ࡱ> KMJ@ 'jbjb -< l<<<<8t,<A!L"666666 !!!!!!,'# G%p,!66666,!666x66 ,,6 pv  p}<<X LA!A!%%  Minutes NCR 148 Meeting 2003 Regency Ballroom G Hyatt Regency October 28, 2003 During 2003 Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting Attendees Andrei Alyokhin University Maine Carlyle Brewster Virginia Tech University David Byrne University Arizona * Mathew Carroll University Minnesota Mike Chippendale University Missouri Robert Hedlund U.S.AID Gary Hein University Nebraska * Rick Hellmich USDAARS, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa (Secretary Treasurer) * Dave Hogg University Wisconsin (Administrative Advisor) Thomas Holtzer Colorado State University (WCC60 representative) Casey Hoy Ohio State University * Rufus Isaacs Michigan State University (Chair Elect) * Scott Isard Illinois Natural History Survey * Gail Kampmeier Illinois Natural History Survey Kyung Seok Kim USDAARS, Ames, Iowa Rick Meyer USDA, CSREES, Washington DC Jawwad Qureshi Kansas State University Brendon Reardon USDAARS, Ames, Iowa Tom Sappington USDAARS, Ames, Iowa John Snyder Mississippi State University Joe Spencer Illinois Natural History Survey (Chair) Rob Vennette University Minnesota * * Denotes State Representative Minutes Meeting was called to order at 7:15 pm by Chair, Joe Spencer. He welcomed the committee and proceeded with introductions. Minutes were reviewed. Gail Kampmeier proposed and Rufus Isaacs seconded their approval. David Byrne noted that he and Casey Hoy organized a Section F Symposium: Importance of Migration and Dispersal for Integrated Pest Management. Several NCR148 members participated. Gary Heins talk was unintentionally dropped. Committee members also participated in another Section F Symposium: Applications of Remote Sensing in Entomology. Committees Awards Gail Kampmeier presented Mike Chippendale with an inscribed plaque in recognition and appreciation for his contributions to the NCR-148 Committee as the Administrative Advisor. Dr. Chippendale said that he enjoyed the participation and that he believes the committee is on track for continued success. Nominations Rob Vennette was nominated and elected to be Secretary/Treasurer for 2004. Joe Spencer, Rick Hellmich and Rufus Isaacs were selected for the nomination committee for 2004, and agreed to provide a list of nominees for elected positions for the 2004 meeting. Site David Byrne, Scott Isard, and Rufus Isaacs updated the committee on plans to hold the 2004 meeting in Tucson, AZ. A potential hotel has rooms in the $125 to $135 range. WCC60 Administrative Advisor, Tom Holtzer, indicated he thought the WCC60 committee (Science and Management of Pesticide Resistance) would be interested in a joint meeting with NCR148 if a time convenient to both committees could be found. The Site Committee will try to coordinate this meeting with WCC60 and will report back to NCR148 members through email. CSREES Report Rick Meyer NRI and other CSREES-sponsored grants have been delayed because of reorganization. Requests for proposals will be posted on the website. The agency budget has not been passed and is under a continuing resolution. There is a program specialist position GS 9/11-12 open in the plant section. Updated news related to plants and pests can be found at the CSREES website  HYPERLINK "http://www.reeusda.gov" www.reeusda.gov under programs information. Administrator Report David Hogg Dr. Hogg welcomed the opportunity to be the new administrative advisor to the committee, which he knew was a very productive committee. He noted that the committees new proposal is due December 1, which is necessary for approval by various administrative committees. North Central (NC) Directors approval will be next summer. We should consider additional members. Also, this is a good time for each of us to work with experiment station directors to update the database of participants. Associated Meetings The 19th Annual Symposium of the International Association of Landscape Ecology U.S. Regional Association will be held31 March - 2 April, 2004 in Las Vegas, NV at the Alexis Park Resort. Details can be found on the website:  HYPERLINK "http://www.usiale.org/lasvegas2004/abstracts.htm" http://www.usiale.org/lasvegas2004/abstracts.htm Some sessions that might be of interest: Metapopulation modeling, Quantitative Relationships Between Landscape Processes and Patterns and Wildlife, Cross-scale Landscape Analysis, Landscape Modeling of Disease and Invasive Species, New Technology to Evaluate Spatially Distributed Landscape and Ecology Functions, Remote Sensing, Scaling, Integrative Concepts, Modeling Species Patterns, and Spatial Analysis. The Pan American Aerobiology Society will meet June 15-17 2003 in San Diego. The 16th Conference on Biometeorology and Aerobiology will be held in Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 23 27, 2004. Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology: Transdisciplinary Challenges in Landscape Ecology will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, March 30, - April 4, 2004. Annual meeting of the Entomological Society of America will be in Salt Lake City, Utah, November 14-17, 2004. Renewal Document Revisions to the renewal document were discussed. Writing committee includes Scott Isard, Joe Spencer, Gail Kampmeier, and Rufus Isaacs. Committee members should send corrections to Joe Spencer by end of week. He will send next draft to members via email by second week in November. National Information Management and Support System (NIMSS) located at the University of Maryland as templates for regional committees. Website Andrei Alyokhin, Gail Kampmeier and Rufus Isaacs will work together to update the committees website Presentations (Presentations were limited due to time restrictions.) Michigan Rufus Isaacs discussed a collaborative project with Scott Isard entitled Pesticide Reduction in the Face of Japanese Beetle Invasion: Testing a Local IPM Strategy in the Context of Regional Invasion, which was funded by NC-IPM. In this project, the objectives are to 1) measure rates of dispersal of Japanese beetle under field conditions to determine the implications of beetle immigration and emigration for its management, 2) test the effectiveness of Local IPM programs for reducing populations of Japanese beetle and other key pests, 3) predict future range expansion of Japanese beetle at local and regional scales. The goal of this research project is to develop and implement effective strategies to maintain IPM programs in the face of invasion by Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica. Japanese beetles are a major problem for blueberry growers because they want to avoid harvesting beetles with berries. Movement of Japanese beetles through the North Central region will be monitored. Sightings of these beetles should be reported to website  HYPERLINK "http://www.pmcenters.org/northcentral/jbeetle/" www.pmcenters.org/northcentral/jbeetle/ Illinois Scott Isard discussed a project to evaluate potential sources of soybean rust that could be introduced into North America. This project is partially funded by APHIS. Soybean rust is a serious disease causing crop losses in other parts of the world. It has not yet been detected in the continental United States, but the fact that it is principally spread by wind-borne spores indicates it may eventually reach major soybean growing areas in this country. Scott is using atmospheric models to evaluate likely pathways and timing of soybean transport into the U. S. Maine Andrei Alyokhin discussed research related to potato colonizing aphids. Potato aphid, green peach aphid, and buckthorn aphid vector potato virus Y and potato leaf roll virus. Aphid movement on soil surface suggests interplant movement of aphids occurs, but aphids have low propensity to move off plants. Details of this research and several other related projects can be found at  HYPERLINK "http://www.umit.maine.edu/~andrei_alyokhin/" www.umit.maine.edu/~andrei_alyokhin/ Iowa Brendon Reardon a graduate student with Tom Sappington summarized research related to European corn borer movement. They are investigating the influence of various types of vegetation on the aggregation behavior of these moths. Mark and recapture studies suggest that most of the moths leave an area despite the presence of densely-planted wheat and millet. Meeting was adjourned at 9:35. 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