Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

  • Project No. and Title: NCAC24 - Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resource Applied Behavioral Sciences (formerly Ag Ed Research)
  • Dates: 01/04/2017 to 01/06/2017
  • Contacts: [Mark Balschwedi] [Karen Plaut]

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 01/04/2017 at Michigan State- Kellogg Conference Center. :

Admin Advisor: Kristina Boone (

Additional Info

I am writing to invite you to participate in the next NCAC-24 meeting. In case you’re not familiar with the committee, the group is composed of administrative leaders of programs in agricultural education and related disciplines. The vision is to serve as a catalyst for collaborative agricultural education research, with a mission to increase the impact of agricultural education research.<br /> <br /> The next meeting of the committee will be January 4-6, 2017 in East Lansing, Michigan. Matt Raven is serving as our host and we will begin with an informal dinner function on Wednesday, January 4, and conclude the meeting by noon, Friday, January 6. The focus of the meeting will be to finalize the draft of the white paper titled “A Call to Action for Increasing Human and Institutional Capacity in Food and Agriculture” that was established by the working group in August in Indianapolis. This white paper is a high level philosophical paper based on community engaged scholarship and ends with actions for development of research committees and resulting projects. As we get closer to the January meeting I will send out the draft paper for each participant to become familiar with the contents in preparation for the meeting.<br /> <br /> A block of rooms has been reserved for our group at the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center in East Lansing, Michigan (219 S. Harrison Rd). The conference room we will be meeting in is located in the hotel. The State Room restaurant (serving breakfast, lunch and dinner) is located on the first floor of the Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center. To get the group rate ($100/night – Group Code: 1701USDANC), you must reserve your room by December 9, 2016. To do so, go to the following link: <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> In addition, there is a nominal registration fee of $50.00 to cover the cost of refreshments and the meeting room. Please pay by check or cash during the meeting and Matt Raven will provide receipts. The dress is business casual. For more information about NCAC 24 please visit the website <br /> <br /> Please let me know if you have any questions.<br /> <br /> I look forward to seeing you in East Lansing!! <br /> <br />
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