Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

  • Project No. and Title: NE1501 - Harnessing Chemical Ecology to Address Agricultural Pest and Pollinator Priorities
  • Dates: 01/11/2018 to 01/12/2018
  • Contacts: [Katja Poveda]

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 01/11/2018 at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. :

Admin Advisor: Jan P. Nyrop (

Additional Info

The next chemical ecology multistate (NE 1501) meeting will take place on January 11-12, 2018 in Ithaca, NY. The meeting will be held in Room 2123 Comstock Hall, Entomology Department, Cornell University. <br /> <br /> The agenda: <br /> January 11<br /> Arrival and informal dinner<br /> <br /> January 12 <br /> AM: presentation of current multistate projects: goals, results and outlook<br /> Noon: lunch with informal discussion groups<br /> PM: Ideas for future multistate projects and brainstorming session for enhancing collaborations among group members<br /> Night: Dinner and end of the meeting.<br />
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