NRSP_OLD_3: The National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP)
(National Research Support Project Summary)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Annual/Termination Reports:
[12/28/2015] [12/28/2015] [09/17/2016] [12/28/2016] [09/07/2017] [12/29/2017] [06/21/2018] [01/04/2019] [07/11/2019]Date of Annual Report: 12/28/2015
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/30/2015
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please refer to the report associated with NRSP3's October 2015 meeting for the 2014/2015 annual report.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 12/28/2015
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/30/2015
A listing of the attendees for our latest Fall Meeting (FY15) is available at the meeting summary location at the NADP website (nadp.isws.illinois.edu/nadp2015/).See also Participants attachment.
Brief Summary of Minutes
The NADP is comprised of a technical committee (all participants), an executive committee, several scientific committees, and a series of subcommittees focusing on specific areas of the ongoing project, including operations, quality assurance, ecological response and outreach, and data management. All approved meeting minutes from our FY2015 Spring and Fall Meetings (and all other meetings) are available on our website (nadp.isws.illinois.edu/committees/minutes.aspx). Some subcommittee minutes will be delayed for approval, but they will be posted when approved at the same address.
<p>The NRSP-3 provides a framework for cooperation among State Agricultural Experiment Stations (SAES), the U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture, and other cooperating governmental and non-governmental organizations that support the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP). The NADP provides quality-assured data and information on the exposure of managed and natural ecosystems and cultural resources to acidic compounds, nutrients, base cations, and mercury in precipitation and through dry deposition of several of these compounds. NADP data support informed decisions on air quality and ecosystem issues related to precipitation chemistry.</p><br /> <p>Specifically, researchers use NADP data to investigate the impacts of atmospheric deposition on the productivity of managed and natural ecosystems; the chemistry of estuarine, surface, and ground waters; and the biodiversity in forests, shrubs, grasslands, deserts, and alpine vegetation. These research activities address “environmental stewardship,” one of the Agricultural Experiment Station’s research challenges (Science Road Map #6). Researchers also use NADP Mercury Deposition Network data to examine the role of atmospheric deposition in affecting the mercury content of fish, and to better understand the link between environmental and dietary mercury and human health. This fits with another research priority of “relationship of food to human health.”</p><br /> <p>The NADP operates three precipitation chemistry networks: the National Trends Network (NTN), the Atmospheric Integrated Research Monitoring Network (AIRMoN), and the Mercury Deposition Network (MDN). This report is specifically for the 48 NTN sites operated at the miscellaneous State Agricultural Experimental Stations (SAES), and in part supported by this agreement. This report focuses on the accomplishments and impacts from this network.</p><br /> <p>The NTN provides the only long-term nationwide record of basic ion wet deposition in the United States. Sample analysis includes free acidity (H<sup>+</sup> as pH), specific conductance, and concentration and deposition measurements for calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfate, nitrate, chloride, bromide, and ammonium. We also measure orthophosphate ions (PO<sub>4</sub><sup>3-</sup>, the inorganic form), but only for quality assurance as an indicator of sample contamination. At the end of September 2015, 261 NTN stations were collecting one-week precipitation samples in 48 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Canada, and in Argentina. Additionally, there are multiple quality assurance and testing sites. Complementing the NTN is the 6-site AIRMoN which are essentially NTN sites operated on a daily basis (i.e., single precipitation events). Samples are collected to support continued research of atmospheric transport and removal of air pollutants and development of computer simulations of these processes.</p><br /> <p>The 113-site MDN offers the only long-term and routine measurements of mercury in North American precipitation. Measurements of total mercury concentration and deposition (and optional methyl-mercury) are used to quantify mercury deposition to water bodies, some of which have fish and wildlife mercury consumption advisories. Since 2008, every state and 10 Canadian provinces listed advisories warning people to limit fish consumption due to high mercury levels. Coastal advisories are also in place for Atlantic waters from Maine to Rhode Island, from North Carolina to Florida, for the entire U.S. Gulf Coast, and for coastal Hawaii and Alaska.</p><br /> <p>The NADP operates two newer gaseous atmospheric chemistry networks: the Atmospheric Mercury Network (AMNet) and the Ammonia Monitoring Network (AMoN). In each case, the network goal is to provide atmospheric concentrations of these particular gases, and then to estimate the rate of dry deposition (without precipitation) of the gas. In many cases, dry deposition of the gas could far exceed the wet deposition of the same compound.</p><br /> <p>At the end of September 2015, 20 AMNet sites were collecting five-minute estimates of gaseous elemental mercury and two-hourly average concentrations of gaseous oxidized mercury and particulate bound mercury. The AMNet provides the only long-term region-wide record of basic atmospheric mercury concentrations in the United States. The AMoN has 94 sites operating as of September 2015, where two-week averages of atmospheric ammonia gas are being collected with passive devices. This low-cost network is designed to provide long-running estimates of ammonia in the atmosphere. These data are particularly important to agriculture, since many sources of ammonia are agricultural (Roadmap Challenge #6). Data from both gaseous networks support continued research of atmospheric transport and removal of air pollutants and development of computer simulations of these processes.</p><br /> <p>Short-term Outcomes and Outputs.</p><br /> <p>Samples Collected. NADP’s principal objective and accomplishment/outcome is the collection, analysis and quality assurance of samples for precipitation and atmospheric chemistry. Briefly, there were 13,824 precipitation samples collected and analyzed by the NTN (including 243 QA samples), for all network sites. The analyses included observations of 10 different analyte concentrations and precipitation volume, which allow for calculation of deposition flux for each analyte. In the other networks not included in the SAES subset of sites were 1,068 precipitation samples from the AIRMoN, 3,078 gaseous ammonia samples collected by the AMoN, 6,261 total mercury samples collected by the MDN, and 1,145,200 hourly mercury fraction concentrations. QA samples are run at the individual sites and not part of these sample counts.</p><br /> <h2><a href="http://nadp.sws.uiuc.edu/">NADP Data</a>base. Our second most important accomplishment/outcome is making data available to all for the support of continued research. Scientists, policymakers, educators, students, and others are encouraged to access data at no charge from the NADP website (nadp.isws.illinois.edu). This website offers online retrieval of individual data points, seasonal and annual averages, trend plots, concentration and deposition maps, reports, manuals, and other data and information about the program. The NTN database is now populated by over 450,000 observations of precipitation chemistry. As of today, 2014 calendar year data are complete and online, and the 2015 data through August 2015 is online with final QA to be completed in 2016.</h2><br /> <h2>Internet disbursement of data is the primary route of dissemination for the NADP project. Website usage statistics provide evidence that our data are being used. During this reporting period, website usage remained strong. We have recorded approximately 34,019 registered who accessed our website information and there were 28,018 data downloads from the site (about our typical number). The website received over 1.27 million “hits.” Maps (single or multiple) were downloaded 23,921 different times. We continually divide users into types, and this year was again very typical; about 40% were from federal and state agencies, 36% from universities, 16% from K-to-12 schools, and 8% from other individuals or organizations. The NADP website has registered users from more than 150 countries across the globe. These statistics demonstrate that NADP continues to be relevant to both the scientific and educational communities.</h2><br /> <p>Map Summary. The 2014 annual map series of atmospheric concentrations, wet deposition fluxes, and Map Summary Report was developed during June 2015 and finalized and printed in September/October 2015. Each calendar year the NADP produces a series of 23 national maps of wet deposition concentration and flux maps for all of our analytes and networks. For the gaseous networks, we produce similar types of summary figures. These maps are used widely and constitute one of the major products of the network. Individual maps are filed by network, year, and constituent, and can be downloaded in several formats (nadp.isws.illinois.edu/data/annualmaps.aspx). Individual maps are compiled into annual Map Summary reports, and the 2014 Map Summary is also available for download (nadp.isws.illinois.edu/lib/dataReports.aspx). We printed 3,000 copies of the 2014 Annual Summary, and about 80% of these have been distributed thus far. The 2015 data is still being collected at this writing, and the map development will begin in 2016, and be available about September 1, 2016.</p><br /> <h1>Fall Scientific Meeting (FY2015). At the end of each federal year, a combined business and scientific meeting is held to showcase some of the latest deposition research that occurred during the year. The latest report-period meeting was “The Global Connection of Air and Water” held in Indianapolis, IN, October 21-24, 2014. The meeting included 140 attendees, six oral sessions, 31 oral presentations, and 34 posters. The meeting was highlighted by a presentation from Dr. David A. Wolf, NASA Astronaut (retired), and a presentation on the interconnectedness of air and water on the planet. This talk was followed by a global review of precipitation chemistry by Robert Vet, of Environment Canada. The workshop included discussions of measurement of both wet and dry deposition measurement, and agricultural emissions and atmospheric deposition (4 speakers), and a session specifically on deposition within urban areas.</h1><br /> <h2>FY16: “Acid Rain 2015”. The FY16 Fall NADP Meeting (Oct 2015) was held in Rochester, NY (and discussed in the next annual report). This meeting was organized specifically to coincide with the every 5 year International Conference on Acid Deposition 2015 (see AcidRain2015.org). The NADP business meeting was combined with the scientific ICAD and attract an international audience of about 400. Information and presentations for the meeting will be moved to the NADP site and available before next year’s report.</h2><br /> <h2>Business Meeting (FY15, Spring 2015). Every spring, NADP holds a 3 day business meeting (Technical Committee, subcommittees, Executive Committee). The Spring 2015 meeting was held in Pacific Grove, CA on April 13-15, 2015. All final committee meeting minutes are available on our website (nadp.isws.illinois.edu/committees/minutes.aspx).</h2><br /> <p>These basic activities fulfilled the project objectives: (1) coordination of these networks; (2) quality assurance to ensure consistency; and (3) analytical, site support, and data validation services for the sites financed directly through this agreement. Again, this report is for the approximately 50 SAES sites, but the network results are equivalent for all sites. Over the year, 48 SAES sites operated, none were lost, including a new site operating at North Carolina Agricultural and Technology University (NCA&T). It became an active NTN site on Jan 30, 2015. NCA&T is a historically black university and is an 1890 Land-Grant Universities. This site operation is in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy.</p><br /> <p>One particularly noteworthy milestone for NADP was the collection of our 400,000<sup>th</sup> NTN sample at our Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument site (MT00) on March 28, 2015. This is quite a milestone for the NADP.</p><br /> <p>Our Puerto Rico site (PR01), in cooperation with the USDA-FS, has now become the first site in our network with 4 different networks operating (NTN since 1985, MDN, AMoN, MDN).</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Additional Operation Notes. </span></p><br /> <p>The NADP continues to convert our precipitation gages to an all-digital network, originating with a Technical Committee decision in 2006 (<a href="http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/newissues/newgages/newequip.aspx">nadp.isws.illinois.edu/newissues/newgages/newequip.aspx</a>). An added advantage to this change is that digital stations will have a very accurate, hourly record of precipitation. As of 10/1/2015, there are only 25 sites remaining with older gages, representing < 8% of the NTN without digital gages available or installed. Only two of these sites are SAES sites (Cornell/Aurora, UI/Shabbona). Another improvement is to digitize all of the individual field precipitation records (back to 1978) and make them available to researchers via the NADP website, for a more complete site and sample collection record. This is ongoing and should be completed during 2016.</p><br /> <p>During CY2015, 174 journal articles and reports were generated using the NADP data (counting not yet complete), and are listed in the publication section of this report. This is again evidence that NADP continues to produce data that are both valuable and useful.</p><br /> <p>In support of our education and outreach responsibilities, four new text books used NADP information during 2015: (1) Boucher, O., 2015. Atmospheric Aerosols: Properties and Climate Impacts. Springer, (2) Press, D., 2015. American Environmental Policy: The Failures of Compliance, Abatement and Mitigation. Edward Elgar Publishing, (3) Shaddick, G., & Zidek, J. V., 2015. Spatio-Temporal Methods in Environmental Epidemiology. CRC Press, and (4) Sullivan, T. J., 2015. Air Pollutant Deposition and Its Effects on Natural Resources in New York State. Cornell University Press.</p><br /> <p>Additionally, fourteen dissertations and theses used NADP data, and are noted in the publications listing. The authors include Anderson, Bluck, Coble, Ganzlin, Sungshik, Kronholm, Kuschner, Maas, Menger, Moragas, Mullen, Rose, Sabo and Wisniewski. There was also one senior honors thesis (White).</p><br /> <h2><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Continued Quality Assurance Audits</span>. NADP contract laboratories and the Program Office are each reviewed annually in rotation to identify problems, improve performance, and provide external checks to the program. These audits are a mix of external and NADP member scientists. The NTN laboratory was audited in 2011 and 2014; the mercury laboratory in 2012 and 2015; and the Program Office (management) in 2010 and 2013, and will be re-audited in 2016 (July). Results were reporting back to the Executive Committee at the respective Fall meetings.</h2><br /> <p><strong><br /> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Impacts</span></em></strong></p><br /> <p>As a National Research Support Project, the NADP’s most important impact is that our data are used in research, per our research support mission. For 2015, we identified 172 journal articles and reports (as yet not complete for the year) that used NADP data, maps, and procedures in their own research, for modeling applications, and for comparison to NADP results, etc. These articles are included in our online listing of NADP publications and attached to this report.</p><br /> <p>Here is a short summary of 10 articles (and theses/dissertations) published in 2015 that are of particular interest to the agricultural community.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Arnott, J. C., Osenga, E. C., Cundiff, J. L., & Katzenberger, J. W., 2015. Engaging Stakeholders on Forest Health: A Model for Integrating Climatic, Ecological, and Societal Indicators at the Watershed Scale. Journal of Forestry 113(5), 447-453.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><br /> The authors developed an ecologically-driven numerical model of forest health indices to be used for outreach and education of populations, and as a decision support tool. The model uses climatic, sociological and ecological data to make its estimate of forest health. NADP data is used (the model was developed in/for Colorado) as an air quality input along with CASTNET data to determine an air quality score, which can then be blended into predictions of different public goals.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol start="2"><br /> <li>Balasubramanian, S., Koloutsou‐Vakakis, S., McFarland, D. M., & Rood, M. J., 2015. Reconsidering Emissions of Ammonia from Chemical Fertilizer Usage in Midwest USA. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos. 120, 6232–6246, doi:10.1002/2015JD023219.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>In this paper, the authors develop a new ammonia (NH3) emissions model (Improved Spatial Surrogate (ISS)) which estimates spatial and temporal distribution of emissions based on chemical fertilizer input, crop location, nitrogen management, and a biogeochemical model. NADP wet deposition data for ammonia were used in the model inputs. Significant changes in emissions were noted versus commonly used emissions models over the Midwestern US.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol start="3"><br /> <li>Batte, M. T., & Forster, D. L. Old is New Again: The Economics of Agricultural Gypsum Use. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, 2015 Edition, http://www.asfmra.org/2015-journal-of-asfmra/#.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>The authors used surveys of area farmers to better understand the use of Gypsum on U.S. farms in the Midwest. The farmers reported significant benefits of gypsum addition related to soil fertility, water management and crop performance related to gypsum addition and its long-term use. A benefits to cost ratio was found to be high. NADP data was used over multiple years to show the reduction in sulfate deposition over wide areas of the country, and therefore the importance of sulfur contributions from gypsum.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol start="4"><br /> <li>David, M. B., Mitchell, C. A., Gentry, L. E., & Salemme, R. K. (2015). Chloride Sources and Losses in Two Tile-Drained Agricultural Watersheds. Journal of Environmental Quality. doi:10.2134/jeq2015.06.0302</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>The authors evaluated chlorine loading to local rivers (central IL) with respect to atmospheric deposition, road salt, or agricultural fertilizer sources. Their observations show an increase in chloride concentrations as potash use increased (60s & 70s), with an important lag in loading of 2-6 years with field tile drainage. Fertilizer contribution was the dominant source, with long-term records of NADP chloride deposition data used for the accounting of atmospheric deposition loading.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol start="5"><br /> <li>Haupt, G., Lauzon, D., & Hall, B. (2015). Sulfur fertilization: Improving alfalfa yield and quality. Crops and Soils 48(4), 26-30.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>The authors developed this outreach/education magazine article to address concerns of sulfur deficiencies in alfalfa. The widespread decrease in sulfate deposition across Canada and the United States is described (long-term NADP data). The authors note deficiency symptoms, and discuss a controlled sulfur addition experiment. Discussed are in the increases in alfalfa yield, stand quality, sulfur uptake rates, and suggestions for managing sulfur addition.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol start="6"><br /> <li>Kennedy, C. D., Buda, A. R., Kleinman, P. J., & DeMoranville, C. J. (2015). Chemical and Isotopic Tracers Illustrate Pathways of Nitrogen Loss in Cranberry Floodwaters. Journal of environmental quality 44(4), 1326-1332.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>The authors report phosphate loading during floods from natural and agricultural cranberry bogs in the Northeast. Important sources of phosphorus include hydrological, edaphic, and agricultural management factors (additions). Export loading variability is high (<0.8 to 4.7 kg P ha-1) with high values related to flooding conditions of rich organic soils. Agricultural management showed reduced phosphorus release. NADP chloride data from local sites was used to help separate irrigation water from atmospheric precipitation contributions.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol start="7"><br /> <li>Kleinman, P. J., Church, C., Saporito, L. S., McGrath, J. M., Reiter, M. S., Allen, A. L., ... & Joern, B. C. (2015). Phosphorus leaching from agricultural soils of the Delmarva Peninsula, USA. Journal of Environmental Quality 44(2), 524-534.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>The authors investigated the leaching of phosphorus from soils before and after poultry litter application in Eastern Delaware. With application, leachate P increased dramatically, with a majority of the leachate P thought to be from the application. The authors used two NADP sites and long-term chemistry to make synthetic precipitation that matched the analyte concentrations of local precipitation.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol start="8"><br /> <li>Landa, E. R., & Shanley, J. B. (2015). Ahead of His Time: Jacob Lipman's 1930 Estimate of Atmospheric Sulfur Deposition for the Conterminous United States. Soil Science 180(3), 87-89.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>The authors provide a historical perspective review of the early work of Jacob Lipman’s early estimate of sulfur deposition (~1930). The approach used by Lipman was replicated in early acid rain work during the 70s and 80s, and show that his estimates of sulfur deposition were very close to more recent backcasts of 1930s deposition and early estimates by NADP for the coterminous US.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol start="9"><br /> <li>Sardans, J., & Peñuelas, J. (2015). Potassium: a neglected nutrient in global change. Global ecology and biogeography 24(3), 261-275.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>The authors provide a review article on Potassium in the environment and in plant processes, and note the fundamental nature of K to plants, in their water use efficiency and the potential impact to global climate change. They point to examples from the scientific literature that suggest K can be as limiting to plant productivity as N, and that anthropogenic K deposition from the atmosphere can be much higher than natural sources. Specifically, K’s important role in water use by plants makes it very important under changing climate conditions. The NADP network is held up as a model for monitoring of K, where few other observations exist.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol start="10"><br /> <li>Steiner, J., Strickland, T., Kleinman, P., Havstad, K., Moorman, T., Moran, M., ... & McCarty, G. (2015, March). The Long Term Agroecosystem Research Network-Shared research strategy. In Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>The authors (ARS scientists) lay out a shared research strategy for the Long Term Agro-Ecosystem Research Network (LTAR). The goals and outcomes are presented. Deposition of pollutants is listed as one of their “foundation science measurements” within the LTAR, and note the role of NADP in these measurements and the LTAR sites that are part of the NADP.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Other Impacts</span></p><br /> <h2>In conjunction with the Ecological Response and Outreach Subcommittee (EROS), and the hiring of a part time Outreach Coordinator, the NADP began both a quarterly NADP newsletter (November 1, 2014 was the first issue), and has initiated an NADP presence on social media through Facebook and Twitter (Fall 2014). A significant part of the newsletters are descriptions of recent NADP map products. This is aimed at nonprofessionals and educators. The Twitter feed is designed to build an audience (again of nonprofessionals), but also educators and other interested parties to alert them to new products, updates from NADP, and new educational products as they become available. Both the newsletter and the Twitter feed will increase the information dissemination and the community of interest size beyond just researchers and scientists.</h2><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>The Technical Committee has requested that NADP publish its digital precipitation record (approximately 300 gages) as an independent precipitation database to be used as our other wet and dry deposition databases. This should be added during FY16 and provide additional data with no additional expenditures. This will allow researchers to access the precipitation data as a stand-alone product.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>NADP’s Total Deposition Subcommittee (TDEP) continued its collaboration with EPA’s Clean Air Markets Division, produced a new web-based data tool for mapping of total deposition (wet and dry deposition together) using NADP wet deposition measurements of nitrate, sulfate, and ammonium) combined with observations from the Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET), NADP’s AMoN, and the SouthEastern Aerosol Research and Characterization (SEARCH) gaseous measurements and dry deposition estimates. These maps consider other factors, such as emissions, monitoring networks, and environmental variables (nadp.isws.illinois.edu/committees/tdep/tdepmaps/). Results are also described in Schwede and Lear, Atmospheric Environment, 2014 (92): 207-220.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <h2><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Training</span>: During the next year, we intend to produce online “training classes” that operators can take on their own schedule. These classes will use video footage of the earlier training classes (discussed above), and utilize one-on-one questioning periods with the site liaisons to provide a chance for the operators to ask questions, and for the site liaisons to assure that the operators/students understand what is needed and expected at our NADP sites.</h2><br /> <h2> </h2>Publications
<p>Includes 174 publications that used NADP data or resulted from NRSP 3 activities in 2015 (articles published in 2014 Oct-Dec are not listed here). A publically available online listing of citations using NADP data is accessible at: <a href="http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/lib/bibliography.aspx">nadp.isws.illinois.edu/lib/bibliography.aspx</a>.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Adane, Z. A., & Gates, J. B., 2015. Determining the impacts of experimental forest plantation on groundwater recharge in the Nebraska Sand Hills (USA) using chloride and sulfate. Hydrogeology Journal, 23(1), 81-94.</li><br /> <li>Anderson, J., 2015. Geochemical Assessment and Separation of Source Waters in the Upper Boulder River Watershed Near Boulder, MT. Master’s Thesis, Montana Tech of the University of Montana.</li><br /> <li>Anderson, L., Berkelhammer, M., & Mast, M. A., 2015. Isotopes in North American Rocky Mountain Snowpack 1993–2014. Quaternary Science Reviews. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.03.023</li><br /> <li>Area, W. M., 2015. Reinitiation of Consultation for the Colowyo Coal Company, LP “Colowyo” Mine, Permit C-81-019–South Taylor/Lower.</li><br /> <li>Argyilan, E. P., Avis, P. G., Krekeler, M. P., & Morris, C. C., 2015. The origin of collapse features appearing in a migrating parabolic dune along the southern coast of Lake Michigan. Aeolian Research, 19, 137-149.</li><br /> <li>Ariya, P. A., Amyot, M., Dastoor, A., Deeds, D., Feinberg, A., Kos, G., ... & Toyota, K., 2015. Mercury Physicochemical and Biogeochemical Transformation in the Atmosphere and at Atmospheric Interfaces: A Review and Future Directions. Chemical reviews 115, 3760−3802.</li><br /> <li>Arnott, J. C., Osenga, E. C., Cundiff, J. L., & Katzenberger, J. W., 2015. Engaging Stakeholders on Forest Health: A Model for Integrating Climatic, Ecological, and Societal Indicators at the Watershed Scale. Journal of Forestry, 113(5), 447-453.</li><br /> <li>Asao, S., Sun, Z., & Gao, W. (2015, September). Effects of bias in solar radiation inputs on ecosystem model performance. In SPIE Optical Engineering+ Applications (pp. 96100C-96100C). International Society for Optics and Photonics. Remote Sensing and Modeling of Ecosystems for Sustainability XII, edited by Wei Gao, Ni-Bin Chang, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 9610, 96100C</li><br /> <li>Axler, R. P., Tikkanen, C. A., & Rose, C., 2015. An assessment of phytoplankton nutrient deficiency in Northern Minnesota acid-sensitive lakes. Technical Report NRRI/TR-91/18, Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Division of Air Quality Attn: Rick Strassman St. Paul, MN 55155</li><br /> <li>Balasubramanian, S., Koloutsou‐Vakakis, S., McFarland, D. M., & Rood, M. J., 2015. Reconsidering Emissions of Ammonia from Chemical Fertilizer Usage in Midwest USA. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, 6232–6246, DOI:10.1002/2015JD023219.</li><br /> <li>Bardsley, A. I., Hammond, D. E., von Bitner, T., Buenning, N. H., & Townsend-Small, A., 2015. Shallow Groundwater Conveyance of Geologically Derived Contaminants to Urban Creeks in Southern California. Environmental science & technology, 49(16), 9610-9619.</li><br /> <li>BassiriRad, H., Lussenhop, J. F., Sehtiya, H. L., & Borden, K. K., 2015. Nitrogen deposition potentially contributes to oak regeneration failure in the Midwestern temperate forests of the USA. Oecologia, 177(1), 53-63.</li><br /> <li>Batte, M. T., & Forster, D. L. Old is New Again: The Economics of Agricultural Gypsum Use. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, 2015 Edition, http://www.asfmra.org/2015-journal-of-asfmra/#.</li><br /> <li>Beal, S., Osterberg, E. C., Zdanowicz, C., & Fisher, D., 2015. An ice core perspective on mercury pollution during the past 600 years. Environmental science & technology 49, 7641−7647, DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.5b01033.</li><br /> <li>Bettez, N. D., Duncan, J. M., Groffman, P. M., Band, L. E., O’Neil-Dunne, J., Kaushal, S. S., ... & Law, N., 2015. Climate Variation Overwhelms Efforts to Reduce Nitrogen Delivery to Coastal Waters. Ecosystems, 1-13. DOI: 10.1007/s10021-015-9902-9.</li><br /> <li>Bhaskar, A. S., & Welty, C., 2015. Analysis of subsurface storage and streamflow generation in urban watersheds. Water Resources Research, 51(3), 1493-1513.</li><br /> <li>Blackwell, B. D., & Driscoll, C. T., 2015. Using foliar and forest floor mercury concentrations to assess spatial patterns of mercury deposition. Environmental Pollution, 202, 126-134.</li><br /> <li>Blackwell, B. D., & Driscoll, C. T., 2015. Deposition of mercury in forests along a montane elevation gradient. Environmental science & technology,49(9), 5363-5370.</li><br /> <li>Bluck, G. M., 2015. Soybean Yield Response in High and Low Input Production Systems. Master’s Thesis, The Ohio State University).</li><br /> <li>Bluck, G. M., Lindsey, L. E., Dorrance, A. E., & Metzger, J. D., 2015. 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Trace metal distribution and mobility in drill cuttings and produced waters from Marcellus Shale gas extraction: Uranium, arsenic, barium. Applied Geochemistry 60: 89–103.</li><br /> <li>Potvin, L. R., Kane, E. S., Chimner, R. A., Kolka, R. K., & Lilleskov, E. A., 2015. Effects of water table position and plant functional group on plant community, aboveground production, and peat properties in a peatland mesocosm experiment (PEATcosm). Plant and Soil, 387(1-2), 277-294.</li><br /> <li>Prasad, R., Hochmuth, G. J., & Boote, K. J., 2015. Estimation of nitrogen pools in irrigated potato production on sandy soil using the model SUBSTOR. PloS one, 10(1), e0117891.</li><br /> <li>Press, D., 2015. American Environmental Policy: The Failures of Compliance, Abatement and Mitigation. Edward Elgar Publishing.</li><br /> <li>Puchalski, M. A., Rogers, C. M., Baumgardner, R., Mishoe, K. P., Price, G., Smith, M. J., Watkins, N., & Lehmann, C. M., 2015. A statistical comparison of active and passive ammonia measurements collected at Clean Air Status and Trends Network (CASTNET) sites. Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts 17: 358 (AMON)</li><br /> <li>Qiao, X., Tang, Y., Hu, J., Zhang, S., Li, J., Kota, S. H., ... & Ying, Q., 2015. Modeling dry and wet deposition of sulfate, nitrate, and ammonium ions in Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, China using a source-oriented CMAQ model: Part I. Base case model results. Science of The Total Environment 532, 831-839.</li><br /> <li>Qiao, X., Xiao, W., Jaffe, D., Kota, S. H., Ying, Q., & Tang, Y., 2015. Atmospheric wet deposition of sulfur and nitrogen in Jiuzhaigou National Nature Reserve, Sichuan Province, China. Science of The Total Environment 511: 28-36 (NTN Methods).</li><br /> <li>Ran, L., Gilliam, R., Binkowski, F. S., Xiu, A., Pleim, J., & Band, L., 2015. Sensitivity of the Weather Research and Forecast/Community Multiscale Air Quality modeling system to MODIS LAI, FPAR, and albedo. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 120(16), 8491-8511.</li><br /> <li>Rao, L. E., Matchett, J. R., Brooks, M. L., Johnson, R. F., Minnich, R. A., & Allen, E. B., 2015. Relationships between annual plant productivity, nitrogen deposition and fire size in low-elevation California desert scrub. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 24(1), 48-58.</li><br /> <li>Rhodes, A. L., & Horton, N. J., 2015. Establishing baseline water quality for household wells within the Marcellus Shale gas region, Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, USA. Applied Geochemistry 60, 2015 14–28.</li><br /> <li>Richardson, J. B., & Friedland, A. J., 2015. Mercury in coniferous and deciduous upland forests in Northern New England, USA: implications from climate change. Biogeosciences Discuss., 12, 11463–11498, DOI:10.5194/bgd-12-11463-2015</li><br /> <li>Robertson, W. M., & Sharp, J. M., 2015. Estimates of net infiltration in arid basins and potential impacts on recharge and solute flux due to land use and vegetation change. Journal of Hydrology 522: 211-227 (NTN).</li><br /> <li>Rose, L. A., Elliott, E. M., & Adams, M. B., 2015. Triple Nitrate Isotopes Indicate Differing Nitrate Source Contributions to Streams Across a Nitrogen Saturation Gradient. Ecosystems, 18(7), 1209-1223.</li><br /> <li>Rose, L. A., Sebestyen, S. D., Elliott, E. M., & Koba, K., 2015. Drivers of atmospheric nitrate processing and export in forested catchments. Water Resources Research, 51(2), 1333-1352.</li><br /> <li>Saleh, Dina and Joseph Domagalski, 2015. SPARROW Modeling of Nitrogen Sources and Transport in Rivers and Streams of California and Adjacent States, U.S. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 1-21. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12325.</li><br /> <li>Sardans, J., & Peñuelas, J., 2015. Potassium: a neglected nutrient in global change. Global ecology and biogeography, 24(3), 261-275.</li><br /> <li>Schuster, M. J., 2015. Increased rainfall variability and N addition accelerate litter decomposition in a restored prairie. Oecologia, 1-11. DOI 10.1007/s00442-015-3396-1</li><br /> <li>Sickles, I. I., & Shadwick, D. S., 2015. Air quality and atmospheric deposition in the eastern US: 20 years of change. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15(1): 173-197. (NTN)</li><br /> <li>Simmonds, M. B., Li, C., Lee, J., Six, J., Kessel, C., & Linquist, B. A., 2015. Modeling methane and nitrous oxide emissions from direct‐seeded rice systems. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 120(10), 2011-2035.</li><br /> <li>Sinha, P., & Wade, A., 2015. Assessment of Leaching Tests for Evaluating Potential Environmental Impacts of PV Module Field Breakage. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, Vol 5, No. 6: 1710-1714.</li><br /> <li>Sippl, K., 2015. Private and civil society governors of mercury pollution from artisanal and small-scale gold mining: A network analytic approach. The Extractive Industries and Society, 2(2), 198-208.</li><br /> <li>Shaddick, G., & Zidek, J. V., 2015. Spatio-Temporal Methods in Environmental Epidemiology. CRC Press.</li><br /> <li>Slemmons, K. E., Saros, J. E., Stone, J. R., McGowan, S., Hess, C. T., & Cahl, D., 2015. Effects of glacier meltwater on the algal sedimentary record of an alpine lake in the central US Rocky Mountains throughout the late Holocene. Journal of Paleolimnology, 53(4), 385-399.</li><br /> <li>Smith, D. R., King, K. W., & Williams, M. R., 2015. What is causing the harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie?. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 70(2), 27A-29A.</li><br /> <li>Smith, K.P., and Waldron, M.C., 2015, Water quality in the Cambridge, Massachusetts, drinking-water source area, 2005–8: U.S. Geological Survey Fact Sheet 2015–3030, 6 p., <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/fs20153030/">http://dx.doi.org/10.3133/fs20153030/</a>.</li><br /> <li>Song, S., Selin, N. E., Soerensen, A. L., Angot, H., Artz, R., Brooks, S., ... & Zhang, Q., 2015. Top-down constraints on atmospheric mercury emissions and implications for global biogeochemical cycling. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15, 7103–7125, DOI:10.5194/acp-15-7103-2015.</li><br /> <li>Spaulding, S. A., Otu, M. K., Wolfe, A. P., & Baron, J. S., 2015. Paleolimnological records of nitrogen deposition in shallow, high-elevation lakes of Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, USA. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research, 47(4), 703-717.</li><br /> <li>Steinke, K., Rutan, J., & Thurgood, L., 2015. Corn Response to Nitrogen at Multiple Sulfur Rates. Agronomy Journal.</li><br /> <li>Steiner, J., Strickland, T., Kleinman, P., Havstad, K., Moorman, T., Moran, M., ... & McCarty, G., 2015. The Long Term Agroecosystem Research Network-Shared research strategy. In Interagency Conference on Research in the Watersheds.</li><br /> <li>Stephan, K., Kavanagh, K. L., & Koyama, A., 2015. Comparing the Influence of Wildfire and Prescribed Burns on Watershed Nitrogen Biogeochemistry Using 15 N Natural Abundance in Terrestrial and Aquatic Ecosystem Components. PLoS ONE 10(4): e0119560. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0119560</li><br /> <li>Strickland, T. C., Scully, B. T., Hubbard, R. K., Sullivan, D. G., Abdo, Z., Savabi, M. R., ... & Hawkins, G. L., 2015. Effect of conservation practices on soil carbon and nitrogen accretion and crop yield in a corn production system in the southeastern coastal plain, United States. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 70(3), 170-181.</li><br /> <li>Sullivan, T. J., 2015. Air Pollutant Deposition and Its Effects on Natural Resources in New York State. Cornell University Press.</li><br /> <li>Sutherland, J. W., Acker, F. W., Bloomfield, J. A., Boylen, C. W., Charles, D. F., Daniels, R. A., ... & Nierzwicki-Bauer, S. A., 2015. Brooktrout Lake Case Study: Biotic Recovery from Acid Deposition 20 Years after the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Environmental science & technology, 49(5), 2665-2674.</li><br /> <li>Templer, P. H., Weathers, K. C., Lindsey, A., Lenoir, K., & Scott, L., 2015. Atmospheric inputs and nitrogen saturation status in and adjacent to Class I wilderness areas of the northeastern US. Oecologia 177(1): 5-15. (NTN)</li><br /> <li>Tinkham, W. T., Denner, R., & Graham, R. T., 2015. Climate, snowpack, and streamflow of Priest River Experimental Forest, revisited. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-331. Fort Collins, CO: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.</li><br /> <li>Todd, R. W., Cole, N. A., Hagevoort, G. R., Casey, K. D., & Auvermann, B. W., 2015. Ammonia losses and nitrogen partitioning at a southern High Plains open lot dairy. Atmospheric Environment, 110, 75-83.</li><br /> <li>Thompson, T. M., Rodriguez, M. A., Barna, M. G., Gebhart, K. A., Hand, J. L., Day, D. E., ... & Schichtel, B. A., 2015. Rocky Mountain National Park reduced nitrogen source apportionment. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, 4370–4384, DOI:10.1002/2014JD022675.</li><br /> <li>Turner, J., 2015. TMDL Report: Lake Tallavana, WBID 540A, Ochlockonee - St. Marks Basin, Nutrients. Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Div. of Env. Assessment and Restoration, Ochlockonee, FL.</li><br /> <li>Van Damme, M., Clarisse, L., Dammers, E., Liu, X., Nowak, J. B., Clerbaux, C., ... & Coheur, P. F., 2015. Towards validation of ammonia (NH 3) measurements from the IASI satellite. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 8(3), 1575-1591.</li><br /> <li>Van Gestel, N. C., Dhungana, N., & Zak, J. C., 2015. Seasonal microbial and nutrient responses during a 5-year reduction in the daily temperature range of soil in a Chihuahuan Desert ecosystem. Oecologia, 1-13. DOI 10.1007/s00442-015-3452-x</li><br /> <li>Verma, S., Bhattarai, R., Bosch, N. S., Cooke, R. C., Kalita, P. K., & Markus, M., 2015. Climate Change Impacts on Flow, Sediment and Nutrient Export in a Great Lakes Watershed Using SWAT. Clean – Soil, Air, Water 2015, 43 (9999), 1–11</li><br /> <li>Wang, Y., Y. Xie, L. Chai, W. Dong, Q. Zhang, and L. Zhang, 2014: Impact of the 2011 southern US drought on ground-level fine aerosol concentration in summertime. J. Atmos. Sci. DOI:10.1175/JAS-D-14-0197.1, in press (NTN).</li><br /> <li>Wasiuta, V., Lafrenière, M. J., & Norman, A. L., 2015. Atmospheric deposition of sulfur and inorganic nitrogen in the Southern Canadian Rocky Mountains from seasonal snowpacks and bulk summer precipitation. Journal of Hydrology 523, 563-573.</li><br /> <li>White, C., 2015. Effect of Increased Atmospheric Nitrogen Deposition and Elevated CO2 on Traits Responsible for Carnivory in the Sundews Drosera rotundifolia and Drosera intermedia. Senior Honors Thesis, University of Michigan.</li><br /> <li>White, A. B., Neiman, P. J., Creamean, J. M., Coleman, T., Ralph, F. M., & Prather, K. A., 2015. The Impacts of California's San Francisco Bay Area Gap on Precipitation Observed in the Sierra Nevada during HMT and CalWater. Journal of Hydrometeorology 16: 1048-1069. DOI: 10.1175/JHM-D-14-0160.1</li><br /> <li>Wilkison, D. H., & Armstrong, D. J., 2015. Water‐Quality Assessment of the Lower Grand River Basin, Missouri and Iowa, USA, in Support of Integrated Conservation Practices. River Research and Applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.2887</li><br /> <li>Wine, M. L., Hendrickx, J. M., Cadol, D., Zou, C. B., & Ochsner, T. E., 2015. Deep drainage sensitivity to climate, edaphic factors, and woody encroachment, Oklahoma, USA. Hydrological Processes. 29, 3779–3789. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.10470</li><br /> <li>Wisniewski, E. A., 2015. The Mercury and Autism Debate: What Has Shaped the Public's Perception? Doctoral Dissertation, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, August 2015</li><br /> <li>Wolf, E. C., & Cooper, D. J., 2015. Fens of the Sierra Nevada, California, USA: patterns of distribution and vegetation. Mires and Peat, Volume 15 (2014/15), Article 08, 1–22. http://www.mires-and-peat.net/, ISSN 1819-754X.</li><br /> <li>Wright, L. P., & Zhang, L., 2015. An approach estimating bidirectional air‐surface exchange for gaseous elemental mercury at AMNet sites. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems. 10.1002/2014MS000367. (AMNet)</li><br /> <li>Xie, Y., & Zhang, J., 2015. Chloride-induced stress corrosion cracking of used nuclear fuel welded stainless steel canisters: A review. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 466, 85-93.</li><br /> <li>Yahya, K., Wang, K., Zhang, Y., & Kleindienst, T. E., 2015. Application of WRF/Chem version 3.4. 1 over North America under the AQMEII Phase 2: evaluation of 2010 application and responses of air quality and meteorology–chemistry interactions to changes in emissions and meteorology from 2006 to 2010. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 8(2): 1639-1686. (NTN)</li><br /> <li>Zhang, F., Chen, J. M., Pan, Y., Birdsey, R. A., Shen, S., Ju, W., & Dugan, A. J., 2015. Impacts of inadequate historical disturbance data in the early twentieth century on modeling recent carbon dynamics (1951–2010) in conterminous US forests. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 120(3), 549-569.</li><br /> <li>Zhou, Q., Driscoll, C. T., Moore, S. E., Kulp, M. A., Renfro, J. R., Schwartz, J. S., ... & Lynch, J. A., 2015. Developing Critical Loads of Nitrate and Sulfate Deposition to Watersheds of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 226(8), 1-16.</li><br /> <li>Zhou, Q., Driscoll, C. T., & Sullivan, T. J., 2015. Responses of 20 lake-watersheds in the Adirondack region of New York to historical and potential future acidic deposition. Science of The Total Environment 511: 186-194 (NTN)</li><br /> <li>Zou, C., 2015. Soil management and nitrogen dynamics in burley tobacco rotations. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Kentucky.</li><br /> <li>Zhu, W., Sommar, J., Lin, C. J., & Feng, X., 2015. Mercury vapor air–surface exchange measured by collocated micrometeorological and enclosure methods–Part I: Data comparability and method characteristics. Atmos. Chem. Phys, 15, 685-702.</li><br /> <li>Zhu, W., Sommar, J., Lin, C. J., & Feng, X., 2015. Mercury vapor air–surface exchange measured by collocated micrometeorological and enclosure methods–Part II: Bias and uncertainty analysis. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 15(10), 5359-5376.</li><br /> </ol>Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 09/17/2016
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016
Brief Summary of Minutes
NRSP3 meets twice a year, so the 2016 annual report will be submitted with the fall meeting.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 12/28/2016
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016
An attendees listing for our Fall Meeting and Science Symposium (FY16), as with all meetings, is available at our meeting summary page.Brief Summary of Minutes
The NADP is comprised of a technical committee (all participants), an executive committee, several scientific committees, and a series of subcommittees focusing on specific areas of the ongoing project, including operations, quality assurance, ecological response and outreach, and data management. All approved meeting minutes from our FY2015 Spring and FY2016 Fall Meetings (and all other meetings) are available on our website (nadp.isws.illinois.edu/committees/minutes.aspx). Posting of committee minutes is controlled by each committee, with some subcommittee minutes delayed for approval.
<p>The National Research Support Project – No. 3 (NRSP3) provides a framework for cooperation among State Agricultural Experiment Stations (SAES), the U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture, and other cooperating governmental and non-governmental organizations that support the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP). The NADP provides quality-assured data and information on the exposure of managed and natural ecosystems and cultural resources to acidic compounds, nutrients, base cations, and mercury in precipitation and through dry deposition of several of these compounds. NADP data support informed decisions on air quality and ecosystem issues related to precipitation chemistry.</p><br /> <p>Specifically, researchers use NADP data to investigate the impacts of atmospheric deposition on the productivity of managed and natural ecosystems; the chemistry of estuarine, surface, and ground waters; and the biodiversity in forests, shrubs, grasslands, deserts, and alpine vegetation. These research activities address “environmental stewardship,” one of the Agricultural Experiment Station’s research challenges (Science Road Map #6). Researchers also use NADP Mercury Deposition Network data to examine the role of atmospheric deposition in affecting the mercury content of fish, and to better understand the link between environmental and dietary mercury and human health. This fits with another research priority of “relationship of food to human health.”</p><br /> <p>The NADP operates three precipitation chemistry networks: the National Trends Network (NTN), the Atmospheric Integrated Research Monitoring Network (AIRMoN), and the Mercury Deposition Network (MDN). This report is specifically for the 48 NTN sites operated at the miscellaneous State Agricultural Experimental Stations (SAES), and in part supported by this agreement. This report focuses on the accomplishments and impacts from this network.</p><br /> <p>The NTN provides the only long-term nationwide record of basic ion wet deposition in the United States. Sample analysis includes free acidity (H+ as pH), specific conductance, and concentration and deposition measurements for calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfate, nitrate, chloride, bromide, and ammonium. We also measure orthophosphate ions (PO43-, the inorganic form), but only for quality assurance as an indicator of sample contamination. At the end of September 2016, 266 NTN stations were collecting one-week precipitation samples in 48 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Canada, and in Argentina. Additionally, there are multiple quality assurance and testing sites. Complementing the NTN is the 6-site AIRMoN which are essentially NTN sites operated on a daily basis (i.e., single precipitation events). Samples are collected to support continued research of atmospheric transport and removal of air pollutants and development of computer simulations of these processes.</p><br /> <p>The 110-site MDN offers the only long-term and routine measurements of mercury in North American precipitation. Measurements of total mercury concentration and deposition (and optional methyl-mercury) are used to quantify mercury deposition to water bodies, some of which have fish and wildlife mercury consumption advisories. Since 2008, every state and 10 Canadian provinces listed advisories warning people to limit fish consumption due to high mercury levels. Coastal advisories are also in place for Atlantic waters from Maine to Rhode Island, from North Carolina to Florida, for the entire U.S. Gulf Coast, and for coastal Hawaii and Alaska.</p><br /> <p>The NADP operates two newer gaseous atmospheric chemistry networks: the Atmospheric Mercury Network (AMNet) and the Ammonia Monitoring Network (AMoN). In each case, the network goal is to provide atmospheric concentrations of these particular gases, and then to estimate the rate of dry deposition (without precipitation) of the gas. In many cases, dry deposition of the gas could far exceed the wet deposition of the same compound.</p><br /> <p>At the end of September 2016, 24 AMNet sites were collecting five-minute estimates of gaseous elemental mercury and two-hourly average concentrations of gaseous oxidized mercury and particulate bound mercury. The AMNet provides the only long-term region-wide record of basic atmospheric mercury concentrations in the United States. The AMoN has 103 operating sites (September 2016), where two-week averages of atmospheric ammonia gas are being collected with passive devices. This low-cost network is designed to provide long-running estimates of ammonia in the atmosphere. These data are particularly important to agriculture, since many sources of ammonia are agricultural (Roadmap Challenge #6). Data from both gaseous networks support continued research of atmospheric transport and removal of air pollutants and development of computer simulations of these processes.</p><br /> <p>Within this national research support project (NRSP), there are three stated goals: 1) management and coordination of the five NADP monitoring networks; 2) site support, chemical analysis, and data validation for network sites directly supported by this agreement; and 3) quality assurance and quality control activities to ensure consistent operation and standard operational procedures. During this annual period, all three of our goals were met. <br /> <br />The major accomplishment of the NADP is the operation of the five monitoring networks. Operation, maintenance, management, quality assurance, and data distribution from these networks is the major outcome of this grant and project. Network specifics are listed below.<br /> <br />The principal output or deliverable from the NADP’s five networks is the database of precipitation chemistry and deposition rates, along with atmospheric gaseous concentrations intended for the development of dry deposition fluxes (AMoN, AMNet). The wet deposition database is now populated by over 450,000 observations.<br /> </p><br /> <p>Short-term Outcomes and Outputs.</p><br /> <p>Samples Collected. NADP’s principal objective and accomplishment/outcome is the collection, analysis and quality assurance of samples for precipitation and atmospheric chemistry. Briefly, there were 13,679 precipitation samples collected and analyzed by the NTN (including QA samples), for all network sites. The analyses included observations of 10 different analyte concentrations and precipitation volume, which allow for calculation of deposition flux for each analyte. In the other networks not included in the SAES subset of sites were 877 precipitation samples from the AIRMoN, 2,577 gaseous ammonia samples collected by the AMoN, 6,100 total mercury samples collected by the MDN, and approximately 1,100,0000 hourly mercury fraction concentrations. QA samples are run at the individual sites and not part of these sample counts. This results in approximately 60,000 hourly/2-hourly concentrations released for AMNet. All data are available on the NADP website, and were summarized in annual maps and figures.</p><br /> <p>Major Activity: Our principal output is the collection and analysis of precipitation chemistry and atmospheric chemistry samples. For all of these networks, over 20,053 samples were collected of the four network types, along with approximately 62,000 hourly/2-hourly gaseous observations from the AMNet and AMoN. Specifics are included in the products section of this report.<br /> <br />NADP Database. Our second most important accomplishment/outcome is making data available to all for the support of continued research. Scientists, policymakers, educators, students, and others are encouraged to access data at no charge from the NADP website (nadp.isws.illinois.edu). This website offers online retrieval of individual data points, seasonal and annual averages, trend plots, concentration and deposition maps, reports, manuals, and other data and information about the program. The NTN database is now populated by over 450,000 observations of precipitation chemistry. As of today, 2015 calendar year data are complete and online, and the 2016 data through August 2016 is online with final QA to be completed in 2017.<br /> <br />Internet disbursement of precipitation chemistry and atmospheric data is the primary route of dissemination for the NADP project. Website usage statistics provide evidence that our data are being used. During this reporting period, we have recorded 32,791 registered users who accessed our website information and viewed our website 1,275,841 different times/pages (“hits”). Data from the NADP’s five monitoring networks was downloaded 26,922 times during the 12 months, and the annual maps/figures (our principal result) 24,167 times, which is about our typical number. <br /> <br /> We continually collect basic information about our users, and this year was again very typical; about 40% were from federal and state agencies, 36% from universities, 16% from K-to-12 schools, and 8% from other individuals or organizations. These statistics demonstrate that NADP continues to be relevant to both the scientific and educational communities. NADP data are used by policy makers to make informed decisions on agriculturally important topics, including the impact of atmospheric pollutant on the North American food supply. Data are also used in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) curricula on the elementary, secondary, and post-secondary level. All NADP data are available free of charge (nadp.isws.illinois.edu).</p><br /> <p>Map Summary. The 2015 annual map series of atmospheric concentrations, wet deposition fluxes, and report was developed during Summer 2016 and finalized and printed in September/October 2016. For each summary and calendar year, the NADP produces a series of 23 national maps of wet deposition concentration and flux maps for all of our analytes, and summary figures for each of the gaseous networks. These maps are used widely and are one of the major network products. Individual maps are filed by network, year, and constituent, and can be downloaded in several formats (nadp.isws.illinois.edu/data/annualmaps.aspx). Individual maps are compiled into annual Map Summary reports, and the summaries are available for download (nadp.isws.illinois.edu/lib/dataReports.aspx). We printed 3,000 copies of the 2014 Annual Summary, and almost all have been distributed. We printed 2000 2015 Map Summaries and about 80% have been distributed, and the remaining will be distributed over the next 12 months.</p><br /> <p>Fall Scientific Meeting (FY2015 & 16). At the end of each federal year, a combined business and scientific meeting is held to showcase some of the latest deposition research that occurred during the year. Additionally, during each spring, a 3 day business meeting is also held. <br /> <br />FY16 Fall Scientific Meeting: In October 2015, the NADP combined its fall scientific symposium with the every-5 year global 9th International Conference on Acid Deposition (“Acid Rain 2015”). This meeting was held in Rochester NY, and was planned and supported by the NADP (http://acidrain2015.org/). There were 350 global scientists (~30 countries) and policy professionals in attendance, with 7 keynote addresses, 106 oral presentations and 200 posters over 5 days. Keynote videos and presentation files are available for review at the meeting website (http://acidrain2015.org/). This meeting was very successful and valuable to the global scientists in attendance.</p><br /> <p>FY16 Spring Business Meeting: The Spring 2015 meeting (Technical Committee, subcommittees, Executive Committee) was held in Madison, WI on April 26-28, 2016. All final committee meeting minutes are available here (nadp.isws.illinois.edu/committees/minutes.aspx). This meeting is always focused on network operation and results, updates on outreach efforts, and future directions of the NADP.<br /> <br />FY17 Fall Scientific Meeting: This meeting was held in Santa Fe, New Mexico between October 31 - November 4, 2016 (after this reporting period, and will be discussed fully in next year’s report. Information about this meeting is being assembled now and will be located here (http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/conf/2016/). Attendance was above average (140).</p><br /> <p>These basic activities fulfilled the project objectives: (1) coordination of these networks; (2) quality assurance to ensure consistency; and (3) analytical, site support, and data validation services for the sites financed directly through this agreement. Again, this report is for the 48 SAES sites, but the network results are equivalent for all sites. Over the year, 48 SAES sites operated, including a relatively new SAES site operating at North Carolina Agricultural and Technology University (NCA&T). It became an active NTN site on Jan 30, 2015. NCA&T is a historically black university and is an 1890 Land-Grant Universities. This site operation is in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Energy. However, during the year, we lost the SAES supported site at Shabbona Illinois (IL18) due to the SAES being permanently closed for cost saving actions by the University of Illinois.</p><br /> <p>Additional notable outcomes during the project period are as follows:</p><br /> <p>During the last 12 months, the EROS subcommittee undertook a rewrite of our traditional “Nitrogen in the Nation’s Rain”, which is a general sciences brochure aimed at laymen and 6-12th grade science students. The new version of the brochure, now called “Nitrogen in the Atmosphere” was completed in Aug. 2016, with hard copies now available and for download (http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/lib/brochures/nitrogenAtmos.pdf). At this spring’s NADP meeting, EROS will develop a plan for distribution, with an emphasis on distribution to science teachers.<br /> <br />EROS has also planned a series of science videos, aimed at more general audiences, which will cover topics that NADP works in, such as acid precipitation, ammonia in the atmosphere, nitrogen cycling in ecosystems, etc. The first videos are in production now, and should be available shortly through the NADP website.<br /> <br />The Critical Loads Atmospheric Deposition subcommittee published a 2015 map summary of their U.S. critical loads map series (Oct. 15), a first for NADP. The map series focuses on nitrogen and sulfur critical loads. The CLAD Map Summary is available from the NADP Program Office, or downloaded from the NADP website (http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/committees/clad/db/NCLDMapSummary_2015.pdf). The CLAD subcommittee was also approved as a science committee for another 5 years.</p><br /> <p>Litterfall Mercury Pilot Network: working with USGS scientists, the NADP is operating a pilot litterfall network (26 sites in Fall 2016) to determine the deposition of mercury with forest litterfall. This is its 5th year of operation. In autumn, when leaf fall occurs, mercury on the outsides and insides of the leaves is deposited to the ground. Measurements show this deposition is a large and significant addition of mercury to the ecosystem surface. The network is designed to determine the feasibility and easy of network measurement, for the potential adoption by the NADP as a full network.<br /> <br />Methyl mercury wet deposition data from the period of 2002 through 2013 was released in Fall 2015, and current data is now available following normal schedules (nadp.isws.illinois.edu/mdn/methyl/). This marks the release of new data from the MDN. Methyl mercury is the organic form of mercury deposition, an added observation of mercury deposition from the MDN.<br /> <br />Equipment Upgrade: Originating with a Technical Committee decision in 2006, the NADP has converted the overwhelming majority of its older-style mechanical precipitation gages to digital-style precipitation gages. There are only 23 remaining sites, representing < 8% of the network. A plan was developed between December 2015 and March 2016 to purchase and install the remaining digital gages. The purchase is underway, and the installation should be completed by Summer, 2017.</p><br /> <p>During CY2016, 247 journal articles and reports were generated using the NADP data, and are listed in the publication section of this report. This is again evidence that NADP continues to produce data that are both valuable and useful.</p><br /> <p>In support of our education and outreach responsibilities, one new text used NADP information during 2016: (1) Visconti, G., 2016. Fundamentals of Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere. Chapter 20, Springer. Additionally, eleven dissertations (6) and theses (5) used NADP data, and are noted in the publications listing. There was also one senior honors thesis.</p><br /> <p>The NADP continues its formal effort to estimate dry deposition, partnering with Environment Canada, towards an estimation of total deposition (wet plus dry) of mercury. Formal acceptance of this method is expected to occur at this Fall’s Executive Session (Oct., 2016). This will constitute a new and major data product, if approved.<br /> <br />Continued Quality Assurance Audits. NADP contract laboratories and the Program Office are each reviewed annually in rotation to identify problems, improve performance, and provide external checks to the program. These audit team members are a mix of external and NADP member scientists. The CAL was audited in 2011 and 2014; the HAL in 2012 and 2015; and the Program Office in 2010, 2013, and 2016. The audit report has been delivered, will be discussed at the 2016 Fall meeting, and a written response is pending from the Program Office. <br /> <br />Another improvement to the database and quality assurance is to digitize all of the individual paper field records (back to 1978, most importantly precipitation data) and make them available to researchers. This was completed this year, with ongoing digitization of new paper field records.</p><br /> <p>Collaboration with USGS on isotopes of Mercury. Briefly, by measuring isotopes of mercury, scientists think that they can determine the ultimate source type of the mercury (atmospheric deposition, coal combustion, etc.). Therefore, in support of this science, we are working with several USGS scientists to send out samples to about 20 NADP MDN sites to measure atmospheric isotopes of mercury at MDN and AMNet sites for one year. Sampling started about 2 months ago. Results will be forthcoming.<br /> <br />Collaboration with Asians Countries on monitoring for mercury: including USEPA and EPA-Taiwan, and miscellaneous other countries. NADP is helping multiple countries develop a mercury wet deposition and potentially an atmospheric concentration network across Asia. NADP is providing “know how” for network development and continuous monitoring in support of the basic mercury science and the Minamata Convention on Mercury. Countries involved include environmental ministries of Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Canada (supporting countries), and Vietnam, Australia, Mongolia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, India, Thailand, Philippines, and Myanmar (monitoring countries). For more information, see the APMMN website (http://rsm2.atm.ncu.edu.tw/apmmn/).<br /> <br />US EPA with dry deposition estimates for N and S: One of the NADP science committees (Total Deposition Science Subcommittee, TDEP) is working with several EPA scientists to estimate dry deposition, and with NADP deposition to provide basic maps of total N and S deposition. The collaboration is a large mapping and modeling effort, resulting in a next-generation map series for total deposition. The modeling/mapping particulars can be found at the NADP website, and are downloadable for the research community (http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/committees/tdep/tdepmaps/).<br /> <br />PRISM/USDA-NRCS precipitation data: The NADP uses precipitation data to determine the flux of compounds in precipitation (i.e. wet deposition). Including this year (FY16), the NADP uses its own measurements along with the PRISM precipitation database to make its national scale maps. PRISM (Parameter-elevation Relationships on Independent Slopes Model) is a modeling effort for improved precipitation prediction based on observational data, supported by the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service. See http://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/climate/ for more information.</p>Publications
Impact Statements
- Future Work/Directions: Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE): Currently in discussions with the CSTE and affiliated organizations (including NOAA, EPA, CDC, etc.) on the monitoring effort for a national allergen tracking network for monitoring of aeroallergens (causing allergic rhinitis {hay fever} and asthma). The CSTE is concerned about the lack of routine and consistent measurement, and began discussing with NADP the possibility of this type of network and using NADP’s considerable experience in this area. Discussions are ongoing, and the full participation of NADP is still unclear. But a collaborative network (and new) network is a possibility. The Technical Committee has requested that NADP publish its digital precipitation record (approximately 300 gages) as an independent precipitation database to be used as our other wet and dry deposition databases. This should be added during FY17 and provide additional data with no additional expenditures. This will allow researchers to access the precipitation data as a stand-alone product. Training: During the next year, we intend to produce online “training classes” that operators can take on their own schedule. These classes will use video footage of the earlier training classes (discussed above), and utilize one-on-one questioning periods with the site liaisons to provide a chance for the operators to ask questions, and for the site liaisons to assure that the operators/students understand what is needed and expected at our NADP sites. Additional Hires: During FY16, the NADP Program Office will hire two more people, including a Site Liaison (direct interface with sites) and an Assistant Coordinator (help with network management due to growth). These two additions have been approved by the NADP Executive Committee, and should improve our service to NADP members.
Date of Annual Report: 09/07/2017
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 11/01/2016 - 04/01/2017
Brief Summary of Minutes
NRSP3 will submit the annual report following their meeting in the fall of 2017.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 12/29/2017
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2016 - 09/30/2017
An attendees listing for our Fall Meeting and Science Symposium (FY17), as with all meetings, is available at our meetings page (http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/conf/).Brief Summary of Minutes
The NADP is comprised of a technical committee (all participants), an executive committee, several scientific committees, and a series of subcommittees focusing on specific areas of the ongoing project, including operations, quality assurance, ecological response and outreach, and data management. All approved meeting minutes from our FY17 Spring and FY2016 and 17 Fall Meetings (and all other meetings) are available on our website (nadp.isws.illinois.edu/committees/minutes.aspx). Posting of committee minutes is controlled by each committee, with some subcommittee minutes delayed for approval.
<p>The National Research Support Project – No. 3 (NRSP3) provides a framework for cooperation among State Agricultural Experiment Stations (SAES), the U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture, and other cooperating governmental and non-governmental organizations that support the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP). The NADP provides quality-assured data and information on the exposure of managed and natural ecosystems and cultural resources to acidic compounds, nutrients, base cations, and mercury in precipitation and through dry deposition of several of these compounds. NADP data support informed decisions on air quality and ecosystem issues related to precipitation chemistry.</p><br /> <p>Specifically, researchers use NADP data to investigate the impacts of atmospheric deposition on the productivity of managed and natural ecosystems; the chemistry of estuarine, surface, and ground waters; and the biodiversity in forests, shrubs, grasslands, deserts, and alpine vegetation. These research activities address the mission of the NRSPs of “development of … support activities (e.g., collect, assemble, store, and distribute materials, resources and information)… to accomplish high priority research”. Researchers also use NADP Mercury networks and data to examine the effect of atmospheric deposition on the mercury content of fish, and to better understand the link between environmental and dietary mercury and human health. This fits with an agriculture research priority of food safety. </p><br /> <p>The NADP operates three precipitation chemistry networks: the National Trends Network (NTN), the Atmospheric Integrated Research Monitoring Network (AIRMoN), and the Mercury Deposition Network (MDN). This report is specifically for the 48 NTN sites operated at the miscellaneous SAESs, and in part supported by this agreement. But, this report covers all of the accomplishments and impacts from all NADP networks.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><em>Figure did not transfer</em></p><br /> <p><em>State Agricultural Experiment Stations within NADP.</em></p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>The NTN provides the only long-term nationwide record of basic ion wet deposition in the United States. Sample analysis includes free acidity (H<sup>+</sup> as pH), specific conductance, and concentration and deposition measurements for calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfate, nitrate, chloride, bromide, and ammonium. We also measure orthophosphate ions (PO<sub>4</sub><sup>3-</sup>, the inorganic form), but only for quality assurance as an indicator of sample contamination. At the end of September 2017, 263 NTN stations were collecting one-week precipitation samples in 48 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Canada, and in Argentina, and include the SAES sites shown in the map above. Additionally, there are multiple quality assurance and testing sites located in Illinois, Colorado, and Wisconsin. Complementing the NTN is the 6-site AIRMoN, which are essentially NTN sites, operated on a daily basis (i.e., single precipitation events). Samples are collected to support continued research of atmospheric transport and removal of air pollutants and development of computer simulations of these processes.</p><br /> <p>The 100-site MDN offers the only long-term and routine measurements of mercury in North American precipitation. Measurements of total mercury concentration and deposition (and optional methyl-mercury) are used to quantify mercury deposition to water bodies, some of which have fish and wildlife mercury consumption advisories. Since 2008, every state and 10 Canadian provinces listed advisories warning people to limit fish consumption due to high mercury levels. Coastal advisories are also in place for Atlantic waters from Maine to Rhode Island, from North Carolina to Florida, for the entire U.S. Gulf Coast, and for coastal Hawaii and Alaska.</p><br /> <p>The NADP operates two newer gaseous atmospheric chemistry networks: the Atmospheric Mercury Network (AMNet) and the Ammonia Monitoring Network (AMoN). In each case, the network goal is to provide atmospheric concentrations of these particular gases, and then to estimate the rate of dry deposition (without precipitation) of the gas. In many cases, dry deposition of the gas could far exceed the wet deposition of the same compound.</p><br /> <p>At the end of September 2017, 21 AMNet sites were collecting five-minute estimates of gaseous elemental mercury and two-hourly average concentrations of gaseous oxidized mercury and particulate bound mercury. The AMNet provides the only long-term region-wide record of basic atmospheric mercury concentrations in the United States. The AMoN has 101 operating sites, where two-week averages of atmospheric ammonia gas are collected with passive devices. This low-cost network is designed to provide long-running estimates of ammonia in the atmosphere. These data are particularly important to agriculture, since many sources of ammonia are agricultural. Data from both gaseous networks support continued research of atmospheric transport and removal through dry deposition, and development of computer simulations of these processes.</p><br /> <p>Within this NRSP, there are three stated goals: 1) management and coordination of the five NADP monitoring networks; 2) site support, chemical analysis, and data validation for network sites directly supported by this agreement; and 3) quality assurance and quality control activities to ensure consistent operation and standard operational procedures. During this annual period, all three of our goals were met.</p><br /> <p>The major accomplishment of the NADP is the operation of the five monitoring networks. Operation, maintenance, management, quality assurance, and data distribution from these networks is the major outcome of this grant and project. Network specifics are listed below.</p><br /> <p>The principal output or deliverable from the NADP’s five networks is the database of precipitation chemistry and deposition rates, along with atmospheric gaseous concentrations intended for the development of dry deposition fluxes (AMoN, AMNet). The wet deposition database has almost 500,000 observations in it now.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Short-term Outcomes and Outputs.</span></p><br /> <p>Samples Collected. NADP’s principal objective and accomplishment/outcome is the collection, analysis and quality assurance of samples for precipitation and atmospheric chemistry. Briefly, there were 13,636 precipitation samples collected and analyzed by the NTN (not including QA samples), for all network sites. The analyses included observations of 10 different analyte concentrations and precipitation volume, which allow for calculation of deposition flux for each analyte. In the other networks there were 927 precipitation samples from the AIRMoN, 2,663 gaseous ammonia samples collected by the AMoN, 5,294 total mercury samples collected by the MDN, and approximately 112,500 hourly and two-hourly mercury fraction concentrations collected in the AMNet. All data are available on the NADP website, and were summarized in annual maps and figures.</p><br /> <p>Major Activity: Our principal output is the collection and analysis of precipitation chemistry and atmospheric chemistry samples. For all of these networks except AMNet, 22,520 samples were collected of the four network types. In AMNet, 112,000 hourly/2-hourly gaseous observations from the AMNet. Specifics are included in the products section of this report.</p><br /> <p><a href="http://nadp.sws.uiuc.edu/">NADP Data</a>base. Our second most important accomplishment/outcome is making data available to all for the support of continued research. Scientists, policymakers, educators, students, and others are encouraged to access data at no charge from the NADP website (nadp.isws.illinois.edu). This website offers online retrieval of individual data points, seasonal and annual averages, trend plots, concentration and deposition maps, reports, manuals, and other data and information about the program. The NTN database is now populated by 450,000 observations of precipitation chemistry for all sites and all years. As of today, 2016 calendar year data are complete and online, and the 2017 data are posted through August, with final QA to be completed in the next few months (final data QA is completed after the full year of data is available).</p><br /> <p>Internet disbursement of precipitation chemistry and atmospheric data is the primary route of dissemination for the NADP project. Website usage statistics provide evidence that our data are being used. During this reporting period, we recorded 33,027 registered users who accessed our website information and viewed our website 1,269,000 different times/pages (“hits”). Maps and NADP data from the five monitoring networks were downloaded 23,641 times during the 12 months. <br /> <br /> We continually collect basic information about our data users, and this year was again very typical; about 40% were from federal and state agencies, 36% from universities, 16% from K-to-12 schools, and 8% from other individuals or organizations. These statistics demonstrate that NADP continues to be relevant to the scientific, policy, and educational communities. NADP data are used by policy makers to make informed decisions on agriculturally important topics, including the impact of atmospheric pollutant on the North American food supply. Data are also used in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) curricula on the elementary, secondary, and post-secondary level. All NADP data are available free of charge (<a href="http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu">nadp.isws.illinois.edu</a>).</p><br /> <p>Map Summary. The 2016 annual map series of atmospheric concentrations, wet deposition fluxes, and report was developed during Summer 2017 and finalized and printed in September/October 2017. For each summary and calendar year, the NADP produces a series of 23 national maps of wet deposition concentration and flux maps for all of our analytes, and summary figures for each of the gaseous networks. These maps are used widely and are one of the major network products. Individual maps are filed by network, year, and constituent, and can be downloaded in several formats (http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/data/annualmaps.aspx). Individual maps are compiled into annual Map Summary reports, and the summaries are available for download (nadp.isws.illinois.edu/lib/dataReports.aspx). We printed 2000 copies of the 2016 Annual Summary, and distribution has begun. We printed 2000 copies of the 2015 Map Summary (Sept 2016) and all have been distributed.</p><br /> <p>Fall Scientific Meeting (FY2016 & 17). At the end of each federal year, a combined business and scientific meeting is held to showcase some of the latest deposition research that occurred during the year. Additionally, during each spring, a 3 day business meeting is also held.</p><br /> <p>FY17 Fall Scientific Meeting: This meeting was held in Santa Fe, New Mexico between October 31 - November 4, 2016 (beginning of this reporting period). Information about is available here (<a href="http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/conf/2016/">http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/conf/2016/</a>). The meeting included 130 attendees, eleven oral sessions, 48 oral presentations, and 27 posters. The meeting was highlighted by a presentation from Dr. Dan Wildcat, Director, Haskell Environmental Research Studies (HERS) Center, Haskell Indian Nations University, and entitled “Understanding the Natural LAW: Land, Air and Water” (http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/videoLib/symposia.aspx). The meeting included discussions of both wet and dry deposition measurement, and agricultural emissions, etc.</p><br /> <p>After FY17, and after this project period (Oct. 2017), the Fall Meeting and Symposium was held in San Diego, CA and will appear in next year’s report.</p><br /> <p>Every spring, NADP holds a 3-day business meeting (Technical Committee, subcommittees, Executive Committee). All final committee meeting minutes are available here (nadp.isws.illinois.edu/committees/minutes.aspx). The NADP Spring Business Meeting (FY2017) was held in Louisville, KY, and the Spring 2018 meeting will be held in Milwaukee, WI in April. Attendance in Louisville was about 80 members.</p><br /> <p>These basic activities fulfilled the project objectives: (1) coordination of these networks; (2) quality assurance to ensure consistency; and (3) analytical, site support, and data validation services for the sites financed directly through this agreement. Again, this report is for the 48 SAES sites, but the network results are equivalent for all sites. Over the year, 48 SAES sites operated, including a relatively new SAES site operating at North Carolina Agricultural and Technology University (NCA&T). It became an active NTN site on Jan 30, 2015. NCA&T is a historically black university and is an 1890 Land-Grant University. This site operation with cooperation of the U.S. Dept. of Energy.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Additional notable outcomes during the project period are as follows:</span></p><br /> <p>One major change during this reporting period (August, 2017) for the NADP is the move from a home base of the University of Illinois to the University of Wisconsin’s State Laboratory of Hygiene. This move will be for both the Program Office and laboratory services for the NTN, AIRMoN, and AMoN networks. The PO will move effective 2/28/2018. Laboratory services will move sometime in the summer period. Planning for the move is currently ongoing. The transition is proceeding reasonably well at the moment, and will very likely be a relatively smooth transition.</p><br /> <p>During the last 24 months, EROS subcommittee undertook a rewrite of our traditional “Nitrogen in the Nation’s Rain”, which is a general sciences booklet aimed at laymen and 6-12th grade science students. The new version, now called “Nitrogen from the Atmosphere” was completed in Aug. 2016, and is available on our website (http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/lib/brochures/nitrogenAtmos.pdf) and in print from the Program Office. At this fall’s NADP meeting, EROS will develop a plan for further distribution, with an emphasis on distribution to science teachers. Two thousand copies were printed for distribution.</p><br /> <p>The Ecological Research and Outreach Subcommittee (EROS) has also developed a series of science videos, aimed at more general audiences, which cover topics such as acid precipitation, ammonia in the atmosphere, nitrogen cycling in ecosystems, etc. During the 2016 and 2017 year, 10 videos were developed, edited and added to our listing and are available on NADP’s website (http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/videoLib/). This is a new direction for NADP, and many more videos are planned.</p><br /> <p>During the past year, several other important results have occurred beyond our basic mission and goals.</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Collaboration with USGS on mercury isotopes monitoring (FY16-17), with a goal of determining the ultimate source of mercury (atmospheric deposition, coal combustion, etc.). Measurement are being made at 20 NADP MDN sites for two years (started in early 2017);</li><br /> <li>Collaboration with Asia countries, USEPA and EPA-Taiwan on mercury monitoring (FY14-17) across Asia, with NADP providing “know how” for network development and continuous monitoring; countries include Japan, Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, Vietnam, Australia, Mongolia, Indonesia, Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh, India, Thailand, Philippines, and Myanmar (http://rsm2.atm.ncu.edu.tw/apmmn/);</li><br /> <li>NADP’s Total Deposition Committee (TDep) is working with EPA scientists to produce a web-based tool to estimate dry deposition, and with NADP deposition to provide basic maps of total N and S deposition, resulting in a next-generation map series for total deposition, accessible by the research community (http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/committees/tdep/tdepmaps/). New maps were produced during the year;</li><br /> <li>Full integration of PRISM/USDA-NRCS precipitation data into our precipitation deposition mapping routines, and PRISM is supported by the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service (http://www.wcc.nrcs.usda.gov/climate/). This important change continues;</li><br /> <li>The Critical Loads Atmospheric Deposition Subcommittee, a NADP Science Subcommittee, received approval for five more years of operation; and</li><br /> <li>Litterfall Mercury Pilot Network: working with USGS scientists, the NADP is operating a pilot litterfall network for a 6<sup>th</sup> year (26 sites) to determine the deposition of mercury with forest litterfall. The network is designed to determine the feasibility and easy of network measurement, for the potential adoption by the NADP as a full network.</li><br /> <li>Equipment Upgrade: Originating with a Technical Committee decision in 2006, the NADP has converted the overwhelming majority of its older-style mechanical precipitation gages to digital-style precipitation gages. There are only 23 remaining sites, representing < 8% of the network.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>During CY2017, 213 journal articles and reports were generated using the NADP data, and are listed in the publication section of this report. This is again evidence that NADP continues to produce data that are both valuable and useful. Reports for Oct.-Dec. 2016 are listed in the CY2016 report (<a href="http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/lib/bibliography.aspx">http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/lib/bibliography.aspx</a>). Additionally, in support of our education and outreach responsibilities, NADP data was used in 29 dissertation and theses (also included in the bibliography).</p><br /> <p>Continued Quality Assurance Audits. NADP contract laboratories and the Program Office are each reviewed annually in rotation to identify problems, improve performance, and provide external checks to the program. These audit team members are a mix of external and NADP member scientists. The CAL was audited in 2011 and 2014 and 2017; the HAL in 2015 and will be audited in 2018; and the Program Office in 2013, and 2016. The audit report was delivered, and responses and updates to the Program Office are ongoing.</p><br /> <p>During the project period, several other additional products were developed, including an updated version of the NTN Site Operations Manual, and the Site Systems and Performance Survey QA Project Plan. These can be found here: http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/lib/manualsSOPs.aspx. In addition, we have new versions of many of our twenty-seven Standard Operation Procedures from individual networks were approved and being used (http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/committees/minutes.aspx). These will improve the performance of the network in future years.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Future Work/Directions</span></em></strong></p><br /> <p>NADP is currently in discussions with the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (FY16-17) and affiliated organizations (including NOAA, EPA, CDC, etc.) for a national allergen tracking network of aeroallergens (causing rhinitis {hay fever} and asthma). The CSTE is concerned about the lack of routine and consistent measurements, and this could be an important network for agricultural activities. The NADP formed a short-term science committee (AeroAllergens) to formalize this effort.</p><br /> <p>The Technical Committee has requested that NADP publish its digital precipitation record (approximately 300 gages) as an independent precipitation database to be used as our other wet and dry deposition databases. This should be added during FY18 and provide additional data with no additional expenditures. This will allow researchers to access the precipitation data as a stand-alone product.</p><br /> <p>Training: During the next year, we intend to produce online “training classes” that operators can take on their own schedule. These classes will use video footage of the earlier training classes (discussed above), and utilize one-on-one questioning periods with the site liaisons to provide a chance for the operators to ask questions, and for the site liaisons to assure that the operators/students understand what is needed and expected at our NADP sites.</p><br /> <p>With the transition to UWisc., there will be significant changes in the leadership of the NADP. Some of the employees will migrate to the new Program Office, but many will not. This will certainly result in changes to the management of the program. However, the goal is to make this transition as seamless to the operators and data users as possible. Therefore, new methods for management will be coming in the next few months.</p><br /> <p> </p>Publications
<p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Publications</span></p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Includes 213 publications that used NADP data, resulted from NRSP 3 activities in calendar year 2017 (articles published in 2016 Oct-Dec are listed in the 2016 CY bibliography available online). A publically available online listing of citations using NADP data is accessible at: <a href="http://nadp.isws.illinois.edu/lib/bibliography.aspx">nadp.isws.illinois.edu/lib/bibliography.aspx</a>.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>See attached file for full listing.</p>Impact Statements
- Raper, Tyson B., A. T. McClure, F. Yin, and B. Brown, 2017. Sulfur and Tennessee Row Crops. https://extension.tennessee.edu/publications/Documents/W435.pdf. The authors (all SAES scientists, extension) developed this extension education bulletin to emphasis the importance of S and the role it plays within higher plants, describe the common occurrence of limited sulfur, and define options for agricultural professionals. They give a very good introduction to the importance of sulfur to crops, with many examples and pictures. They focused on why this is occurring more often now, which is based upon NADP long-term observations of decreasing sulfate deposition in Tennessee. They provide farmers with yield curves, estimated amounts needed for certain crops, and the cost recovery of the same. The authors use long-term NADP data for sulfur deposition at a central Tennessee site (TN14) as the explanation of the new need for sulfate-containing fertilizer application. This same observation is made at almost all NADP sites.
Date of Annual Report: 06/21/2018
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2018 - 04/01/2018
Brief Summary of Minutes
NRSP3 will submit the annual report following their meeting in the fall of 2018.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 01/04/2019
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 03/16/2018 - 09/30/2018
An attendee listing for our Fall Meeting and Science Symposium (FY18) is available at our meetings page (http://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/conf/). The fall meeting had 151 registered participants.Brief Summary of Minutes
Meeting Minutes
The NADP is comprised of a technical committee (all participants), an executive committee, several scientific committees, and a series of subcommittees focusing on specific areas of the ongoing project, including operations, quality assurance, ecological response and outreach, and data management. All approved meeting minutes from our FY18 Spring and FY2018 Fall Meetings (and all other meetings) are available on the website (http://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/committees/minutes.aspx). Posting of committee minutes is controlled by each committee, with some subcommittee minutes delayed for approval.
<h2>Accomplishments</h2><br /> <p>The National Research Support Project – No. 3 (NRSP3) provides a framework for cooperation among State Agricultural Experiment Stations (SAES), the U.S. Department of Agriculture-National Institute of Food and Agriculture, and other cooperating governmental and non-governmental organizations that support the National Atmospheric Deposition Program (NADP). The NADP provides quality-assured data and information on the exposure of managed and natural ecosystems and cultural resources to acidic compounds, nutrients, base cations, and mercury in precipitation and through dry deposition of several of these compounds. NADP data support informed decisions on air quality and ecosystem impacts related to precipitation chemistry and wet and dry deposition.</p><br /> <p> <br /> Specifically, researchers use NADP data to investigate the impacts of atmospheric deposition on the productivity of managed and natural ecosystems; the chemistry of estuarine, surface, and ground waters; and the biodiversity in forests, shrubs, grasslands, deserts, and alpine vegetation. These research activities address the mission of the NRSPs of “development of … support activities (e.g., collect, assemble, store, and distribute materials, resources and information)… to accomplish high priority research”. Researchers also use NADP Mercury networks and data to examine the effect of atmospheric deposition on the mercury content of fish, and to better understand the link between environmental and dietary mercury and human health. This fits with an agriculture research priority of food safety.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><img src="C:\Users\olsonmr\Desktop\SAES Participants.jpg" alt="SAES particpating in NADP research activities" width="702" height="433" /></p><br /> <p><strong>Figure SAES particpating in NADP research activites.</strong> </p><br /> <p>The NADP operates three precipitation chemistry networks: the National Trends Network (NTN), the Atmospheric Integrated Research Monitoring Network (AIRMoN), and the Mercury Deposition Network (MDN). This report is specifically for the 48 NTN sites operated at the miscellaneous SAESs, and in part supported by this agreement. But, this report covers all of the accomplishments and impacts from all NADP networks.</p><br /> <p>The NTN provides the only long-term nationwide record of base ion wet deposition in the United States. Sample analysis includes free acidity (H<sup>+</sup> as pH), specific conductance, and concentration and deposition measurements for calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, sulfate, nitrate, chloride, bromide, and ammonium. NADP also measures orthophosphate ions (PO<sub>4</sub><sup>3-</sup>, the inorganic form), but only for quality assurance as an indicator of sample contamination. At the end of September 2018, 264 NTN stations were collecting one-week precipitation samples in 48 states, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and Canada, and include the SAES sites shown in the map above. Additionally, there are multiple quality assurance and testing sites located in Illinois, Colorado, and Wisconsin. Complementing the NTN is the 4-site AIRMoN, which are essentially NTN sites, operated on a daily basis (i.e., single precipitation events). Samples are collected to support continued research of atmospheric transport and removal of air pollutants and development of computer simulations of these processes.</p><br /> <p>The 99-site MDN offers the only long-term and routine measurements of mercury in North American precipitation. Measurements of total mercury concentration and deposition (and optional methyl-mercury) are used to quantify mercury deposition to water bodies, some of which have fish and wildlife mercury consumption advisories. Since 2008, every state and 10 Canadian provinces listed advisories warning people to limit fish consumption due to high mercury levels. Coastal advisories are also in place for Atlantic waters from Maine to Rhode Island, from North Carolina to Florida, for the entire U.S. Gulf Coast, and for coastal Hawaii and Alaska.</p><br /> <p>The NADP operates two gaseous atmospheric chemistry networks: the Atmospheric Mercury Network (AMNet) and the Ammonia Monitoring Network (AMoN). The goal of these networks is to provide atmospheric concentrations of mercury and ammonia, respectively, to estimate the rate of dry deposition (without precipitation) and to support the measurements required to understand atmospheric chemical processing and total deposition of nutrients and pollutants. In many cases, dry deposition of the gas could far exceed the wet deposition of the same compound, thus, these are key parameters to understand ecosystem impacts. </p><br /> <p>At the end of September 2018, eighteen AMNet sites were collecting five-minute estimates of gaseous elemental mercury and (for a subset of sites) two-hourly average concentrations of gaseous oxidized mercury and particulate bound mercury. The AMNet provides the only long-term region-wide record of basic atmospheric mercury concentrations in the United States. The AMoN has 101 operating sites, where two-week averages of atmospheric ammonia gas are collected with passive gaseous sample cartridges. This low-cost network is designed to provide long-running estimates of ammonia in the atmosphere. These data are particularly important to agriculture, since many sources of ammonia are agricultural. In addition, gaseous ammonia deposition contributes to the total nitrogen deposition, an important parameter for understanding agricultural systems. Data from both gaseous networks support continued research of atmospheric transport and removal through dry deposition, and development of computer models of these processes.</p><br /> <p>Within this NRSP, there are three stated goals: 1) management and coordination of the five NADP monitoring networks; 2) site support, chemical analysis, data validation, and data reporting for network sites directly supported by this agreement; and 3) quality assurance and quality control activities to ensure consistent operation and standard operational procedures. During this annual period, all three of our goals were met.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>The major accomplishment of the NADP is the operation of the five monitoring networks. Operation, maintenance, management, quality assurance, and data distribution from these networks is the major outcome of this grant and project. Network specifics are listed below.</p><br /> <p>The principal output or deliverable from the NADP’s five networks is the database of precipitation chemistry and deposition rates, along with atmospheric gaseous concentrations intended for the development of dry deposition fluxes (AMoN, AMNet). The wet deposition database has nearly 550,000 NTN, MDN, and AIRMoN observations available for download.</p><br /> <p><strong>Short-term Outcomes and Outputs</strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Samples Collected:</em></strong> NADP’s principal objective and accomplishment/outcome is the collection, analysis quality assurance review, and reporting of precipitation chemistry for sites located throughout North America. In 2018, there were 13,525 precipitation samples collected and analyzed in the NTN (not including QA samples), for the 264 network sites. Analyses included, quantification of free acidity (H<sup>+</sup> as pH), specific conductance, calcium (Ca<sup>2+</sup>), magnesium (Mg<sup>2+</sup>), sodium (Na<sup>+</sup>), potassium (K<sup>+</sup>), sulfate (SO<sub>4</sub><sup>=</sup>), nitrate (NO<sub>3</sub><sup>-</sup>), chloride (Cl<sup>-</sup>), bromide (Br<sup>-</sup>), ammonium (NH<sub>4</sub><sup>+</sup>) and inorganic orthophosphate (PO<sub>4</sub><sup>3-</sup> for quality assurance purposes) ion concentrations and precipitation volume. Results are reported as mass concentrations and wet deposition flux for each analyte. A total of 829 precipitation samples from the AIRMoN were analyzed for the same analytes. The AMoN quantified 2,682 gaseous ammonia samples and the MDN quantified 5,042 total mercury samples. The AMNet measured approximately 68,044 hourly and two-hourly ambient mercury fraction concentrations. All data are available on the NADP website, and were summarized in annual maps and figures.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Major Activity: </em></strong>Our principal output is the collection and analysis of precipitation chemistry and atmospheric chemistry samples obtained from network operations. In 2018, total reported analytical values consisted of 135,250 NTN analytes, over 5050 MDN analytes, 8290 AIRMoN analytes, 2682 AMoN analytes, and 68,044 AMNet measurements. </p><br /> <p>The NADP offers a full technical support to data users and site operators. The program has direct access to technical experts, via the web and toll free numbers) to address site operators questions and offer technical expertise on data interpretation and the outreach materials. Through the NADP Program Office (PO) thousands of inquiries are answered each year. The NADP experts also contribute to the broader scientific community though dissemination of program information at external conferences, meetings, and in peer reviewed publications. </p><br /> <p><strong><em>NADP Database</em></strong><em>:</em> Facilitating data access and availability is a key accomplishment/outcome of NADP, allowing support of continued research and outreach. Scientists, policymakers, educators, students, and others are encouraged to access data at no charge from the NADP website (nadp.slh.wisc.edu). This website offers online retrieval of individual data points, seasonal and annual averages, trend plots, concentration and deposition maps, reports, manuals, and other data and information about the program. The NTN database is now populated by 450,000 observations of precipitation chemistry for all sites and all years. As of today, the 2017 calendar year data are complete and online, and the 2018 data are posted through July, with final QA to be completed in the next few months (final data QA is completed after the full year of data is available).</p><br /> <p>Internet disbursement of precipitation chemistry and atmospheric data is the primary route of dissemination for the NADP project. Website usage statistics provide evidence that our data are being actively being used. During the 2018 year, NADP estimated 23,000 comma-delineated data sets were downloaded, including 14,000 from the NTN database. In addition, approximately 57,000 PDF map images and 100,000 map data sets (grid and kmz) were downloaded. </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Map Summary:</em></strong> The 2017 annual map series of atmospheric concentrations, wet deposition fluxes, and report was developed during Fall of 2018 and finalized and printed in October 2018. For each summary and calendar year, the NADP produces a series of 23 national maps of wet deposition concentration and flux maps for all of our analytes, and summary figures for each of the gaseous networks. These maps are used widely and are one of the major network products. Individual maps are filed by network, year, and constituent, and can be downloaded in several formats (http://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/data/annualmaps.aspx). Individual maps are compiled into Annual Map Summary reports, and the summaries are available for download (nadp.slh.wisc.edu/lib/dataReports.aspx). We printed 2000 copies of the 2017 Annual Summary, and distribution has begun. The previous NADP PO at University of Illinois printed 2000 copies of the 2016 Map Summary (Sept 2017) and all have been distributed.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Fall Scientific Meeting (FY2017 & 18): </em></strong> At the end of each federal year, a combined business and scientific meeting is held to showcase some of the latest deposition research that occurred during the year. Additionally, during each spring, a 3 day business meeting is conducted.</p><br /> <p>FY17 Fall Scientific Meeting: This meeting was held in in San Diego, CA between October 30 - November 3, 2017 (the meeting is not part of the reporting period, however due to the PO transition during this time it is briefly covered here). Information about it is available here (http://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/conf/2017/). The meeting included 130 attendees, eight oral sessions, 34 oral presentations, and 25 posters. The meeting was highlighted by a presentation from Dr. Lynn Russell, Professor of Climate, Atmospheric Science and Physical Oceanography – Scripps Institute of Oceanography, UC San Diego. The meeting included discussions of both wet and dry deposition measurement, and agricultural emissions, critical loads estimates, model development, and nitrogen transport. </p><br /> <p>After FY17, and after this project period (November 2018), the Fall Meeting and Symposium was held in Albany, NY and will appear in the FY2019 activity report.</p><br /> <p>Every spring, NADP holds a 3-day business meeting (Technical Committee, subcommittees, Executive Committee). All final committee meeting minutes are available here (nadp.slh.wisc.edu/committees/minutes.aspx). The NADP Spring Business Meeting (FY2018) was held in Milwaukee, WI, and the Spring 2019 meeting will be held in Madison, WI in May. Attendance in Milwaukee was over 60 members.</p><br /> <p>These basic activities fulfilled the project objectives: (1) coordination of these networks; (2) quality assurance to ensure consistency; and (3) analytical, site support, and data validation services for the sites financed directly through this agreement. Again, this report is for the 48 SAES sites, but the network results are equivalent for all sites. Over the year, 48 SAES sites operated, including a relatively new SAES site operating at North Carolina Agricultural and Technology University (NCA&T). It became an active NTN site on Jan 30, 2015. NCA&T is a historically black university and is an 1890 Land-Grant University. This site is operated with cooperation of the U.S. Dept. of Energy. At the end of the FY2017 period, funding support for the NCA&T has become questionable. NADP will continue efforts to support the activities at this SAES site. </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Additional notable outcomes during the project period are as follows: </em></strong>A major change occurred with the CAL and PO during the reporting period. Beginning in late 2017 and completed in mid-2018, the NADP Program Office (PO) and Central Analytical Laboratory (CAL) moved from their longtime home at the University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign, Illinois State Water Survey (UI ISWS) to the University of Wisconsin–Madison, Wisconsin, State Laboratory of Hygiene (WSLH). The transition was seamless, with no data gaps occurring during the transition period and data quality continuing to meet the high standards established by NADP. The transition included transferring PO and Network Equipment Depot (NED) records, supplies, and equipment from Champaign, IL to Madison, WI. In addition, a comprehensive Laboratory Readiness Verification Plan was executed and the Wisconsin CAL performed quite well, meeting all performance metrics.</p><br /> <p>During the past year, several other important results have occurred beyond our basic mission and goals, these include:</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>FY 2017, the NADP supported 213 publications through data support and PO and CAL outreach. These publications included (<a href="http://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/lib/bibliography.aspx">http://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/lib/bibliography.aspx</a>):</li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul><br /> <ul><br /> <li>25 Doctoral Dissertations</li><br /> <li> 7 agency reports</li><br /> <li>1 article in the journal Science, and</li><br /> <li> 1 article in the journal Nature.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <li>FY 2018, the NADP supported 208 publications through data support and PO and CAL outreach.</li><br /> <ul><br /> <li>14 Doctoral Dissertations</li><br /> <li> 7 agency reports, and</li><br /> <li>1 article in the journal Science,</li><br /> </ul><br /> </ul><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>The Mercury Litterfall Initiative with U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) scientists completed its fifth year of operation. Twenty-six sites collected litterfall (e.g., leaves, twigs, etc.) for subsequent mercury measurements. These important results have garnered the support for making Litterfall a permanent network.</li><br /> <li>The Total Deposition Science Subcommittee (TDEP) continued its work with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) scientists to estimate dry deposition of nitrogen, sulfur, and other analytes.</li><br /> <li>NADP collaborated with Utah State University to monitor dry deposition as part of a pilot study.</li><br /> <li>NADP continued to work with the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) on a possible monitoring network for airborne allergen tracking. Airborne allergens are important as they contribute to allergic rhinitis (i.e., hay fever) and asthma. Other participants in this work include the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USEPA, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.</li><br /> <li>NADP continued working with the National Park Service, USGS, USEPA, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, Colorado State University, and the Longmont and Boulder Valley Conservation Districts to address the effects and trends of nitrogen deposition and related air quality issues at Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP). The Rocky Mountain National Park Initiative works to address nitrogen deposition concerns and the 2017 data generated from this collaboration was used to develop the draft 2017 Monitoring and Tracking Wet Nitrogen Deposition at Rocky Mountain National Park report.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Continued Quality Assurance Audits:</em></strong> NADP contract laboratories and the Program Office are typically reviewed annually in rotation to identify problems, improve performance, and provide external checks to the program. These audit team members are a mix of external and NADP member scientists. The CAL and PO were audited July 16-18, 2018 as part of the NADP transition. The finding were summarized in “National Atmospheric Deposition Program Office and Central Analytical Laboratory DRAFT 2018 Readiness Review Report” by the Quality Assurance Advisory Group on August 27, 2018. In general, the review was positive, and the few findings have been address by the PO and CAL since the review was completed. </p><br /> <p>During the project period, in conjunction with the transition, all NADP SOPs and operation manuals are in review and subject to revision. This is an ongoing process, finalized document will be upload to the NADP website upon completion (<a href="http://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/lib/manualsSOPs.aspx">http://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/lib/manualsSOPs.aspx</a>). In addition, the PO worked with the NADP Executive Committee to revise the NADP Governance Document. These revisions were approved during the 2018 Fall Meeting. </p><br /> <p><strong>Impacts</strong></p><br /> <p>As a National Research Support Project (NRSP-3), NADP’s main mission is to support research, and in particular, to provide data for research journal articles and reports.</p><br /> <p>Each calendar year, the NADP compiles a list of research articles, reports and theses/dissertations that used NADP data in some fashion, or compared their results to NADP data. In 2017 and 2018, 213 and 208 articles and reports utilized NADP data and resources, respectively. The journal articles that follow are example journal articles from the project period with a strong connection to agriculture. The annual bibliography of articles and reports can be found here: nadp.slh.wisc.edu/lib/bibliography.aspx.</p><br /> <p>These example publications, which are more agricultural-related publications, were published during the year in 2018. The publications may extend before and beyond the project period of March 2018 - September 2018, this allow coverage for the project activity that was not covered due to the transition from UI to UW-Madison.</p><br /> <p><em>Asao, S., Parton, W. J., Chen, M., & Gao, W., 2018. Photodegradation accelerates ecosystem N cycling in a simulated California grassland. Ecosphere, 9(8), e02370</em></p><br /> <p>The authors used NADP nitrogen deposition data to support the model of litter decay in arid grasslands. The photodegradation in the DayCent-UV model accelerated was shown to decrease C and N cycling and residence times. The acceleration made a greater fraction of system N available for plants, increasing net N mineralization and plant production.</p><br /> <p><em>Averill, C., Dietze, M. C., & Bhatnagar, J. M., 2018. Continental‐scale nitrogen pollution is shifting forest mycorrhizal associations and soil carbon stocks. Global change biology, 24(10), 4544-4553.</em></p><br /> <p>The authors combined nitrogen deposition data with continental‐scale US forest data, and showed nitrogen pollution is spatially associated with a decline in ectomycorrhizal vs. arbuscular mycorrhizal trees. The results imply changes in nitrogen deposition may alter the capacity of forests to sequester carbon and offset climate change.</p><br /> <p><em>Horn, K. J., Thomas, R. Q., Clark, C. M., Pardo, L. H., Fenn, M. E., Lawrence, G. B., ... & Nordin, A., 2018. Growth and survival relationships of 71 tree species with nitrogen and sulfur deposition across the conterminous US. PloS one, 13(10), e0205296.</em></p><br /> <p>The authors apply reported TDEP data to analyze how tree growth and survival for 71 species vary with N and S deposition across the conterminous U.S. The study reveals that the growth and/or survival of the vast majority of species in the analysis were significantly affected by atmospheric deposition. The study’s findings can help ecosystem management and policy makers to understand deposition impacts to temperate forests and suggest that N and S deposition have likely altered forest demographics in the U.S.</p><br /> <p><em>Jeong, H., & Bhattarai, R., 2018. Exploring the effects of nitrogen fertilization management alternatives on nitrate loss and crop yields in tile-drained fields in Illinois. Journal of environmental management, 213, 341-352.</em></p><br /> <p>The authors explored the effects of N fertilization alternatives on nitrate loss and crop yields using the Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) in tile-drained fields in central Illinois. The model indicated an adaptive N fertilizer management method is needed due to the heterogeneity in agricultural systems, and showed the importance of timing and placement of N fertilizer.</p><br /> <p><em>Kosiba, A. M., Schaberg, P. G., Rayback, S. A., & Hawley, G. J., 2018. The surprising recovery of red spruce growth shows links to decreased acid deposition and elevated temperature. Science of The Total Environment, 637, 1480-1491.</em></p><br /> <p>The authors explore the recovery of red spruce in the northeastern United State after acid rain linked declines. Since 2001, the study found that more than 75% of red spruce trees and 90% of the plots examined in the study showed increased growth. Nitrogen deposition was associated with lower growth, but in recent year the association has become less evident, in particular, due to observed longer growing seasons and increased temperatures related growth. </p><br /> <p><em>Mathias, J. M., & Thomas, R. B., 2018. Disentangling the effects of acidic air pollution, atmospheric CO 2, and climate change on recent growth of red spruce trees in the Central Appalachian Mountains. Global change biology 24: 3938–3953.</em></p><br /> <p>The authors investigate the recovery of red spruce in the Appalachian Mountains. The results indicated the two most important factors driving increased tree growth are reductions in acidic sulfur pollution and increases in atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub>. The study showed reductions in pollutant emissions of NOx and warmer springs also played an important role.</p><br /> <p><em>McDonnell, T. C., Belyazid, S., Sullivan, T. J., Bell, M., Clark, C., Blett, T., ... & Sverdrup, H., 2018. Vegetation dynamics associated with changes in atmospheric nitrogen deposition and climate in hardwood forests of Shenandoah and Great Smoky Mountains National Parks, USA. Environmental Pollution, 237, 662-674.</em></p><br /> <p>The study modeled the ecological effect of atmospheric nitrogen (N) and sulfur (S) deposition on two hardwood forest sites in the eastern United States. The study indicates the primary driver of ecological effects was soil solution N concentration and suggests future climate change might compromise habitat suitability in forests.</p><br /> <p><em>Rothstein, D., 2018. Effect of Fertilization on Growth and Mortality of Jack Pine Growing on Poor, Sandy Soils in Michigan, USA: Implications for Sustainable Management. Forests, 9(9), 549.</em></p><br /> <p>The study reports on a factorial fertilization experiment to better understand nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and base cations nutrient limitations to jack pine growth on excessively drained sandy soils in northern Lower Michigan. The report showed increased N leads to an overall decline in growth rates, and an increase in mortality rates. The results suggest long-term whole tree harvesting may not be sustainable over multiple rotations.</p><br /> <p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><em>Future Work/Directions</em></strong></p><br /> <p>A significant portion of the transition from UI to UW-Madison has been completed. Work will continue to update policies and operating procedures in the PO and CAL. In addition, online training methods for operators will be implemented to increase the overall QA/QC management of NADP networks. The PO is supporting sites with data management tools to allow efficient data collection and reporting. The WSLH has developed a plan to implement strategic planning meeting during the NADP Spring meetings. The goal is to identify and address the needs of NADP stakeholders, supporters, and data users. Some suggested ideas to be discussed include: future deployments of sensor technology, development of improved data products for users, identifying future analytes of concern, and identify the infrastructure and coordination needs of NADP to support and expand external research. </p><br /> <p>The PO is actively developing a NADP supersite on the UW-Madison campus. The site will support collaborations with NADP data users such as the College of Engineering, the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, Department of Limnology, and the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. The goal is to expand the research opportunity and application for NADP data and infrastructure. </p><br /> <p>In addition, during the Fall 2018 meeting, (next reporting period) the NADP Executive Committee directed the PO to investigate and pursue the transfer of the mercury analytical lab from Eurofins/Frontier in Seattle, WA to the WSLH as a method of cost saving and increased QA oversite of MDN analytical results. The Executive Committee also approved a process to integrate the mercury litterfall network into the NADP. The PO and CAL will develop plans and capabilities to allow the litterfall next work to be housed at WSLH. </p><br /> <p> </p>Publications
<p><strong><em>Publications</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Includes 208 publications that used NADP data, made comparisons to NADP data, or resulted from NRSP-3 activities in 2018. A publically available listing of all citations using NADP data is accessible at: <a href="http://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/lib/bibliography.aspx">http://nadp.slh.wisc.edu/lib/bibliography.aspx</a>. The list is for both before and after the reporting period as an attempt to cover activities that occurred during the UI and UW-Madison NADP transition. </p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Adams, D. H., Tremain, D. M., & Evans, D. W., 2018. Large-scale assessment of mercury in sentinel estuarine fishes of the Florida Everglades and adjacent coastal ecosystems. Bulletin of Marine Science, 94(4), 1413-1427.</li><br /> <li>Agnan, Y., Douglas, T. A., Helmig, D., Hueber, J., & Obrist, D., 2018. Mercury in the Arctic tundra snowpack: temporal and spatial concentration patterns and trace gas exchanges. The Cryosphere, 12(6), 1939-1956.</li><br /> <li>Amos, H. M., Miniat, C. F., Lynch, J., Compton, J., Templer, P. H., Sprague, L. A., Shaw, D. Burns, D., Rea, A., Whitall, D., Myles, L., Gay, D.A., Nilles, M., Walker, J., Rose, A.K., Bales, J., Deacon, J., Pouyat, R., 2018. What Goes Up Must Come Down: Integrating Air and Water Quality Monitoring for Nutrients. Environ. Sci. Technol. 52, 11441−11448.</li><br /> <li>Asao, S., Parton, W. J., Chen, M., & Gao, W., 2018. Photodegradation accelerates ecosystem N cycling in a simulated California grassland. Ecosphere, 9(8), e02370.</li><br /> <li>Austin, B. J., Scott, J. T., & Haggard, B. E., 2018. Managing Lake Fertility within the Guidelines of a Nutrient Management Plan and based on Algal Nutrient Limitation. Technical Reports Arkansas Water Resources Center, University of Arkansas.</li><br /> <li>Austnes, K., Aherne, J., Arle, J., Čičendajeva, M., Couture, S., Fölster, J., ... & Rogora, M., 2018. ICP Waters Report 135/2018 Regional assessment of the current extent of acidification of surface waters in Europe and North America. http://pure.iiasa.ac.at/id/eprint/15542/.</li><br /> <li>Averill, C., Dietze, M. C., & Bhatnagar, J. M., 2018. Continental‐scale nitrogen pollution is shifting forest mycorrhizal associations and soil carbon stocks. Global change biology, 24(10), 4544-4553.</li><br /> <li>Bacon, D. H., Meyer, P. D., Neeway, J. J., Fang, Y., Asmussen, R. M., & Strickland, C. E., 2018. Field-Scale Lysimeter Studies of Low-Activity Waste Form Degradation (No. PNNL-27394; RPT-IGTP-017 Rev 0.0). Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States).</li><br /> <li>Bales, R., Stacy, E., Safeeq, M., Meng, X., Meadows, M., Oroza, C., ... & Wagenbrenner, J., 2018. Spatially distributed water-balance and meteorological data from the rain–snow transition, southern Sierra Nevada, California. Earth System Science Data, 10(4), 1795-1805.</li><br /> <li>Barile, P. J., 2018. Widespread sewage pollution of the Indian River Lagoon system, Florida (USA) resolved by spatial analyses of macroalgal biogeochemistry. Marine pollution bulletin, 128, 557-574.</li><br /> <li>Battye, W. H., 2018. Satellite, Aircraft, and Ground Level Measurements to Characterize Ammonia Emissions from Agricultural Sources. Doctoral Dissertation, North Carolina State University.</li><br /> <li>Bela, M. M., Barth, M. C., Toon, O. B., Fried, A., Ziegler, C., Cummings, K. A., ... & Yang, Q., 2018. Effects of scavenging, entrainment, and aqueous chemistry on peroxides and formaldehyde in deep convective outflow over the central and Southeast United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123(14), 7594-7614.</li><br /> <li>Benedetti, A., Reid, J. S., Knippertz, P., Marsham, J. H., Giuseppe, F. D., Rémy, S., ... & Mona, L., 2018. Status and future of numerical atmospheric aerosol prediction with a focus on data requirements. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18(14), 10615-10643.</li><br /> <li>Benedict, K. B., Prenni, A. J., Sullivan, A. P., Evanoski-Cole, A. R., Fischer, E. V., Callahan, S., ... & Collett Jr, J. L., 2018. Impact of Front Range sources on reactive nitrogen concentrations and deposition in Rocky Mountain National Park. PeerJ, 6, e4759.</li><br /> <li>Benoit, G., & Demars, S., 2018. Evaluation of Organic and Inorganic Compounds Extractable by Multiple Methods from Commercially Available Crumb Rubber Mulch. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution, 229(3), 64.</li><br /> <li>Berryman, E. M., Vanderhoof, M. K., Bradford, J. B., Hawbaker, T. J., Henne, P. D., Burns, S. P., ... & Ryan, M. G., 2018. Estimating Soil Respiration in a Subalpine Landscape Using Point, Terrain, Climate, and Greenness Data. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 123, 3231–3249. https://doi.org/10.1029/2018JG004613</li><br /> <li>Bird, D. L., Groffman, P. M., Salice, C., & Moore, J., 2018. Steady-State Land Cover but Non-Steady-State Major Ion Chemistry in Urban Streams. Environmental science & technology 52, 13015−13026.</li><br /> <li>Bleeker, A., 2018. Quantification of nitrogen deposition and its uncertainty with respect to critical load exceedances. Doctoral Dissertation, VU University Amsterdam, ISBN: 978-94-028-0862-9</li><br /> <li>Brantley, S. L., White, T., West, N., Williams, J. Z., Forsythe, B., Shapich, D., ... & Herndon, E., 2018. Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory: Shale Hills in the context of Shaver’s Creek watershed. Vadose Zone Journal, 17(1).</li><br /> <li>Brown, B., 2018. Horticultural Uses for Flue Gas Desulfurization Gypsum. Doctoral Dissertation, Auburn University.</li><br /> <li>Bu, X., Zhang, H., Lv, G., Lin, H., Chen, L., Yin, X., ... & Tong, Y., 2018. Comparison of Reactive Gaseous Mercury Collection by Different Sampling Methods in a Laboratory Test and Field Monitoring. 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Date of Annual Report: 07/11/2019
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2018 - 06/01/2019
Brief Summary of Minutes
NRSP3 will submit the annual report following their meeting in the fall of 2019.