NRSP_OLD4: Enabling Pesticide Registrations for Specialty Crops and Minor Uses
(National Research Support Project Summary)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Arsenovic, M., D.L. Kunkel, and J.J. Baron. 2010. IR-4 Project: Update Herbicide Registration (Food Uses). Proceedings Northeastern Weed Science Society, Volume 64, p. 48.
Arsenovic, M., D.L. Kunkel, and J. J. Baron. 2010. IR-4 Project: Update on Weed Contro Projects. Proceedings WSSA, Volume 50, Abstract Number 75.
Braverman, M., J J. Baron and D.L. Kunkel. 2010. An Overview and Future Trends of U.S. Biopesticide Regulations. Outlooks on Pest Management, Volume 21, Number 3, June 2010 , pp. 132-134(3)
Braverman, M., J.J. Baron, D.L. Kunkel, and V.R. Starner. 2010. Getting materials approved for organic production. Weed Science Society of America Abstracts SYM 167.
Braverman, M. 2010. Case Studies for Biopesticides as Resistance Management Tools. Biopesticide Industry Alliance Meeting Ottawa, Canada
Braverman, M., J J. Baron and D.L. Kunkel. 2010. Global Residue Study- Potential for Zoning and Data Sharing. 12th IUPAC International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry. Melbourne Australia, July 2010.
Braverman, M. Challenges and Successes of Registering Microbial Biopesticides. American Phytopathological Society Meetings, Charlotte, NC.
Braverman M. and J.J. Baron. 2010. The Role of IR-4 in Facilitating the Registration of Biopesticides.
International Workshop Biological Control of Postharvest Diseases: Challenges and Opportunities. Leesburg, VA.
Braverman, M. 2010. The Use and Regulation of Microbial Pesticides Worldwide- United States. Pages 74-79 in Kabaluk, J. Todd, Antonet M. Svircev, Mark. S. Goettel, and Stephanie G. Woo (ed.). 2010. The Use and Regulationof Microbial Pesticides in Representative Jurisdictions Worldwide. IOBC Global. 99pp. Available online through www.IOBC-Global.org
Corley, J. S., D. L. Kunkel and J. J. Baron 2010. JMPR submissions, Codex MRL's and their importance to global trade of agricultural commodities. 12th IUPAC International Congress of Pesticide Chemistry, Melbourne, Australia, July 2010, Abstract # 713
Corley, J. S., D. L. Kunkel and J. J. Baron (IR-4), F. Leim (U.S. EPA), J. Sandahl (USDA-FAS) 2010, J. S. Corley presenter at GLP Training Workshop, Nairobi, Kenya, June 2010 Sponsored by the USDA-FAS.
Malamud-Roam, K. 2010. Critical Legislative & Regulatory Issues Affecting AMCA members. American Mosquito Control Association, May, Washington Day
Malamud-Roam, K. 2010. Finding a needle in a haystack: Discovering and developing new pesticides. American Mosquito Control Association, 75th Annual Meeting, April, Lexington, KY
Malamud-Roam, K. 2010. Legislative & Regulatory Symposium I: Protecting our Existing Chemical Toolbox. American Mosquito Control Association, 75th Annual Meeting, April, Lexington, KY
Malamud-Roam, K. 2010. Overview of legislative and regulatory issues facing the AMCA. American Mosquito Control Association, 75th Annual Meeting, April, Lexington, KY
Malamud-Roam, K. 2010. The IR-4 Project Public Health Pesticides Program. Deployed War-Fighter Protection Program Review (Dec), Gainesville, FL.
Malamud-Roam, K. 2010. The IR-4 Public Health Pesticides Program Filling the Vector Control Toolbox! American Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene Annual Meeting (Nov), Atlanta, GA
Malamud-Roam, K., & K. Sweeney. 2010. From pesticide discovery to registration Unclogging the product development pipeline. American Mosquito Control Association, 75th Annual Meeting, April, Lexington, KY
Malamud-Roam, K., S.E. Cope, and D. Strickman. 2010. IR-4: The New Partner in the Search for Public Health Pesticides. Wingbeats, Fall 2010.
Novack, S. 2010. IR-4 Newsletter. Vol. 41 No. 1, January 2010.
Novack, S. 2010. IR-4 Newsletter. Vol. 41 No. 2, April 2010.
Novack, S. 2010. IR-4 Newsletter. Vol. 41 No. 3, July 2010
Novack, S. 2010. IR-4 Newsletter. Vol. 41 No. 4, October 2010
Palmer, C.L., J. Baron, and E. Vea. 2010. Update on the 2009 Weed Science Research Program and 2009 Research Priorities. Proceedings of the 65th Northeastern Weed Science Society.
Starner, V.R. and S. Novack. 2010. A Day on the DelMarVa, IR-4/EPA/USDA 2010 Field Tour Book, June 23, 2010, 28 pages.
Arsenovic, M., D.L. Kunkel, and J.J. Baron. 2011. The IR-4 Project: Update on Weed Control Projects (Food Uses). Proceedings Northeastern Weed Science Society, Volume 65, p. 72.
Arsenovic, M., D.L. Kunkel, and J. J. Baron. 2011. IR-4 Project: Update on Weed Control Projects. WSSA Meeting, Portland, OR. Oral Presentation.
Chase, A.R. and C.L. Palmer, 2011. Bacterial Disease Management: Current Efficacy Research. Presentation and Proceedings for SAF Pest and Production Management Conference, February, 2011.
Fraelich, B.A., B. T. Scully, S.M. Schneider, and C.L. Palmer, IR-4 Headquarters, Rutgers University, Princeton, NJ. 2011. Interregional Research Program IR-4 for the Field Assessment of Fungicides, Herbicides and Insecticides/Acaricides on Ornamental Horticultural Crops in Southeastern U.S. Poster at American Society for Horticulture Science Annual Meeting, September, 2011.
Ludwig, S.W., C.L. Palmer, T. Bunnell, J.C. Adams, B. Balogh, P. Hernandez, A. Walston. Managing western flower thrips in floriculture production with tolfenpyrad (Hachi-HachiTM). Presentation at Entomology Society of America Annual Meeting, November 2011.
Ludwig, S.W., C.L. Palmer, T. Bunnell, J.C. Adams, B. Balogh, P. Hernandez, A. Walston. Managing key pests of ornamental crops with tolfenpyrad (Hachi-HachiTM). Poster at Entomology Society of America Annual Meeting, November 2011.
Novack, S. 2011. IR-4 Newsletter. Vol. 42 No. 1, January 2011.
Novack, S. 2011. IR-4 Newsletter. Vol. 42 No. 2, April 2011.
Novack, S. 2011. IR-4 Newsletter. Vol. 42 No. 3, July 2011.
Novack, S. 2011. IR-4 Newsletter. Vol. 42 No. 4, October 2011.
Palmer, C.L., J. Baron, and E. Vea. 2011. Update on the 2010 Weed Science Research Program and 2010 Research Priorities. Proceedings of the 65th Northeastern Weed Science Society. January 2011.
Palmer, C.L. 2011. Mums and the IR-4 Project. American Chrysanthemum Society Newsletter.
Palmer, C.L., J. Baron, E. Vea, and E. Lurvey. 2011. Update on 2010 & 2011 plant pathology research in the IR-4 Ornamental Horticulture Program. Presentation at North East Division American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. October, 2011.
Starner, V.R., D. Carpenter and K. Samoil. 2011. Invited presentation "2011 Protocols and Field Data Books - What's New" at the IR-4 Northcentral/Southern Region Field Training, Gainesville, FL, 2/22-23/2011.
Starner, V.R., J.J. Baron and D.L. Kunkel. 2011. Invited lecture "The IR-4 Project at Rutgers" 3/9/11 in Rutgers Entomology course "Agricultural Entomology and Pest Management" taught by Dr. George Hamilton.
Starner, V.R., J.J. Baron and D.L. Kunkel. 2011. Invited presentation "IR-4 Update from Headquarters" at the IR-4 Western Region SLR Meeting, Davis, CA, 3/15-16/2011.
Starner, V.R., J.J. Baron, D.L. Kunkel and K. Dorschner. 2011. Invited presentation "Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Solutions - How the IR-4 Project Can Help" at the BMSB Working Group Meeting, Biglerville, PA, 6/20-21/2011.
Starner, V.R. and S. Novack. 2011. "In Search of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Solutions", IR-4/EPA/USDA 2011 Field Tour Book, 6/22/2011, 28 pages.
Valencia-Botin, A., J. W. Buck, S.N. Jeffers, C.L. Palmer. Managing Gladiolus Rust in Mexico With Fungicides. Poster Presentation at 2011 American Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting. August, 2011.