Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 01/11/2024 at San Diego, CA, Old Town, Hilton Garden Inn. :

Admin Advisor: Gary Pierzynski (

Additional Info

We will meet in San Diego, on January 11, which is one day prior to the Plant & Animal Genetics Conference. I have tentatively reserved the conference room at the Old Town, Hilton Garden Inn (pending authorization) for an all-day meeting. Our tentative agenda is below. <br /> <br /> Welcome and introductions (Karcher/Slater)<br /> Agenda overview (Karcher/Slater)<br /> Secretary election (Karcher/Slater)<br /> Administrative welcome and NCR update (Pierzynski)<br /> Project reviews (Project Lead Reviewers)<br /> NIFA Update (TBD)<br /> Annual State Reports (State Representatives)<br /> 2025 meeting date and venue selection (TBD)<br /> Adjourn
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