Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

  • Project No. and Title: WERA1017 - Coordination of Integrated Pest Management Research and Extension/Educational Programs for the Western States and Pacific Basin Territories
  • Dates: 09/18/2024 to 09/20/2024
  • Contacts: [Heidi Kratsch] [Carrie Jensen]

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 09/18/2024 at Nevada. :

Admin Advisor: ()

Additional Info

This meeting will be hosted in Reno, Nevada from Sept. 18-20. Below is a brief outline, see attached draft agenda for more details.<br /> <br /> Wednesday, Sept. 18: Welcome dinner at 6:30 p.m. (location TBD)<br /> Thursday, Sept. 19: Meeting 8 a.m. - 4:30 pm (University of Nevada, Reno Washoe County Extension Office, 4955 Energy Way) followed by social hour from 5:30-6:30 p.m. (location TBD)<br /> Friday, Sept. 20: Field trips (half-day, locations and exact times (TBD)<br /> <br /> Hotel Information:<br /> We have reserved some rooms with the ROW Casinos, which includes The El Dorado, Silver Legacy and Circus Circus.<br /> The Rates at The Circus Circus are $48.00 Sunday - Thursday and $119.00 Friday and Saturday plus taxes on premium room types. The Rates at the Silver Legacy and Eldorado are $58.00 Sunday - Thursday and $129.00 Friday and Saturday plus taxes on premium room types. Our booking includes a discounted resort fee to $15 from $35. City fee: $3.00 County tax: $13.5% and should meet the government rate requirements.<br /> <br /> Attendees can use this link to book their rooms or they can call Michele Feemster.<br /><br /> <br /> Michele is available Monday through Friday 9 AM - 5 PM PST. and may be reached at<br /> 888-889-9338 or Email
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