NRSPOLD3: The National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP)
(National Research Support Project Summary)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2001. NADP 2001 - NADP Committee Meeting Proceedings. (prepared by Douglas, K.E. and P.S. Bedient) NADP Proceedings 2001-01, August 27-30, 2001, Champaign, IL, and October 14-18, 2001, N2001 - The Second Annual International Nitrogen Conference, Potomac, MD. NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 120 pp.
National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2001. National Atmospheric Deposition Program 2000 Annual Summary. NADP Data Report 2001-01. NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 16 pp.
National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2001. Quality Assurance Report, National Atmospheric Deposition Program, 1999, Laboratory Operations, Central Analytical Laboratory. (prepared by J.E. Rothert) NADP QA Report 2001-01, NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 127 pp.
National Atmospheric Deposition Program. 2001. 2002 CALendar. NADP Program Office, Champaign, IL. 30 pp.
Bischoff, J.M., P. Bukaveckas, K. Ohrui, and M.J. Mitchell. 2001. Nitrogen Storage and Cycling in Vegetation of a Forested Wetland: Implications for Watershed N Processing. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 128:97-114.
Bytnerowicz, A., P.E. Padgett, S.D. Parry, M.E. Fenn, and M.J. Arbaugh. 2001. Concentrations, Deposition, and Effects of Nitrogenous Pollutants in Selected California Ecosystems. The Scientific World 1(S2):304-311.
Butler, T.J., G.E. Likens, and B.J.B. Stunder. 2001. Regional-scale Impacts of Phase I of the Clean Air Act Amendments in the USA: the Relation Between Emissions and Concentrations, Both Wet and Dry. Atmospheric Environment. 35:1015-1028.
Civerolo, K.L., E. Brankov, S. T. Rao, and I. Zurbenko. 2001. Assessing the Impact of the Acid Deposition Control Program. Atmospheric Environment. 35: 4135-4148.
Civerolo, K. L., and S. T. Rao. 2001. Space-time Analysis of Precipitation-Weighted Sulfate Concentrations Over the Eastern United States. Atmospheric Environment, 35: 5657-5661.
David, M.B., G.F. McIsaac, T.V. Royer, R.G. Darmody, and L.E. Gentry. 2001. Estimated Historical and Current Nitrogen Balances for Illinois. The Scientific World. 1(S2):597-604.
Driscoll, C.T., G.B. Lawrence, A.J. Bulger, T.J. Butler, C.S. Cronan, C. Eagar, K.F. Lambert, G.E. Likens, J.L. Stoddard, and K.C. Weathers. 2001. Acidic Deposition in the Northeastern United States: Sources and Inputs, Ecosystem Effects, and Management Strategies. BioScience. 51(3): 180-198.
Eshleman, K.N., D.A. Fiscus, N.M. Castro, J.R. Webb, and F.A. Deviney, Jr. 2001. Computation and Visualization of Regional-Scale Forest Disturbance and Associated Dissolved Nitrogen Export from Shenandoah National Park, Virginia. The Scientific World. 1(S2): 539-547.
Fenn, M.E. and M.A. Poth. 2001. A Case Study of Nitrogen Saturation in Western U.S. Forests. The Scientific World. 1(S2): 433-439.
Johnson, C.A., M.A. Mast, and C.L. Kester. 2001. Use of 17O/16O to Trace Atmospherically-Deposited Sulfate in Surface Waters: A Case Study in Alpine Watersheds in the Rocky Mountains. Geophysical Research Letters. 28: 4483-4486.
Harvey, F.E. 2001. Use of NADP Archive Samples to Determine the Isotope Composition of Precipitation: Characterizing the Meteoric Input Function for Use in Ground Water Studies. Ground Water. 49(3): 380-390.
Krajick, K. 2001. Long-term Data Show Lingering Effects from Acid Rain. Science. 292:195-196.
Likens, G.E., T.J. Butler, and D.C. Buso. 2001. Long- and Short-term Changes in Sulfate Deposition: Effects of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Biogeochemistry. 52: 1-11.
Miegroet, H.V., I.F. Creed, N.S. Nicholas, D.G. Tarboton, K.L. Webster, J. Shubzda, B. Robinson, J. Smoot, D.W. Johnson, S.E. Lindberg, G. Lovett, S. Nodvin, and S. Moore. 2001. Is There Synchronicity in Nitrogen Input and Output Fluxes at the Noland Divide Watershed, a Small N-Saturated Forested Catchment in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. The Scientific World. 1(S2): 480-492.
Mitchell, M.J., P.J. McHale, S. Inamdar, and D.J. Raynal. 2001. Role of Within Lake Processes and Hydrobiogeochemical Changes over 16 Years in a Watershed in the Adirondack Mountains of New York State, U.S.A. Hydrological Processes. 15: 1951-1965.
Napier, T.L. and M. Tucker. 2001. Factors Affecting Nutrient Application Rates within Three Midwestern Watersheds. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 56(3): 220-228.
Nilles, M.A. and B.E. Conley. 2001. Changes in the Chemistry of Precipitation in the United States, 1981-1998. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 130: 409-414.
Norton, S.A., B.J. Cosby, I.J. Fernandez, J.S. Kahl, and M.R. Church. 2001. Long-term and Seasonal Variations in CO2: Linkages to Catchment Alkalinity Generation. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 5: 83-91.
Parker, J.L., I.J. Fernandez, L.E. Rustad, and S.A. Norton. 2001. Effects of Nitrogen Enrichment, Wildfire, and Harvesting on Forest Soil Carbon and Nitrogen. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 65: 1248-1255.
Pryor, S.C., R.J. Barthelmie, M. Carreiro, M.L. Davis, A. Hartley, B. Jensen, A. Oliphant, J.C. Randolph, and J.T. Schoof. 2001. Nitrogen Deposition to and Cycling in a Deciduous Forest. The Scientific World. 1(S2): 245-254.
Rabaud, N.E., T.A. James, L.I. Ashbaugh, and R.G. Flocchini. 2001. A Passive Sampler for the Determination of Airborne Ammonia Concentrations near Large-Scale Animal Facilities. Environmental Science and Technology. 35(6): 1190-1196.
Showstack., R.2001. Further Emissions Cuts Needed for Speedier Acid Rain Recovery. EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union. 82:161-162.
Stottlemyer, R. 2001. Ecosystem Processes and Nitrogen Export in Northern U.S. Watersheds. The Scientific World. 1(S2): 581-588.
Center for Environmental Information. 2001. Acid Rain: Are the Problems Solved? Conference Executive Summary, May 2-3, 2001, Washington, D.C. 34 pp.
Daley, B. 2001. Acid Rain Resists ‘90s Fix, Study Says. In The Boston Globe. March 26, 2001.
Dripps, W.R., C.J. Kucharik, J.D. Lenters, M.P. Anderson, and J.A. Foley. 2001. Modeling the Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Groundwater Recharge Across a Forested Watershed in Northern Wisconsin. In Proceedings, 2001 Spring Meeting, American Geophysical Union. May 29-June 2, 2001, Boston, MA.
Driscoll, C.T., G.B. Lawrence, A.J. Bulger, T.J. Butler, C.S. Cronan, C. Eagar, K.F. Lambert, G.E. Likens, J.L. Stoddard, and K.C. Weathers. 2001. Acid Rain Revisited: Advances in Scientific Understanding Since the Passage of the 1970 and 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Hubbard Brook Research Foundation. Science LinksTM Publication. Vol. 1, No. 1. 20 pp.
Driscoll, C.T., G.B. Lawrence, A.J. Bulger, T.J. Butler, C.S. Cronan, C. Eagar, K.F. Lambert, G.E. Likens, J.L. Stoddard, and K.C. Weathers. 2001. Acid Rain Revisited: Advances in Scientific Understanding Since the Passage of the 1970 and 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. In Hubbard Brook Research Foundation Acid Rain Update II. 2 pp.
Ecological Society of America. 2001. N2001: The Second International Nitrogen Conference, Optimizing Nitrogen Management in Food and Energy Production and Environmental Protection. Program and Abstracts. October 14-18, 2001, Potomac, MD. Ecological Society of America, Washington, DC. 119 pp.
Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc. 2001. Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNet) 1999 Annual Report. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. 176 pp.
Evans, J., I.J. Fernandez, L.E. Rustad, and S.A. Norton. 2001. Methods for Evaluating Carbon Fractions in Forest Soils. A Review (Technical Bulletin 178). University of Maine Agricultural Experiment Station, Orono, ME. 39pp.
Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission. 2001. Air Quality Sulfur Dioxide. In 2000-2001 State of Kentucky‘s Environment: A Report on Environmental Trends and Conditions. Kentucky Environmental Quality Commission, Frankfort, KY. pp 51-52.
Larson, R.S. and V.C. Bowersox. 2001. The National Atmospheric Deposition Program‘s Databases. In Proceedings 94th Annual Air & Waste Management Association Meeting (paper #669). Air and Waste Management Association, Sewickley, PA. 13 pp.
Lloyd, S.A. 2001. Acid Deposition. In Ecosystem Change and Public Health. Eds. J.L. Aron and J.A. Patz. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD. p. 209-213.
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources. 2001. Acid Rain and Statewide Trends. In 1999 Ambient Air Quality Report (Air Monitoring Section Report #2001.01). North Carolina Division of Air Quality, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, Raleigh, NC. pp 58-73.
Risch, M. 2001. Monitoring Program for Mercury in Precipitation in Indiana. U.S. Geological Survey, Indianapolis, IN. 4 pp.
Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative. 2001. Acid Deposition Assessment. In 2001 Interim Report. Southern Appalachian Mountains Initiative, Asheville, NC. p. 16-17.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 2001. Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNet): Monitoring the Results of Emission Reductions. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air and Radiation, Washington, D.C. 2 pp.