Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

  • Project No. and Title: NC_old140 - Improving Economic and Environmental Sustainability in Tree-Fruit Production Through Changes in Rootstock Use
  • Dates: 11/13/2017 to 11/16/2017
  • Contacts: [Stefano Musacchi] [Jim McFerson]

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 11/13/2017 at Wenatchee, WA. :

Admin Advisor: Carolyn Lawrence-Dill (

Additional Info

Venue: Confluence Technology Center (CTC). Address: 285 Technology Center Way #102, Wenatchee, WA 98801. <br /> <br /> General Agenda Planned:<br /> Nov 13 Travel Day to meeting<br /> Nov 14 Business meeting 8-noon<br /> Lunch 12-1 pm<br /> State Reports 1-5 pm<br /> Nov 15 Business meeting including State Reports 8-11<br /> Lunch 11-12am<br /> Noon-3.30 pm Field trip to Sunrise Research Orchard and commercial orchard<br /> Nov 16 Travel Day <br /> <br /> Lodging: COMFORT SUITES 195 East Penny Road Wenatchee. Close to the convention center (Walking distance). Rate for the group is $124.20 + tax per night breakfast included. Phone: (509) 662-1818<br /> Each participant need to reserve the room calling the Hotel and provide his/her own credit card numbe . A block of 36 double bedrooms and 16 king bedrooms (the cost is the same) has been set aside. Rooms will be available until October 5th. Reservation is under: Stefano Musacchi Nc140 meeting. <br /> <br /> Meeting Registration fee is set at $125 each. Registration will include: Two days registration, orchard tour and two days lunch. Make registration via web link to the event registration page.<br />
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