Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

  • Project No. and Title: W3009 - Integrated Systems Research and Development in Automation and Sensors for Sustainability of Specialty Crops
  • Dates: 06/20/2023 to 06/21/2023
  • Contacts: [Yu Jiang] [Katie Gold]

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 06/20/2023 at Jordan Hall, Cornell AgriTech, Cornell University, Geneva, NY. . :

Admin Advisor: Qin Zhang (

Additional Info

The meeting will begin at 8:00am EDT on 6/20/2023 and end at 5:00pm EDT on 6/21/2023.<br /> <br /> Tentative Agenda:<br /> • The annual business meeting will be held on the first (June 20th, 2023) at Jordan Hall (Auditorium room, confirmed) in Cornell AgriTech, Geneva, NY. The meeting will start at 8 am and include the update of W3009 renewal (tentatively W4009), plans for the next year, reports from institution representatives in each state, and discussion on collaborative research opportunities. The meeting plans to adjourn at 3 pm. Brown bag lunch will be provided for participants. After the meeting, a group dinner will be hosted in a restaurant in Geneva, NY<br /> • The group will gather around 8 am to firstly visit research and extension programs on digital agriculture for weed and disease management as well as brewing and food science processing facilities at Cornell AgriTech in the morning time. The group will take a shuttle bus to the Cornell Ithaca campus to visit the newly funded Farm of the Future site and meet with representatives from Cornell Institute of Digital Agriculture (CIDA). The shuttle bus will take everyone back to Geneva, NY around 5 pm. Brown bag lunch will be provided for participants.<br /> <br /> HOTEL INFORMATION<br /> <br /> Participants can book rooms in a meeting-coordinated hotel, 41Lakefront Hotel at 41 Lakefront Drive, Geneva, New York 14456. Hotel information is available via the website: Detailed booking information and reservation code will be shared via group emails in a later time. <br />
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