During the life of the project, a focal point will be the development of a synthesis network, representing the integration and implementation of crop and pest management strategies for diverse production systems. The synthesis will result from a collaboration of research scientists, extension specialists, and representatives from private industry. The goals of the network include reflection on current and future problems, development of strategies for problem-solving and identification, integration of ideas towards common objectives, communication of new and existing knowledge as well as methods to extend that knowledge, and application of techniques to novel situations. The synthesis will provide new insights, resulting in the development of new knowledge and improving our ability to educate farmers on the options available to them. Expected outcomes from the synthesis network include state-of-the- science reports, new proposals for research and extension, clear diagnosis and prescription of pest and crop problems and options for management, and outreach to farmers.

To assure accountability, we will have the following performance indicators/measures:

Overall, we believe that the Regional Research Project will especially enhance the development of technology and adoption of ecologically-based pest management by farmers. Adoption will be based on the high quality of information that results from the assessment of specific user needs and is provided by the technology generated across scientific disciplines and industry/government sectors.