Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 10/07/2021 at Room 312, Agricultural Engineering Building, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park PA, 16802 Also: Online attendance via Password: 633180. :

Admin Advisor: Puneet Srivastava (

Additional Info

Agenda as follows:<br /> 08:00 am: Coffee<br /> 09:00 am: Welcome<br /> meeting chair - D Ciolkosz, PSU<br /> meeting host - S Fathel, PSU<br /> 09:10 am: Review and approval of previous meeting minutes<br /> 09:20 am: USDA Administration Report<br /> Victoria Finkenstadt, USDA<br /> 09:45 am: Station Reports<br /> (each university to give short summary of year's accomplishments)<br /> 11:00 am: Discussion of Team Progress and Plans<br /> 12:00 noon: Selection of Officers and Meeting Site for Next Year<br /> 12:30 pm: Adjourn - those attending in person to have lunch together<br /> 13:30 pm: Tour of Ag Engineering Building facilities, and Penn State Anaerobic Digester<br /> 15:30 pm: Depart
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