Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 08/08/2022 at Iowa State University, Ames, IA. :

Admin Advisor: Amir Ibrahim (

Additional Info

Purpose of the meeting is to bring together public and private plant breeders, plant breeding students, and affiliated disciplines to review, discuss, and plan activities of SCC80 (Imagining the Future of Plant Breeding) for FY 23.<br /> PBCC exist to raise awareness of plant breeding’s contributions to the U.S. economy and to strengthen public plant breeding infrastructure and education capacity. Its mission is to focus on issues facing public plant breeding and plant breeders at land-grant universities while serving and addressing plant breeding issues affecting all organizations utilizing or served by the discipline. This overarching mission is accomplished through four distinct objectives; [1] Resource Analyses--Collect, analyze, and disseminate data about U.S. public and private plant breeding efforts, including human capacity and access to enabling knowledge, technologies, germplasm, and infrastructure; [2] Genetic Resources Conservation and Utilization--Promote the conservation, characterization, and utilization of plant genetic resources and access to those resources for plant breeding purposes; [3] Education--Explore the U.S. plant breeding education capacity across universities and identify potential gaps and ways of achieving more uniform teaching capacity; and [4] Communication--Improve communication [a] among public plant breeders and federal-state-local agencies on plant breeding policy issues, including alerts to existing and emerging threats to agricultural security that are relevant to plant breeding; [b] among public plant breeding programs and university administrators through enhancing the mission and impact of PBCC state representatives; and [c] between the plant breeding community and public audiences. The core membership of PBCC consists of representatives of State Agricultural Experiment Stations (SAES) that have plant breeding programs. <br />
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