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Cheng, H.W., P. Singleton and W. M. Muir.  2002.  Social stress differentially regulates neuroendocrine responses in laying hens: I. Genetic basis of dopamine responses under three different social conditions.  Psychoneuroendocrinology  In press.

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Kaiser, M. G., Wing, T., and Lamont, S. J.  1998.  Effects of genetics, vaccine dosage, and postvaccination sampling interval on early antibody response to Salmonella enteritidis vaccine in broiler breeder chicks.  Poultry Sci. 77:271-275.

Kaiser, M. G., Yonash, N., Cahaner, A. and Lamont, S. J.  2000.  Microsatellite polymorphism between and within broiler populations.  Poultry Sci. 79:626-628.

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Kong, B-W., H. Kim, and D. N. Foster.  2002.  Expression analysis and mitochondrial targeting properties of the chicken manganese-containing superoxide dismutase.  Biochem. Biophys. Acta.  In press.

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Liu, W. Miller, M.M. and Lamont, S.J.  Association of MHC class I and class II gene polymorphisms with vaccine or challenge response to Salmonella enteritidis in young chicks.  In press.

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Nolan, C.M.,  J.K. Killian, J.N. Petitte, R.L. Jirtle, 2001. Imprint status of M6P/IGF2R and IGF2 in chickens. Development Genes Evolution. 211(4):179-83.

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Okimoto, R., H.H. Cheng, and J.B. Dodgson.  1997.  Characterization of CR1 repeat random PCR markers for mapping the chicken genome.  Animal Genetics 28:139-145.

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Pisenti, J.M., M.E. Delany, R.L. Taylor, Jr., U.K. Abbott, H. Abplanalp, J.A. Arthur, M.R. Bakst, C. Baxter-Jones, J.J. Bitgood, F. Bradley, K.M. Cheng, R.R. Dietert, J.B. Dodgson, A. Donoghue, A.E. Emsley, R. Etches, R.R. Frahm, R.J. Gerrits, P.F. Goetinck, A.A. Grunder, D.E. Harry, S.J. Lamont, G.R. Martin, P.E. McGuire, G.P. Moberg, L.J. Pierro, C.O. Qualset, M. Qureshi, F. Schultz, and B.W. Wilson.  2001.  Avian Genetic Resources at Risk:  An assessment and proposal for conservation of genetic stocks in the USA and Canada.  Poultry and Avian Biology Reviews 12:1-102. NOTE:  This report was published in 1999 as Report No. 20 by the UC-Davis Genetic Resources Conservation Program and is also available at the following web address:

Ramos, P.S., J.J. Bitgood, and F.A. Ponce de Leon. 1999.  Novel chromosomal insertional translocation in chicken uncovered by double color FISH.  Animal Biotechnology 10:119-122.

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Schamber, EM. and WM. Muir.  2001.  Wright’s Shifting Balance Theory of Evolution in Artificial Breeding Programs: Empirical Testing Using the Model Organism Tribolium castaneum Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics 118: 181-191.

Schmid, M.,  I. Nanda,  M. Guttenbach, C. Steinlein, H. Hoehn, M. Schartl, T. Haaf,  S. Weigend,  R. Fries, J-M. Buerstedde, K. Wimmers, D.W. Burt, J. Smith, S. A’Hara, A. Law, D.K. Griffin,  N. Bumstead, J. Kaufman, P.A. Thomson, T.A. Burke, M.A.M. Groenen, R.P.M.A. Crooijmans, A. Vignal, V. Fillion, M. Morisson, F. Pitel,  M. Tixier-Boichard, K. Ladjali-Mohammedi, J. Hillel, A. Mäki-Tanila, H.H. Cheng, M.E. Delany, J. Burnside, and S. Mizuno.  2000.   First report on chicken genes and chromosomes.  Cytogenetics and Cell Genetics 90:169-218.

Smith, E.J., H.H. Cheng, and S. P. Suchyta.  1997.  Comparative mapping of the chicken genome using the East Lansing reference population.  Poultry Science  76:743-747.

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Suchyta, S.P., H.H. Cheng, J. Burnside, and J.B. Dodgson.  2001.  Comparative mapping of chicken anchor loci orthologous to genes on human chromosomes 1, 4 and 9. Animal Genetics 32:12-18.

Taylor, H.A., and M.E. Delany.  2000.  Ontogeny of telomerase in chicken:  Impact of down-regulation on pre- and postnatal telomere length in vivo. Development, Growth and Differentiation 42:613-621.

Weatherly, K.L., Ramesh, R., Strange, H., Waite, K.L., Storrie, B., Proudman, J.A., and Wong, E.A.  2001.  The turkey transcription factor Pit-1/GHF-1 can activate the turkey prolactin and growth hormone gene promoters in vitro but is not detectable in lactotrophs in vivo. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 123:244-253.

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Yonash, N., Kaiser, M. G., Heller, E. D., Cahaner, A., and Lamont, S. J.  1999.  Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) related cDNA probes associated with antibody response in meat-type chickens.  Anim. Genet. 30:92-101.

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