Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

  • Project No. and Title: WERA102 - Climate Data and Analyses for Applications in Agriculture and Natural Resources
  • Dates: 09/19/2018 to 09/21/2018
  • Contacts: [Michael Anderson] [Ed Martin]

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 09/19/2018 at University of California, Davis, CA. :

Admin Advisor: Edward C Martin (

Additional Info

Details are being worked out. Tentative agenda is to begin at noon on September 19 and run through noon on September 21. <br /> <br /> Sept. 19 PM State Reports<br /> Sept. 20 AM State Reports<br /> Sept 20 PM Field Trip<br /> Sept 21 AM Plans for 2019, year-end reporting, wrap up<br /> <br /> While it may seem a long way out, consider not waiting to make hotel reservations as this meeting is happening just before the start of the UC Davis school year. As such many families will be in town helping their students get moved in etc. Here are a few hotel websites to consider all within walking distance to the university. Hotel number 3 is $2 above the federal per diem, so make your reservations early. <br /> <br /> 1.<br /> <br /> 2.<br /> <br /> 3.<br />
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