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Nutrient Analysis of Soils, Plants, Water, and Waste Materials - Southern Extension and Research Activity Information Exchange Group 6

The Southern Extension and Research Activities Information Exchange Group on soil, plant, water, and waste analysis (SERA-IEG-6) develops, modifies, and documents reference laboratory procedures, "regionalizes" soil test calibration/correlation and interpretation efforts among states that share similar soils and climate, and encourages both analytical proficiency and adequate quality control/quality assurance for nutrient analysis laboratories in the Southern Region of the United States.  This mission is realized through annual meetings, committee involvement, task force development, publication on the World Wide Web, and personal communication among representatives and other interested parties.

The need for accurate and timely analysis of soils, plant tissue, water, and waste materials is unquestionable, given the current emphasis on nutrient management and environmental quality.  These issues are of high priority on both the regional and national level, and have attracted the interest of Land Grant Institutions, State and Federal agencies, and various funding organizations.  It has been recognized that an effective nutrient analysis program serves not only commercial agriculture, but also the general public, by insuring that soil amendments are used wisely.  Due to changes in production practices there is a continuing need to improve existing analytical methods and to develop new approaches. 

 This page is maintained by Kathy Moore.   Last updated
July 31, 2002