sources and Residence

Times in a Subalpine Watershed. Environmental Geology. 43: 606-613..

Lafrancois, B.M., K.R. Nydick, and B. Caruso. 2003. Influence of Nitrogen on Phytoplankton

Biomass and Community Composition in Fifteen Snowy Range Lakes (Wyoming, U.S.A.). Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research. 35(4): 499-508.

Mitchell, M.J., C.T. Driscoll, S. Inamdar, G.G. McGee, M.O. Mbila, and D.J. Raynal. 2003. Nitrogen Biogeochemistry in the Adirondack Mountains of New York: Hardwood Ecosystems

and Associated Surface Waters. Environmental Pollution. 123: 355-364.

Nanus, L., D.H. Campbell, G.P. Ingersoll, D.W. Clow, and M.A. Mast. 2003. Atmospheric

Deposition Maps for the Rocky Mountains. Atmospheric Environment. 37: 4881-4892.

Pelley, J. 2003. Adirondack Lakes Recovering from Acid Rain. Environmental Science &

Technology. June 1, 2003:202A- 203A.

Raloff, J. 2003. Why the Mercury Falls. Science News.163: 72-74.

Rueth, H.M., J.S. Baron, and E.J. Allstodt. 2003. Responses of Old-Growth Engelmann Spruce

Forests to Nitrogen Fertilization. Ecological Applications. 13: 664-673.

Saros, J.E., S.J. Interlandi, A.P. Wolfe, and D.R. Engstrom. 2003. Recent Changes in the Diatom

Community Structure of Lakes in the Beartooth Mountain Range, U.S.A. Arctic, Antarctic, and

Alpine Research. 35: 18-23.

Seigneur, C., P. Karamchandani, K. Vijayaraghavan, K. Lohman, R. Shia, and L. Levin. 2003.

On the Effect of Spatial Resolution on Atmospheric Mercury Modeling. Science of the Total

Environment. 304:73-81.

Seigneur, C., K. Vijayaraghavan, K. Lohman, P. Karamchandani, and C. Scott. 2003. Global

Source Attribution for Mercury Deposition in the United States. Environmental Science

&Technology. 38:555-569.

Sickles, J.E. II, and J.W. Grimm. 2003. Wet Deposition from Clouds and Precipitation in Three

High-Elevation Regions of the Eastern United States. Atmospheric Environment. 37:277-288.

Sickman, J.O., A.L. Leydecker, C.C.Y. Chang, C. Kendall, J.M. Melack, D.M. Lucero, and J.

Schimel. 2003. Mechanisms Underlying Export of N from High-Elevation Catchments During

Seasonal Transitions. Biogeochemistry. 64: 1-24.

Sickman, J.O., J.M. Melack, and D.W. Clow. 2003. Evidence for Nutrient Enrichment of High-

Elevation Lakes in the Sierra Nevada, California. Limnology and Oceanography. 48(5): 1885-


Smith, R.A., R.B. Alexander, and G.E. Schwartz. 2003. Natural Background Concentrations of

Nutrients in Streams and Rivers of the Conterminous United States. Environmental Science &

Technology. 37:3039-3047.

Walvoord, M.A., F.M. Phillips, D.A. Stonestrom, R.D. Evans, P.C. Hartsough, B.D. Newman,

and R.G. Striegl. 2003. A Reservoir of Nitrate Beneath Desert Soils. Science. 302:1021-1024 and


Wolfe, A.P., A.C. Van Gorp, and J.S. Baron. 2003. Recent Ecological and Biogeochemical

Changes in Alpine Lakes of Rocky Mountain National Park (Colorado, U.S.A.): a Response to

Anthropogenic Nitrogen Deposition. Geobiology. 1: 153-168.

Zhang, Q. and C. Anastasio. 2003. Conversion of Fogwater and Aerosol Organic Nitrogen to

Ammonium, Nitrate, and NOx During Exposure to Simulated Sunlight and Ozone.

Environmental Science and Technology. 37: 3522-3530.


Bowersox, V.C., 2003: ?Sources and Receptors: Monitoring the Data,? In: Acid Rain: Are the

Problems Solved? American Fisheries Society Trends in Fisheries and Management 2, Bethesda,

MD. pp. 47-57.

Driscoll, C.T., D. Whitall, J. Aber, E. Boyer, M. Castro, C. Cronan, C.L. Goodale, P. Groffman,

C. Hopkinson, K. Lambert, G. Lawrence, and S. Ollinger. 2003. Nitrogen Pollution: From the

Sources to the Sea. Hubbard Brook Research Foundation. Science LinksTM Publication. Vol. 1,

no.2. 24 pp.

Gordon, J.D. 2003. Evaluation of Candidate Rain Gages for Upgrading Precipitation

Measurement Tools for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (Water-Resources

Investigations Report 02-4302). U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO. 34 pp.

Larson, R.S. 2003. A Method for Classifying and Characterizing Wet Deposition Monitoring

Sites (paper #69777). In Proceedings 96th Annual Air & Waste Management Association

Meeting. Air and Waste Management Association, Sewickley, PA. 10 pp.

Lehmann, C.M.B. 2003. Quality Assurance in the National Atmospheric Deposition Program for

Support of Atmospheric Trends Research (paper #69956). In Proceedings 96th Annual Air &

Waste Management Association Meeting. Air and Waste Management Association, Sewickley,

PA. 18 pp.

Stoddard, J.L., J.S. Kahl, F.A. Deviney, D.R. DeWalle, C.T. Driscoll, A.T. Herlihy, J.H. Kellogg,

P.S. Murdoch, J.R. Webb, and K.E. Webster. 2003. Response of Surface Water Chemistry to the

Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 (EPA 620/R-03/001). U.S. Environmental Protection

Agency, Research Triangle Park, NC. 84 pp.

Tumbusch, M.L. 2003. Evaluation of OTT PLUVIO Precipitation Gage Versus Belfort Universal

Precipitation Gage 5-780 for the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (Water-Resources

Investigations Report 03-4167). U.S. Geological Survey, Denver, CO. 29 pp.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2003. Acid Rain Program, 2002 Progress Report (EPA-

430-R-03-011). Office of Air and Radiation, Clean Air Markets Division, U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency. 16 pp.


There were more than 100 publications, using NADP data or resulting from NRSP-3 activities in 2003. An on-line database that lists citations using NADP data is accessible at


Lehmann, C.M.B. 2004. Atmospheric Quality. In Climate Atlas of Illinois (S.A. Changnon, J.R. Angel, K.K. Kunkel, and C.M.B. Lehmann, authors). Illinois State Water Survey, Champaign, IL. pp. 153-178.

Lehmann, C.M.B., V.C. Bowersox, and S.M. Larson. 2004. Spatial and Temporal Trends of Precipitation Chemistry in the United States, 1985-2002 (paper #546). In Proceedings, 97th Annual Conference and Exhibition, Air &Waste Management Association, Pittsburgh, PA. 18 pp.

Lehmann, C.M.B., N. Latysh, and C. Furiness. 2004. Discontinuation of Support for Field Chemistry Measurements in the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP/NTN). NADP Data Report 2004-02. NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 12 pp.

National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2004. NADP 2004 - Technical Committee Meeting and Scientific Symposium. (prepared by Douglas, K.E. and P.S. Bedient) NADP Proceedings 2004-01, September 21-24, 2004, Halifax, Nova Scotia. NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 143 pp.

National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2004. National Atmospheric Deposition Program 2003 Annual Summary. NADP Data Report 2004-01. NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 16 pp.

National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2004 2005 NADP CALendar. NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 32 pp.


Amirbahman, A., P.L. Ruck, I.J. Fernandez, T.A. Haines, and J.S. Kahl. 2004. The Effect of Fire on Mercury Cycling in the Soils of Forested Watersheds: Acadia National Park, Maine, U.S.A. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 152: 313-331.

Burns, D.A. 2004. The Effects of Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado and Southern Wyoming, USA  a Critical Review. Environmental Pollution. 127: 257-269.

Campbell, J.L. J.W. Hornbeck, M.J. Mitchell, M.B. Adams, M.S. Castro, C.T. Driscoll, J.S. Kahl, J.N. Kochenderfer, G.E. Lichens, J.A. Lynch, P.S. Murdoch, S.J. Nelson, and J.B. Shanley. 2004. Input-Output Budgets of Inorganic Nitrogen for 24 Forest Watersheds in the Northeastern United States: A Review. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 151:373-396.

Cohen, M., R. Artz, R. Draxler, P. Miller, L. Poissant, D. Niemi, D. Ratte, M. Delauriers, R. Duval, R. Laurin, J. Slotnick, T. Nettesheim, and J. McDonald. 2004. Modeling the Atmospheric Transport and Deposition of Mercury to the Great Lakes. Environmental Research. 95(3): 247-265.

Grimm, J.W. and J.A. Lynch. 2004. Enhanced Wet Deposition Estimates Using Modeled Precipitation Inputs. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 90: 243-268.

Kahl, J.S., J.L. Stoddard, R. Haeuber, S.G. Paulsen, R. Birnbaum, F.A. Deviney, J.R. Webb, D.R. Dewalle, W. Sharpe, C.T. Driscoll, A.T. Herlihy, J.H. Kellogg, P.S. Murdoch, K. Roy, K.E. Webster, and N.S. Urquhart. 2004. Have U.S. Surface Waters Responded to the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments? Environmental Science & Technology. 38(24):484A-490A.

Krug, E.C., and D. Winstanley. 2004. Comparison of Mercury in Atmospheric Deposition and in Illinois and USA Soils. Hydrology & Earth Systems Sciences. 8(1): 98-102.

Latysh, N. and J. Gordon. 2004. Investigation of Differences Between Field and Laboratory pH Measurements of National Atmospheric Deposition Program / National Trends Network Precipitation Samples. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 154: 249-270.

Menz, F.C. and H.M. Seip. 2004. Acid Rain in Europe and the United States: an Update. Environmental Science & Policy. 7(2004):253-265.

Norton, S.A., I.J. Fernandez, J.S. Kahl, and K.L. Reinhardt. 2004. Acidification Trends and the Evolution of Neutralizatioin Mechanisms through Time at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM), U.S.A. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution: Focus. 4:289-310.

Royer, T.V. J.L. Tank, and M.B. David. 2004. Landscape and Watershed Processes, Transport and Fate of Nitrate in Headwater Agricultural Streams in Illinois. Journal of Environmental Quality. 33: 1296-1304.

Seigneur, C., K. Vijayaraghavan, K. Lohman, P. Karamchandani, and C. Scott. 2004. Global Source Attribution for Mercury Deposition in the United States. Environmental Science & Technology. 38:555-569.

Stevens, C.J. N.B. Dise, J.O. Mountford, and D.J. Gowing. 2004. Impact of Nitrogen Deposition on the Species Richness of Grasslands. Science. 303: 1876-1878.

Walker, J.T., D.R. Whitall, W.Robarge, and H.W. Paerl. 2004. Ambient Ammonia and Ammonium Aerosol Across a Region of Variable Ammonia Emission Density. Atmospheric Environment. 38:1235-1246.


Air Quality Committee. 2004. United States - Canada Air Quality Agreement, Progress Report 2004. International Joint Commission, Washington, D.C. pp. 5-6, 40-41.

Center for the Inland Bays. 2004. An Indication of Progress through Government Action: Nutrient Pollution. In Delaware Inland Bays' Environmental Indicators. Center for the Inland Bays, Lewes, DE. 1 pp.

Committee on Air Quality Management in the United States. 2004. Air Quality Management in the United States. National Research Council, National Academies Press, Washington , D.C. 426 pp.

Kendall, C., E. Elliott, S.D. Wankel, R. Carlton, K. Harlin. 2004. Use of Nitrate Isotopes for Tracing Sources of Atmospheric Nitrate to Aquatic Ecosystems: Piggybacking on the NADP Network Archives. In Proceedings Hydrologic Observatories as a National Resource, A CUAHSI National Workshop.

Steinman, J. 2004. Forest Health Monitoring in the Northeastern United States, Disturbances and Conditions during 1993-2002 (NA-TP-01-04). U.S. Department of Agriculture - Forest Service, Newtown Square, PA. p 14.

Stensland, G.J. and A.L. Williams. 2004. Atmospheric Emission and Deposition of Deicing Salt Applied to Highways in the Chicago Area. In Proceedings 97th Annual Air & Waste Management Association Conference (control #698). Air and Waste Management Association, Sewickley, PA. 14 pp.

U.S. Geological Survey. 2004. A Science Strategy to Support Management Decisions Related to Hypoxia in the Northern Gulf of Mexico and Excess Nutrients in the Mississippi River Basin (Circular 1270). U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA. 58 pp.



National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2005. Monitoring Mercury Deposition, A Key Tool to Understanding the Link Between Emissions and Effects. NADP Brochure 2005-01. NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 4 pp.

National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2005. NADP 2005 - Science Supporting Resource Management. (prepared by Douglas, K.E. and P.S. Bedient) NADP Proceedings 2005-01, September 27-30, 2005, Jackson, Wyoming. NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 152 pp.

National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2005. National Atmospheric Deposition Program 2004 Annual Summary. NADP Data Report 2005-01. NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 16 pp.

National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2005. 2006 NADP CALendar. NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 32 pp.


Ambrose, R.B., I.X. Tsiros, and T.A. Wool. 2005. Modeling Mercury Fluxes and Concentrations in a Georgia Watershed Receiving Atmospheric Deposition Load from Direct and Indirect Sources. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 55:547-558.

Bouwman, A.F., G. Van Drecht, J.M. Knoop, A.H.W. Beusen, and C.R. Meinardi. 2005. Exploring Changes in River Nitrogen Export to the Worlds Oceans. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 19,GB1002,doi:10.1029/2004GB002314, 2005.

Dupont, J., T.A. Clair, C. Gagnon, D.S. Jeffries, J.S. Kahl, S.J. Nelson, and J.M. Peckenham. 2005. Estimation of Critical Loads of Acidity for Lakes in Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 109:275-291.

Dutton, A., B.H. Wilkinson, J.M. Welker, G.J. Bowen, and K.C. Lohmann. 2005. Spatial Distribution and Seasonal Variation in 18O/16O of Modern Precipitation and River Water Across the Conterminous USA. Hydrological Processes. 39:4121-4146.

Harvey, F.E. 2005. Stable Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotope Composition of Precipitation in Northeastern Colorado. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (paper no. 03170). April 2005:447-459.

Hill, K.A., P.B. Shepson, E.S. Galbavy, and C. Anastasio. 2005. Measurement of Wet Deposition of Inorganic and Organic Nitrogen in a Forest Environment. Journal of Geophysical Research. 110,G02010,doi:10.1029/2005JG000030, 2005.

Hicks, B.B. 2005. A Climatology of Wet Deposition Scavenging Ratios for the United States. Atmospheric Environment. 39:1585-1596.

Lawler, J.J., J. Rubin, B.J. Cosby, I.J. Fernandez, J.S. Kahl, and S.A. Norton. 2005. Predicting Recovery from Acidic Deposition: Applying a Modified TAF (Tracking and Analysis Framework) Model to Maine (USA) High Elevation Lakes. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution

Lehmann, C.M.B., V.C. Bowersox, and S.M. Larson. 2005. Spatial and Temporal Trends of Precipitation Chemistry in the United States, 1985-2002. Environmental Pollution, 135:347-361.

Lipfert, F., S. Morris, T. Sullivan, P. Moskowitz, and S. Renninger. 2005. Methylmercury, Fish Consumption, and the Precautionary Principle. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 55:388-398.

Mason, R.P., M.L. Abbott, R.A. Bodaly, O.R. Bullock, C.T. Driscoll, D. Evers, S.E. Lindberg, M. Murray, and E.B. Swain. 2005. Monitoring the Response to Changing Mercury Deposition. Environmental Science & Technology. January 1, 2005:15A-22A.

Mizak, C.A., S.W. Campbell, M.E. Luther, R.P. Carnahan, R.J. Murphy, and N.D. Poor. 2005. Below-cloud Ammonia Scavenging in Convective Thunderstorms at a Coastal Research Site in Tampa, FL, USA. Atmospheric Environment. 39:1575-1584.

Porter, E., T. Blett, D.U. Potter, and C. Huber. 2005. Protecting Resources on Federal Lands: Implications of Critical Loads for Atmospheric Deposition of Nitrogen and Sulfur. BioScience. 55:603-612.

Skjelkvale, B.L., J.L. Stoddard, D.S. Jeffries, K. Torseth, T. Hogasen, J. Bowman, J. Mannio, D.T. Montieth, R. Mosello, M. Rogora, D. Rzychon, J. Vesely, J. Wieting, A. Wilander, and A. Worsztynowicz. 2005. Regional Scale Evidence for Improvements in Surface Water Chemistry 1990-2001. Environmental Pollution. 137:165-176.


Burns, D.A., M.R. McHale, C.T. Driscoll, G.M. Lovett, K.C. Weathers, M.J. Mitchell, R. Brook, K.M. Roy. 2005. An Assessment of Recovery and Key Processes Affecting the Response of Surface Waters to Reduced Levels of Acid Precipitation in the Adirondack and Catskill Mountains (Report 05-03). New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. Albany, NY. 30 pp.

Meteorological Service of Canada. 2005. 2004 Canadian Acid Deposition Science Assessment: Summary of Key Results. Environment Canada, Ontario, Canada. 32 pp.

National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program. 2005. National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program Report to Congress: An Integrated Assessment. See NOAA, Silver Spring, MD. 85 pp.

U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. 2005. A Coordinated Framework for Soybean Rust Surveillance, Reporting, Prediction, Management and Outreach. See 42 pp.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2005. Acid Rain Program, 2004 Progress Report - 10 Years of Achievement (EPA-430-R-05-012). Office of Air and Radiation, Clean Air Markets Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 26 pp.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2005. Atmosphere in Motion, Results from the National Deposition Monitoring Networks - 2005 Atlas (EPA-430-R-05-007). Office of Air and Radiation, Clean Air Markets Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 46 pp.





There were more than 124 publications using NADP data or resulting from NRSP-3 activities in 2008 (excluding December). A publically available on-line database that lists citations using NADP data is accessible at

Selected journal articles referenced above:

Alexander, R.B., Smith, R.A., Schwarz, G.E., Boyer, E.W., Nolan, J.V., and Brakebill, J.W. 2008. Differences in phosphorus and nitrogen delivery to the Gulf of Mexico from the Mississippi river basin. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42:822-830, DOI: 10.1021/es0716103.

Barnes, R.T., Raymond, P.A., and Casciotti, K.L. 2008. Dual isotope analyses indicate efficient processing of atmospheric nitrate by forested watersheds in the northeastern U.S. Biogeochemistry 90:15-27.

Butler, T.J., Cohen, M.D., Vermelyn, F.M., Likens, G.E., Schmeltz, D., and Artz, R.S. 2008. Regional precipitation mercury trends in the eastern USA, 1998-2005: Declines in the Northeast and Midwest, no trend in the Southeast. Atmos. Environ. 42:1582-1592.

Coates, T.A., Boerner, R.E.J., Waldrop, T.A., and Yaussy, D.A. 2008. Soil Nitrogen transformations under alternative management strategies in Appalachian forests. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 72:558-565.

Clark, C.M., and Tilman, D. 2008. Loss of plant species after chronic low-level nitrogen deposition to prairie grasslands. Nature 451:712-715.

Costanza, J.K., Marcinko, S.E., Goewert, A.E., and Mitchell, C.E. 2008. Potential geographic distribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition from intensive livestock production in North Carolina, USA. Science of the Total Environment 389:76-86.

Elliott, K.J., Vose, J.M., Knoepp, J.D., Johnson, D.W., Swank, W.T., and Jackson, W. 2008. Simulated effects of sulfur deposition on nutrient cycling in Class I wilderness areas. J. Environ. Qual. 37:1419-1431, DOI:10.2134/jeq2007.0358.

Ingersoll, G.P., Mast, M.A., Campbell, D.H., Clow, D.W., Nanus, L., and Turk, J.T. 2008. Trends in snowpack chemistry and comparison to National Atmospheric Deposition Program results for the Rocky Mountains, US, 1993-2004. Atmospheric Environment 42:6098-6113.

Krupa, S., Booker, F., Bowersox, V., Lehmann, C., and Grantz, D. 2008. Trace gases associated with U.S. agriculture: A review. J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 58:986-993, DOI:10.3155/1047-3289.58.8.986.

Stephen, K., and Aneja, V.P. 2008. Trends in agricultural ammonia emissions and ammonium concentrations in precipitation over the Southeast and Midwest United States. Atmospheric Environment 42:3238-3252.

Sparks, J.E.D.P., Walker, J., Turnipseed, A., and Guenther, A. 2008. Dry nitrogen deposition estimates over a forest experiencing free air CO2 enrichment. Global Change Biology 14:768-781, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2007.01526.x.

Tkacz, B., Moody, B., Castillo, J.V., Fenn, M.E. 2008. Forest health conditions in North America. Environmental Pollution 155:409-425.

Vet, R., and Ro, C.-U. 2008. Contribution of Canada-United States transboundary transport to wet deposition of sulphur and nitrogen oxides: A mass balance approach. Atmospheric Environment 42:2518-2529.

Walker, J., Spence, P., Kimbrough, S., and Robarge, W. 2008. Inferential model estimates of ammonia dry deposition in the vicinity of a swine production facility. Atmospheric Environment 42:3407-3418.

Wu, S., Krishnan, S., Zhang, Y., and Aneja, V. 2008. Modeling atmospheric transport and fate of ammonia in North Carolina-Part I: Evaluation of meteorological and chemical predictions. Atmospheric Environment 42:3419-3436.



Approximately 58 publications used NADP data or resulted from NRSP-3 activities in 2009 (January to August). A publically available online database that lists citations using NADP data is accessible at:
A file of publications is also attached.

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