Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 08/15/2017 at Great Plains Vet Ed Center (NE-18D Spur, Clay Center, NE 68933). :

Admin Advisor: Debora Hamernik (

Additional Info

A block of rooms is on hold at the Holiday Inn Express in Hastings, NE; 3605 Cimarron Plaza, Hastings, NE 68901. Cost is $91.00/night. Ask for "UNL-Animal Science" when making your reservation. Phone number 402-463-8858. The block will be held until July 14, 2017.<br /> <br /> TENTATIVE AGENDA: <br /> August 15, 2017<br /> 8:00 am- Introductions<br /> 8:10 am- Instructions from the Administrative Advisor- Deb Hamernik<br /> 8:30 am- Begin state reports<br /> 10:15 am- Short break<br /> 10:30 am- Resume state reports<br /> 12:00 noon- Break for lunch<br /> 1:00 pm- Resume state reports<br /> 3:00 pm- Short break<br /> 3:15 pm- Strategize in objective groups for upcoming analysis and field work<br /> 4:45 pm- Elect new secretary<br /> 5:00 pm- Adjourn for the day<br /> <br /> August 16, 2017<br /> 8:00 am- Short overview of USMARC nutrition research (Kristin Hales)<br /> 8:30 am- tour of USMARC (Chad Engle, livestock manager and/or Lance Shutte, forage manager)<br /> 10:30 am- Adjourn<br /> <br /> See you in August!<br />
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