Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

  • Project No. and Title: NC1034 - Impact Analyses and Decision Strategies for Agricultural Research
  • Dates: 03/29/2024 to 03/30/2024
  • Contacts: [Gregory Graff] [Carl Pray]

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 03/29/2024 at Fort Collins, Colorado. :

Admin Advisor: Tala Awada (

Additional Info

The meeting will take place on March 29-30, at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. <br /> A detailed agenda will be emailed to the NC1034 members prior to the meeting.<br /> The meeting agenda will include:<br /> 1. Presentation of solicited/submitted/selected papers. <br /> 2. Guest keynote speaker.<br /> 3. Tour (tentative) of USDA National Laboratory for Genetic Resource Preservation.<br /> 4. Business meeting.
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