Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

  • Project No. and Title: W5001 - Rural Population Change and Adaptation in the Context of Health, Economic, and Environmental Shocks and Stressors
  • Dates: 07/28/2025 to 07/30/2025
  • Contacts: [Jessica Schad]

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 07/28/2025 at Park City Utah. :

Admin Advisor: Vicki A. McCracken (

Additional Info

Given that the Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting will be in Salt Lake City from July 30-August 2, we plan to hold our meeting a few days before in Park City. The current plan is to have a late afternoon business meeting on Monday, July 28th, a full day of meeting/programming on the 29th (with members and invited external folks), and then a field trip on the 30th
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