Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

  • Project No. and Title: NCAC24 - Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource Applied Behavioral Sciences (formerly Ag Ed Research)
  • Dates: 01/10/2018 to 01/12/2018
  • Contacts: [Mark Balschweid] [Bobbie Torres]

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 01/10/2018 at Tucson, Arizona. :

Admin Advisor: Kristina Boone (

Additional Info

NCAC 24 Meeting Dates<br /> <br /> We have a 20 room block at the Marriott near the university on the dates 1/10-1/11/2018. Below is the link attendees need to use in order to reserve a room in the room block. <br /><br /> <br /> The meeting is scheduled to take place in the Student Union in the Sabino room 1/11 and 1/12. It will be arranged as a conference style meeting room. <br /> <br /> All the best,<br /> Ericka Encinas<br /> <br /> Ericka Encinas<br /> Administrative Secretary and Graduate Coordinator<br /> Department of Agricultural Education<br /> The University of Arizona <br /> Saguaro Hall, room 205<br /><br /> 520-621-1523<br />
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