S1004: Development and Evaluation of TMDL Planning and Assessment Tools and Processes (S273) S1003: Variety and Quality Evaluation of Virginia-type Peanuts S1002: New Technologies for the Utilization of Textile Materials (S272) S1001: Development of Plant Pathogens as Bioherbicides for Weed Control (S268) S1000: Animal Manure and Waste Utilization, Treatment and Nuisance Avoidance for a Sustainable Agriculture (S275) S1005: Sources, Dispersal and Management of Stable Flies on Grazing Beef and Dairy Cattle (S274) S1006: Insect and Manure Management in Poultry Systems: Elements Relative to Food Safety and Nuisance Issues (S274) S304: Development of Genetic Resources for Cotton S303: Biological Control of Arthropod Pests and Weeds S302: Biological Control of Soilborne Plant Pathogens for Sustainable Agriculture S301: Development, Evaluation and Safety of Entomopathogens for Control of Arthropod Pests S300: Mosquito and Agricultural Pest Management in Riceland Ecosystems S299: Enhancing Production and Reproductive Performance of Heat-Stressed Dairy Cattle S298: Assessing Impacts of Welfare Reform on Individual, Family, and Community Well-Being in the Rural South S297: Soil Microbial Taxonomic and Functional Diversity as Affected by Land Use and Management S296: Rural Labor Markets: Workers, Firms and Communities in Transition S295: Enhancing Food Safety Through Control of Food-Borne Disease Agents OLD_S294: Postharvest Quality and Safety in Fresh-Cut Vegetables and Fruits S293: Improved Pecan Insect and Mite Pest Management Systems S291: Systems for Controlling Air Pollutant Emissions and Indoor Environments of Poultry, Swine, and Dairy Facilities S290: Technical and Economical Efficiencies of Producing, Marketing, and Managing Environmental Plants S289: Factors Associated with Genetic and Phenotypic Variation in Poultry: Molecular to Populational S222: Fruit and Vegetable Supply-Chain Management, Innovations, and Competitiveness S285: Reproductive Performance of Turkeys S292: The Poultry Food System: A Farm to Table Model OLD_SCC13: Statisticians Group (USSES) SCC22: Soil Survey OLDSCC_33: Review of Cooperative Variety Testing Programs in the Southern Region SCC40: Genetics & Breeding of Southern Forest Trees SCC_OLDSCC72: Enhancing Reproductive Efficiency in Cattle (S-284) SCC74: Southern Pine Beetle Working Group SCC75: Supplemental Strategies for Cattle Using Southern Forages SERA1: Southern Region Pesticide Impact Assessment Program (IEG-27) SERA2: Enhancing Food Safety Through Control of Foodborne Disease Agents SERA-IEG3: Integrated Pest Management OLD SERA5: Sweet Potato Collaborators Conference (IEG-14) OLD_SERA6: Methodology, Interpretation, and Implementation of Soil, Plant, Byproduct, and Water Analyses (SERA-IEG-6 revised) SERA7: Biology and Management of Peanut Insects and Other Arthropods(IEG-23) OLD SERA8: Fescue Endophyte Research and Extension (IEG-37) OLD_SERA9: Aquatic Food Animals from Warm Water Aquaculture (IEG-41) SERA10: Housing in the Rural South (IEG-58) SERA11: Review and Coordination of Oilseed Rape Research Programs in the Southern Region (IEG-55) SERA12: Southern Forest Insect Work Conference OLD_SERA15: Competitiveness and Sustainability of the Southern Dairy Industry (S-217) SERA16: Rural Infrastructure as a Cause and Consequence of Rural Economic Development and Quality of Life (IEG-53) OLD_SERA17: Minimizing Agricultural Phosphorus Run-off Losses for Protection of the Water Resource OLD_SERA18: Rice Technical Workers Group (IEG-6/S-223) OLD_SERA19: The Changing Rural Health System: Education for Consumers and Providers (SERA-TF-5) OLDSERA_23: Cotton Insects OLD SERA25: Turf (IEG-16) SERA26: Fire Ants (IEG-34) OLD_SERA27: Nursery Crop and Landscape Systems (IEG-63) SERA28: Image Enhancement (SERA-TF-10) SERA29: Black Fly Biology, Economic Problems, and Management SERA32: Coordination of Value-Added Activities (SERA-TF-11) SERA33: Current Issues in Weed Biology, Weed/Crop Interactions, and Weed Management in the Southern Region (S-183) S1007: The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy S1010: Dynamic Soybean Pest Management for Evolving Agricultural Technologies and Cropping Systems (S-281) S1008: Genetic Selection and Crossbreeding to Enhance Reproduction and Survival of Dairy Cattle (S-284) S65: Multistate Research Coordination, Southern Region S1011: Water Quality Methodology for Crop Protection Chemicals (S271) SCC1: Southern Pine Bark Beetle Conference S1014: Mineral Controls on P Retention and Release in Soils and Soil Amendments (S280) S1012: Nutritional Systems for Swine to Increase Reproductive Efficiency (S-288) S1013: Genetic (Co)Variance of Parasite Resistance, Temperament, and Production Traits of Traditional and Non-<i>Bos indicus</i> Tropically Adapted S1015: Host Resistance as the Cornerstone for Managing Plant-Parasitic Nematodes in Sustainable Agroecosystems (S-282) OLD S9: Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Utilization (OLD S-009) SAC1: Crops and Soils SAC2: Animal Sciences SAC3: Human Science Research Administration SAC4: Food Science and Technology SAC16: Agricultural Engineering SAC6: Horticulture SAC7: Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology SAC11: Plant Pathology SAC12: Entomology SAC13: Forestry SAC14: Human Nutrition S1016: Impacts of Trade and Domestic Policies on the Competitiveness and Performance of Southern Agriculture (S-287) S1018: Irrigation Management for Humid and Sub-Humid Areas SDC303: Production, Harvest, Storage, and Delivery of Herbaceous Energy Crops for Fuel and Chemicals S1025: Systems for Controlling Air Pollutant Emissions and Indoor Environments of Poultry, Swine, and Dairy Facilities SDC304: Fruit and Vegetable Supply-Chain Management, Innovations, and Competitiveness (S-222) S1020: Enhancing Reproductive Efficiency of Poultry (S285) S1019: Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Innovations and Demand Assessment (S-222) IEG-40: Genetics & Breeding of Southern Forest Trees IEG13: Statisticians Group (USSES) OLD_SERA14: Development and Evaluation of Bunch and Muscadine Grapes for Fresh Market, Juice, Wine and Other Products (IEG-52) S1021: Managing and Marketing Environmental Plants for Improved Production, Profitability, and Efficiency OLD SCC76: Economics and Management of Risk in Agriculture and Natural Resources OLD_SERA3: Southern Region Information Exchange Group for IPM S1027: The Poultry Food System: A Farm to Table Model OLD SERA20: Southern Conservation Tillage Systems Conference S_temp922: Test S1022: Basic and Applied Aspects of Bacterial Source Tracking OLD SERA30: Southern Natural Resource Economics Committee S1024: Discovery of Entomopathogens and Their Integration and Safety in Pest Management Systems SERA4: Mechanization and Post Harvest Technology of Fruits and Vegetables S1023: Enhancing production and reproductive performance of heat-stressed dairy cattle. S1033: Control of Food-Borne Pathogens in Pre- and Post-Harvest Environments S_TEMP1102: Improved Systems for Management of Economically-Important Arthropod Pests Attacking Pecan S1017: Improved Systems for Management of Economically-Important Arthropod Pests Attacking Pecan S1035: Nutritional and Management Abatement Strategies for Improvement of Poultry Air and Water Quality (from W195) S1028: Ecological and genetic diversity of soilborne pathogens and indigenous microflora S1036: Genetic improvement approaches to sustained, profitable cotton production in the United States SERA23: Management of Cotton Insects S1026: Textile Materials and Technologies Addressing Energy, Health and Other National Security Issues S1034: Biological Control of Arthropod Pests and Weeds OLD SCC80: Plant Breeding OLD SCC33: Cooperative Variety Testing Programs in the Southern Region S1037: Integrative Functional and Physiological Genomics of Poultry OLD_S294: Postharvest Quality and Safety in Fresh-cut Vegetables and Fruits OLD SERA35: Delta Region Farm Management and Agricultural Policy Working Group S1030: Flies Impacting Livestock, Poultry and Food Safety S1029: Improved Methods to Combat Mosquitoes and Crop Pests in Rice Fields S_TEMP1402: Today OLD_SERA25: Turf (IEG-16) S_TEMP1462: Nutritional Factors Affecting Equine Productivity SCC82: Development of Plant Pathogens as Bioherbicides for Weed Control (S268) SERA36: Beef Cattle Production Utilizing Forages in the Southeast to Integrate Research and Extension Programs across State Boundaries S1042: Modeling for TMDL Development, and Watershed Based Planning, Management and Assessment OLD S1041: The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy S1031: Improvement and Sustainability of Channel-Blue Hybrid Catfish Embryo Production and Performance S1032: Improving the Sustainability of Livestock and Poultry Production in the United States (OLD S1032) OLD_SCC81: Sustainable Small Ruminant Production in the Southeastern U.S. OLD_SERA27: Nursery Crop and Landscape Systems (IEG-63) S1038: Peanut Variety Quality Evaluation Program OLD_SERA6: Methodology, Intepretation, and Implementation of Soil, Plant, Byproduct, and Water Analyses (SERA-IEG-6 revised) S_TEMP1662: Peanut production in a sod-based rotation in SE US OLD_SERA37: The New Hispanic South: Strengthening the Capacity of the Region's Land-Grant University System to Respond S1039: Biology, impact, and management of soybean insect pests in soybean production systems.(S-1010) S501: Improving Growth and Feed Efficiency in Warmwater Aquaculture S502: Regional Animal Health Situational Awareness Project S1043: Economic Impacts of International Trade and Domestic Policies on Southern Agriculture SCC72: Enhancing Reproductive Efficiency in Cattle (S-284) S_TEMP1742: Review and Coordination of Oilseed Rape Research Programs in the Southern Region (IEG-55) S1040: Genetic Selection and Crossbreeding to Enhance Reproduction and Survival of Dairy Cattle (S-284) OLD SERA25: Turf (IEG-16) S_TEMP1782: Public Issues Education Program OLD SERA39: Public Policy Issues Education SERA38: Biobased Energy Research and Information Exchange Committee S1044: Nutritional Systems for Swine to Increase Reproductive Efficiency SERA40: Coordination of Winter Canola Research Programs in the Southern Region OLD SCC13: Statisticians Group (USSES) OLD SERA17: Organization to Minimize Phosphorus Losses from Agriculture OLD SERA18: Rice Technical Workers Group (IEG-6/S-223) SERA9: Aquatic Food Animals from Warm Water Aquaculture SERA14: Development and Evaluation of Bunch and Muscadine Grapes for Fresh Market, Juice, Wine and Other Products (IEG-52) OLD SERA15: Competitiveness and Sustainability of the Southern Dairy Industry (S-217) SERA19: The Changing Rural Health System: Education for Consumers and Providers (SERA-TF-5) S1048: Assessment of the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Common Agricultural Systems on Benchmark Soils Across the Southern Region Climate Gradie SDC335: Quantifying The Linkages Between Soil Health and Organic Farming S1050: Assessing the Consumer Behavior, Market Coordination and Performance of the Consumer-Oriented Fruit and Vegetable Sector S1045: Genetic Considerations for Beef Cattle Production in Challenging Environments OLD SERA5: Sweet Potato Collaborators Conference (IEG-14) S1046: Improved management of plant-parasitic nematodes through modern diagnostic tools and increased use of host resistance S1047: Enhancing Reproductive Efficiency of Poultry (S285) SERA20: Southern Conservation Tillage Systems Conference OLDSERA15: Competitiveness and Sustainability of the Southern Dairy Industry (S-217) OLD SERA8: Fescue Endophyte Research and Extension (IEG-37) OLDSERA41: Beef Cattle Production Utilizing Forages in the Southeast to Integrate Research and Extension Programs across State Boundaries S1049: Integrated Management of Pecan Arthropod Pests in the Southern U.S. OLD SCC33: Cooperative Variety Testing Programs S1051: Sustainable Practices, Economic Contributions, Consumer Behavior, and Labor Management in the U.S. Environmental Horticulture Industry SAC5: Agricultural Engineering SCC83: Quantifying the Linkages Among Soil Health, Organic Farming, and Food OLD SERA35: Delta Region Farm Management and Agricultural Policy Working Group SDC341: Irrigation Management for Humid and Sub-Humid Areas OLD SERA5: Sweet Potato Collaborators Conference (IEG-14) OLD_SERA30: Southern Natural Resource Economics Committee SERA8: Fescue Endophyte Research and Extension (IEG-37) OLD_SERA42: Enhancement of Leadership Capacity in the Food Systems through Coalition Development OLD_TEMP342: Quality and Safety of Fresh-cut Vegetables and Fruits S294: Quality and Safety of Fresh-cut Vegetables and Fruits OLD_SERA3: Southern Region Information Exchange Group for IPM SERA30: Southern Natural Resource Economics Committee S1052: The Working Group on Improving Microbial Control of Arthropod Pests S1054: Biobased Fibrous Materials and Cleaner Technologies for a Sustainable and Environmentally Responsible Textile Industry S1058: Biological Control of Arthropod Pests and Weeds OLD SERA6: Methodology, Interpretation, and Implementation of Soil, Plant, Byproduct, and Water Analyses S1055: Biology, impact, and management of soybean insect pests in soybean production systems. S1056: Enhancing Microbial Food Safety by Risk Analysis SERA42: Enhancement of Leadership Capacity to Address Global Issues in the Food Systems through Coalition Development S1053: Ecological and genetic diversity of soilborne pathogens and indigenous microflora S1059: Peanut Variety and Quality Evaluation Program for Development of Virginia-type Cultivars with High Oleic Trait S1060: Fly Management in Animal Agriculture Systems and Impacts on Animal Health and Food Safety OLD SERA3: Southern Region Information Exchange Group for IPM OLD SERA27: Nursery Crop and Landscape Systems (IEG-63) OLD SCC81: Sustainable Small Ruminant Production in the Southeastern U.S. SERA37: Latinos in the New South SDC349: The Poultry Food System: A Farm to Table Model S_TEMP3002: Nutritional and Management Abatement Strategies for Improvement of Poultry Air and Water Quality (from W195) S1041: The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy S1032: Animal Production Systems: Synthesis of Methods to Determine Triple Bottom Line Sustainability from Findings of Reductionist Research OLDSERA43: Southern Region Integrated Water Resources Coordinating Committee S1061: Nutritional Systems for Swine to Increase Reproductive Efficiency S1062: The importance of U.S. food and agricultural trade in a new global market environment SERA25: Turf (IEG-16) SERA39: Public Policy Issues Education SCC13: Statisticians Group (USSES) OLDSERA44: Landscapes and Gardens for Better Living S1063: Quantification of best management practice effectiveness for water quality protection at the watershed scale S1064: Genetic improvement of adaptation and reproduction to enhance sustainability of cow-calf production in the Southern United States OLD_SERA46: Framework for Nutrient Reduction Strategy Collaboration: the Role for Land Grant Universities OLD SERA45: Crop diversification opportunities to enhance the viability of small farms OLD_SCC76: Economics and Management of Risk in Agriculture and Natural Resources OLD SERA41: Beef Cattle Production Utilizing Forages in the Southeast to Integrate Research and Extension Programs across State Boundaries SERA44: Landscapes and Gardens for Better Living OLD SERA15: Competitiveness and Sustainability of the Southern Dairy Industry (S-217) OLD SERA43: Southern Region Integrated Water Resources Coordinating Committee S1066: Development of sustainable crop production practices for integrated management of plant-pathogenic nematodes S1065: Sustainable Practices, Economic Contributions, Consumer Behavior, and Labor Management in the U.S. Environmental Horticulture Industry OLD SCC33: Cooperative Variety Testing Programs OLD SERA5: Sweet Potato Collaborators Conference OLD SERA35: Delta Region Farm Management and Agricultural Policy Working Group OLD_SERA43: Southern Region Integrated Water Resources Coordinating Committee OLD SCC80: Sustaining the Future of Plant Breeding OLD_SERA41: Beef Cattle Production Utilizing Forages in the Southeast to Integrate Research and Extension Programs across State Boundaries: Development S1067: Specialty Crops and Food Systems: Exploring Markets, Supply Chains and Policy Dimensions SERA15: Competitiveness and Sustainability of the Southern Dairy Industry OLD_SERA45: Crop diversification opportunities to enhance the viability of small farms OLD S1084: Industrial Hemp Production, Processing, and Marketing in the U.S. S1068: Integrated Management of Pecan Arthropod Pests in the Southern U.S. SCC85: Consumer Horticulture Extension, Research, and Education Coordinating Committee OLD S1069: Research and Extension for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Applications in U.S. Agriculture and Natural Resources OLD SERA47: Strengthening the Southern Region Extension and Research System to Support Local & Regional Foods Needs and Priorities OLD S1071: A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture OLD S294: Quality and Safety of Fresh-cut Vegetables and Fruits S_TEMP2017: Exploring the Psychological and Sociological Dimensions of Decision Making Related to Critical Agricultural and Natural Resource Issues OLD S1083: Ecological and genetic diversity of soilborne pathogens and indigenous microflora S_TEMPSERA37: Latinos in the New South OLD S1070: The Working Group on Improving Microbial Control of Arthropod Pests OLD SCC81: Sustainable Small Ruminant Production in the Southeastern U.S. OLD S1082: Aging in Place: Home and Community in Rural America OLD S1085: Cover Crops for Sustainable Southern Agroecosystems OLD SERA3: Southern Region Information Exchange Group for IPM SERA6: Methodology, Interpretation, and Implementation of Soil, Plant, Byproduct, and Water Analyses OLD SERA6: Methodology, Interpretation, and Implementation of Soil, Plant, Byproduct, and Water Analyses OLD S1073: Biological Control of Arthropod Pests and Weeds OLD S1072: U.S. Agricultural Trade and Policy in a Dynamic Global Market Environment S1078: Cognitive Influence on Teaching, Learning, and Decision Making Around Critical Agricultural and Natural Resource Issues OLD S1074: Future Challenges in Animal Production Systems: Seeking Solutions through Focused Facilitation SCC84: Selection and mating strategies to improve dairy cattle performance, efficiency, and longevity OLD S1075: The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy OLD S1076: Fly Management in Animal Agriculture Systems and Impacts on Animal Health and Food Safety 2233: Test OLD S1077: Enhancing Microbial Food Safety by Risk Analysis OLD S9: Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Utilization OLD S1079: Peanut Variety and Quality Evaluation for Development of Virginia-type Cultivars with High Oleic Trait, Flavor, and Rainfed Production OLD S1080: Improving Soybean Arthropod Pest Management in the U.S. OLD S1081: Nutritional Systems for Swine to Increase Reproductive Efficiency OLD SERA18: Rice Technical Working Group OLD SERA17: Organization to Minimize Nutrient Loss from the Landscape S18556: Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Utilization SDC100: New generation advanced fibrous materials from agricultural-based renewable resources and their application in interdisciplinary engineering SCC76: Economics and Management of Risk in Agriculture and Natural Resources OLD SERA48: Turf OLD S1086: Enhancing sustainability of beef cattle production in Southern and Central US through genetic improvement OLD SERA45: Crop diversification opportunities to enhance the viability of small farms OLD SERA46: Framework for Nutrient Reduction Strategy Collaboration: The Role for Land Grant Universities OLD SERA41: Improving Production Efficiency of the Beef Cow Herd in Southeastern SERA43: Southern Region Integrated Water Resources Coordinating Committee S1089: Advanced Understanding and Prediction of Pollutants in Critical Landscapes in Watersheds S1087: Sustainable Practices, Economic Contributions, Consumer Behavior, and Labor Management in the U.S. Environmental Horticulture Industry SCC33: Cooperative Variety Testing Programs SCC80: Imagining the Future of Plant Breeding S1088: Specialty Crops and Food Systems: Exploring Markets, Supply Chains and Policy Dimensions SERA5: Sweet Potato Collaborators Conference SERA35: Delta Region Farm Management and Agricultural Policy Working Group S_temp1090: NIMSS Training S1069: Research and Extension for Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Applications in U.S. Agriculture and Natural Resources S1071: A framework for secondary schools agriscience education programs that emphasizes the STEM content in agriculture S1090: AI in Agroecosystems: Big Data and Smart Technology-Driven Sustainable Production SERA47: Local and Regional Food Systems Extension and Research: network development, emerging issues and policy development SERA3: Southern Region Information Exchange Group for IPM S1092: Biology, ecology, and management of emerging nematode threats in the Southern United States. S1093: Management systems for beef cattle reared in subtropical and tropical environments S1094: Genomic tools to improve equine health, wellbeing and performance S294: Quality and Safety of Fresh-cut Vegetables and Fruits S1091: Forest Health and Resilience SERA27: Nursery Crop and Landscape Systems SCC81: Sustainable Small Ruminant Production in the Southeastern U.S. S1070: The Working Group on Improving Microbial Control of Arthropod Pests S1076: Arthropod Management in Animal Agriculture Systems and Impacts on Animal Health and Food Security S9: Plant Genetic Resources Conservation and Utilization S1072: U.S. Agricultural Trade and Policy in An Uncertain Global Market Environment SERA18: Rice Technical Working Group S1075: The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy S1080: Improving Soybean Arthropod Pest Management in the U.S. S1077: Enhancing Microbial Food Safety by Risk Analysis S1084: Industrial Hemp Production, Processing, and Marketing in the U.S. S1079: Increasing Sustainability of U.S. Virginia-Type Peanut Through Variety Development and Novel Management Solutions S1096: Selection and mating strategies to sustainably improve dairy cattle performance, efficiency, and resiliency SERA49: Heirs' Property: Impacts at Family, Community, and Regional Levels S1095: Science Communication in Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources: Human Science Research and Workforce Development SERA17: Organization to Minimize Phosphorus Loss from Agriculture : Creation of best practices for expanding access to underrepresented people in FANH at 1862 land grant institutions S1083: Ecological and genetic diversity of soilborne pathogens and indigenous microflora S1074: Fostering Technologies, Metrics, and Behaviors for Sustainable Advances in Animal Agriculture S1081: Nutritional Systems for Swine to Increase Reproductive Efficiency S1082: Aging in Place: Home and Community in Rural America S1073: Biological Control of Arthropod Pests and Weeds SERA 46: Framework for Nutrient Reduction Strategy Collaboration: The Role for Land Grant Universities SERA50: Consumer Horticulture Southern Extension and Research Activity S1086: Genetic aspects of beef cow adaptation to diverse U.S. production environments. SERA45: Specialty crop diversification opportunities to enhance the viability of small farms SERA48: Turf S1085: Cover Crops for Sustainable Southern Agroecosystems SCC76: Economics and Management of Risk in Agriculture and Natural Resources SERA41: Improving Production Efficiency of Beef Cattle in the Southeast S1097: SNAP Nutrition Incentives S1098: Autonomy for Agricultural Production, Processing, and Research to Advance Food Security through Sustainable and Climate-Smart Methods : Specialty Crop Diversification Opportunities to Enhance the Viability of Small Farms S_Temp1099: Phosphorus dynamics in sustainable agroeco-systems S_Temp1089: Advanced Understanding and Prediction of Pollutants in Critical Landscapes in Watersheds S_Temp1087: Sustainable Practices, Economic Contributions, Consumer Behavior, and Labor Management in the U.S. Environmental Horticulture Industry : Genetic improvement of warm-season turfgrasses through genomics SERA_Temp35: Delta Region Farm Management and Agricultural Policy Working Group S_Temp1088: Specialty Crops and Food Systems: Exploring Markets, Supply Chains and Policy Dimensions