Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 11/08/2021 at Virtual meeting. :

Admin Advisor: Margaret E. Smith (

Additional Info

The NE-1720 "Multi-state coordinated evaluation of winegrape cultivars and clones" will conduct a meeting on 8 November 2021. This meeting will be virtual due to potential travel restrictions as well as preserving the safety of our team members because of the ongoing Covid pandemic.<br /> <br /> The meeting has two main objectives. To provide an interactive format for sharing state reports from team members. Also, to identify and describe three main objectives for the reapplication of the NE-1720 proposal. This will also involve identifying team leaders for each objective and additional committee members.<br /> <br /> The meeting will be hosted by the Dean Volenberg at the University of Missouri and additional assistance will be provided by Mathew Clark at University of MN.
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