Minutes of the 2006 NCERA-148 Annual Meeting

State College, PA, Oct. 23-24, 2006


Chairman Rob Venette opened the meeting at 9:15 AM on Oct. 23, 2006.


The following individuals attended the meeting: Annalisa Ariatti, David Byrne, Manuel Colunga-Garcia, Joe Dauer, Erick DeWolf, Nick Dufault, Howard Fescemeyer, Shelby Fleischer, Regula Gehrig, Julie Golod, Rick Hellmich, David Hogg (Administrative Advisor), Casey Hoy, Bill Hutchison, Scott Isard, Tim Leslie, Rick Meyer (USDA-CSREES), Dave Mortensen, Forrest Nutter, Megan O’Rourke, Matt Royer, Joe Russo, Tom Sappington, Elson Shields, Joe Spencer, Elwynn Taylor, Rob Venette, John Westbrook, Jeremy Zivek.


Minutes of the 2005 meeting were unanimously approved.


Membership Committee (Scott Isard)

  • Goal is to invite graduate students; expose them to NCERA-148; and encourage their membership.
  • Manuel Colunga-Garcia and Roger Magarey have become NCERA-148 members in 2006.


Website Committee (Rob Venette)

  • NIMSS Web page has been maintained; Rick Hellmich was commended for uploading the 2005 Impact Statements onto NIMSS Web site.
  • Uncertain future of NCR-148 Web site Michigan State University (Rufus Isaacs) is due to lack of support personnel.
  • Plan to move content from (and close link to) previous NCR-148 Web site.
  • Scott Isard suggested hosting NCERA-148 Web site at Penn State University with Annalisa Ariatti serving as site manager.  Rob Venette suggested consolidation of Web sites and maintenance of links with the NIMSS Web site.


Awards Committee (Casey Hoy)

  • Recommended identifying previous award recipients and maintaining a list of previous award recipients on the NIMSS Web site.
  • 2006 Award presented to David Byrne for significant contributions to NCR-148 since 1984.


Impact Writing Committee (Rick Hellmich)

  • Need to request submission of Impact Statements at annual meetings.
  • Secretary rotates onto Impact Writing Committee every year.


Nomination Committee (Tom Sappington)

  • Tom Sappington and John Westbrook nominated Shelby Fleischer as the candidate for secretary/treasurer, who was elected by a unanimous vote.


Site Committee (Elson Shields)

  • Scott Isard and Elson Shields recommended St. Paul, MN, as the site for the 2007 Annual Meeting, which was unanimously approved.  The meeting will be held during the first two weeks of Oct.


CSREES Report (Richard Meyer)

  • Distributed copies of the 2005 NCERA-148 Impact Statement report, which had been prepared by Amy Rhodes, CSREES; Amy has vacated her position, which will likely be refilled.
  • Referred to the CSREES web site (IPM section)
  • CSREES budget is flat for FY2007.
  • Request for USDA competitive grant proposals will be posted within a few weeks.
  • Distributed copies of the CSREES Plant Sciences Update.
  • Discussed phase-out of Congressionally-earmarked grants (sunset report).
  • Reported appointment of new CSREES National Program Leader for Plant Pathology, Marty Draper, will assume responsibility of Pest Management Centers.
  • Secretary of USDA Award – Prestigious commendations to Scott Isard and Julie Golod for important multi-Agency work on Soybean Rust.


Administrative Advisor Report (David Hogg)

  • Described state of turmoil regarding Hatch Funds (formula funds)
    • Hatch funds have been restored and slightly increased in FY2007.
    • OMB wants all future government research funds to be competitively awarded.
  • Create 21 – “How to fund agricultural extension and research (capacity).”
  • NIFA -- May be enacted along the lines of NIH funding.
  • David Hogg will move from administration back into academia.
    • David Hogg will be replaced as Administrative Advisor and encouraged recommendations for his replacement:
      • Elson Taylor recommended Wendy Winterstein (Iowa State University).
      • David Hogg recommended Sonny Ramaswamy (Kansas State University).
      • Casey Hoy recommended Bill Rathman (Ohio State University).
      • Forest Nutter recommended Ray Hammerschmidt (Michigan State University).


David Byrne recommended sending a letter of thanks to Joe Russo, owner of ZedX, for use of conference room facilities; Rob Venette affirmed that he would send the letter.


State Reports (Secretary John Westbrook requested State Reports within 3 weeks after the meeting).  Bullet statements summarizing the State Reports are listed below; extensive State Reports are provided separately.


  • Arizona (David Byrne)
    • Parasitoid life history and flight fuels for their dispersal
    • Whitefly parasitoid fauna (5 species)
  • Illinois (Joe Spencer)
    • Investigated western corn rootworm (WCR) movement from refuges into transgenic corn.
    • Used Cry proteins from transgenic corn as marker of WCR beetles (detectable up to 24 hours).
    • Research results suggested use of strip-planted refuge.
  • Iowa (Tom Sappington)
    • Manipulated spatial distribution of adult European corn borers (ECB) using mosaic of plantings of host plants.
    • Released susceptible marked moths into landscape.
    • A tether saddle was attached with superglue to abdomen of adult ECB for use on flight mill.
      • Suggested use of cold temperature to cause moths to be still during tethering.
      • Discovered that Nosema pathogen reduced flight capability of adult ECB.
    • Population genetics of Bt-corn IRM monitoring of ECB
      • Developed and used microsatellites for discrimination of ECB.
  • Iowa (Rick Hellmich)
    • Discussed research on plot size for evaluating movement of adult ECB.
    • Will host Chinese scientist to share research techniques and results for marked-study of corn borers.
  • Michigan (Manuel Colunga-Garcia)
    • Discussed research on human-mediated pathways of invasive species.
    • Metropolitan areas
    • Integrated databases of foreign imports and ports of entry to determine risk assessments of vulnerable metropolitan areas (including built-up and non-built-up areas).
    • Distributed State Report from Rufus Isaacs
  • Iowa (Forest Nutter)
    • Discussed remote sensing, GIS, GPS technologies for plant disease epidemics (Asian soybean rust).
    • Explained that diagnostic analysis of near-infrared intensity gradient within field:
      • Can’t differentiate spectral characteristics of various pathogenic spp. infections;
      • Can distinguish spatial characteristics within field; and
      • Can identify foci of infection by calculating centroid.
  • Iowa (Elwynn Taylor)
    • Discussed long-term risk assessment of Asian soybean rust infection based on wind trajectories (lower and upper trajectories).
  • Minnesota (Bill Hutchison)
  • New York (Elson Shields)
    • Discussed major research program using a fleet of large radio-controlled airplanes to collect airborne biota.
    • Discovered migratory flight response of potato leafhopper to barometric pressure changes.
    • Each aircraft costs about $5K to $10K.
  • Ohio (Casey Hoy)
    • Discussed several research projects:
      • Ash firewood from Michigan is a major source emerald ash borer (see Ash Alert on the Web).
      • Robin Taylor has used insect flight mills.
      • Remote sensing of infected ash.
      • Diamondback moth response to permethium residue and susceptibility.
      • Entomopathogenic nematodes and soil management to enhance nematode populations around perimeter of cropland.
      • Distributed copies of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences paper by Alison Snow et al.
    • Announced advertised research positions at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center.
    • Announced that he will move into a new position and no longer participate in NCERA-148.
  • Pennsylvania (Scott Isard)
    • Soybean Rust
      • Summarized research on biophysical factors and dispersal modeling, including ensemble aerobiological models.
    • PIPE (Pest Information Platform for Education and Extension)
      • Described IPM decision support system
      • Announced formation of a PIPE Steering Committee.
  • Pennsylvania (Fleischer)
    • Interested in reviewing previous Areawide Heliothis project organized by John Goodenough (1983-1986).
    • Discussed migratory Lepidopteran map output.
    • Described collaboration with Howard Fescemeyer on microsatellite genetic analyses.
    • Discussed physiological and molecular basis of flight capability in moths and butterflies.
  • Pennsylvania (David Mortensen)
    • Discussed research on dispersal of Round-Up-resistant weed seeds.
  • Texas (John Westbrook)
    • Summarized research on spring dispersal of adult cotton fleahoppers from weeds.
    • Provided update on NSF-ITR project about bat foraging on crop insect pests.


Joe Russo (ZedX) “Useful resources for movement and dispersal studies”

  • ZedX is an IT company (weather data is one major element with and agricultural emphasis)
  • Physical systems protections
  • Facility layout enhances interaction among scientists
  • Open-source approach to data/systems programming
  • Redundant teleconnections
  • CPU/utility backup capability
  • Weather data quality control
    • Dependent on forecasts, data collection
    • Helps to understand limitation (uncertainty) of weather data
  • Prepares data format and product output
  • Reliable products and service availability
    • Maintains customer base
  • Fully automated service
  • Private data services
    • e.g., farmer applications
  • Customer model building with access to database
    • APHIS
  • Focal point: It’s about people using IT technology
  • Data management moves individual databases of various structures into SQL databases (Cyber infrastructure)
  • Weather data sources
    • Degrading quality attributed to automated stations
  • WRF Mesoscale Model (12-15 km gridded)
    • Global model forecasts to be available in 2007


Matt Royer (USDA-APHIS) delivered the presentation titled “Regulatory agency with methods development responsibility”

  • Homeland Security presidential initiative
    • Communication and response to agricultural security
  • IT pest detection modeling (PIPE models)
  • NAPIS reports at county level and cannot report at the individual property level
  • Need to prioritize pest surveys and risk assessments
    • APHIS needs to involve industry earlier to determine scope of risk management goals
  • EXCERPT (Export Certification)


Rob Venette (Forest Service) delivered the presentation titled “Needs for dispersal research in a charter for exotic invasive species research and development”

  • Setting 10-year plan on invasive species (insects, pathogens, weeds)
    • Need to prioritize to allocate limited resources
  • Need to work as a “coalition of the willing”
  • Look for common arrival, establishment, integration, and spread among the invasive species
  • Invasive species management plan
  • Focus on global scale
    • See Venette and Cohen (2006) paper in Forest Ecology and Management about climate suitability for P. ramorum


Megan O’Rourke (Cornell University) delivered the presentation titled “Habitat heterogeneity affects insect communities in field corn: a question of scale”

  • Do treelines slow ECB dispersal?
  • Examined first-year non-Bt corn fields for ECB, western and northern corn rootworms, and pink-spotted lady beetles
    • WCR population were significantly higher in high corn density counties
    • Lady beetle populations were significantly lower in high corn density counties
  • Will add sampling of corn leaf aphids in 2007.
  • Can these results be used to infer scales of dispersal?


Nick Dufault (Penn State University) delivered the presentation titled “The deposition of Phakopsora pachyrhizi urediniospores”

  • Asian soybean rust
    • Wet and dry deposition
    • Effect of environmental and production practices on infections
  • Rainfall simulator with incorporated spores for wet deposition
    • Rainfall distributes spores evenly within canopy, but can also wash off spores from upper canopy
  • Dry deposition experiment using fluorescent particles


Joe Dauer (Penn State University) delivered the presentation titled “Trying to understand how seeds fly: the story of glyphosate-resistant horseweed”

  • Round-up resistant horseweed (a.k.a. marestail or Canadian fleabane)
  • Horseweed seeds with pappus (similar to parachute)
  • Vertical screen traps on towers and radio-controlled aircraft net sampling of airborne seeds


Final Business

  • Next meeting – Minneapolis, MN, during first two weeks of October 2007.


Meeting adjourned at 1:35 PM on Oct. 24, 2006.


State reports

2006 State Report for Iowa



Thomas W. Sappington, USDA-ARS, Ames, IA



Effects of gender, age, mating status, and Nosema infection on laboratory flight behavior of European corn borer moths.


Thomas W. Sappington,1,2 David L. Dorhout,2 Marlin E. Rice,2 and Leslie C. Lewis1,2


1USDA-ARS, Corn Insects & Crop Genetics Research Unit, Ames, IA

2Dept. of Entomology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA


European corn borer (ECB) (Ostrinia nubilalis) is a major pest of corn in North America and Europe, and is a primary target of transgenic corn expressing the Bt toxin Cry1Ab.  The current insect resistance management (IRM) strategy relies in part on each grower planting at least 20% of his/her corn acreage to non-transgenic corn within a half-mile of any Bt-corn to serve as a refuge for production of nonresistant moths to mate with any resistant moths that may emerge from the Bt-corn.  The success of the refuge strategy depends on the dispersal behavior of ECB after emergence from corn and the relative timing of mating, an event that takes place mainly in grassy aggregation sites, such as road ditches and waterways.  If resistance develops, its rate of spread through populations across the landscape also will be affected by dispersal behavior.  However, little is known about when and how far moths disperse, if there are differences in flight behavior between sexes, if pathogen load affects flight behavior, and how mating may affect dispersal activity and its timing.  Recent mark-release studies in Iowa have suggested that newly-emerged ECB moths may be programmed to take an obligatory dispersal flight away from the natal field, rather than simply seeking the first available grassy aggregation site for mating.  If so, this has major implications for patterns and rates of resistance development and spread through populations and the landscape.

In the first study, we used computer-interfaced flight mills to compare flight behavior of moths of different age, sex, and mating status.  Moths used in this study were reared at the USDA-ARS Corn Insects laboratory in Ames, IA.  Tethers consisted of sandwich bag twist‑ties formed into an inverted U-shaped harness that fit over the moth’s abdomen just posterior to the thorax, and was secured by a small drop of quick-drying superglue.  The tethered moth was attached by a clip to the arm of a flight mill, which rotated on a pivot when the moth flew.  Each complete rotation represented 1 m of flight.  The rotations were counted by an electric eye, and the number and timing of rotations was fed into a computer.  Up to 13 flight mills could be operated simultaneously.  Flight mills were housed in a walk-in chamber maintained at 24oC and 80% RH under a 16:8 (L:D) photoperiod.  Moths were placed on the mills a few hours before dark, but only flight activity during the 8 h of darkness was analyzed.  Each moth was flown on one night only, and moths of a single sex were flown on a given night to avoid possible effects of sex pheromone on behavior.  

Data analyses are ongoing, but preliminary analyses of the parameter “distance of longest single flight” are consistent with an obligatory dispersal phase for unmated females (6.2 + 1.0 km at 1 d old, decreasing to 3.5 + 0.7 km at 5 d old).  The pattern for males (1.7 + 0.4 km at 1 d old, increasing to 4.2 + 0.9 km at 5 d old) was quite different than that of females, but the distance flown on the first night after emergence was nevertheless substantial.  It was not possible to test the flight behavior of 1 d old mated moths, because they would have to have been flown the same night of mating.  The distance of the longest flight of 2 d old mated females (3.0 + 0.7 km) was about half that of unmated 1 d old females, but not significantly different than that of unmated 2 d old females (5.0 + 1.0 km).  The distance of the longest flight of 2 d old mated males (1.8 + 0.5 km) was very similar to that of unmated 1 d old males, and not significantly different than that of unmated 2 d old males (2.8 + 0.8 km).

In a second set of experiments, we examined the effects of infection by Nosema pyrausta, a common protozoan pathogen in the US Corn Belt, on laboratory flight behavior of unmated 1 d old males and female ECB.  We did not have enough material to compare other ages or the effects of mating.  The moths were taken from a separate colony maintained at the Corn Insects Laboratory.  Both nominally infected and uninfected moths were weighed and dissected after flight, and the level of infection was determined as spores/mg body weight.  Wings were removed from the moths after flight and scanned to facilitate measurement of wing length and area. 

Preliminary analyses indicate that Nosema-infected adults of both sexes are much smaller than their uninfected counterparts, the former weighing only 50-60% of the latter.  Observations of wing scans indicate that this difference is reflected by substantial differences in wing size, though quantification of wing measurements is ongoing.  The median distance of the longest flight of infected females (0.76 km) and males (0.21 km) was much less than that of uninfected females (3.3 km) and males (1.4 km) from the same colony.  Plotting distance of the longest flight against level of Nosema infection suggests that there is a threshold effect, such that flight is not affected in females until infection levels are greater than about 30 spores/mg body weight.  Likewise, flight of males is not affected until infection levels are greater than about 50 spores/mg body weight.  This threshold effect suggests that differences in flight behavior in Nosema-infected and uninfected moths are not caused by differences in body weight or wing size per se.  Rather, moths infected at a level above threshold likely have insufficient energy reserves in the fat body to fuel prolonged flight activity.



Impact Statement:

Evidence from a series of mark-release and laboratory flight mill studies suggest that European corn borer undergo an obligatory dispersal flight away from the natal field the first night after emergence from the pupa.  Distance of this flight is variable, but may average several km.  These findings will substantially affect predictions of Bt resistance development and rate of spread through populations, because the working assumption has been that ECB reside and mate near their natal field.




Recent Publications Relevant to NCERA-148:


Reardon, B. J., D. V. Sumerford, and T. W. Sappington.  2006.  Impact of trap design, windbreaks, and weather on captures of European corn borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in pheromone-baited traps.  Environ. Entomol.  (In press)

Reardon, B. J., D. V. Sumerford, and T. W. Sappington.  2006.  Dispersal of newly-eclosed European corn borer moths (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) from corn into small-grain aggregation plots.  J. Econ. Entomol. 99: 1641-1650.

Kim, K. S., P. Cano-Ríos, and T. W. Sappington.  2006.  Forum: Using genetic markers and population assignment techniques to infer origin of boll weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) unexpectedly captured near an eradication zone in Mexico.  Environ. Entomol. 35: 813-826.

Kim, K. S., and T. W. Sappington.  2006.  Molecular genetic variation of boll weevil populations in North America estimated with microsatellites: Implications for patterns of dispersal.  Genetica  127: 143-161.

Sappington, T. W., M. D. Arnold, A. D. Brashears, M. N. Parajulee, S. C. Carroll, A. E. Knutson, and J. W. Norman Jr.  2006.  Dispersal of boll weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) from cotton modules before ginning.  J. Econ. Entomol. 99: 67-75.

Sappington, T. W.  2005.  First-flight adult European corn borer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) distribution in roadside vegetation relative to cropping patterns and corn phenology.  Environ. Entomol. 34: 1541-1548.



2006 State Report for Illinois



Joseph L. Spencer, University of Illinois, Champaign, IL



NCERA-148: Migration and Dispersal of Insects and Other Biota


Synopsis of Activities in 2005-2006


Joseph L. Spencer, NCR-148 State Representative

Section for Ecological Entomology, Illinois Natural History Survey

Champaign, IL 61820-6917, spencer1@uiuc.edu; Phone: 217/244-6851; Fax: 217/265-5110


Participants in Movement and Dispersal Research. Joseph L. Spencer (INHS), Eli Levine (INHS), David Onstad (NRES), and Dave Voegtlin (INHS).


Cooperators. Mike Gray (Crop Sciences) and Kevin Steffey (Crop Sciences).


Highlights of Movement and Dispersal Activities at Illinois.

·      Extramural corn rootworm movement-related grant proposals were funded by:

o        USDA-NRI (“Trap then manage: using corn rootworm behavior to reduce producer inputs and optimize resistance management for transgenic corn.”  J. Spencer, K.L. Steffey, and M.E. Gray)

o        USDA-RIPM (“Movement of rotation-resistant western corn rootworm beetles from soybean fields to cornfields.”  J. Spencer, D. Onstad, and E. Levine).

·      Interfield WCR movement and mating studies related to transgenic corn refuge designs (supported by Monsanto) suggest mating activity in transgenic corn is not the same as that in adjacent non-transgenic refuges.

·      A state and region-wide suction trap network was operational in 2006, providing data on soybean aphid captures from across Illinois and the Midwest. An abundant fall flight of migrant soybean aphids is consistent with potential for high aphid populations in 2007.


Relevant Publications (2005-2006).

·      Knolhoff, L., D. Onstad, J. Spencer, and E. Levine. 2006. Behavioral differences between rotation-resistant and wild-type Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Environmental Entomology. 35(4):1049-1057.

·      Spencer, J.L.  2006. Tracking movement of mate-seeking WCR males between refuges and transgenic corn.  INHS Reports, Summer 2006, No. 388, p.1.

·      Crowder, D. W., D.W. Onstad, M.E. Gray, P.D. Mitchell, J.L. Spencer, and R.J. Brazee. 2005.  Economic analysis of dynamic management strategies utilizing transgenic corn for control of western corn rootworm (Coleoptera: Chysomelidae). Journal of Economic Entomology.  98: 961-975.

·      Levine, E., J.L. Spencer, T.R. Mabry, and S.A. Isard.  2005.  Soybean virus transmission by rootworms. INHS Reports, Winter 2005, No. 382, p.5.

·      Spencer, J.L., T.R. Mabry, E. Levine, and S.A. Isard. 2005.  Movement, Dispersal, and Behavior of Western Corn Rootworm Adults in Rotated Corn and Soybean Fields.  In Western Corn Rootworm: Ecology and Management. S. Vidal, U. Kuhlmann, and C. R. Edwards, eds. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK.  Pp. 121-144.

·      Spencer, J.L., S.A. Isard, and E. Levine. 2005.  Movement of western corn rootworm adults within and between fields: implications for resistance management, p. 28-34.  In Proceedings of the Illinois Crop Protection Technology Conference.  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. 




Rotation-Resistant Western Corn Rootworm Movement Studies.  Principal Investigators: Joseph Spencer & Eli Levine, Section of Ecological Entomology, Illinois Natural History Survey; David Onstad Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science, University of Illinois. 


1). Movement of rotation-resistant western corn rootworm beetles from soybean fields to cornfields.  Interfield movement studies of rotation-resistant WCR adults have previously focused on beetle travel from corn into rotated crops.  In 2006, we began a study looking at WCR movement from soybean into cornfields. The presence of abundant WCR adults in soybean (or other rotated crops) is diagnostic of rotation-resistant WCR populations. Those WCR that enter soybean fields to feed and/or lay eggs must return to cornfields to locate food resources that will permit maturation of eggs; soybean tissues, though readily consumed, do not provide significant nutrition to WCR adults.   It was hypothesized that detection of ingested soybean tissue inside WCR adults captured at the edges of cornfields could be used to measure local levels of rotation-resistant WCR activity in an area. If successful, this method might be useful to rapidly determine if rotation-resistant WCR were active in a particular field.   Availability of EnviroLogix QuickStix detection devices specific for the CP4 EPSPS protein expressed in Roundup Ready soybean (‘RR-soybean’) allowed us to detect ingested Roundup Ready soybean tissue in WCR adults.   This ability made it possible to measure the proportion of individual cornfield WCR that had recently returned to cornfields following feeding activity in soybean fields.  

The WCR adults from soybean fields into adjacent cornfields was measured in six pairs of commercial RR-soybean fields non-RR cornfields and as well as in three 4-acre research plots divided into 2-acre subplots of RR-soybean and non-RR corn.   WCR adults were collected at the interface between the crops.  In soybean, sweep samples were collected in rows 1, 5, 10, and 15; in corn WCR were collected from rows 1, 5, and 10.  To study periodicity in interfield movement, on seven days, collections were repeated during four time intervals: 7-10 am, 10 am -1 pm, 1-4 pm, and 4-7 pm.  In the laboratory, female WCR were processed to detect ingested RR-soybean tissue using CP4 EPSPS-specific QuickStix.  Highest proportions of females testing positive for ingested RR-soybean (RR+) occurred between 7-10 am and 10 am–1 pm.  Few RR+ WCR were ever collected in any corn row other than row 1.  At peak WCR population, morning collections of WCR from RR-soybean and adjacent non-RR cornfields were made across the central 1/3rd of Illinois.  Females from these samples were processed as above to detect evidence of interfield movement.  The proportion of RR+ WCR females from row 1 of cornfields was 10 times higher in areas with rotation resistance (0.07) vs. areas with rotation-susceptible (0.007) WCR populations.  The proportion of RR+ females in soybean fields was not different relative to an areas’ rotation resistance status, though WCR were significantly more abundant in soybean fields from areas with known rotation resistance (82 WCR/100 sweeps) vs. rotation susceptible (18 WCR/100 sweeps) areas. Data analysis and insect processing are still underway; this project will be repeated in 2007.


Impact Statement: An assay that could measure the level of rotation-resistant WCR activity in specific fields within a few minutes, would encourage greater monitoring for rotation-resistance.  Current monitoring protocols using Pherocon AM traps are rarely used, resulting in unnecessary use of soil insecticide or rootworm transgenic corn on the 10-20% of rotated corn in the northern half of Illinois without serious rootworm infestations.   Growers that avoid treatment for corn rootworm larvae can save growers $17/acre.

2).  Intra-field movement and mating of male WCR between refuge and YieldGard® Rootworm transgenic corn. Transgenic corn tissue detection methods were used to monitor the movement and mating activity of WCR beetles dispersing from a 20% structured refuge cornfield with two areas (15-rows and 75-rows) of Monsanto’s YieldGard® Rootworm (the transgenic, comprising 80% of the field area) on either side of a 24-row strip of Monsanto’s YieldGard® Cornborer hybrid (because this hybrid does not affect WCR larval development it serves as the non-WCR transgenic hybrid and was the refuge). The Cry1Ab protein expressed in the YieldGard® Cornborer served as a marker to allow movement from the refuge into the Cry3Bb1 transgenic to be reckoned. Detection of Cry1Ab protein in mating WCR pairs in the transgenic area of each field (n=4, 2-acre plots) allowed intrafield movement of males and females to be measured directly and allowed a direct measurement of refuge ‘function’ to be assessed.  In 2005, mean male WCR movement rates (ca. 6.1 m/day) did not differ between males captured while mating and those taken while moving about singly (mated pair QuickStix processing is not complete for 2006 insects).  In both ’05 and ’06, Male movement rates were highest before female emergence peaked, thereafter males did not move as fast.  Also, in both years, the female member of a mating WCR pair was 10 times more likely to be newly emerged (i.e., still teneral) when collected in a refuge than when collected in the rootworm transgenic areas of a field.  These data suggest that the more scarce calling females that emerge from rootworm transgenic corn may not be found my mate-seeking males as rapidly as females emerging in the refuge.  If confirmed, delayed mating of females in transgenic corn may indicate that key assumptions about male movement/mating or female mating may be wrong under refuge conditions commonly accepted as part of IRM plans for corn rootworms.


Impact Statement: Detection of un-met behavioral expectations for mate-seeking WCR in transgenic corn suggests that current refuge configurations for rootworm transgenic corn may need to be re-visited; these data will be useful to that re-evaluation.  WCR resistance to Bt transgenic corn would force many U.S. corn growers to rely solely on insecticides for rootworm control.  This would increase production costs and increase direct grower exposure to a variety of toxicants.



Soybean Aphid Monitoring.  Principal Investigator: Dave Voegtlin, Illinois Natural History Survey.  Counts of the soybean aphids caught in the Midwest suction trap network for 2006 are available on the web at: http://www.ncpmc.org/traps/index.cfm


Abundant soybean aphids in Fall 2006, potential problems for Summer 2007?  The number of soybean aphids caught during July and August 2006 was considerably lower than seen in 2005 with no trap exceeding 200/week.  Highest counts were in Minnesota, northern Iowa and south-western Wisconsin, corresponding roughly to the area where the highest fall flights were recorded in 2005.  Soybean aphids were collected throughout most of the network during this period the exception being the southern traps (Kansas, Missouri, S. Illinois and Kentucky) and a couple of traps in Michigan where only a few individuals were collected during the entire summer. 


Similar to some of the previous years, a summer of low trap catches and corresponding low field populations has been followed by a large fall flight.  Unfortunately, we do not have regional numbers for the fall flight in 2002 and 2004 that were each followed by an outbreak season so it is only possible to compare using the Illinois data.  Soybean aphid counts from the Illinois traps September through mid-October since 2001 are shown below for comparative purposes. 


2001         24

2002         732

2003         22

2004       – 1,765

2005         269

2006         1,420 (incomplete)


Fall counts for the Indiana traps are higher than seen in any year in Illinois, or in the Midwest in 2005.  One trap at West Lafayette, Indiana caught over 3,500 in the last week of September.  Fall flight counts are only one indication of the potential population the next season.  Flights in areas with little Rhamnus cathartica may be predominantly unsuccessful at finding the host.  Predator impacts need to be limited, overwintering eggs deposited, winter eggs survival and successful spring migration need to occur for the fall flight to realize its potential. David Voegtlin, Oct. 2006.


Impact Statement: Annual soybean aphid abundance monitoring has revealed a 2-year cycle of high and low Fall populations of aphid migrants.  Knowing that an abundant fall flight of migrant aphids is associated with an increased likelihood economic injury in soybean during the following year allows growers to anticipate a need to take action.


Large numbers of winged (alate) soybean aphids on buckthorn leaves, Champaign County, Sep 28, 2006 (University of Illinois).


2006 State Report for Maine



Andrei Alyokhin, University of Maine, Orono, ME



Diurnal Patterns in Host Finding by Potato Aphids, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Homoptera: Aphididae)


Andrei Alyokhin

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469


Potato aphid, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), is the most abundant species colonizing potato plants in Maine.  Although not a very efficient virus vector when compared to the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae (Sulzer), it is still capable of transmitting Potato virus Y (PVY) and, to a smaller degree, Potato leaf-roll virus (PLRV).

Short-distance movement of viruliferous aphids may be responsible both for enlarging existing disease foci, as well as for creating new foci within the same field.  Because of their high mobility, winged aphids are generally considered to be more important in spreading viruses between plants than wingless aphids. However, there is evidence that dispersal of wingless aphids can also result in infection of a substantial number of plants. Earlier study (including ours) showed that wingless potato aphid was the most mobile potato-colonizing species. Therefore, its movement between plants may be a significant factor in viral outbreaks in potato fields.

A considerable amount of research effort went into studying the regulation of aphid physiology (particularly in relation to its life cycle) by changing photoperiod, temperature and humidity.  However, relatively little is still known about aphid activity patterns during a 24-hour daily cycle. We investigated the circadian rhythmicity of movement of wingless adult potato aphids towards host plant odor.

Effects of daily cycle (day or night) and illumination (light or dark) on the proportion of aphids colonizing potato leaflets were determined in a Petri plate arena and in a Y-tube olfactometer.  In Petri dishes, both daily cycle and light had a highly significant effect on plant colonization (Fig. 1).  Increasing temperature reduced aphid colonization of the leaflets.  In the olfactometer, light had a significant effect on the proportion of aphids walking towards the host plant.  Interaction between time and light was also statistically significant, with the effect of illumination being smaller during the day than during the night (Fig. 2).

The trend towards stronger aphid response during the photophase persisted even in complete darkness.  This suggests endogenous regulation of the observed behavior.  At the same time, illumination greatly increased aphid movement towards host plants, effectively overriding effects of daily cycle during the scotophase.  Therefore, it appears that aphid movement towards host plants is affected by both endogenous and exogenous regulation mechanisms.

Impact Statement: Better understanding of the diurnal rhythms of wingless potato aphids in their host finding activity can potentially improve (1) existing insect monitoring programs/ IPM scouting, (2) planning and scheduling the most efficient time for pesticide sprays, and (3) evaluation of new biological control agents by matching activity patterns of natural enemies and their target pests.



Narayandas, G. and A. Alyokhin. 2006.  Diurnal patterns in host finding by potato aphids, Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Homoptera: Aphididae).  Journal of Insect Behavior 19: 347-356.















Fig. 1.  Colonization of excised potato leaflets by adult potato aphids under the light and dark conditions during day and night in Petri-dish arenas.  Error bars indicate standard errors. 



Fig. 2. Colonization of excised potato leaflets by adult potato aphids under the light and dark conditions during day and night in an olfactometer.  Error bars indicate standard errors. 



2006 State Report for Michigan



Rufus Isaacs, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI


Quantifying local dispersal of Japanese beetle


Rufus Isaacs & Steve Van Timmeren

Dept. of Entomology, Michigan State University


This project aims to determine the dispersal capabilities of adult Japanese beetles, Popillia japonica, within fruit crop landscapes. Mark-release-recapture and release-recapture experiments have been conducted to better understand the movement of this damaging pest insect. Our long-term aim is to use the data in spatially-explicit modeling of the dynamics of this insect across agricultural landscapes, to assist with the design of agricultural systems that are suppressive to this insect. This information should be valuable for agricultural regions near infested regions that may then be better able to resist invasion and establishment of this pest as it continues to expand its geographic range.


1. Release of beetles at varying distances from monitoring trap.  Three separate releases of Japanese beetles were conducted at the Trevor Nichols Research Complex in Fennville, Michigan during September 2004. Groups of 500 male and 500 female beetles were released at each of various distances along an east-west transect. Beetles were collected with pheromone traps and marked the day before release on each side of their elytra with paint pens. Fifteen different colors were used to ensure no overlap of recaptured beetles occurred.  Beetles were then held on sassafras foliage until release.

 Beetles were released in sand-filled trays at 10, 50, 100, 200, and 400 meters east of a set of six pheromone traps placed within 5 m of each other. Releases took place around 1000 h on each of the release dates (September 1, 8, and 14).  The landscape along the transect was primarily open field with some fruit trees (primarily apple, pear, and peach) and Concord grapes adjacent to the transect at various points. Pheromone traps were emptied at least once a day for the entire length of the releases up to 21 days post release, although most recaptured beetles were caught within the first couple of days after the release.

The overall level of recapture in this trial was 11.1% of beetles released. Similar numbers of male and female beetles were recaptured of those released 10 m away from the traps (Fig. 1). However, at all longer distances, more females were caught, suggesting greater dispersal capacity in female beetles.

Seventy four percent of beetles recaptured were collected within the first six hours (Fig. 2), with a small increase at the start of the second day of the trials (92% of recaptures), data not shown. This suggests that female beetles are capable of rapid movement of their eggs to distant oviposition sites. Our findings have important implications for the local spread of this species by flight, since females will be able to fly and locate suitable oviposition sites within a large area over a short time period. This suggests that unless controlled quickly after emergence from the ground and the subsequent mating, egglaying will occur and larvae will be established in suitable sites for development and emergence for the subsequent growing season. 





2. Large-scale recapture of beetles across a fruit crop landscape. Five thousand adult beetles were released from a central release site at the Trevor Nichols Research Complex in Fennville Michigan in June 2005. This farm consists of open fields, woodland, vineyards, and orchards and is representative of a typical eastern US fruit farm landscape. Three concentric circles of baited Japanese beetle traps were placed approximately 100, 250, and 4-500 m from the release point, with additional traps placed between 600 and 1500 m from the release site. Traps were placed in open sites at the edges of crop plantings over grassy areas where beetle oviposition is concentrated.

Beetles were collected from another infested site and released at this research station prior to the emergence of the local Japanese beetle population, avoiding potential complications of a background population and allowing release of unmarked beetles. Beetles were fed overnight on sassafrass leaves in 12 x 24 x 8 inch containers with 500 beetles per container. Beetles were transported to the release site at 0800 h and released at 1000 h. Traps were checked up to four days after the release, although 80% of beetles were recaptured during the first day. Only seven beetles were recaptured in the traps placed beyond 1 km from the release site, and so our regression analysis was conducted on the captures within the fruit farm (< 1 km). For these traps, there was a significant negative relationship between distance from the release point and number of beetles recaptured (Figure 3), with distance explaining 50.4% of the variation in beetle captures (F1,25 = 25.4, P<0.0001). 

            The directionality of the beetle’s dispersal was also determined, by analyzing the frequency of recaptures of beetles in the traps relative to their angular direction from the point of release (North = 0 degrees). Oriana software (KCS Inc.) was used to conduct circular statistical analyses. The mean angle of beetle recapture was 255.4 ± 26.0 degrees (WSW). However, there was a relatively uniform distribution of the recaptures (Figure 4) as determined by Rayleigh’s test (Z=2.41, P=0.089). This suggests that the dispersal of beetles across a landscape is not highly biased in any particular direction.



Future directions. We are currently analyzing samples from additional releases of Japanese beetles that were marked with an immunoglobulin (IGg) marker, to determine the suitability of that marking system for mass marking of beetles prior to release. Additional research has measured the local dispersal of Japanese beetles in three crop landscape types (soybean, blueberry, and fallow field), and we will be comparing the movement and spatial distribution of beetles within these three field types. As mentioned above, results from these studies will be used to incorporate movement parameters into a spatially-explicit model of Japanese beetle movement within agricultural landscapes.



Impacts. Quantification of the local dispersal capabilities of Japanese beetle will help determine the appropriate spatial scale that management activities must be adopted on farms when attempting to disrupt the establishment of this pest.




For more information, contact Rufus Isaacs, 202 CIPS, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 48824. Email: isaacsr@msu.edu.



2006 State Report for New York



Elson Shields, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY



Role of aerial sampling of biota

            Collecting aerial biota aloft in the upper surface boundary layer and the planetary boundary layer is needed to transition theoretical hypothesizes to a data driven thought process.  Full scale aircraft and helicopters have been used in the past to make these collections but their usage is expensive and the limitations of a minimum altitude of 500 ft and operation during non-turbulent atmospheric conditions had limited their usage in aerobiology.  The use of smaller unmanned remote piloted vehicles (RPVs) has opened the opportunity for more extensive aerial sampling, including the lower 500 ft of the atmosphere and during turbulent conditions associated with the close proximity of a storm front.  These RPVs are less expensive to purchase and operate,  are allowed to operate from ground level up in the atmosphere and no human life is at risk during operation in the turbulent conditions associated with storm front passage.


Aerial Densities of biota:

            Before attempting the aerial collection of biota, the aerial density of the target biota is an important piece of data so the capacity of the aerial collection device can be matched to the target biota.   A search of the literature including recent research articles indicate that the aerial density of micro-organisms and pollen fall into the range of 0-50 particles per m3 of air sampled.  Weed seeds such as Horseweed, Conyza canadensis, and insects such as aphids and leafhoppers have aerial densities of 0-50 individuals per 1000 m3 of air sampled.  This information indicates there are 3 orders of magnitude between the densities of these two groups of aerial biota.


            A remote piloted vehicle system (RPV) has been developed and utilized in various projects over the past 10 years which has the capability of sampling 6-10 m3  of air per min (6,000-10,000 L of air per min) per sampler.  The RPV carries 4 samplers aloft which can be opened individually.  Each RPV is equipped with an on-board data logger, GPS antenna and telemetry down link.  On board fuel load allows the RPV to fly at full throttle for a 30-min sample with fuel reserve for takeoff and landing.  Total air sampling capacity with all samplers open for 30 min equals 1200 m3 of air.


Impact of the RPV system on selected research projects:


Wheat Fusarium Head Blight (conclusions after ca. 250 sampling flights)

            (Bergstrom, Maldonado, Schmale, Shields)

1)      Live spores are in the planetary boundary layer 24/7 for the entire growing season.

2)      Aerial populations are very genetically diverse regardless of time of day or time of year.

3)      Viable spores can be collected a distance away from any current source at any hour of the day.

4)      Wheat heads and corn ears are infected from gravitational settling of aerial spores after dark.

5)      Due to low settling velocities, spores only settle out of the lower 200-300 ft of the atmosphere during the night-time hours.

6)      Suggesting that the source of an epidemic may originate many miles away (rather than local splash).

7)      Refocusing the national discussion on sources, long-ranged movement and management for this disease.


Long-range Movement of Corn Pollen (conclusions after ca. 350 sampling flights over 4 years) (Aylor, Boehm, Shields)

1)      Corn pollen survival > 3 hrs in the atmosphere.

2)      Aerial density over a field = 1-10 pollen grains / m3 of air.

3)      Corn pollen collected as high as 1000 ft above ground level (highest level sampled).

4)      Corn pollen has the potential to be moved miles.

5)      Corn with traits which need isolation should not be grown in areas with other corn present.


Long-range Movement of Roundup-resistant Horseweed (conclusions after ca. 66 flight over 2 years) (Dauer, VanGessel, Shields, Mortensen).

1)      Seeds are released from 10 am- 4 pm depending on humidity and wind speed.

2)      Most seeds are lifted aloft from noon-3 pm.

3)      Viable seeds have been collected 450 ft above ground level, well into the Planetary Boundary layer.

4)      Aerial density of seeds is 0-9 seeds per 1000 m3 of air sampled.

5)      Seed movement under light wind = 50-90 miles and 300-375 miles with a 40 mph wind.

6)      Gene flow between populations has a new broader focus.


Migration of Potato Leafhopper (Shields)

            A larger RPV system has been developed to be used in the study of Potato leafhopper migration.  These RPVs sample 1000-1300 m3 of air per min depending on whether the RPV is powered by a 16 hp or 20 hp engine.  In addition, the RPVs are equipped with high intensity LEDs for operation during dusk and full darkness which coincides with leafhopper takeoff activity.  This fleet of RPVs will be used to explore the change of migration behavior observed in potato leafhopper between the northward spring migration and the southward fall migration.  Research will be conducted during the 2007 growing season.



2006 State Report for Ohio



Casey W. Hoy, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center


New Positions Related to Research on Migration and Dispersal Anticipated in the Department of Entomology, OARDC

The following position has been approved and the search committee has been formed:


Insect Population Geneticist/Agronomic Crops


We are seeking a broadly trained Population Geneticist with excellent molecular and quantitative skills, to address population genetics or genomics with concentration in management of insect pests of agronomic crops. Research could focus on gene flow among insect populations, resistance management, metapopulation dynamics of above or below ground insects, invasive species or other questions of importance to state, national and international interests. (see attached position announcement) Two additional positions are anticipated in the near future, and the following are draft descriptions:


Applied Landscape Ecology/Horticultural Food Crops


Insect pests tend to be mobile, to occur over large areas, and to be affected by the changes in land use and land management that occur across the landscape. These pest characteristics are particularly acute in horticultural food crops, in which the most intractable problems are caused by highly mobile insect pests and plant disease vectors, but can occur for any of the other commodities requiring protection from insect pests. Over the past 25 years, landscape ecology has emerged as a branch of ecology that focuses on spatial variation in landscapes at a variety of scales and its impact on ecological processes, including insect pest dynamics. The field has focused on both the biophysical and societal causes and consequences of landscape heterogeneity, and therefore fits the multidimensional reality of integrated pest management. Opportunities in this field have blossomed in the past decade, as computing software and hardware has become available to document, measure, and analyze spatial patterns of plant and animal populations and key aspects of their physical environment at broad spatial scales. This proposed position would fouc on opportunities for managing spatial heterogeneity in agricultural landscapes in order to improve pest management, with special emphasis on horticultural food crops. Examples of research conducted in this program might include but not be limited to:

• the influence of crop and non-crop diversity and pattern on success of biological control,

• regional approaches to deployment of resistant host plants,

• pest management decision-making at whole-farm or regional scales,

• spread and containment of exotic pest invasion into Ohio,

• area-wide management of highly mobile and migratory pests,

• pest phenology and insect distribution mapping.


Landscape ecology adds an important component to the ecological expertise assembled on the Wooster campus. For example, this research program could contribute expertise in simulation modeling, extend current research to broader temporal and spatial scales, and contribute needed expertise to evaluate the impact of environmental heterogeneity on the effectiveness of pest control measures and the relationship of insect pests to crop damage. Furthermore, research conducted at the landscape scale could provide opportunities to integrate research oriented to different commodities, given the flow of insect pests through these various commodities across the landscape. Phenology modeling and pest mapping could contribute significantly to extension pest management programs by alerting growers to impending outbreaks; relevant expertise could contribute to systematics research on the geographical range of insect taxa. The host plant resistance breeding group within Horticulture and Crop Sciences could benefit from the opportunity to forecast ecological ramifications of various patterns of deployment for resistant crop germplasm. Work in ecological and population genetics of crops and insect pests would be greatly enhanced by the landscape scale analysis made possible by this position. Additional collaboration is possible with colleagues in plant and microbial ecology for whom spatial heterogeneity in populations predominates at multiple spatial scales. This position is likely to play an important role in the Agroecosystems Management Program, which requires a focus on agricultural production at large spatial scales. Contribution of graduate teaching in quantitative and landscape ecology from theoretical, applied and methodological perspectives would enhance several of the core graduate courses in basic and applied ecology.


Molecular Biology of Insect / Plant Host Interactions

This proposed position in the Department of Entomology would focus on hypothesis-driven research that addresses the molecular basis of interactions between insects and plants, including interactions that extend to a third trophic level, such as with symbionts, plant pathogens, entomopathogens, entomopathogenic nematodes, parasitoids, and predators. The position would have substantial opportunity to collaborate with strong programs in molecular biology that currently exist on both the Wooster and Columbus campus, for example in the Departments of Horticulture and Crop Science, Plant Pathology, and Plant Molecular Biology Program, as well as interdisciplinary programs in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology. The position can expect to build on a strong tradition of research collaboration between Entomology, the USDA-ARS, and Department of Plant Pathology focused on the biology and ecology of insect vectored plant diseases. The highly active Wooster Area Molecular Biology Association (WAMBA) fosters partnerships `between these departments on the OARDC campus, as well as inter-institutional collaborations with molecular biologists at the College of Wooster. Equally strong potential exists for building on intra-department expertise on projects that scale understanding of pest biology from genes to ecosystems. Potential areas of research include insect/microbe/host relationships, effects of farming practices on expression of defense genes in plants, and molecular regulation of physiological and behavioral responses of insects to plant and environmental toxins, including insecticides and transgenic crop plants.


Spatially explicit simulation: percolation models and emerald ash borer (Robin Taylor)

Robin Taylor has been studying and modeling the dispersal by flight of the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Buprestidae)). Data of EAB flight performance developed by Taylor and Leah Bauer (USDA-FS-NCRS, East Lansing, MI) using Taylor’s insect flight mills have now been standardized using free flight data developed by Keith Windell and James Kautz (USDA-FS Missoula Technology and Development Center). The distributions of flight speed estimated from both the flight mill and free flight are very well approximated by normal distributions with identical variances (t163 = 0.7, p =.05) and means separated by 3 kph (Figure). This result suggests that our estimates of the potential range of gravid female EAB must be increased by a factor of three. Taylor has developed a spatially explicit simulation model of population expansion based on percolation theory to investigate the dispersal of EAB. The estimates of dispersal ability derived from the flight mill and free flight experiments are being used to parameterize the movement of agents in the model. The percolation model now includes a map of the ash distribution from half way up the lower peninsular of Michigan (roughly to Saginaw) to half way down Ohio (Columbus). Agents representing EAB, originating in Detroit, are “flown” in the model with probabilities of crossing space between ash patches determined from the distribution of flight range derived from flight mill and free flight experiments. Results so far suggest that models in which the agents fly between cells behave quite differently from standard percolation models in which there is a sudden transition from no population expansion to rapid expansion at the percolation threshold. In the EAB model range expansion is most rapid near the percolation threshold, but slower above and below it. This interesting result may have implications for management of EAB.


Genetic correlation between diamondback moth behavioral responses to insecticides and physiological tolerance in larvae (Casey W. Hoy and Mustapha F. A. Jallow)

Dr. Mustapha Jallow has extended a project on the impact of insecticides on insect dispersal, and it’s relevance in the development of resistance. Past work in our lab in this area has concentrated on the larval stage, whereas Dr. Jallow has focused on adult behavioral responses. Phenotypic and additive genetic variation in behavioral response and physiological tolerance to permethrin were measured and reported on at last year’s meeting. More recently a long-term selection experiment was completed in which we tested the effects of indirect selection on both larval and adult behavioral responses and the effects of direct selection on mortality of all life stages.


A field-collected population of diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.), from Celeryville, Ohio, was selected with permethrin to determine if low heterogeneous doses could lead to increased susceptibility to permethrin by selecting indirectly on behavior. Two replicates of each of three selection regimes: uniform high concentration hypothesized to result in increased physiological tolerance, heterogeneous low concentration hypothesized to result in increased susceptibility through indirect selection on behavior, and a control with no exposure to permethrin, were maintained in 1 m3 cages in a greenhouse, for thirty-three generations. All life stages of the diamondback moth were exposed to the selection regimes and new generations were started with a random selection of pupae from the previous generation. Lines selected with uniform high concentrations developed 76-fold levels of resistance to permethrin by the seventeenth generation, with little changes thereafter. For generations 1-20, lines selected with heterogeneous low concentrations remained slightly lower in LC50, but not significantly different from the unselected control lines. Based on confidence intervals from probit analyses, the LC50 of the lines selected with heterogeneous low concentration, however, were significantly lower than those of the control lines in generations 21-33. Our results demonstrate that selection on behavioral responses can result in greater susceptibility than no selection at all, despite exposure to the toxin and ample genetic variation and potential for increased physiological tolerance. The implications of our findings, which are based on selection scenarios that could take place in field situations, are that behavioral responses can prevent and even decrease the levels of resistance in insect populations, an important result with respect to resistance and resistance management.


Entomopathogenic nematode spatial structure and dispersal in muck soils (Casey W. Hoy, Jung Joon Park and Parwinder S. Grewal) Entomopathogenic nematodes are known to follow very patchy distributions at the centimeter scale. However, a recent intensive survey of six habitats in a vegetable production area characterized by muck soils gave us an opportunity to examine spatial structure of entomopathogenic nematodes at a scale of meters to kilometers. Using Moran’s I, a measure of spatial autocorrelation, we examined and compared spatial structure in entomopathogenic nematodes, which feed on bacteria inside their insect hosts, and free-living bacterial feeding nematode species that varied along a colonizer-persister index. Spatial structuring was observed for entomopathogenic nematodes as well as the more r-selected bacterial feeding nematodes (BF1&2) , with a range of approximately 800 meters. More K-selected bacterial feeding nematodes did not have this spatial structure (BF3&4). We hypothesize the differences to be due to dispersal mechanisms in the more r-selected bacterial feeders, including entomopathogenic nematodes. In particular, we hypothesize that phoretic movement on insects, and also inside insect hosts in the case of entomopathogenic species, could play a significant role in this spatial structuring, at larger scales than have previously been considered for these soil dwelling organisms. Further research proposed in this project would examine the dispersal mechanisms and distances for entomopathogenic nematodes and experiments to test habitat management practices hypothesized to produce more uniform distributions of these biological control agents in agricultural soils.


Apple of Peru Invasion Biology (Doug Doohan) Apple of Peru (Nicandra physalodes) was identified in a corn-soybean-vegetable crop rotation near Seneca Ohio in 2001. Since then we have mapped approximately 1100 ha on which this species can be found in adjoining fields. A disparate infestation was discovered in Muskingum Co ca 350 km to the SE. Again a row crop/ vegetable rotation was followed. Apple of Peru is relatively inconspicuous in the row-crop rotation but becomes prevelant, and sometimes dominant in the vegetable phase. It appears to be a major reservoir of cucumber mosaic virus. Dispersal mechanisms have not be confirmed. Distribution patterns in suggest a possible role for birds and deer. Herbivory by deer has been observed. The species is

likely also transported with commodities.


Migration and Dispersal Bibliography

Jallow, M. F. A. and C. W. Hoy. 2005. Phenotypic variation in adult behavioral response and offspring fitness in Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) in response to permethrin. J. Econ. Entomol. 98: 2195-2202.

Beanland, L., Madden, L. V., Hoy, C. W., Miller, S. A., and Nault, L. 2005. Temporal distribution of aster leafhopper (Macrosteles quadrilineatus) sex ratios and spatial pattern of aster yellows phytoplasma disease in lettuce. Annals Entomological Society of America 98: 756-762.

S. Ortiz-Garcı´a, E. Ezcurra, B. Schoel, F. Acevedo, J. Sobero´ n, and A. A. Snow. 2005. Absence of detectable transgenes in local landraces of maize in Oaxaca, Mexico (2003–2004). PNAS Early Edition (Online)

Stuart, R. J., M. E. Barbercheck, P. S. Grewal , R. A. J. Taylor , and C. W. Hoy. 2006. Population Biology of Entomopathogenic Nematodes: Concepts, Issues and Models. Biological Control. In Press

Jallow, M. and C. W. Hoy. 2006. Quantitative genetics of adult behavioral response and larval physiological tolerance to permethrin in diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Pluutellidae) J. Econ. Entomol. 99(4): 1388-1395.

Jallow, M. and C. W. Hoy. Indirect Selection for Increased Susceptibility to Permethrin in Diamondback Moth (Plutella xylostella) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). In Press.


2006 State Report for Pennsylvania



Scott A. Isard, Pennsylvania State University, State College, PA



Major Participants in Movement and Dispersal Research:  Annalisa Ariatti (Plant Pathology), Dennis Calvin (Entomology), Eric DeWolf (Plant Pathology), Howard Fescmeyer (Biology), Shelby Fleischer (Entomology), Paul Knight (Meteorology), David Mortensen (Crop Science), Doug Miller (Geography), and Joe Russo (ZedX).


Active Movement and Dispersal Programs at PSU.

1.  Soybean Rust.  Primary PSU players are Scott Isard, Joe Russo, Eric DeWolf, Annalisa Ariatti, and Paul Knight.  Collaborators include Glen Hartman, Monte Miles (ARS, Illinois), and Zaitao Pan (St. Louis).  PSU graduate students associated with the project include Nick Dufault, Justin Dillion, Jeremy Zydek, and Maria Velez.

2.  Pest Watch in Sweet Corn.  Primary PSU participants are Shelby Fleischer, Howard Fescmeyer, Scott Isard, Paul Knight, and Doug Miller.  Collaborators from throughout eastern U.S.  Tim Leslie, a PSU graduate student, is working on the project.

3.  Wheat Fusarium Head Blight.  Primary PSU participants are Erick DeWolf, Paul Knight, Gretchen Kuldau, Doug Miller and Mizahu Nita.  PSU graduate students associated with project include Julio Molineros and Katlyn Tilley.

4.  Glysophate-Resistant Horseweed.  Primary PSU participant is David Mortensen.  Collaborators include Elson Shields (Cornell), Mark VanGessel (Delaware), Bill Curran (PSU), and Edward Luschei.  Joe Dauer, a PSU graduate student, is working on the project.

5.  Citrus Greening.  Primary PSU participants are Scott Isard and Joe Russo (ZedX)


Incomplete List of Movement and Dispersal Grant Activities at Penn State.

1.    Aerial dispersal of soybean rust spores: An aerobiological model to forecast the spread of Phakopsora pachyrhizi at global, continental, and regional scales.  CSREES NRI Animal and Plant Biosecurity Grant Program.  $900,000 to conduct field studies on aerobiology of soybean rust in Paraguay and Quincy FL, 2004-2007.   Grant to Illinois with Scott Isard as lead PI.  Co-PIs include Glen Hartman and Monte Miles (ARS plant pathologists at National Soybean Research Center) and Joe Russo (ZedX).

2.    Weather-based assessment of soybean rust invasion of North America.  Aerobiology modeling systems was built with collaboration from C.E. Main and Tomas Keever (NCSU), Roger Magarey (APHIS/CHPST), and Joe Russo (ZedX).  APHIS-PSU Cooperative Agreement for $210,000 to Isard and Russo in 2006 for further development and operation of the PIPE.

3.    Soybean Rust Monitoring Activity for the National Legume Risk Management Tool Development Project.  RMA/CSREES Interagency Agreement to PSU for $185,000 for 2006.

4.    Citrus Greening Pest Information Platform for Education and Extension.  Research collaboration among Scott Isard, Joe Russo (ZedX) and Roger Magarey (NCSU).  APHIS-PSU Cooperative Agreement for $38,000 granted to Isard and Russo in 2006 (and $200,000 in 2007) for development and operation of the C-PIPE. 

5.    Hopper as an interactive online decision support system. Joe Russo ( ZedX), Dennis Calvin and Scott Isard (PSU), Nelson Foster and Robert Quartarone (USDA-APHIS-PPQ).  APHIS-PSU Cooperative Agreement for $99,000 established for 2006.

6.    Meeting the needs for leaders in agricultural biosecurity. USDA-CSREES grant for $138,000 to PSU Department of Plant Pathology, 2005-2008.  Co-PIs include Barb Christ, Seogchan Khan, David Geiser and Scott Isard

7.    Aerobiology modeling for and documentation of the 2006 Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education.  USDA-CSREES Critical Issues grant of $50,000 to John Ayers, Scott Isard, Paul Knight, Zaitio Pan (St. Louis) for 2006-2007.


Incomplete List of Relevant Publications (2005-present)

Dauer J.T., D.A. Mortensen and R. Humston, 2006.  Controlled experiments to predict horseweed (Conyza canadensis) dispersal distances.  Weed Science 54: 484-489. 

Fleischer, S. G. Payne, T. Kuhar, A. Herbert, Jr., S. Malone, J. Whalen, G. Dively, D. Johnson, J.A. Hebberger, J. Ingerson-Mahar, D. Miller and S. Isard, In Press.  H. zea trends from the northeast:  Suggestions towards collaborative mapping of migration and pyrethroid susceptibility.  Plant Health Progress.

Isard, S.A., E.D. DeWolf, J.M. Russo, 2006.  The Establishment of a National Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education Online. Plant Health Progress.  doi:10.1094/PHP-2006-0915-01-RV.

Isard, S.A., N.S. Dufault, M.R. Miles, G.L. Hartman, J.M. Russo, E.D. De Wolf, and W. Morel, 2006.  The effect of solar irradiance on the mortality of Phakopsora pachyrhizi urediniospores.  Plant Disease 90:941-945.

Isard, S.A., S.H. Gage, P. Comtois, and J. Russo, 2005.  Principles of aerobiology applied to soybean rust as an invasive species.  BioScience 55:851-861.


Websites related to NCERA-148 objectives maintained by PSU/ZedX researchers:

Computational Epidemiology and Aerobiology Laboratory (CEAL) www.ceal.psu.edu

Pan-American Aerobiology Association:  www.paaa.org

Pest Watch of Sweet Corn:  www.pestwatch.psu.edu

USDA Citrus Greening website:  citrusgreening.com

USDA Soybean Rust Information system (Public website) sbrusa.net

USDA Soybean Rust Information system (Restricted access website) aphis.zedxinc.com

Wheat Fusarium Head Blight Predication Center:  www.wheatscab.psu.edu/


Measurable Impacts:

The USDA Soybean Rust Information System transitioned into the Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education (PIPE) for 2006 and expanded to include soybean aphid.  The PIPE concept developed by Scott Isard, Joe Russo, and Erick DeWolf (http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/sub/php/review/2006/platform/) has its roots in NCERA-148 discussions and NCERA-148 sponsored workshops and symposia starting with the Alliance for Aerobiology Research (AFAR) workshop in 1993.  The discussions that led to the expansion of the platform to include soybean aphid in the PIPE were launched at the joint meeting of NCERA-148 and NC-125 (Biological Control) in October 2005.  The PIPE has recently been “institutionalized” with the USDA creating a multi-agency steering committee.  In 2007, the USDA Risk Management Agency will provide $3.1 million to fund the PIPE.  In April 2006, the USDA Economic Research Service reported that many millions of US soybean acres that would have received at least one fungicide application remained untreated for soybean rust in 2005 due to information disseminated through the USDA Soybean Rust Information System website.  In that year alone, this information increased U.S. producers’ profits between $11 to $299 million ($0.16 to $4.12 per acre) at a low cost of between $2.6 and $5 million (Roberts, et al. 2006 http://www.ers.usda.gov/publications/err18/err18fm.pdf.  It should be noted that although the PIPE concept is a direct outgrowth of deliberations among researchers at NCR-148 meetings.  Hundreds of individuals and agencies including USDA-APHIS, USDA-ARS, USDA-CSREES, USDA-RMA, state Departments of Agriculture, LGU’s and industry contributed to the success of the project. 



Towards the Integration of Monitoring and Modeling of Migratory Lepidoptera

Shelby J. Fleischer, Howard Fescmeyer, Scott Isard, & Doug Miller


Our goal is to strengthen and expand monitoring networks, integrate them with a modeling infrastructure, and coalesce this information for delivery of pest risk maps. We focus on corn earworm and sweet corn as a model system, with a design that facilitates rapid inclusion of other migratory lepidoptera. 


Regional monitoring delivered through interactive cartography.  Funds requested through the Environment Institute are being used at the local (county) level. Eighteen Extension Educators (listed in Table 1) used interactive cartography to map population density-activity of migratory Lepidoptera using pheromone-baited traps at up to 38 sites during the field season.  Traps and lures were provided by Penn State Entomology.  Extension educators established field sites, entered data on-line, maps and time-series graphics were updated daily, and information delivered at www.pestwatch.psu.edu (an example page shown as Figure 1).  Commentary about the maps, and supporting management information, was written and uploaded weekly into the same website, from June 17 to August 22.  Information delivery was also accomplished through 1-800-PENNIPM and an e-newsletter distributed by the Pennsylvania Vegetable Grower’s Association.


Geographic expansion and Model Development.:  Progress was made towards developing a similar monitoring network throughout Midwestern states and into Ontario, Canada, with the intent of then linking this with Pestwatch.  A symposium was completed, supported by manuscripts aimed for a compiled publication in the online journal Plant Health Progress.  These manuscripts are currently in peer review.  A northcentral IPM grant was successful, with a small subcontract to Penn State to enable software integration.  Dataflow in the northcentral states was initiated, uplinked at http://www.ent.iastate.edu/trap/cornearworm/isite, and embedded within their framework for a national view at http://www.vegedge.umn.edu/ZeaMap/zeamap.htm.  Concurrently, we developed a planning document to initialize a maize PIPE (Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education), analogous to the soybean rust PIPE.  We developed this as a 3-phased approach for (i) geographic expansion, (ii) adding in a phenology component, and (iii) adding in an aerobiology model.


Ecological genetics research support.  The infrastructure described above was used to collect samples from which we plan to search for population variation using microsatellites, through Drs. H. Fescmeyer (Penn State Biology Dept.) and O. P. Perrea (USDA ARS, Stoneville MS).

Soybean Rust Research at PSU during 2006

(Scott Isard, Erick DeWolf, Annalisa Ariatti & Joe Russo)


Escape of soybean rust spores from a soybean canopy (Jeremy Zydek, M.S student in PSU Inter-college Ecology Program).  The objective is to quantify the relationship between turbulence and canopy structure on Phakopsora pachyrhizi urediniospore escape from a soybean field.  The field measurement program was conducted in two phases:  1) particle releases from a point source in a PA soybean field under ambient conditions using DayGlo NG-20 paint chips to simulate soybean rust spores and 2) field measurements of P. pachyrhizi escape from a diseased plot of soybeans (non-point source) under ambient conditions in Quincy, FL. 

Microclimate and rate of within field soybean rust spread (Justin Dillion, Ph.D student in Plant Pathology). This project has a number of interrelated objectives: 1) Determine the effects of row spacing (7, 14, 30 inch rows) on microclimate variables in soybean canopies in Florida.  Determine the effect of row spacing on the spatial distribution and rate of spread of soybean rust in soybean canopies.  Quantify relationships between microclimate variables and soybean rust spread within canopies at different row spacing.  Evaluate the extent to which soybean rust infection alters the microclimates of soybean canopies. 

Wet and dry deposition of soybean rust urediniospores (Nick Dufault, Ph.D. student in Plant Pathology).  The first objective of this research is to determine the percentage of wet and dry deposited spores that are retained in the lower, mid and upper soybean canopy levels. The second objective is to examine the effects of environmental factors (rain intensity, and wind) and cultural practices (row spacing) on the distribution and retention of spores throughout the soybean canopy. 

Adhesion of Phakopsora pachyrhizi urediniospores to soybean (Maria Valez, M.S. student in Plant Pathology).  The objectives of this research are to: 1) Determine the timeline of Phakopsora pachyrhizi spore adhesion to soybean leaves, and 2) Determine the nature of the adhesion process and its chemical components.  The research is being conducted in collaboration with Dr. Doug Luster (ARS) under strict quarantine conditions within a containment facility located at the USDA-ARS, Fort Detrick, MD

Evaluation of spore trapping as an early warning system.  In collaboration with Glen Hartman and Todd Steinlager (ARS National Soybean Research Lab, Urbana IL), we are assessing the utility of using P. pachyrhizi urediniospore trapping as an early warning method for soybean rust.  A network of passive and wet deposition traps have been established throughout Florida (near source areas) and the weekly collection are being analyzed by PCR.

Winter scouting of kudzu for soybean rust.  Between January and April 2006, every known soybean rust infected kudzu patch in Florida was visited (1-3 times) to access disease status and to collect spore for viability and other epidemiology studies.  The objective was to delineate the geographic extent of overwintering during 2005/2006 for modeling studies.  

Ensemble Aerobiology Modeling of Soybean Rust Spread.  The objective was to integrate and interpret aerobiology model simulations conducted by multiple research teams to provide support for tracking the spread of soybean rust during the 2006 growing season. Output from the PSU/ZedX Integrated Aerobiology Modeling System, the St. Louis-Iowa State climate model, and the NOAA ARL HYSPLIT trajectory model was interpreted by a team of trained agricultural meteorology interns from PSU meteorology department.  The student team under the direction of Paul Knight (PA State Climatologist) electronically manipulated the model simulations and interpreted the ensemble of outputs to create easy-to-understand, online products for delivery to researchers, extension specialists, and administrators on the restricted access PIPE web site.



2006 State Report for Texas



John K. Westbrook, USDA-ARS, College Station, TX


1.  Early-Season Dispersal of Cotton Fleahoppers Relative to Atmospheric Factors

John K. Westbrook, Jesus F. Esquivel, and Charles P.-C. Suh


The cotton fleahopper (CFH), Pseudatomoscelis seriatus (Reuter), is an early-season pest of cotton which occasionally achieves major pest status.  Abrupt, unpredictable fleahopper infestations complicate cotton pest management.  A field study was conducted in the Brazos River Bottom production area of Texas to determine patterns of fleahopper dispersal from fields with substantial growth of turnipweed,  (Rapistrum rugosum), and other known or suspected wild hosts.  Fleahopper dispersal was monitored using sticky traps placed around the perimeter of areas with significant growth of turnipweed.  Despite low captures, traps captured significantly more fleahoppers on the southern side of plots (side of prevailing wind direction).  Captures on the outer side were greater than those on the inner side of traps, which indicated the absence of significant fleahopper emigration from the turnipweed plots.  Although it appears to serve as a reproductive host for fleahoppers, turnipweed does not appear to be a significant source of fleahopper infestations in cotton.



Figure 1.  Sticky trap placed next to a plot with substantial growth of turnipweed at the Storey Orchard (SO) site.


Seasonal patterns of capture of CFH at South Astin Road and Storey Orchard in 2004 and 2005 are shown in Figure 2.  The data represent only the capture of CFH on the upwind sides of traps on the upwind and downwind sides of plots based on the daily modal wind direction quadrant (i.e., north, south, east and west).  Highest mean captures were generally located along the prevailing wind direction which was most frequently in the southern quadrant (southeast to southwest).  Greater captures of CFH were observed at South Astin Road than at Storey Orchard in both years.  The magnitude of captures was consistent at South Astin Road and at Storey Orchard between years.  In each year of the study, there was no evidence of significant emigration flux from any turnipweed plot, suggesting the majority of fleahoppers in cotton likely originate from additional weed hosts.



South Astin Rd. 2004


South Astin Rd. 2005



Storey Orchard 2005


Storey Orchard 2004



Figure 2.  Capture of cotton fleahoppers on the upwind side of the upwind traps (black bar) and downwind traps (white bar) at South Astin Road and Storey Orchard sites near College Station, TX, in 2004 and 2005.




Ritchie Eyster, Sharon Mowery, Sarah Walker, Justin Sladek, Derrick Hall, Roger Anderson, and Brittany Collins assisted with field data collection and processing.  Several producers provided access to their property for insect sampling.




Researchers captured cotton fleahoppers within and around plots of turnipweed, a suspected weed host, but determined that turnipweed is not a significant source of fleahoppers that subsequently disperse to infest cotton.
2.  NSF-ITR: Advanced Imaging and Information Technology for Assessing the Ecological and Economic Impact of Brazilian Free-tailed Bats on Agroecosystems

Thomas H. Kunz, Gary F. McCracken, Thomas G. Hallam, Margrit Betke, Cutler J. Cleveland, and John K. Westbrook




To quantify seasonal production of crop pest insects and their availability as a food source for Brazilian free-tailed bats in the Texas Winter Garden.




Seasonal Observations


Pest insect surveys were conducted on four commercial farms that produce corn and cotton at Castroville, Hondo, Uvalde, and Batesville, Texas, twice weekly from Mar. 15 to Oct. 12.  This monitoring documented flight activity, egg laying, and development of pest insects, and their dispersal from corn and subsequent infestation in cotton.  Weather stations measured air temperature, soil temperature, wind speed, wind direction, barometric pressure, solar radiation, and precipitation on a total of four farms at Hondo, Knippa, and Uvalde.  Thermocrons measured air temperature and soil temperature at each of the farms.




Figure 3.  Seasonal captures of moths in pheromone traps in the Winter Garden, Texas, 2005.


Nightly Observations


Intensive field research was conducted nightly from July 5-11 on a commercial farm that produces corn and cotton in an area of high bat activity near Frio Cave, about 15 km north of Uvalde, Texas.  Also, light traps were operated to collect the four target species of moths and other insect species that were flying at night.


Infrared- and visible-illumination videographic recordings monitored flight activity of pest insects approximately 3 m above a stock pond that was adjacent to fruiting corn fields.  Flying insects and bats were counted.  Flight orientation of insects and bats will be analyzed to reveal patterns of directed flight toward different habitats.  Insect and bat flight activity data will be correlated with bat flight and feeding data obtained from thermal imaging cameras and ultrasonic detectors operated by Drs. Tom Kunz and Gary McCracken, respectively.  Insect and bat flight activity will also be correlated with air temperature, soil temperature, wind speed, wind direction, barometric pressure, solar radiation, and precipitation data recorded at 15-minute intervals.














Figure 4.  Successive thermal images of a moth flying from a (relatively cool) irrigated, cotton field.





Seth Walker and Rodney Sams performed the season-long pest surveys at four farms.  Ritchie Eyster configured the weather stations and thermocrons. 




Cleveland, C.J., Betke, M., Federico, P., Frank, J.D., Hallam, T.G., Horn, J., Lopez, J.D., Jr., McCracken, G.F., Medellin, R.A., Moreno-Valdez, A., Sansone, C.G., Westbrook, J.K., and Kunz, T.H.  2006.  Estimation of the economic value of the pest control service provided by the Brazilian free-tailed bat in the Winter Garden region of south-central Texas.  Front. Ecol. Environ. 4(5): 238-243.


Friederici, P.  2006.  Graveyard shift.  Audubon 108(5): 48-53.