Meeting Authorization

Meeting Information

This authorizes the annual meeting: .
The meeting will be held on 09/19/2016 at CSIRO Discovery Center, Canberra, Australia. :

Admin Advisor: Rameshwar Kanwar (

Additional Info

This is to authorize the annual meeting of the NCERA 101 Committee on "Controlled Environment Technology and Use" on September 19-22, 2016 along with 5th International Controlled Environment Conference to be held on September 18-23, 2016 at CSIRO Discovery Center, Canberra, Australia. More details on the hotel, travel, and agenda of the meeting will be sent by Carole Saravitz (of North Carolina State University, E-mail: and Robert Morrow, E-mail: <br /> <br /> NCERA 101 Committee has taken the leadership to organize this International Conference in Australia along with their research colleagues from CSIRO Canberra, Australia where researchers from 25 plus countries will discuss environment control technologies that can be recommended for use by the industry for green house uses. <br /> <br /> 5th International Controlled Environment Conference: 2016 Australia Conference.pdf<br /> <br /> September 18 - 23, 2016<br /> Combined International Controlled Environment Conference/AusPheno Conference <br /> CSIRO Discovery Centre <br /> Canberra <br /> AUSTRALIA<br />
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