Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 08/09/2018 at Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus--College Conference Center Room. :

Admin Advisor: Debora Hamernik (

Additional Info

So the plans have FINALLY came together for the NC1181 meeting in Salina on August 9-10. Here are the details.<br /> <br /> Location: Kansas State University Polytechnic Campus - College Conference Center Room<br /> <br /> Address: 2310 Centennial Road Salina, KS 67401-8196 (go south on I-135 to exit 90; then West to Centennial Dr and turn North)<br /> <br /> Start time: 10 am on August 9 End time 1st day: 5 pm on August 9<br /> End time: noon on August 10<br /> <br /> Lunch included for August 9 with registration fee to be held at Campus Cafeteria<br /> Registration cost: $20/person. You can send registration check to Kansas State University c/o Jaymelynn Farney; PO Box 316; Parsons, KS 67357 or bring a check to KSU for the registration amount to give to Jaymelynn at the meeting.<br /> <br /> Room block rate: Comfort Suites<br /> Address: 715 Schilling Rd Salina, KS 67401 (only 2 miles for Polytech)<br /> Block name: NC1181<br /> Cost: still negotiating to try and get $89/room<br /> Group rate date before: July 27, 2017<br /> Rooms available for the 8th through 10th.<br /> <br /> There are also 5 other hotels in the same location as the comfort suites, if you choose to go elsewhere. This hotel location is close to food, shopping, and gas stations.<br /> <br /> Agenda:<br /> 8/9 10-noon begin oral reports<br /> 1-5 finish oral reports - if done earlier can start on discussion for re-write<br /> 8/10 8-noon work on new project (re-write)<br /> <br /> If you can not make it to the meeting but would like to contribute via distance, here is the Zoom conferencing information:<br /> Computer, mobile device contact : for the 1st day<br /> <br /> Computer, mobile device contract: for the re-write day<br />
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