NRSP_OLD6: The US Potato Genebank: Acquisition, Classification, Preservation, Evaluation and Distribution of Potato (Solanum) Germplasm
(National Research Support Project Summary)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
A. Publications issued by NRSP-6 Personnel
Ames, M. and D.M. Spooner. 2010. Phylogeny of Solanum series Piurana and related species in Solanum section Petota based on five conserved ortholog sequences. Taxon 59:1091-1104 + 4-pg foldout Fig.1 (tree.).
Bamberg, John B. 2010. Tuber dormancy lasting eight years in the wild potato Solanum jamesii. Am J Pot Res 87:226-228.
Bamberg, J.B. and A. del Rio. 2010. Selfing potato species produce robust spontaneous seed increase under floating mesh. Am J Pot Res 87:113. (Abstract)
Bamberg, J.B. and A. del Rio. 2010. Diversity relationships in tetraploid wild potato native to the USA. Am J Pot Res 88:29-30. (Abstract)
Bamberg, John B. and Alecia M. Kiszonas. 2010. Survey of tuber pH variation in potato (Solanum) species. Am J Pot Res 87:167-176.
Bamberg, John, A. del Rio, C. Fernandez, A. Salas, S. Vega, C. Zorrilla, W. Roca, and D. Tay. 2010. Comparison of Remote versus Easy In Situ collection locations for USA wild Solanum (potato) germplasm. Am J Pot Res 87:277-284.
Cai, X, D. Spooner, D. Halterman, A. Charkowski, R. Groves, and S. Jansky. 2010. A test of taxonomic and biogeographic predictivity: resistance to potato virus Y in wild relatives of the cultivated potato. Am J Pot Res 88:32. (Abstract)
Chung, Y.S., K. Holmquist, D.M. Spooner, and S.H. Jansky. 2010. A test of taxonomic and biogeographic predictivity: Resistance to soft rot in wild relatives of cultivated potato. Phyto 101(2):205-212.
Del Rio, A. and J.B. Bamberg. 2010. Impact of seedling transplant selection on the genetic diversity of genebank populations of outcrossing potato species. Am J Pot Res 87:118. (Abstract)
Del Rio, A., J. Bamberg, R. Centeno-Diaz, J. Soto, A. Salas, W. Roca, and D. Tay. 2010. Microsatellite (SSR) marker analysis to examine the effects of pesticide contamination on the genetic diversity of potato species. Am J Pot Res 88:35-36. (Abstract)
Gavrilenko, T., O. Antonova, A. Ovchinnikova, L. Novikova, E. Krilova, N. Mironenko, G. Pendinen, A. Islamshina, N. Shvachko, S. Kiru, L. Kostina, O. Afanasenko, and D.M. Spooner. 2010. A microsatellite and morphological assessment of the Russian National cultivated potato collection. Genet Res Crop Evol 57:1151-1164.
Kumar, Syam, Roy Navarre and John Bamberg. 2010. Phytonutrient analysis of S. Phureja, S. stenotomum and S. andigena genotypes. Am J Pot Res 88:50-51. (Abstract)
Lou, Q.F., M. Iovene, D.M. Spooner, C.R. Buell, and J.M. Jiang. 2010. Evolution of chromosome 6 of Solanum species revealed by comparative fluorescence in situ hybridization mapping. Chromosoma 119:435-442.
Lozoya-Saldana, Hector, Aida Juarez Cruz, M. Teresa Colinas Leon, and John Bamberg. 2010. Enzymatic activation against (Phytophthora infestans Mont., de Bary) in Solanum species. Am J Pot Res 88:53. (Abstract)
Mione, T. and D.M. Spooner. 2010. Jaltomata bohsiana, A new species and key to the Jaltomata (Solanaceae) of Mexico. Novon 20:186-189.
Nitzan, Nadav, R.A. Quick, W.D. Hutson, J.B. Bamberg, and C.R. Brown. 2010. Partial resistance to potato black dot, caused by Colletotrichum coccodes in Solanum tuberosum group andigena. Am J Pot Res 87:502-508.
Rodriguez, F., M. Ghislain, A.M. Clausen, S.H. Jansky, and D.M. Spooner. 2010. Hybrid origins of cultivated potatoes. Theor Appl Genet 121:1187-1198.
Simon, R., C. Xie, A. Clausen, S. Jansky, D. Halterman, T. Conner, S. Knapp, J. Brundage, D. Symon, and D.M. Spooner. 2010. Wild and cultivated potato (Solanum sect. Petota) escaped and persistent outside of its natural range. Invasive Pl Sci Mgmt 3:286-293.
Spooner, D.M. 2010. Botany of the potato, 2. Morphology and anatomy, 3. Plant introduction and maintenance. pp. 4-7 In: W.H. Bohl and S.B. Johnson (eds.). Commercial potato production in North America, ed. 2. The Potato Association of America Handbook, Supplement Vol. 57 of USDA Handbook 267. The Potato Association of America, Orono, ME. http://potatoassociation.org/documents/A_ProductionHandbook_Final.pdf
Spooner, D.M. 2010. COSII-based mapping and diversity in potato, tomato, sweet potato, and carrot. 2010 Plant and Animal Genome Meeting. (Abstract)
Spooner, D.M. 2010. Development of asymmetric single-strand sequence polymorphism (SSCP) to separate COSII alleles in potato, tomato, sweet potato, and carrot. 2010 Plant and Animal Genome Meeting. (Abstract)
Spooner, D.M. 2010. Unraveling the evolutionary history of wild potatoes and tomatoes. Botany 2010 Annual Meeting Abstracts. (Abstract)
Spooner, D.M. 2010. Complex multiple reticulate origins of potato polyploids. Botany 2010 Annual Meeting Abstracts. (Abstract)
Spooner, D.M. 2010. Taxonomy of cultivated potatoes (Solanum section Petota: Solanaceae). Botany 2010 Annual Meeting Abstracts. (Abstract)
Spooner, D.M. 2010. Multiple nuclear ortholog (COSII) phylogeny of wild Potatoes and tomatoes. Crop Science Society of America Annual meeting Abstracts. (Abstract)
Spooner, D.M., T. Gavrilenko, S.H. Jansky, A. Ovchinnikova, E. Krylova, S. Knapp, and R. Simon. 2010. Ecogeography of ploidy variation in cultivated potato (Solanum sect. Petota). Am J Bot 97:2049-2060.
B. Journal Articles and Abstracts Reporting Research with NRSP-6 Stocks
Agrawal, Lalit and Roy Navarre. 2010. Exploring opportunities to increase potatoes protein content and disease resistance using molecular methods or germplasm mining. Am J Pot Res 88:29. (Abstract)
Alyokhin, Andrei and Raymond Choban. 2010. Maturity-dependent mortality of Colorado potato beetle eggs treated with novaluron. Am J Pot Res 87:557-560.
Bhaskar, P.B., L. Wu, J.S. Busse, B.R. Whitty, A.J. Hamernik, S.H. Jansky, C.R. Buell, P.C. Bethke, and J. Jiang. 2010. Suppression of the vacuolar invertase gene prevents cold-induced sweetening in potato. Plant Physio 154:939-948.
Bizimungu, B., T. Archbold, G. Kereliuk, A. Sullivan, A. Murphy, and M.Z. Fan. 2010. Variation of fibre components in potato breeding germplasm and association with quality parameters. In: Potato Association of America Abstracts, August 15-19, 2010. Corvallis, OR, USA. (Abstract)
Boluarte-Medina, T., N. Manrique-Carpintero, S.M. Piovano, A. Pereira, and R.E. Veilleux. 2010. Activation tagging in potato: developing a population of mutants to facilitate genetic studies. Am J Pot Res 88:31. (Abstract)
Brown, C.R., J.M. Crosslin, R. Quick, and L. Hamlin. 2010. Characterization of resistance to PVY derived from Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja. Am J Pot Res 88:32. (Abstract)
Brown, C.R., H. Mojtahedi, L.-H. Zhang, and E. Riga. 2009. Independent resistant reactions expressed in root and tuber of potato breeding lines with introgressed resistance to Meloidogyne chitwoodi. Phyto 99(9):1085-1089.
Cho, J., Y. Park, J. Kim, H. Cho, K. Cho, and D. Chang. 2010. Selection of new potato germplasm with common scab resistance from wild species of potato in Korea. Am J Pot Res 88:33. (Abstract)
Clough, M., G. Yencho, W. Christ, W. De Jong, D. Halseth, K. Haynes, M. Henninger, C. Hutchinson, M. Kleinhenz, G. Porter, and R. Veilleux. 2010. An interactive online database for potato varieties evaluated. HortTech 20:245-249.
DeKoeyer, D., K. Douglass, A. Murphy, S. Whitney, L. Nolan, Y. Song, W. De Jong. 2010. Application of high-resolution DNA melting of genotyping and variant scanning of diploid and autotetraploid potato. Mol Breed 25:67-90.
Douches, David S., J. Coombs, K. Felcher, W.W. Kirk, C. Long, and G. Bird. 2010. Missaukee: A round white potato variety combining chip-processing with resistance to late blight, Verticillium wilt and golden cyst nematode. Am J Pot Res 87:10-18.
Douches, D.S., F.M. Navarro, C.A. Thill, and A.L. Thompson. 2010. North Central Regional potato cultivar development. Am J Pot Res 88:36. (Abstract)
Farnsworth, B.L., N.C. Gudmestad, J.A. Pasche, G.A. Secor, N. David, R. Nilles, H. Hatterman-Valenti, M. Glynn, J.R. Sowokinos, C. Rosen, D. Preston, and A.L. Thompson. 2010. Am J Pot Res 88:37-38. (Abstract)
Goyer, A. 2010. Why and how to increase the contents of vitamins in potato? Proceedings of 1st Annual Washington Oregon Potato Conference, Kennewick, WA, January 26-28, 2010. Pp 14-20.
Goyer, A. 2010. Thiamine and folate in potato: Targets for increased nutritional value and enhanced disease resistance. Am J Pot Res 88:40-41. (Abstract)
Halterman, Dennis, Shelley Jansky and Austin Meier. 2010. Verticillium wilt in potato: Host-pathogen interactions and breeding for resistance. Am J Pot Res 88:42-43. (Abstract)
Haynes, K.G., L. Wanner, C.A. Thill, J.M. Bradeen, J. Miller, R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, D.L. Corsini, and B.T. Vinyard. 2010. Common scab trials of potato varieties and advanced selections at three U.S. locations. Am J Pot Res 87:261-276.
Houser, Andrew J. and Robert D. Davidson. 2010. Development of a greenhouse assay to evaluate potato germplasm for susceptibility to powdery scab. Am J Pot Res 87:285-298.
Jansky, Shelley H. 2010. Potato Flavor. Am J Pot Res 87:209-217.
Jansky, Shelley, Andy J. Hamernik and Paul C. Bethke. 2010. Germplasm release of tetraploid clones with resistance to cold-induced sweetening. Am J Pot Res 88:45-46. (Abstract)
Kirk, W.W., A. Rojas, P.G. Tumbalam, E. Gachango, P.S. Wharton, F.A. El-Samen, D. Douches, J. Coombs, C. Thill, and A. Thompson. 2010. Effect of different genotypes of Phytophthora infestans (Mont. De Bary) and temperature on tuber disease development. Am J Pot Res 87:509-520.
Kozlov, V.A. 2010. Using of species S. andigenum for creating basis material of potato // Potato growing: collected of scientific publication RUE «Research and practical center of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for potato, fruit and vegetable growing». -Minsk. V.17. P.127-137.
Kozlov, V.A., A.V. Chashinsky and N.V. Rusetsky. 2010. Involvement rarely using wild potato species into selection. / Introduction of non-traditional and rare plants / Materials of theoretical and practical conference. -Mychurinsk. V.1. P.201-202.
Kozlov, V.A., N.V. Rusetsky, A.V. Chashinsky, and I.A. Shutinskaya. 2010. Creating of new basic material of potato on the basis of wild and cultural species // Adaptive intensification of agriculture and crop production: state of the art and ways of development / Materials of multinational theoretical and practical conference. Gorki. P.193-197.
Lisovskaja, V.M., N.V. Pavlyuchuk, E.V. Voronkova, and A.P. Yermishin. 2010. Resistance against PVX of diploid interspecific hybrids between Solanum acaule Bitt. And dihaploids of S. tuberosum. Vesti NAN Belarusi Ser Biol Navuk 1:24-19.
Luksha, V.I., A.V. Savchuk, E.V. Voronkova, and A.P. Yermishin. 2010. Gene-cytoplasmic male sterility of hybrids between dihaploids of Solanum tuberosum and diploid potato species. Vesti NAN Belarusi Ser Biol Navuk 4:65-70.
Manrique-Carpintero, N., S.M. Piovano, J. Tokuhisa, I. Ginzberg, and R.E. Veilleux. 2010. SNP discovery at candidate genes in the glycoalkaloid biosynthetic pathway of potato. Am J Pot Res 88:54. (Abstract)
Mayton, H., H. Griffiths, I. Simko, S. Cheng, J. Lorenzen, W. De Jong, and W.E. Fry. 2010. Foliar and tuber late blight resistance in a Solanum tuberosum breeding population. Pl Breed 129:197-201.
Mukherjee, Ananya, Andrei Alyokhin, Gary Sewell, and Benildo G. de los Reyes. 2010. Sources of aphid resistance mechanisms from the tuber-bearing Solanum germplasm. CSSA Annual Meeting, November 3, 2010. (Abstract)
Nitzan, Nadav, K.G. Haynes, J.S. Miller, D.A. Johnson, T.F. Cummings, D.L. Batchelor, C. Olsen, and C.R. Brown. 2010. Genetic stability in potato germplasm for resistance to root galling caused by the pathogen Spongospora subterranean. Am J Pot Res 87:497-501.
Novy, Rich and D. Douches. 2010. Breeding and Genetics: Contributing to increased sustainability in potato production. Am J Pot Res 88:58. (Abstract)
Novy, R. G., J.L. Whitworth, J.C. Stark, S.L. Love, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, M.I. Vales, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, C.C. Shock, B.A. Charlton, C.R. Brown, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, T.L. Brandt, S. Gupta, and N. Olsen. 2010. Clearwater Russet: A dual-purpose potato cultivar with cold sweetening resistance, high protein content, and low incidence of external defects and sugar ends. Am J Pot Res 87:458-471.
Ono, Seijiro and Kazuyoshi Hosaka. 2010. Efficient chromosome number estimation using flow cytometry in the backcross of Solanum demissum (2n=6x=72) to S. tuberosum (2n=4x=48). Am J Pot Res 87:553-556.
Ortega, J., S. Yilma and M.I. Vales. 2010. Premier Russet: A source of strain-specific resistance to potato virus Y (PVY) and identification of molecular markers associated with PVY resistance. Am J Pot Res 88:59-60. (Abstract)
Pelletier, Y., J. Pompon, P. Dexter, and D. Quiring. 2010. Biological performance of Myzus persicae and Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Homoptera: Aphididae) on seven wild Solanum species. Annals of Appl Bio 156(3):329-336.
Polyukhovich, Y.V., E.V. Voronkova, A.V. Savchuk, and A.P. Yermishin. 2010. Use of S. verrucosum and diploid bridge lines produced in participation of S. verrucosum for introgression into breeding of 1EBN potato species from Mexico. Kartofelevodstvo 17:149-158.
Polyukhovich, Y.V., O.V. Makhanko, A.V. Savchuk, E.V. Voronkova, and A.P. Yermishin. 2010. Production of bridge lines for overcoming interspecific incompatibility in potato. Vesti NAN Belarusi Ser Biol Navuk 2:51-58.
Pompon, J., D. Quiring, P. Giordanengo, and Y. Pelletier. 2010. Role of xylem consumption on osmoregulation in Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas). J Insect Physio 56:610-615.
Pompon, J., D. Quiring, P. Giordanengo, and Y. Pelletier. 2010. Characterization of Solanum chomatophilum resistance to Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) and Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Crop Pro 29:891-897 .
Pudota, B. Bhaskar, Lei Wu, J.S. Busse, B.R. Whitty, A.J. Hamernik, S.H. Jansky, C.R. Buell, P.C. Bethke, and Jiming Jiang. 2010. Suppression of the vacuolar invertase gene prevents cold-induced sweetening in potato. Pl Physio 154:939-948.
Rondon, Silvia I. 2010. The Potato Tuberworm: A literature review of its biology, ecology, and control. Am J Pot Res 87:149-166.
Sanetomo, Rena and Kazuyoshi Hosaka. 2010. Difference in the pollen DNA of reciprocal F1 hybrids between the common potato and a wild hexaploid species, Solanum demissum. Am J Pot Res 88:64. (Abstract)
Sanetomo, Rena and Kazuyoshi Hosaka. 2010. Factors affecting unilateral compatibility in Solanum demissum x S. tuberosum. Am J Pot Res 88:64. (Abstract)
Stark, J.C., R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, S.L. Love, M.I. Vales, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, C.R. Brown, B.A Charlton, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, N. Olsen, and T. Brandt. 2010. Classic Russet: A potato cultivar with excellent fresh market characteristics and high yields of U.S. no. 1 tubers suitable for early harvest or full-season production. Am J Pot Res 87:360-373.
Tai, H., Y. Pelletier, K. Worrall, L. Calhoun, and D. DeKoeyer. 2010. Comparative metabolite profiling of S. tuberosum and CPB-resistant Solanum species. Am J Pot Res 88:66. (Abstract)
Thill, C.A. and J. Miller. 2010. Minnesota potato breeding program report. 2010. Proc. of the 41st Annual Meeting, NCCC-84 Potato Breeding and Genetics Technical Committee, December 2010, Chicago, IL.
Vales, M.I., C.R. Brown, D.C. Hane, S.R. James, C.C. Shock, B.A. Charlton, S. Yilma, A.R. Mosley, D. Culp, E. Feibert, J.C. Stark, M.J. Pavek, N.R. Knowles, R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, and S. Jansky. 2010. Purple Pelisse: A tri-state specialty fingerling potato with purple skin and purple flesh. Am J Pot Res 88:67-68. (Abstract)
Wanner, Leslie A. 2010. Relative rankings of common scab severity in potato varieties and breeding material at high disease pressure in the greenhouse. In: Potato Association of America Abstracts, August 15-19, 2010. Corvallis, OR, USA. (Abstract)
Whitworth, J.L., R.G. Novy, J.C. Stark, J.J. Pavek, D.L. Corsini, S.L. Love, J.S. Miller, M.I. Vales, A.R. Mosley, S. Yilma, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, B.A. Charlton, C.R. Brown, N.R. Knowles, and M.J. Pavek. 2010. Yukon Gem: A yellow-fleshed potato cultivar suitable for fresh-pack and processing with resistances to PVY° and late blight. Am J Pot Res 87:327-336.
Whitworth, J.L., R.G. Novy, J.C. Stark, J.J. Pavek, D.L. Corsini, S.L. Love, J.S. Miller, M.I. Vales, A.R. Mosley, S. Yilma, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, B.A. Charlton, C.R. Brown, N.R. Knowles, and M.J. Pavek. 2010. Yukon Gem: A new yellow-fleshed variety with late blight resistance and differential resistance to PVY strains. Am J Pot Res 88:69. (Abstract)
Yermishin, A.P., E.V. Voronkova and V.A. Kozlov. 2010. Genetic bases of plant selection. V.2. Particular plant genetics. Chapter 4. Potato/ed. By A.V. Kilchevsky, L.V. Chotilevoi. -Minsk. Belorussian Sci. P.156-234.
Zhang, L., C.R. Brown, D. Culley, B. Baker, E. Kunibe, H. Denney, C. Smith, N. Ward, T. Beavert, J. Coburn, J.J. Pavek, N. Dauenhauer, and R. Dauenhauer. 2010. Euphytica 174:15-29.
C. Theses Reporting Research with NRSP-6 Stocks
Kittipadakul, P. 2010. Genetic dissection of tuberization in response to photoperiod in potato. PhD Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics, Madison, WI.
Pompon, J. 2010. Performance influenced by host-plant selection and feeding behavior in potato colonizing aphids. PhD Thesis, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
Vunnam, Rakesh. 2010. Antioxidant capacity and polyphenolic content of potato tubers are affected by cultivar and hermetic treatment. MS Thesis, McGill University, Plant Science Dept., Ste Anne de Bellevue, QC, Canada.
Publications by NRSP-6 Personnel
Bamberg, J.B. 2011. Variation for tuber greening in the wild potato Solanum microdontum. Am J Pot Res 89:31. (Abstract)
Bamberg, J.B. and A.H. del Rio. 2011. Diversity relationships among wild potato collections from seven Sky Island mountain ranges in the Southwest USA. Am J Pot Res 88(6):493-499.
Bamberg, J.B. and A.H. del Rio. 2011. Use of native potatoes for research and breeding. HortSci Proc 46(11):1444-1445.
Bamberg, J.B., A.H. del Rio and J. Penafiel. 2011. Successful prediction of genetic richness at wild potato collection sites in Southeastern Arizona. Am J Pot Res 88:398-402.
Cai, X.K., D.M. Spooner and S.H. Jansky. 2011. A test of taxonomic and biogeographic predictivity: Resistance to potato virus Y in wild relatives of the cultivated potato. Phytopath 101:1074-1080.
Chung, Y.S., K. Holmquist, D.M. Spooner, and S.H. Jansky. 2011. A test of taxonomic and biogeographic predictivity: resistance to soft rot in wild relatives of cultivated potato. Phytopath 101:205-212.
Del Rio, A., J. Bamberg and J. Penafiel. 2011. Predicting genetic richness at wild potato collection sites in Southeastern Arizona. Am J Pot Res 89:33. (Abstract)
Fajardo, D. and D.M. Spooner. 2011. Phylogenetic relationships of Solanum series Conicibaccata and related species in Solanum section Petota inferred from five conserved ortholog sequences. Syst Bot 36:163-170.
Gavrilenko, O.,A. Antonova, L. Ovchinnikova, L. Novikova, E. Krylova, N. Mironenko, G. Pendinen, 1, A. Islamshina, N. Shvachko, S. Kiru, L. Kostina, O. Afanasenko, and D. Spooner. 2011. A microsatellite and morphological assessment of the VIR cultivated potato collection. Proceedings of 18th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research (EAPR). July 24-29, 2011, Oulu, Finland. Pp 85.
Grandillo, S., R. Chetelat, S.K. Knapp, D.M. Spooner, I. Peralta, M. Cammareri, O. Perez, P. Termolino, P. Tripode, M.L. Chiusano, M.R. Ercolano, L. Fruschiante, L. Monte, and D. Pignone. 2011. Solanum section Lycopersicon, pp 129-216. In: C. Kole (ed.). Wild crop relatives: Genomic and breeding resources. Vol 5, Vegetable, Springer Verlag, Berlin.
Ovchinnikova, A., E. Krylova, T. Gavrilenko, T. Smekalova, M. Zhuk, S. Knaap, and D.M. Spooner. 2011. Taxonomy of cultivated potatoes (Solanum section Petota: Solanaceae). Bot J Linn Soc 165:107-155.
Palta, J. and J. Bamberg. 2011. Addressing the impact of temperature stress on potato production: merging physiological and genetic approaches. Am J Pot Res 89:43. (Abstract)
Rodriguez, F., D. Cai, Y. Teng, and D.M. Spooner. 2011. Asymmetric single-strand conformation polymorphism: an accurate and cost-effective method to amplify and sequence allelic variants. Am J Bot 98:1061-1067.
Simon, R., A.F. Fuentes and D.M. Spooner. 2011. Biogeographic implications of the striking discovery of a 4000 kilometer disjunct population of the wild potato Solanum morelliforme in South America. Syst Bot 36:1062-1067.
Spooner, D.M. 2011. The significance of field work in monographic studies. In: T. Stuessy & W.H. Lack (eds.), Monographic Plant Systematics: Fundamental Assessment of Plant Biodiversity. A.R.G. Gantner, Ruggell, Liechtenstein. Regnum Veg 153:25-32.
Journal Articles and Abstracts Reporting Research with NRSP-6 Stocks
Bizimungu, B., D.G. Holm, L.M. Kawchuk, M. Konschuh, C.A. Schaupmeyer, J. Wahab, D.R. Waterer, D. Driedger, H. Wolfe, P. McAllister, R.J. Howard, H.W. Platt, and D.R. Lynch. 2011. Alta Crown: A new russet potato cultivar with resistance to common scab and a low incidence of tubers deformities. Am J Pot Res 88:72-81.
Bradeen, J.M. 2011. Cloning of late blight resistance genes: strategies and progress. In: M.M. Bradeen and C. Kole (eds). Genomics and Breeding of Potato (Enfield, NH: CRC Press-Science Publishers, Inc.). Pp. 153-183.
Bradeen, J.M. and R. Aversano. 2011. Genetic and Genomic Resources. In: L. Frusciante and G. Roversi (eds.). La Patata (The Potato), Monheim am Rhein, Germany: Bayer Crop Sci.
Bradeen, J.M., E.A. Quirin, H. Mann, R.S. Meyer, and A. Litt. 2011. Meta-analysis of Solanum resistance gene analogstowards a comprehensive catalog of R-gene alleles for research and crop improvement. Am Phytopathological Soc Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI.
Butler, C.D., B. Gonzalez, K.L. Manjunath, R.F. Lee, R.G. Novy, JC Miller, and JT Trumble. 2011. Behavioral responses of adult potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozideae), to potato germplasm and transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter psyllaurous. Crop Pro 30:1233-1238.
Carpintero, N.M., S. Piovano, J. Tokuhisa, I. Ginzberg, and R. Veilleux [Pres]. 2011. SNP discovery at candidate genes in the glycoalkaloid biosynthetic pathway of potato., Plant and Animal Genomes Conference XIX, San Diego, CA, January 15-19, 2011.
Carpintero, N.M., S. Piovano, J. Tokuhisa, I. Ginzberg, and R. Veilleux [Pres]. 2011. SNP discovery at candidate genes in the glycoalkaloid biosynthetic pathway of potato. 8th Solanaceae and 2nd Cucurbitaceae Joint Conference, Kobe, Japan, Nov. 28-Dec.1, 2011.
Carter, J., T. Boluarte, N. M. Carpintero, S. Piovano, A. Pereira, N. Lu, and R. Veilleux. 2011. Transposon based activation tagging in doubled monoploid potato. Am J Pot Res 89:32. (Abstract)
Carter, J., T. Boluarte, N. M. Carpintero, S. Piovano, A. Pereira, N. Lu, and R. Veilleux [Pres]. 2011. Transposon based activation tagging in doubled monoploid potato. 95th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Wilmington, NC, August 14-18, 2011.
Carter, J., T. Boluarte, N. M. Carpintero, S. Piovano, A. Pereira, N. Lu, and R. Veilleux [Pres]. 2011. Transposon based activation tagging in doubled monoploid potato. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Hort. Science, Waikoloa Village, Hawaii, September 25-28, 20ll.
Carvallo, M., M-T. Pino, Z. Jeknic, C. Zou, C. Doherty, S-H. Shiu, T.H.H. Chen, and M.F. Thomashow. 2011. A comparison of the low temperature transcriptomes and CBF regulons of three plant species that differ in freezing toleranceSolanum commersonii, Solanum tuberosum and Arabidopsis thaliana. J Exp Bot 62:3807-3819.
Chalaya, N. and S. Kiru. 2011. Selected sources of resistance to Golden Potato Cyst Nematode. J Kartofel I ovoschi. N 6, Pp 30-31. (rus.)
Chalaya, N. and S. Kiru. 2011. Sources of resistance to Golden Potato Cyst Nematode G. rostochiensis (Woll) among wild potato species accessions from VIR Potato Collection in: Integrated plant protection strategy and tactics. Belarus, Minsk. Plant Protection Res Inst. Pp 809. (rus.)
Charkowski, A., R. Genger, D. Rouse, R. Groves, E. Mueller, and J. Guenthner. 2011. Production of healthy seed potatoes on organic farms. American Phytopathological Society meeting, Hawaii, August 7-11, 2011. (Abstract)
Chevalier, E., A. Loubert-Hudom, E.L. Zimmerman, and D.P. Matton. 2011. Cell-cell communication and signaling pathways within the ovule: from its inception to fertilization. New Phytologist 192:13-28.
Daigle, C., V. Joly and D.P. Matton. 2011. Discovering new MAPK signaling cascades involved in plant reproduction using co-expression analyses and deep transcriptomic sequencing of ovules and pollen tubes. 8th Canadian Plant Genomic Workshop, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 22-25 August 2011.
Douches, D., K. Felcher, J. Coombs, D. Zarka, A. Van Deynze, J. Hamilton, C. Hansey, and C. R. Buell. 2011. Development of a SNP-based genetic map for potato. Am J Pot Res 89:34. (Abstract)
Douches, D. [Pres], K. Felcher, J. Coombs, D. Zarka, A. Van Deynze, J. Hamilton, C. Hansey, R. Buell, and R. Veilleux. 2011. Development of a SNP-based genetic map for potato. 95th Annual Meeting of The Potato Association of America, Wilmington, NC, August 14-18, 2011.
Douches, D.S., F.M. Navarro, C.A. Thill and A.L. Thompson. 2011. North central regional potato cultivar development. Am J Pot Res 88:36. (Abstract)
Galek, R., M. Rurek, W.S. De Jong, G. Pietkiewicz, H. Augustyniak, and E. Sawicka-Sienkiewicz. 2011. Application of DNA markers linked to the potato H1 gene conferring resistance to pathotype Ro1 of Globodera rostochiensis. J Appl Genet 52:407-411.
Gao, L., Z.J. Tu, F. Katagiri, and J.M. Bradeen. 2011. RNA-seq analysis of potato tuber transcriptome dynamics against the late blight pathogen Phytophthora infestans. Am Phytopathological Soc Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI.
Ginzberg, I., T. Muddarangappa, E. Fogelman, U. Demirel, A. Mweetwa, J. Tokuhisa, and R.E. Veilleux. 2011. Induction of potato steroidal glycoalkaloid biosynthetic pathway by over expression of cDNA encoding primary metabolism HMG-CoA reductase and squalene synthase. Planta (In press).
Goyer, A. 2011. Thiamine and folate in potato: targets for increased nutritional value and enhanced disease resistance. Am J Pot Res 88:49-41.
Goyer, A. and K. Sweek. 2011. Genetic diversity of thiamine and folate in primitive cultivated and wild potato (Solanum) species. J Ag Food Chem 59:13072-13080.
Haga, E.R., S.H. Jansky and D.A. Halterman. 2011. Characterization of early blight resistance derived from the wild potato species Solanum berthaultii. Am J Pot Res 89:36-37. (Abstract)
Hamilton, J.P., C.N. Hansey, B.R. Whitty, K. Stoffel, A.N. Massa, A. van Deynze, W.S. De Jong, D.S. Douches, and C.R. Buell. 2011. Single nucleotide polymorphism discovery in elite North American potato germplasm. BMC Genomics 12:302.
Huang, S., C.R. Buell, and R.G.F. Visser. 2011. The Potato Genome Sequencing Consortium (2011). Genome sequence and analysis of the tuber crop potato. Nature 475:189-195.
Iorizzo, M., D. Mollov, D. Carputo, and J.M. Bradeen. 2011. Disease resistance gene transcription in transgenic potato is unaltered by temperature extremes and plant physiological age. European J Plant Path 130:469-476.
Jansky, S.H. and K. McMillan. 2011. Starch granule variability in tubers from wild and cultivated Solanum species. Am J Pot Res 89:38-39. (Abstract)
Jansky, S.H., A. Hamernik and P.C. Bethke. 2011. Germplasm release: Tetraploid clones with resistance to cold-induced sweetening. Am J Pot Res 88:218-225.
Kear, Philip J. and Bruce McClure. 2011. How did flowering plants learn to avoid blind date mistakes? Self-incompatibility in plants and comparisons with non-self rejection in the immune response. In: Self and non-self, Lopez-Larrea, Carlos (ed.). Landes Bioscience, Austin, TX. (in press)
Kinnear, T., T.M.S. Wolever, A.M. Murphy, J.A. Sullivan, Q. Liu, and B. Bizimungu. 2011. Effect of preparation method on the glycaemic index of novel potato clones. Food & Function 8(2):438-444.
Kozlov, V.A. 2011. The main economically valuable traits study of potato collection. VA Kozlov, etal: Materials of Theoretical and Practical Conference, Almaty Province, Settlement Kainar, 7-8 July 2011, Kazakhstan REPVG, Almaty, Kainar, p 318-Victor Kozlov.
Kuhl, J.C., R.G. Novy and J.L. Whitworth. 2011. Genetic characterization of the Rlretb locus in two Backcross 4 Families. Am J Pot Res 89:39. (Abstract)
Liu, Y., A. Décor and D.P. Matton. 2011. Isolation of pollen tube guidance chemoattractant(s) through a deep transcriptomic comparative analysis of ovular expressed genes in Solanum chacoense. 8th Canadian Plant Genomic Workshop, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 22-25 August 2011.
Lu, Z.-H., R.Y. Yada, Q. Liu, B. Bizimungu, A.M. Murphy, D.L. DeKoeyer, X.-Q. Li, and R.G. Pinhero. 2011. Correlation of physicochemical and nutritional properties of dry matter and starch in potatoes grown in different locations food chemistry. Food Chemistry 126(3):1246-1253.
Mann, H., M. Iorizzo, L. Gao, N. DAgostino, D. Carputo, M.L. Chiusana, and J.M. Bradeen. 2011. Molecular Linkage Maps: Strategies, Resources and Achievements. In: J.M. Bradeen and C. Kole (eds). Genomics and Breeding of Potato (Enfield, NH: CRC Press-Science Publishers, Inc.) Pp. 68-89.
McCord, P.H., B.R. Sosinski, K.G. Haynes, M.E. Clough, and G.C. Yencho. 2011. Linkage mapping and QTL analysis of agronomic traits in tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum subsp. Tuberosum). Crop Sci (in press)
McCue, K.F., D.R. Rockhold, A. Chhan, and W.R. Belknap. 2011. Structure of two Solanum tuberosum steroidal glycoalkaloid glycosyltransferase genes and expression of their promoters in transgenic potatoes. Am J Pot Res 88(6):485-492.
McCord, P.H., B.R. Sosinski, K.G. Haynes, M.E. Clough, and G.C. Yencho. 2011. QTL mapping of internal heat necrosis in tetraploid potato. Theor Appl Genet 122:129-142.
Miraglia, V., A. Traini, J.M. Bradeen, M. Iorizzo, M.L. Chiusano, and D. Carputo. 2011. Structural genomics of wild potato species based on DArT alignments. Proceedings of Joint Meeting AGI-SIBV-SIGA, Assisi, Italy.
Mweetwa, A., D. Hunter, R. Poe, K. Harich, I. Ginzerg, R.E. Veilleux, and J. Tokuhisa. 2011. Steroidal glycoalkaloids in Solanum chacoense. (In press)
Navarro, F.M., B.D. Bowen, H.I. Groza, A.J. Bussan, J. Jiang, and J.P. Palta. 2011. Nicolet: A new long storage potato chipping variety with high yield potential. Am J Pot Res 89:42. (Abstract)
Navarro, F.M., B.D. Bowen, H.I. Groza, A.J. Bussan, J. Jiang, and J.P. Palta. 2011. Tundra: A new long storage potato chipping variety with consistently high specific gravity. Am J Pot Res 89:42. (Abstract)
Novy, R.G., C.D. butler, B. Gonzalez, M.L. Keremane, R.F. Lee, and J.T. Trumble. 2011. Impact of tri-species potato germplasm on behavioral responses of adult potato psyllid and implications for transmission of the bacterium associated with zebra chip disease. Am J Pot Res 89:42-43. (Abstract)
Polyukhovich, Y.V., A.V. Savchuk, E.V. Voronkova, and A.P. Yermishin. 2011. Efficiency of hybridization between Solanum verrucosum Schldl and 1EBN wild diploid potato species with using rescue pollination by S. Phureja IvP 35. Proc Nat Ac Sci Belarus 55, No. 3:88-92.
Polyukhovich, Y.V., E.V. Voronkova and A.P. Yermishin. 2011. Introgression of species-specific DNA loci of wild potato species Solanum bulbocastanum in interspecific hybrids. The First Conf Young Researchers Ukraine, Plant Biology and Biotechnology, 5-7 October, 2011, Belaya Tserkov, Ukraine. P. 62.
Sanetomo, R. and K. Hosaka. 2011. Reciprocal differences in DNA sequence and methylation status of the pollen DNA between F1 hybrids of Solanum tuberosum x S. demissum. Euphytica 182:219-229.
Sanetomo, R. and K. Hosaka. 2011. A maternally inherited DNA marker, descended from Solanum demissum (2n=6x=72) to S. tuberosum (2n=4x=48). Breed Sci 61:426-434.
Sanetomo, R., S. Ono, and K. Hosaka. 2011. Characterization of crossability in the crosses between Solanum demissum and S. tuberosum, and the F1 and BC1 progenies. Am J Pot Res 88:500-510.
Syverson, R.L. and J.M. Bradeen. 2011. A novel class of simple PCR markers with SNP-level sensitivity for mapping and haplotype characterization in Solanum species. Am J Pot Res 88:269-282.
Torres, G.A., Z.Y. Gong, M. Iovene, C.D. Hirsch, C.R. Buell, G.J. Bryan, P. Novak, J. Macas, and J. Jiang. 2011. Organization and evolution of subtelomeric satellite repeats in the potato genome. G3 1:85-92.
Turner, S.D., L. Reddivari, R. Navarre, D.C. Scheuring, and J.C. Miller Jr. 2011. Effects of bioactive compounds from different potato genotypes on prostate cancer development in athymic nude mice. Natl Assn Pl Breeders 2011 Annual Conf, Texas A&M University, College Station, May 23-25, Abstracts, p57. (Abstract)
Turner, S.D., L. Reddivari, R. Navarre, D.C. Scheuring, and J.C. Miller Jr. 2011. Effect of purple and white potato extracts on prostate cancer development in athymic nude mice. Am J Pot Res 89:49. (Abstract)
Veilleux, R. [Pres] and S. Piovano. 2011. Derivation of DM 1-3 516 R44, the clone representing the draft genome of potato. Plant and Animal Genomes Conference XIX, San Diego, CA, January 15-19, 2011.
Veilleux, R. [Pres], J. Carter, T. Boluarte, N.M. Carpintero, S. Piovano, A. Pereira, and N. Lu. 2011. Transformation of monoploid potato with an activation tagging construct. 8th Solanaceae and 2nd Cucurbitaceae Joint Conference, Kobe, Japan, Nov. 28-Dec.1, 2011.
Vleeshouwers, V.G.A.A., R. Finkers, D. Budding, M. Visser, M.M.J. Jacobs, R. van Berloo, M. Pel, N. Champouret, E. Bakker, P. Krenek, H. Rietman, D.-J. Huigen, R. Hoekstra, A. Goverse, B. Vosman, E. Jacobsen, and R.G.F. Visser. 2011. SolRgene: an online database to explore disease resistance genes in tuber-bearing Solanum species. BMC Plant Bio 11:116.
Wang, Y., A. Itaya, X. Zhong, Y. Wu, J. Zhang, E. van der Knaap, R. Olmstead, Y. Qi, and B. Ding. 2011. Function and evolution of a MicroRNA that regulates a Ca2+-ATPase and triggers the formation of phased small interfering RNAs in tomato reproductive growth. Plant Cell 23:3185-3203.
Weber, B., S.H. Jansky and D.A. Halterman. 2011. Resistance to early blight in hybrids between a Solanum tuberosum haploid and S. raphanifolium. Am J Pot Res 89:49. (Abstract)
Whitworth, J.L., R.G. Novy, J.C. Stark, J.J. Pavek, D.L. Corsini, S.L. Love, N. Olsen, S.K. Gupta, T. Brandt, M.I. Vales, A.R. Mosley, S. Yilma, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, B.A. Charlton, C.C. Shock, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, J.S. Miller, and C.R. Brown. 2011. Alpine Russet: A potato cultivar having long tuber dormancy making it suitable for processing from long-term storage. Am J Pot Res 88:256-268.
Yermishin, A.P. 2011. Sv-lines an effective tool for introgression of 1EBN species germplasm into breeding. In: EAPR 2011 (Abstracts of the 18th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research July 24-19, 2011, Oulu, Finland) J. Santala and J.P.T. Valkonen (eds.) Helsinki, Finland. P. 245. (Abstract)
Yermishin, A.P., Y.V. Polyukhovich, A.V. Savchuk, and E.V. Voronkova. 2011. A new look at the problem of inter-EBN interspecific crosses in potato. In: EAPR 2011 (Abstracts of the 18th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research July 24-19, 2011, Oulu, Finland) J. Santala and J.P.T. Valkonen (eds.) Helsinki, Finland. P. 71. (Abstract)
Yilma, S., J. Whitworth, R. Novy, and E. Karaagac. 2011. Molecular markers assisted pyramiding of genes for extreme resistant (ER) to PVX (Rx1), hypersensitive resistant to PVX (Nb ), ER to PVY (PVYadg ), and potato pale cyst nematode resistant (Globodera pallida) (Gpa2) in potato. Am J Pot Res 89:51. (Abstract)
Theses Reporting Research with NRSP-6 Stocks
Esplin, D. 2011. Early generation selection for cold chipping in potato genotypes developed by conventional tetraploid breeding and by interspecific and interploidy hybridizations. PhD Thesis, University of Minnesota.
Makhanko, O.V. 2011. Incompatibility in interspecific and intraspecific hybridization of diploid potato and ways of its overcoming. PhD Thesis, Institute of Genetics and Cytology NAS Belarus, Minsk. 150 p.
Szabala, Bartosz. 2011. Expression of Dhn24 gene is associated with acclimation to cold and adaptation to water deficit in Solanaceae species potential function of DHN24 protein in acclimate to cold. PhD Thesis, Institute of Plant Genetics.
NRSP6 and associated USDA/ARS project staff publications
Bamberg, JB and JC Miller, Jr. Comparisons of ga1 with other reputed gibberellin mutants in potato. American Journal of Potato Research 89:142-149.
Cai, D, F Rodriguez, Y Teng, C Ane, M Bonierbale, LA Mueller, and DM Spooner. Single copy nuclear gene analysis of polyploidy in wild potatoes (Solanum section Petota). Bmc Evolutionary Biology 12:
del Rio, Alfonso H., JB Bamberg, Ruth Centeno Diaz, J. Soto, A. Salas, W. Roca and D. Tay. Pesticide contamination has little effect on the genetic diversity of potato species. American Journal of Potato Research 89:348-391.
del Rio, Alfonso H., JB Bamberg, Ruth Centeno-Diaz, A. Salas, W. Roca and D. Tay. Effects of the pesticide Furadan on traits associated with reproduction of wild potato species. American Journal of Plant Sciences 3:1608-1612.
Egan, A.N.,Schlueter, J.,Spooner, D.M. Applications of next-generation sequencing in plant biology. American Journal of Botany 99:175-185.
Goyer, A., C Brown, R Knowles, L Knowles and JB Bamberg. Attacking the acrylamide dilemma by developing low sugar high carotenoid processing potatoes. Potato Progress (Washington State Potato Commission): 12(1):2-3.
Haga, E.,Weber, B.,Jansky, S. Examination of potential measures of vine maturity in potato. American Journal of Plant Sciences 3:495-505.
Jansky, S.,Hamernik, A.,Cai, X. Rapid cycling with true potato seed. Seed Science and Technology 40:43-50.
Khiutti, A.,Afanasenko, O.,Antonova, O.,Shuvalov, O.,Novikova, L.,Krylova, E.,Chalaya, N.,Mironenko, N.,Spooner, D.M.,Gavrilenko, T. Characterization of resistance to Synchytrium endobioticum in cultivated potato accessions from the collection of Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry. Plant Breeding 131:744-750.
Kittipadukal, P.,Bethke, P.C.,Jansky, S.H. The effect of photoperiod on tuberisation in cultivated and wild potato species hybrids. Potato Research 55:27-40.
Pendinen, G.,Spooner, D.M.,Jiang, J.,Gavrilenko, T. Genomic in situ hybridization reveals both auto-and allopolyploid origins of different North and Central American hexaploid potato (Solanum sect. Petota) species. Genome 55:407-415.
Spooner, D., Jansky, S., Clausen, A., del Rosario Herrera, M. ,Ghislain, M. The Enigma of Solanum maglia. In: the Origin of the Chilean Cultivated Potato, Solanum tuberosum Chilotanum Group(1). Economic Botany 66:12-21.
Weber, B.N., Hamernik, A.J., Jansky, S.H. Hybridization barriers between diploid Solanum tuberosum and wild Solanum raphanifolium. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 59:1287-1293.
Weber, B.N., Jansky, S.H. Resistance to Alternaria solani in hybrids between a Solanum tuberosum haploid and S. raphanifolium. Phytopathology 102:214-221.
Bamberg del Rio, Martin, Suriano and coauthors: Five journal articles now available online will be documented in this report when in print: AFLP core set of microdontum, Zebra chip resistance screening in bulbocastanum, New Matryoshka floral mutant, Selection for tuber quality in a Superior x Atlantic hybrid population, History and origin of Russet Burbank.
Chung, Y.S., N.J. Goeser, and S.H. Jansky. 2013. The effect of long term storage on bacterial soft rot resistance in potato. American Journal of Potato Research. 90:351-356.
Duangpan, S., W. Zhang, Y. Wu, S.H. Jansky, and J. Jiang. 2013. Insertional mutagenesis using Tnt1 retrotransposon in potato. Plant Physiology 163:21-29.
Fajardo, D., K.G. Haynes, and S.H. Jansky. 2013. Starch characteristics of modern and heirloom potato cultivars. American Journal of Potato Research. 90:460-469.
Fajardo, D., S.S. Jayanty, and S.H. Jansky. 2013. Rapid high throughput amylose determination in freeze dried potato tuber samples. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 80: e50407-e504407.
Hirsch, C.N., C.D. Hirsch, K. Felcher, J. Coombs, D. Zarka, A. van Deynze, W. de Jong, R. Veilleux, S. Jansky, P. Bethke, D.S. Douches, and C.R. Buell. 2013. Retrospective view of North American potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) breeding in the 20th and 21st centuries. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics. 3:1003-1013.
Jansky, S.H., A. Hamernik, and Y.S. Chung. 2012. M7 germplasm release: A tetraploid clone derived from Solanum infundibuliforme for use in expanding the germplasm base for French fry processing. American Journal of Potato Research. 89:448-452.
Jansky, S.H., H. Dempewolf, E.L. Camadro, R. Simon, E. Zimnoch-Guzowska, D. Bisognin, and R. Simon, and M. Bonierbale. 2013. A case for crop wild relative preservation and use in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). Crop Science. 53:1-9.
Jansky, S.H., P. C. Bethke, and D. M. Spooner. 2014. Yield gains in potato: Contributing factors and future prospects. In: Yield Gains in Major U.S. Field Crops. Ed. S. Smith, B. Diers, B. Carver, and J. Specht. CSSA, Madison, WI.
Jansky, S.H., Y.S. Chung, and P. Kittipadukal. 2014. M6: A diploid inbred line for use in breeding and genetics research. Journal of Plant Registrations. doi: 10.3198/jpr2013.05.0024crg.
Lindqvist-Kreuze, H., K. Cho, L. Portal, F. Rodríguez, R. Simon, LL. A. Mueller, D. M. Spooner, and M. Bonierbale. 2013. Linking the potato genome to the conserved ortholog set (COS) markers. BMC Genetics 2013. 14: 51.
Mezghani, N., I. Zaouali, W. Wided Bel Amri, S. Rouz. P. W. Simon, C. Hannachi, Z. Ghrabi, M. Neffati, B. Bouzbida, and D. M. Spooner. 2014. Fruit morphological descriptors as a tool for discrimination of Daucus L. germplasm. Genet. Res. Crop Evol. 61: 499-510.
Spooner, D. M., M. P. Widrlechner, K. R. Reitsma, D. E. Palmquist, and P. W. Simon. 2014. Reassessment of practical subspecies identifications of the USDA Daucus carota germplasm collection: Morphological data. Crop Sci. 54: 706-718.
Spooner, D.M. 2014. Research using biocultural collections, pp. 285-301.In: Salick, J., Konchar, K. & Nesbitt, M. (eds). Curating Biocultural Collections. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.
Spooner, D.M., and H. Ruess. 2014. Curating DNA specimens, pp. 87-96 In: Salick, J., Konchar, K. & Nesbitt, M. (eds). Curating Biocultural Collections. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Uribe, P., S. Jansky, and D. Halterman. 2014. Two CAPS markers predict Verticillium wilt resistance in wild Solanum species. Molecular Breeding. 33:465-476.
Arbizu, C., H. Ruess, D. Senalik, P. Simon, and D. M. Spooner. 2014. Phylogenomics of the carrot genus (Daucus, Apiaceae). Amer. J. Bot. 101:1666-1685.
Arbizu, C., K. R. Reitsma, P. W. Simon, and D. M. Spooner. 2014. Morphometrics of Daucus (Apiaceae): A counterpart to a phylogenomic study. Amer. J. Bot. 101:2005-2016.
Bamberg, J., Moehninsi, R. Navarre, and J. Suriano. 2015. Variation for Tuber Greening in the Diploid Wild Potato Solanum microdontum. American Journal of Potato Research 92:435-443.
Bamberg, JB, A del Rio, D Douches, and J Coombs. 2014. Assessing SNPs for predicting heterogeneity and screening efficiency in wild potato species. American Journal of Potato Research (submitted 08/20/14).
Bamberg, JB. and AH del Rio. 2014. Selection and Validation of an AFLP Marker Core Collection for the Wild Potato Solanum microdontum. American Journal of Potato Research 91:368-375.
Bamerg, JB, J Suriano, A del Rio, WR Cooper, J Abad and C.Fernandez. 2014. Matryoshka: A New Floral Mutant in Potato. American Journal of Potato Research: 91:500-503.
Bethke, P, N Atef, S Kubow, Y Leclerc, X Li, M Haroon, T Molen, JB Bamberg, M Martin and D Donnelly. 2014. History and Origin of Russet Burbank (Netted Gem) a sport of Russet Burbank. American Journal of Potato Research 91:579-593.
Castañeda-Álvarez, N. P., de Haan, S., Juárez, H., Khoury, C. K., Achicanoy, H. A., Sosa, C. C., Bernau, V., Salas A., Heider, B., Maxted, N., and Spooner, D. M. 2015. Ex situ conservation priorities for the wild relatives of potato (Solanum L. section Petota). PLoS ONE 10(4): e0122599. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0122599.
Clausen, A., I. Peralta, and D. M. Spooner. 2014. Solanum section Petota. Flora of Argentina, vol. 13, Solanaceae, Ed. Fernando Zuloaga and Manuel Belgrano, Instituto Multidisciplinario de Biología Vegetal (CONICET-UNC), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Cooper, WR and JB Bamberg. 2014. Variation in Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae) oviposition, survival, and development on Solanum bulbocastanum germplasm. American Journal of Potato Research 91:532-537.
Hardigan, M., J Bamberg, C Robin Buell and D Douches. 2015. Taxonomy and genetic differentiation among wild and cultivated germplasm of Solanum sect. Petota. The Plant Genome. 8:1:16.
Jansky, S. and A. Hamernik. 2014. Rapid cycling of potato tuber generations by overcoming dormancy. American Journal of Potato Research. DOI 10.1007/s12230-014-9415-7.
Jansky, S. H., D. M. Spooner, and P. Bethke. 2014. Yield gains in US potato, contributing factors and future prospects, pp 195-217. In: S. Smith (ed.), Yield Gains in Major U.S. Field Crops: Contributing Factors and Future Prospects. Crop Science Society of America, Madison, WI.
Jansky, S. H., J. Dawson, and D. M. Spooner. 2015. How do we address the disconnect between genetic and morphological diversity in germplasm collections? American Journal of Botany: In press.
Jansky, S.H. and D.A. Fajardo. 2014. Tuber starch amylose content is associated with cold-induced sweetening in potato. Food Science and Nutrition. Doi: doi: 10.1002/fsn3.137.
Jansky, S.H., P. C. Bethke, and D. M. Spooner. 2014. Yield gains in potato: Contributing factors and future prospects. In: Yield Gains in Major U.S. Field Crops. Ed. S. Smith, B. Diers, B. Carver, and J. Specht. CSSA, Madison, WI.
Jansky, S.H., Y.S. Chung, and P. Kittipadukal. 2014. M6: A diploid inbred line for use in breeding and genetics research. Journal of Plant Registrations. doi: 10.3198/jpr2013.05.0024crg.
Khiutti, A., D. M. Spooner, S. H. Jansky, and D. A. Halterman. 2015. Testing taxonomic predictivity of foliar and tuber resistance to Phytophthora infestans in wild relatives of potato. Phytopathology: In press.
Limantseva, L., Mironenko, N., Shulalov, O., Antonova, O., Khiutti, A., Novikova, L., Afanasenko, O., D. Spooner, and T. Gavrilenko. 2014. Characterization of resistance to Globodera rostochiensis pathotype Ro1 in cultivated and wild potato species accessions from the Vavilov Institute of Plant Industry. Plant Breeding 133: 660–665.
Mezghani, N., I. Zaouali, W. Wided Bel Amri, S. Rouz. P. W. Simon, C. Hannachi, Z. Ghrabi, M. Neffati, B. Bouzbida, and D. M. Spooner. 2014. Fruit morphological descriptors as a tool for discrimination of Daucus L. germplasm. Genet. Res. Crop Evol. 61: 499-510.
Särkinen, T., M. Baden, P. Gonzáles, M. Cueva, L. L. Giacomin, D. M. Spooner, R. Simon, H. Juárez, P. Nina, J. Molina, and S. Knapp 2015. Listado anotado de Solanum L. (Solanaceae) en el Perú (Annotated checklist of Solanum L. (Solanaceae) for Peru). Revista Peruana de Biología 22(1): 3-62.
Spooner, D. M. In press. Solanum section Petota. In: Flora of North America.
Spooner, D. M., and P. W. Simon. In press. Daucus. In: A Flora of Oregon; Stephen C. Meyers (ed.); Oregon State University Press
Spooner, D. M., and P. W. Simon. In press. Daucus. In: Flora of North America.
Spooner, D. M., M. Ghislain, R. Simon, S. H. Jansky, and T. Gavrilenko. 2014. Systematics, diversity, genetics, and evolution of wild and cultivated potatoes. Bot. Rev. 80: 283-383.
Spooner, D. M., M. P. Widrlechner, K. R. Reitsma, D. E. Palmquist, S. Rouz, Z. Ghrabi-Gammar, M. Neffati, B. Bouzbida, H. Ouabbou, M. El Koudrim, and P. W. Simon. 2014. Reassessment of practical subspecies identifications of the USDA Daucus carota germplasm collection: Morphological data. Crop Science 54: 706-718.
Spooner, D.M. and J.F. Pruski. In press. Simsia Persoon for Flora Mesoamericana (Flora series published by Missouri Botanical Garden), Natural History Museum, London, and the National Autonomous University, Mexico City.
Spooner, D.M. In press. Solanum L. section Petota Dumort for Flora Mesoamericana. (Flora series published by Missouri Botanical Garden), Natural History Museum, London, and the National Autonomous University, Mexico City.
Spooner, D.M., M. Guislain, R. Simon, S.H. Jansky, and T. Gavrilenko. 2014. Systematics, diversity, and evolution of wild and cultivated potatoes. Botanical Review. In press.
Uribe, P., S. Jansky, and D. Halterman. 2014. Two CAPS markers predict Verticillium wilt resistance in wild Solanum species. Molecular Breeding. 33:465-476.
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