Appendix B: Major Project Outputs, 1996-2001
1. Books Published
Alston, J.M. and P.G. Pardey. Making Science Pay: The Economics of Agricultural R&Policy. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute, 1996.
Alston, J.M., P.G. Pardey, and V.H. Smith, Eds. Paying for Agricultural Productivity. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1999.
Alston, J.M., P.G. Pardey, and M.J. Taylor, Eds. Agricultural Science Policy Changing Global Agendas. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000.
Alston, J.M., C.-K. Connie, M.C. Marra, P.G. Pardey, and T.J. Wyatt. A Meta-Analysis of Rates of Return to Agricultural R&D: Ex Pede Herculem? Washington, D.C.: Abstract of IFPRI Research Report No. 113, October 2000.
Evenson, R.E., C.E. Pray, and M. Rosegrant. Agricultural Research and Productivity Growth in India. Washington: International Food Policy Research Institute, 1999.
Frisvold, G. and B. Kuhn, Eds. Global Environmental Change and Agriculture: Assessing the Impacts. Aldershot, U.K.: Edward Elgar, 1999.
Fuglie, K. and D. Schimmelpfenning, Eds. Public-Private Collaboration in Agricultural Research: New Institutional Arrangements and Economic Implications. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 2000.
Norton, G. and E. Ball, Eds. Agricultural Productivity: Data, Methods, and Measures. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Press, forthcoming (from NC-208, ERS, and Farm Foundation sponsored conference of March 2000).
Santanello, V., R.E. Evenson, D. Zilberman, and G.A. Carlson.
Agriculture and Intellectual Property Rights: Economic, Institutional
and Implementation
Issues in Biotechnology. Wallingford, U.K.: CARI Publishing, 2000.
Wolf, S.P. and D. Zilberman, Eds. Knowledge Generation and Technology Change. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Press, forthcoming 2001.
2. Journal Articles and Book Chapters Published
Abdulai, A. and W.E. Huffman. "Structural Adjustment and
Economic Efficiency of Rice Farmers in Northern Ghana." Econ.
Dev. & Cult. Change. 48(April
Acquaye, A., J.M. Alston, and P.G. Pardey. "A Disaggregated Perspective on Post-War Productivity Growth in U.S. Agriculture: Isn’t that Spatial?" Chapter 3 in G.W. Norton and E. Ball, eds. Agricultural Productivity: Data, Methods, and Measures, proceedings of the conference sponsored by USDA’s Economic Research Service, NC-208 and the Farm Foundation, 2001 (forthcoming).
Adams, D.M., R.J. Alig, B.A. McCarl, J.M. Callaway and S.M. Winnett. "Minimum Cost Strategies for Sequestering Carbon in Forests," Land Economics 75(3)(1999):360-374.
Adams, D.M., R.J. Alig, B.A. McCarl, S.M. Winnett, and J.M. Callaway. "The Effects of Factor Supply Assumptions on Intertemporal Timber Supply Behavior: The Cases of Investable Funds and Land," Canadian Journal of Forestry, 1999.
Agnew, G.K., G. Frisvold, and P. Baker. "Adoption of Insect Growth Regulators in Arizona Cotton: Determinants and Economic Implications." Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Memphis, TN: National Cotton Council, 2000.
Ahearn, M.C., H.M. Bahn, P.J. Barry, S.M. Cordes, T.I. Hewitt, G.W. Norton, K. Smith, and A.M. Thurow. Doing Good by Choosing Well: Priorities for Agricultural Economics. Review of Agricultural Economics 20(Fall/Winter 1998):332-346.
Ahearn, M., J. Yee, E. Ball, and R. Nehring. "Agricultural
Productivity in the United States," USDA, ERS, Agricultural
Information Bulletin No. 740, January
Alfranca, O. and W.E. Huffman. "Private R&D Investments in Agriculture: The Role of Incentives and Institutions." Agricultural Economics. 25(2001), forthcoming.
Alig, R.J., D.M. Adams, B.A. McCarl. "Evaluation of Effects
of Forestry and Agricultural Policies on Forest Carbon and Markets,"
The Productivity and
Sustainability of Southern Forest Ecosystems in a Changing Environment
Alig, R., D. Adams, B. McCarl, J.M. Callaway and S. Winnett. "Assessing Effects of Mitigation Strategies for Global Climate Change Within an Intertemporal Model of the U.S. Forest and Agriculture Sectors," Critical Review in Environmental Science and Technology 27(Special, 1997):s97-s111.
Alig, R., D.M. Adams and B.A. McCarl. "Ecological and Economic Impacts of Forest Policies: Interactions Across Forestry and Agriculture," Ecological Economics, 1998.
Alig, R.J., D.M. Adams, B.A. McCarl, J.M. Callaway, and S.M. Winnett. "Assessing Effects of Mitigation Strategies for Global Climate Change Within the U.S. Forest and Agriculture Sectors," Environmental and Resource Economics 9:159-274, 1997.
Alig, R.J., D.M. Adams, and B.A. McCarl. "Ecological and Economic Impacts of Forest Policies: Interactions Across Forestry and Agriculture," Ecological Economics 1997.
Alig, R.J., B.A. McCarl, D.M. Adams, and Ince, P.J. "Economic Potential of Short-Rotation Woody Crops on Agricultural Land for Pulp Fiber Production in the United States." Forest Products Journal. April 2000, pp 67-74.
Alston, J.M., J.A. Chalfant and J.S. James. "Doing Well by Doing a Body Good: An Evaluation of the Industry-Funded Nutrition Education Program Conducted by the Dairy Council of California." Agribusiness: An International Journal 15(3)(1999):371-392.
Alston, J.M., M.C. Marra, P.G. Pardey and T.J. Wyatt. "Research Returns Redux: A Meta-Analysis of Agricultural R&D Evaluations," Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, (forthcoming June 2000):185-215.
Alston, J.M., P.G. Pardey, and V.H. Smith. "Financing Agricultural R&D in Rich Countries: What's Happening and Why?" Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 42(March 1998).
Alston, J.M., P.G. Pardey, and J. Roseboom. "Financing
Agricultural Research: International Investment Patterns and Policy
Perspectives," World Development
Alston, J.M., R.J. Sexton, and M. Zhang. "The Effects of Imperfect Competition on the Size and Distribution of Research Benefits." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79(November 1997):1252-1265.
Alston, J.M., R.J. Sexton, and M. Zhang. "The Effects
of Imperfect Competition on the Size and Distribution of Research
Benefits." American Journal of
Agricultural Economics 79(November 1997).
Alston, J.M., P.G. Pardey, and J. Roseboom. "Financing Agricultural Research: International Investment Patterns and Policy Perspectives." World Development (1998).
Alston, J.M. and D.E. Beach. "Market Distortions and the
Benefits from Research into New Uses for Agricultural Commodities:
Ethanol from Corn." Resource and
Energy Economics 18(1996):1-29.
Alston, J.M., P.G. Pardey, and V.H. Smith. "Revamping Agricultural Research Policies in Industrialized Countries." Biotechnology and Development Monitor. No. 43 (September 2000):19-22.
Alston, J.M. and P.G. Pardey. "Reassessing Research Returns: Attribution and Related Problems." Agricultural Economics (2001) in press.
Alston, J.M. and P.G. Pardey. "Farm Productivity and Inputs" sub-chapter comprising an essay and 16 data tables, including 210 series, in S. Carter, S. Gartner, M. Haines, A. Olmstead, R. Sutch, and G. Wright, eds., Historical Statistics of the United States-Millennial Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002 (forthcoming).
Alston, J.M. and P.G. Pardey. "Reassessing Research Returns: Attribution and Related Problems." in G. Peters and P. Pingali, eds. Tomorrow=s Agriculture: Incentives, Institutions, Infrastructure, and Innovations. Proceedings of the twenty fourth International Conference of Agricultural Economists. Aldershot, U.K.: Ashgate Publishing, 2001 (forthcoming).
Araji, A.A. and S. Love. "The Benefits of Public Investments in the Northwest Potato Breeding Research." Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 820. November, 2001.
Araji, A.A. and Z.O. Abdo. "Efficient Use of Animal Manure on Cropland-An Economic Analysis." Bioresource Technology, June, 2001 (in press).
Araji, A.A. and S. Love. "Projected Return to Investment in the Pacific Northwest Potato Variety Development Program." American Journal of Potato Research, 2001 (in press).
Atwood, J.D., B.A. McCarl, C.C. Chen, B.R. Eddleman, R. Srinivasan,
and Nayda, B. "Assessing Regional Impacts of Change: Linking
Economic and
Environmental Models." Agricultural Systems. 63:3(2000):
Ball, V. Eldon, J.-C. Bureau, J.-P. Butault, and R. Nehring. "Levels of Farm Sector Productivity: An International Comparison." Journal of Productivity Analysis 15(2000):287-311.
Ball, V. Eldon, Frank Gollop, Alison Kelly and Gregory Swinand. "Patterns of Productivity Growth in the U.S. Farm Sector: Linking State and Aggregate Models," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 81(1999):164-179.
Ball, V. Eldon, J.-C. Bureau, R. Nehring, and A. Somwaru. "Agricultural Productivity Revisited," American Journal Agricultural Economics 79(Nov. 1997):1045-1063.
Beintema, N.M., P. Zambrano, M. Nuñe, and P.G. Pardey.
Agricultural R&D in Paraguay: Policy, Investments, and Institutional
Profile. Washington, D.C.:
IFPRI, DIA, and FONTAGRO, 2001 (forthcoming).
Beintema, N.M., G.G. Hareau, M. Bianco, and P.G. Pardey. Agricultural R&D in Uruguay: Policy, Investments, and Institutional Profile. Washington, D.C.: IFPRI, INIA, and FONTAGRO, September 2000.
Binenbaum, E., P.G. Pardey, and B.D. Wright. "Public-Private R&D Relationships: The CGIAR." American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2001) in press.
Buttel, Frederick H. "The Recombinant BGH Controversy in the United States: Toward a New Consumption Politics of Food?" Agriculture and Human Values 17(2000):5-20.
Buttel, Frederick H. "Nature's Place in the Technological Transformation of Agriculture: The Case of the Recombinant BST Controversy in the USA," Environment and Planning " 30(1988):1151-1163.
Buttel, F.H. "Sustainable Agriculture: Beyond Self-Fulfilling Marginality." In J. Olilvie, J. Smithers, and E. Wall (eds.), Sustaining Agriculture in the 21st Century (Guelph: Ontario Agricultural College, University of Guelph, 2000), pp. 3-14.
Buttel, F.H. "Sustainable Agriculture Research and the Land-Grant System: A Replication." Journal of Sustainable Agriculture. (2001), in press.
Buttel, F.H. "Land-Grant/Industry Relationships and the Institutional Relations of Technological Innovation and Change in Agriculture." In S.A. Wolf and D. Zilberman (eds.), Knowledge Generation and Technological Change, Dordrecht, Neth.: Kluwer, (2001), in press.
Buttel, F.H. "Economic and Social Aspects of Pest Management." In David Pimentel (ed.), Encyclopedia of Pest Management (New York: Dekker, 2001), forthcoming.
Byerlee, D. and G. Traxler. "The Role of Technology Spillovers and Economies of Size in the Efficient Design of Agricultural Research Systems." In Agricultural Science Policy: Changing Global Agendas, eds. J.M. Alston, P.G. Pardey, and M.J. Taylor, Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.
Callaway, J.M. and B.A. McCarl. The Economic Consequences of Substituting Carbon for Crop Subsidies in United States= Agriculture. Environmental and Resource Economics, 1996, pp. 15-43.
Chen, C.C. and B.A. McCarl. "The Value of ENSO Information to Agriculture: Consideration of Event Strength and Trade." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 25:2(December 1000):368-385.
Christian, J.E. and P.G. Pardey. AThe Production and Diffusion of Policy Knowledge: A Bibliometric Evaluation of the International Food Policy Research Institute. IFPRI Impact Assessment Discussion Paper. Washington, D.C.: IFPRI, 2001 (forthcoming).
Craig, B.J., P.G. Pardey, and J. Roseboom. "International Productivity Patterns: Accounting for Input Quality, Infrastructure and Research." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79(November 1997).
Day-Rubeinstein, K. and G. Frisvold. "Genetic Prospecting and Biodiversity Development Agreements." Land Use Policy. 18(2001), forthcoming.
Dearmont, D., B.A. McCarl, and D. Tolman. "Costs of Water Treatment Due to Diminished Water Quality: A Case Study in Texas," Water Resources Research 34(5, 1998).
Erda, L., C. Clemente, G. Frisvold, K. Minami, O. Doering, and N. Sampson, P. Waggoner. "Agricultural Sector." In Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer: A Special Report of IPCC Working Group III. B. Metz, O. Davidson, J. Martens, S. van Rooijen, and L.V. McGrory, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2000.
Evenson, R.E. and B.D. Wright. "The Value of Plant Biodiversity
for Agriculture." In Agricultural Science Policy: Changing
Global Agendas. Edited by J.M.
Alston, P.G. Pardey, and M.J. Taylor, Johns Hopkins University,
Falck-Zepeda, J.B., G. Traxler and R.N. Nelson. "Surplus Distribution from the Introduction of a Biotechnology Innovation." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 82(May 2000):360-369.
Falck-Zepeda, J.B., G. Traxler and R.G. Nelson. "Rent Creation and Distribution from Biotechnology Innovations: The Case of Bt Cotton and Herbicide-Tolerant Soybeans in 1997," Agribusiness 16:1(Winter 2000):21-32.
Falck-Zepeda, J.B., G. Traxler, and R.G. Nelson. "Cotton GMO Adoption and Private Profitability." in The Economics and Politics of Genetically Modified Organisms in Agriculture, ed. G.C. Nelson, Academic Press, (2001), in press.
Falck-Zepeda, J.B., G. Traxler, and R.G. Nelson. Rent Creation
and Distribution from the First Three Years of Planting Bt Cotton.
ISAAA Briefs No. 14.
International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications:
Ithaca, NY, 2000.
Falck-Zepeda, J.B. and G. Traxler. AThe Role of Federal, State, and Private Institutions in Seed Technology Generation in the United States: The Case of Cotton. in Public-Private Collaboration in Agricultural Research: New Institutional Arrangements and Economic Implications. Eds. K. Fuglie and D. Schimmelpfenning, Iowa State University Press, 2000, pp. 99-116.
Fernicola, K., G. Frisvold, and M. Langworthy. "Market Returns, Infrastructure and the Supply and Demand for Extension Services." American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 83(August 2001), forthcoming.
Fisher, M.G., W.A. Masters, and M. Sidibé. "Technical Change in Senegal=s Irrigated Rice Sector: Impact Assessment Under Uncertainty." Agricultural Economics. 24:2(2000):179-197.
Fisher, M.G., R. Warner, and W.A. Masters. "Gender and Agricultural Change: Crop-Livestock Interaction in Senegal." Society and Natural Resources. 13:3(2000):203-222.
Frisvold, G. "Data, Information and Rural Environmental Policy: What Will the Next Ten Years Bring?" Review of Agricultural Economics, 2000.
Frisvold, G., J. Sullivan and A. Raneses. "Who Benefits from Genetic Improvements in U.S. Crops?" Ag-BioForum, 2000.
Frisvold, G. and P. Condon. "The Convention on Biological Diversity and Agriculture: Implications and Unresolved Debates," World Development 26(1998):551-70.
Frisvold, G. "Data, Information, and Rural Environmental Policy: What Will the Next Ten years Bring?" Review of Agricultural Economics. 22(2000):238-45.
Frisvold, G., R. Tronstad, and J. Mortensen. "Bt Cotton Adoption: Regional Differences in Producer Costs and Returns." Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conferences. Memphis, TN: National Cotton Council, 2000.
Frisvold, G. and S. Vogel. "Financing Agricultural Research with Prior Distortionary Taxes and Subsidies." In Public-Private Collaboration in Agricultural Research. K. Fuglie and D. Schimmelpfennig (eds.). Ames, IA: Iowa State University Press, 2000, pp. 55-76.
Frisvold, G. and R. Tronstad. "Economic Impacts of Bt Cotton Adoption in the United States." In Economic and Environmental Impacts of Agbiotech: A Global Perspective. N. Kalaitzandonakes (ed.), Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Press, 2001 (forthcoming).
Fulginiti, Lilyan E. and Richard K. Perrin. "Have Price Policies Damaged LDC Agricultural Productivity?" Contemporary Economic Policy 17(4 October 1999):469-475.
Fulginiti, Lilyan E. and R.K. Perrin. "Agricultural Productivity in Developing Countries," Agricultural Economics 19(September 1998):45-51.
Fulginiti, Lilyan E. and Richard K. Perrin. "LDC Agriculture: Nonparametric Malmquist Productivity Indexes," Journal of Development Economics 53(2):373-390, August 1997.
Goldberger, Jessica R. "Research Orientations and Sources of Influence: Agricultural Scientists in the U.S. Land-Grant System." Rural Sociology 66, forthcoming 2001.
Huffman, W.E. "New Insights on the Organization of Agricultural Research: Theory and Evidence for Western Developed Countries." Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry J. 12:9-27(with discussion 29-41):2000.
Huffman, W.E. "Modernizing Agriculture: A Continuing Process," Daedalus 127(Fall 1998):159-186.
Huffman, W.E. and R.E. Evenson. "Structural Adjustment and Productivity Change in U.S. Agriculture, 1950-82," Agricultural Economics 24(2001):127-147.
Huffman, W.E. and R.E. Just. "Setting Efficient Incentives for Agricultural Research: Lessons from Principal-Agent Theory." Amer. J. Agr. Econ. 82(Nov 2000):828-841.
Huffman, W.E. and R.E. Just. "Agricultural Research: Benefits and Beneficiaries of Alternative Funding Mechanisms." Review of Agricultural Economics 21(Spring-Summer 1998):2-18.
Huffman, W.E. and R.E. Just. "The Organization of Agricultural Research in Western Developed Countries." Agricultural Economics 21(Aug 1999):1-18.
Huffman, W.E. "Human Capital, Education, and Agriculture." In G.H. Peters and P. Pingali, eds., Tomorrow's Agriculture: Incentives, Infrastructure and Innovations. Proceedings 23rd International Conference of Agricultural Economists, Aldershot, U.K.:Ashgate Publ. Co., forthcoming.
Huffman, W.E. "Finance, Organization, and Impacts of U.S.
Agricultural Research: Future Prospects." In S.A. Wolf and
D. Zilberman, Eds., Knowledge
Generation and Technology Change, Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer
Academic Press, forthcoming.
Huffman, W.E. and A. Tegene. "Public Acceptance of and Benefits from Agricultural Biotechnology: A Key Role for Verifiable Information," In V. Santaniello, R.E. Evenson and D. Zilberman, Eds., Market Development for Agricultural Biotechnology Products. U.K.: Commonwealth Agricultural Board International, forthcoming.
Jackson-Smith, Douglas B. and F.H. Buttel. "Explaining the Uneven Penetration of Industrialization of the U.S. Dairy Sector," International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 7(1998):113-150.
Jetter, K.M., J.M. Alston, and R.J. Farquharson. "Private Investment in Exotic Pest Control Technology: The Case of Silverleaf Whiteflies in California." Davis: University of California Agricultural Issues Center, 2001 (in press).
Keplinger, K.O. and B.A. McCarl. "An Evaluation of the 1997 Edwards Aquifer Irrigation Suspension," Water Resources Bulletin. 36:4(2000):889-901.
Keplinger, K., B.A. McCarl, M. Chowdhury and R. Lacewell. "Economic
and Hydrologic Implications of Implementing a Dry Year Option
for the EA," Journal of
Agricultural and Resource Economics 23(1, 1998):191-205.
Koo, B., P.G. Pardey, and B.D. Wright. "Costing the Conservation of Genetic Resources: A First Look at the CIMMYT and ICARDA Genebanks." EXPO Global Dialogue: The Role of the Village. Workshop, Hanover, Germany, August 17, 2000. Springer, proceedings forthcoming.
Koo, B., P.G. Pardey, J. Valkoun, and B.D. Wright. "Costs of Conserving Genetic Resources Ex Situ: An Example of the ICARDA Genebank." 4th International Conference on the "Economics of Agricultural Biotechnology," in Ravello, Italy, August 24-28, 2000, proceedings forthcoming.
Koo, B. and B.W. Wright. "The Optimal Timing of Evaluation of Genebank Accessions and the Effects of Biotechnology." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 82(Nov. 2000):797-811.
Koo, Bonwoo and Brian D. Wright. "The Role of Biodiversity Products as Incentives for Conserving Biological Diversity: Some Instructive Examples," The Science of the Total Environment 240(1999):21-30.
Lewandrowski, Jan and David Schimmelpfennig. "Economic Implications of Climate Change for U.S. Agriculture: Assessing Recent Evidence," Land Economics 75(1999-1):39-57.
Liu, B., Kshirsagar, Shukla, Johnson, Thomas, Thatcher, Craig, and Norton, and W. George. "Evaluating the Short- and Long-run Economic Impacts of the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 2001, 10p (in press).
Lyson, T.A. "Environmental Economic and Social Aspects of Sustainable Agriculture in American Land Grant Universities." Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2000.
Lyson, Thomas A. and Annalisa Lewis Raymer. "Stalking the Wily Multinational: Power and Control in the U.S. Food System." Agricultural and Human Values, 2000.
Lyson, Thomas A. and Judy Green. "The Agricultural Marketscape: A Framework for Sustaining Agriculture and Communities in the Northeast." Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 2000.
Martin, W.J. and J.M. Alston. "Producer Surplus Without Apology: Evaluating Investments in R&D." The Economic Record 73(221)(June 1997):146-158.
Masters, W.A. and M.S. McMillan. "Understanding the Political Economy of Agriculture in the Tropics." American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 82(August 2000):738-42.
Masters, W.A., T. Bedingar, and J.F. Oehmke. "The Impact of Agricultural Research in Africa: Aggregate and Case Study Evidence." Agricultural Economics. 19:1-2(1998):81-86.
McCarl, B.A. and A. Adams. "Analysis of Biomass Fueled Electrical Powerplants: Implications in the Agricultural and Forestry Sectors," Annals of Operations Research, 1998.
McCarl, B.A. "A Note on Fixing Misbehaving Mathematical Programs: Post Optimality Procedures and GAMS Related Software," Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 30(2, 1998):403-414.
McCarl, B.A. "Repairing Misbehaving Mathematical Programming Models: Concepts and a GAMS-Based Approach," Interfaces 28(5, 1998):124-138.
McCarl, B.A., Keplinger, Dillon, and Williams. "Limiting
Pumping from the Edwards Aquifer: An Economic Investigation of
Proposals, Water Markets and
Springflow Guarantees, Water Resources Research, 1998.
McCarl, B.A. "Repairing Misbehaving Mathematical Programming Models: A Poor Man's Guide." Interfaces, 1998.
McCarl, B.A. and U. Schneider. "U.S. Agriculture's Role in a Greenhouse Gas Emission Mitigation World: An Economic Perspective." Review of Agricultural Economics. 22:1(2000):134-159.
McCarl, B.A., D.M. Burton, D.M. Adams, R.J. Alig, and C.C.
Chen. "Effects of Global Climate Change on the U.S. Forest
Sector: Response Functions Derived
from a Dynamic Resource and Market Simulator." Climate Research.
McCarl, B.A., M.E. Rister, R.A. Ward, C.R. Long, D. McCorkle, H.A. Ziari, J.R. Conner, A.W. Sturdivant, and T.N. Thompson. "Strategic Business Operation Realignment: A Case Study of Texas Prison System Agricultural Operations." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 32(2000):145-158.
McCarl, B.A. and U. Schneider. "Economic Potential of Biomass Based Fuels from Agricultural Sources." Proceeding of Conference Sustainable Energy: New Challenges for Agriculture and Implications for Land Use. edited by E. van Ierland, A. oude Lansink and E. Schmieman, 2000.
McCunn, A. and W.E. Huffman. "Convergence in U .S. Productivity Growth for Agriculture: Implications of Interstate Research Spillovers for Funding Agricultural Research." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 82 (May 2000):370-388.
Mearns, L.O., G. Carbone, W. Gao, L. McDaniel, E. Tsvetsinskaya, B.A. McCarl, and R.M. Adams. "The Issue of Spatial Scale in Integrated Assessments: An Example of Agriculture in the Southeastern U.S." Preprints of the 80th AMS Annual Meeting, 11th Symposium on Global Change Studies, January 9-14, 2000, Long Beach, CA. American Meterological, 2000.
Mitchell, C.C., G. Traxler, and J.L. Novak. "Measuring Sustainable Cotton Production Using Total Factor Productivity," Journal of Production Agriculture 9(July-September 1996):289-97.
Mullen, J., G.W. Norton, and D.W. Reaves. "Economic Analysis of Environmental Benefits of Integrated Pest Management," Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 29:2(December 1997):243-253.
Mutangadura, Gladys and George W. Norton. Agricultural Research Priority Setting Under Multiple Objectives: An Example from Zimbabwe, Agricultural Economics 20(1999):277-286.
Norton, G.W. and J. Alwang. "Measuring the Benefits of Policy Research." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79:5(December 1997).
Norton, G.W., E.G. Rajotte, and V. Gapud. "Participatory Research in Integrated Pest Management: Lessons from the IPM CRSP." Agriculture and Human Values. 16(1999):431-439.
O'Donnell, C., R. Shumway and V. Eldon Ball. "Inefficiency in U.S. Agriculture: A Bayesian Approach," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 81(1999):865-880.
Oehmke, J.F. "Idiosyncracies in Net Present Value Calculation." Economics Letters. 67(2000):349-351.
Oehmke, J.F., van Ee, and R. Ledebuhr. "Farm-Level Economic Impact of High-Efficiency Pesticide Sprayers in Michigan Apples." Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, Research Report. 566 (December 2000).
Oehmke, J.F., D.D. Weatherspoon, C.A. Wolf, A. Naseem, M. Maredia, and A. Hightower. "Is Agricultural Research Still A Public Good?" Agribusiness 16(2000):68-81.
Perrin, R.K. "Economic Opportunities for New Genetic Products," Ch. 2 in Designing Crops for Added Value, Agronomy Monograph, ASA, CSSA and SSSA, Madison, WI, March 2000.
Pardey, P.G., B. Koo, B.D. Wright, M.E. Van Dusen, B. Skovmand, and S. Taba. "Costing the Conservation of Genetic Resources: CIMMYT's Ex Situ Maize and Wheat Collection." Crop Science. 41:4(July-August 2001):in press.
Perrin, Richard K. "Intellectual Property Rights and Developing Country Agriculture," Agricultural Economics 21(3 Dec. 1999):219-227.
Perrin, Richard K and L. Fulginiti. "Measuring Productivity with Poorly-Priced Goods." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 78(4, 1997):620-628.
Perrin, Richard K. "The Impact of Technological Change
on a Competitive Industry," Journal of Agricultural and Resource
Economics 22(2, December
Pray, Carl E. "Public and Private Collaboration on Plant Biotechnology in China." AgBioForum 2(Winter 1999). (Retrieved April, 1999 from the World Wide Web:
Pray, Carl E. "Impact on Privatization of Agricultural Research in Great Britain: An Interim Report." Food Policy 21(No. 3 1996):305-318.
Pray, Carl E. and D. Umali-Deininger. "Private Agricultural Research: Will It Fill the Gap?" World Development 26(No. 6, 1988):1127-1148.
Reilly, J. and D. Schimmelpfennig. "Global Impact Assessment, Vulnerability, and the Scope for Adaptation," Climatic Change 43(1999):745-788.
Reilly, J., F. Tubiello, B. McCarl, and J. Melillo. "Climate Change and Agriculture in the United States." Climate Change Impacts on the United States: U.S. National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change, Chapter 13.(, 2000.
Rozelle, S., C.E. Pray, and H. Jikun. "Agricultural Research Policy in China: Testing the Limits of Commercialization-led Reform." Comparative Economic Studies 39(No. 2 Summer 1997):37-71.
Schiable, G.D., B.A. McCarl and R.D. Lacewell. "The Edwards Aquifer Water Resource Conflict: USDA Farm Program Resource-Use Incentives," Water Resources Research 35(10)(1999):3171-3183.
Schimmelpfennig, D.E. and C. Thirtle. "Cointegration and Causality: Exploring the Relationship Between Agricultural R&D and Productivity." Journal of Agricultural Economics 45(2, 1994):220-231.
Schimmelpfennig, David and Colin Thirtle. "The Internationalization of Agricultural Technology: Patents, R&D Spillovers and Their Effects on Productivity in the European Union and United States," Contemporary Economic Policy 17(1999-4):457-468.
Schimmelpfennig, David, Colin Thirtle, Johan van Zyl, Carlos Arnade and Yougesh Khatri. "Short-run and Long-run Returns to Agricultural R&D in South Africa, or Will the Real Rate of Return Please Stand Up?" Agricultural Economics, 23(1, 2000):1-15.
Schimmelpfennig, David E., Carl E. Pray and Margaret F. Brennan. "Market Structure and Innovation Intensity in Agricultural Biotech," accepted for presentation at ERS (USDA) conference The American Consumer in the Changing Food System, May 2000.
Smith, V.H. and P.G. Pardey. "Sizing Up Social Science Research." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 79(December 1997).
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Traxler, G., J.B. Falck-Zepeda. "The Distribution of Benefits from the Introduction of Transgenic Cotton Varieites," AgBio Forum 2:2(Spring 1999).
Valdivia, C. "Returns to Investments in Small Ruminant
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Java. Agricultural Economics 21(1999):41-51.
Warjiyo, P. and W.E. Huffman. "Dynamic Input Demand Functions and Resource Adjustment for U.S. Agriculture: State Evidence." Agricultural Economics 12(1997):223-338.
Welsh, Rick and Thomas A. Lyson. "Farm Structure, Market
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Symposia Organized
1. "Economic Analysis of Producer-Funded Research and Promotion," joint NC-208 and NEC-63 sponsored. (Program committee: J. Alston and G. Traxler), New Orleans, LA, March 21, 1997 (1 day) [Approximately 47 people attended.]
2. "Intellectual Property Rights and Agricultural Research Impacts," joint NC-208 and CIMMYT sponsored. (Program committee: G. Traxler and Prabhu Pingali), El Batan, Mexico, March 5-6, 1998 (2 days). [About 55 attended.]
3. "Research Spillovers and Collaboration," (Program committee: R. Perrin, G. Frisvold, J. Oehmke), Tucson, AZ, Feb. 26-27, 1999 (1 1/4 days). [27 attended.]
4. "Agricultural Productivity: Data, Methods and Measures," joint NC-208, USDA-ERS, and Farm Foundation sponsored. (Program committee: E. Ball and G. Norton), Washington, DC, March 9-10, 2000 (1 2 days) [Over 100 attended at least part.]
5. "R&D Policies and Impact Assessment," (Program committee: J. Oehmke, J. Araji, and D. Zilberman), Berkeley, CA, March 30-31, 2001. (1 2 days) [40 attended]
Appendix C. Symposium with an Emphasis on Agricultural Science Policy Makers
Title: Effective Public Funding and Managing Agricultural Research
When/Where: March 2002, Washington, D.C.
Purpose: To create opportunities to share project discoveries,
and information on funding mechanisms, incentives in research,
and university-private sector relations
with and discuss agricultural science policy with Congressional
staffers, North Central Experiment Station Directors, and representatives
Board on Agriculture of the National Research Council, and CSREES.
(3/4 day allocated)