Meeting Authorization
Meeting Information
- Project No. and Title: SCC76 - Economics and Management of Risk in Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Dates: 04/08/2021 to 04/09/2021
- Contacts: [Brittney Goodrich] [Nick Paulson]
This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 04/08/2021
at Virtual - Zoom.
Admin Advisor: Michael E Salassi (
Additional Info
You are invited to take part in the 2021 SCC-76 Virtual Meeting which will take place April 8 and 9, from 2-5pm Eastern time each day. The abbreviated schedule is below, and the full schedule with speaker line-ups is attached. <br />
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Registration is free but required. Contact Brittney Goodrich ( or Nick Paulson ( for registration information. <br />
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Thursday, April 8 2-5pm EST <br />
2-3:30: Session 1: Design of Federal Crop Insurance Programs<br />
3:30-3:40: Announcements<br />
3:40-4:00: Break<br />
4:00-5:00: Session 2: Farm Policy Panel<br />
<br />
Friday, April 9 2-5pm EST<br />
2-3:30: Session 3: Demand for Crop Insurance and Program Impacts<br />
3:30-3:40: Announcements<br />
3:40-4:00: Break<br />
4:00-5:00: Session 4: Price and Labor Risk<br />