Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

  • Project No. and Title: WERA102 - Climate Data and Analyses for Applications in Agriculture and Natural Resources
  • Dates: 09/11/2017 to 09/15/2017
  • Contacts: [Jama Hamel] [Ed Martin]

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 09/11/2017 at Twin Falls, Idaho. :

Admin Advisor: Edward C Martin (

Additional Info

This year's combined WERA 102 and 1022 meeting will be held September 11 -15, 2017 in Twin Falls Mon-Thurs with an optional Thursday night in Stanley. The main business meeting days are the 12th and 13th, please see tentative agenda below. There will be no conference fee, the hotel has comped our conference room and the hotel information for both hotels is attached to this email. Please reply to me if you plan to attend and which days you will be attending. I mostly need a head count for the Thousand Springs Tour and the Yankee Fork mining tour. I will also need to know if there is any interest in carpooling to either of the tours, I can have a large passenger van available if there is enough interest.<br /> <br /> We will have a large group, so we will be limiting presentation times and focus more on our group objectives. Please bring informative information on your program or research and we will make space available for people to pick up information. We will also have topics we would like you to cover during your presentation to ensure we are working towards our goals. We recently renewed both groups and have some feedback. Please feel free to add anybody in the ET/Climate community to this group. Also, if you have not yet, please sign up as a member at the proper NIMSS site, links are below. These links also provide <br /> <br /> (WERA - 1022)<br /> (WERA - 102)<br /> <br /> This year we will hold the meeting in Twin Falls, I have also planned some very interesting activities before and after the designated meeting times, so you can pick and choose where you participate. Below I have given a short blurb about each location. If you are flying in, there is a smaller airport in Twin Falls, the larger Boise airport (about 2 hours), Idaho Falls (2 hours) or the Sun Valley airport (about 1.5 hours). If you plan to stay through the river tour (described below), you will be closest to Sun Valley when you fly out.<br /> <br /> Monday evening, Thousand Springs tour - Thousand Springs is a natural phenomena where you can see groundwater/surface water interaction first hand. Groundwater flows subsurface along a bedrock shelf until it reaches the Snake River Canyon where it exits as waterfalls on the canyon wall where it replenishes the river and supplies a power plant. This tour will include a in depth tour of a nearby Idaho Power hydroelectric power plant.<br /><br /> <br /> Wednesday late afternoon/evening, Kimberly R&E - We will tour the Kimberly R&E Center where much of the ET methods we use today were developed and continue to be developed. Hopefully Rick Allen will attend the meeting and give us a personal tour, if not, his capable staff (Clarence) will be available.<br /><br /> <br /> Thursday, Irrigation and mining - We will leave the Twin Falls area travelling north to see some canal automation projects, a large reservoir, maybe a stop by the Ice Caves, (if there is enough interest) and end at a Reclamation river restoration project. The restoration project tour will include touring an old mining dredge and tailings, as well as see work Reclamation has done to restore fish habitat. This is located near Stanley, ID and is about 3 hours north of Twin Falls, the last irrigation project is only about 45 minutes north, so at this point, you could easily return to your airport if you do not want to continue. I can arrange for transportation at any point if there is enough interest, please message me directly. This is a beautiful area in the Sawtooth Mountains near Stanley, ID with natural hot springs, fishing, hiking, etc, it is really worth seeing if you haven't been to this area before.<br /><br /><br /> <br /> <br /> Thank you and I look forward to seeing everybody!<br /> <br /> Jama
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