Minutes of NC-222


Project/ Activity Number:  NC-222


Project/ Activity Title:  Impact of Technology on Rural Consumer Access to Food and Fiber Products


Period Covered:  October 1, 1998 – September 30, 2003


Date of This Report:  October 31, 2002


Annual Meeting Date:  October 10-11, 2002


Members in Attendance:  University of Illinois - Hilda Lakner

Iowa State University - Mary Lynn Damhorst,

Eastern Michigan University - Susan Gregory

University of Minnesota - Kim Johnson

University of Nebraska - Diane Vigna

North Dakota State University - Holly Bastow-Shoop and

    Linda Manikowske

The Ohio State University - Sharron Lennon

South Dakota State University - Nancy Lyons

University of Tennessee - Laura Jolly

University of Wisconsin - Cynthia Jasper


Gary Lemme,  Michigan State University, Advisor


Members Absent:  Sherri Lokken, Karen Hyllegard, Julianne Trautman, Rita Kean, David L. Darling, Fayrene Hamouz, David Henderson, Antigone Kotsiopulos, Larry Leistritz, Daryl Lund, Kathleen Rees, Marge Sanik, Kenneth Stone, Thomas Tate, and Norma Turok


Guests:   Jay Yoo, University of Minnesota


Thursday, October 10, 2002

Mary Lynn Damhorst opened the meeting at 1:00 pm CDT.


Adopted Agenda:

            Welcome and Introductions

            Gary Lemme – USDA Update

            NC-222 Annual research Activity Accomplishments Report

                        Oral reports by state

                        Resources for 2002-2003 by state

            Committee Updates


                        Work in progress

Issues/ Concerns

Adopted Agenda (cont.)

            Discussion of Panel Survey Follow-up

                        Plans and time schedule

                        Response to participants

            Assign duties for Termination or Continuation Report

            Refinement of panel survey follow-up questionnaire

            Committee work

                        Conference presentations

                        Manuscript development


Summary of Minutes of Annual Meeting:

The minutes of  last year’s meeting were reviewed by members and approved. 


Key Discussions:

Gary Lemme gave an update on the federal budget.  There may not be a federal budget passed until after the election in November.  There will be an increase in NRI this coming year. 


Dr. Lemme outlined the new format for entering minutes on the computer.  The new system will automatically send you notices of meetings, etc.  This system is what we will be using to write our next proposal. 


This is the last year of our five-year project – it ends Sept. 30, 2003.  We need to decide what we want to do in the future.  This project terminates regardless.  We can apply for a new project number for a new proposal.  The layout of the new format was provided.  We need to be multi-disciplinary and multi-functional in order to be considered for funding.   


State Reports – See Appendix A

State reports are needed by November 15, 2002.  They must be sent to Karen Hyllegard.


Resources for 2002-2003 by State:

NC-222 has $7,000 + left to spend.  Ohio can access $1500.00 if we need it.  Tennessee can possibly provide funding if needed.  Each state will seek funding to support the  project if needed.  Minnesota has a Research Assistant (25%) and $500.  Iowa has three Research Assistants and can provide cash if needed.  Colorado has a half-time assistantship.  Wisconsin has project assistant time.  Eastern Michigan has a Graduate Assistant. 


Committee Updates:

Publications:  Kim Johnson  reported that no new proposals have been submitted.  NC 222 Committee members were encouraged to continue to submit proposals for papers to the publication committee. Also make sure that Kim Johnson is sent the actual paper when it is prepared.  The overall group then discussed the papers that were proposed at the last annual meeting.  (See Publications – Appendix B)




The Future of NC-222:

Mary Lynn Damhorst indicated that if this committee continues, it might need to take a new focus and have a strong practical application for rural business or rural consumers.  Perhaps we could take this knowledge of what consumers are doing and share it with businesses so that they know how to be successful. 


Laura recalled the NC 192 focus groups done in communities.  This regional research project studied rural retailers and rural consumers and developed a financial profile of high, medium, and low profit firms. 


Other ideas discussed:

Do we know what rural business needs to succeed?  A current needs assessment may be a possibility.  Some work has been done by the Small Stores Institute (Norma Turok, Illinois) and we need to find out what point this group is at.  How can we use what we have learned from NC 222 to create a new project that may help small business?


Friday, October 11, 2002


Gary Lemme inquired about applying for a one-year extension of this project and we will be able to make this application.  We have a good reason for requesting this given the longitudinal study.  This will allow us to collect the additional data for the longitudinal study and finish the manuscripts we have started and proposed.  The application for extension needs to be made within a month of the Annual Meeting.


Panel Survey Follow-up Discussion:

The committee discussed the panel survey follow-up.  Notes regarding this discussion can be found in Appendix C.


Proposal to Extend the Project for One Year:

The committee went through each objective of the current project to see what has been accomplished, what is left to do, and what we will plan to do in a one-year extension.   


Website for NC-222:

Sharon Lennon volunteered to look into a website where we could share working drafts of papers as PDF files.  If this is possible, we would then send papers to Sharron to have them put on the website.  Mary Lynn Damhorst will create another list serve for authors so that it goes to the working group of this committee.


Manuscript Subcommittees:

Individual author groups met to discuss development and progress on manuscripts. 


Assigned Responsibilities / Deadlines/ Target dates:


1.  Preparing the Extension Application – Sharron Lennon volunteered to chair this committee.  Kim Johnson will assist in preparing this document.


2.  Holly Bastow-Shoop volunteered to be chair of this group starting October 1, 2003.  The dates of the Annual Meeting will be October 9-10, 2003 and the site may be Homewood Suites by Hilton, Mall of America if we are able to negotiate a good room rate.  This is all pending the approval of the extension.  Linda Manikowske agreed to make the hotel arrangements for the meeting.








Chairperson/ Date






Administrative Advisor/ Date





























Appendix A


State Reports – NC-222 – 2001-2002


Tennessee:   Laura Jolly reported that a master’s thesis national and state level presentation.  Tennessee will continue to work on two of the NC-222 planned manuscripts.


North Dakota:  Linda Manikowske and Holly Bastow-Shoop have been working with state data for publication.  We will continue to work with the next round of data collection and on manuscripts.


South Dakota:  Nancy Lyons reported that South Dakota shared findings of the South Dakota date through a Fact Sheet shared with FCS Agents and to some community Chamber of Commerces.  A presentation incorporating SD data and findings from analysis of retail websites was given to a statewide conference – “Innovations:  Educating New Generations.”  Continuing to work on manuscripts and the next round of data collection.


Minnesota:   Kim Johnson reported that Minnesota has worked on the submission of a paper testing  Rogers innovation theory.  Reviews have been received and after revision the paper will be published in the Clothing and Textiles Research Journal.


Ohio:  Sharron Lennon worked with Kim Johnson to resubmit the NRI Proposal, which was ultimately rejected.  One master’s student is doing a thesis supporting the work of NC 222.  Two PhD students are also working in this area.  And she worked on the manuscript with Kim Johnson.  Sharron Lennon also did the Annual Report for NC-222.  Sharron presented at the International Textile and Apparel Association on the Rogers Innovation Theory Paper and a seminar for the E-Commerce group at Ohio State. 


Iowa:  Mary Lynn Damhorst reported that Iowa has been working with Sherri Lokken on the Journal of Consumer Affairs manuscript on the Technology Experiment, which was not accepted.  Recommendation is that it be submitted to the FCS Research Journal as soon as possible.  A master’s student has done a thesis on Uses and Gratifications for Internet and Mail-Order Catalog Shopping and reported in two presentations at International Textile and Apparel Association this summer in a poster and oral session.  A manuscript is being written.  For the panel survey data, cluster analyses to find profiles of consumers based on purchase and information search variables were not fruitful.  As a result, a series of regressions were run to find characteristics of consumers that predict information search and purchase by different media.  Two papers will be proposed related to these regressions on information search and purchase patterns – one for older consumers and one for the overall sample. 


Nebraska:   Diane Vigna reported that Nebraska is participating in two manuscripts.  Nebraska is planning a small retailer’s conference and will be using some of this data to report at that conference. 


Colorado:  Susan Gregory reported that Karen Hyllegard has been working on two manuscripts.  Susan Gregory has moved to Eastern Michigan as a Program Coordinator but has been involved in finishing one manuscript on the profiles of food and travel products and services.  She will not be able to be involved in the next round of this committee but will complete this next year.


Wisconsin:  Cynthia Jasper reported that Wisconsin has been involved in several manuscripts – the one on Rogers Innovation Theory


Illinois:  Hilda Lakner reported having contributed to several manuscripts.  A student finished a master’s thesis on a related topic. 





































Appendix B


NC-222 – Publications List


Paper 1:  This paper entitled “Information Search for Product Information for Rural Consumers” is being developed.  A review of literature is being done.  Diane Vigna, Rita Kean, Sharron Lennon and Mary Lynn Damhorst will be added as authors along with Cynthia Jasper (Leader), Holly Bastow-Shoop, Linda Manikowske, and Hilda Buckley Lakner.


Paper 2:  Title:  Rural Consumer Purchase Sources and Satisfaction.”  This group has looked at two different ways to frame the paper and will make decisions on the direction the paper will take. 


Paper 3:  This paper, “A Test of Roger’s Innovation Theory:  Use of the Internet to Purchase Apparel, Food, Home Furnishings by Rural Consumers” was submitted to Clothing and Textiles Research Journal and came back with suggested revisions.  The group will revise and expect the paper to be published in the near future.


Paper 4:  Laura Jolly has an outline started on this paper and would like feedback from the group.  Rita Kean is the leader on this paper and will be contacted to see what type of future involvement she is able to do.


Paper 5:  Rural Consumers’ Use of the Internet for Search and Acquisition of Food and Travel Services” is the title.  This paper is almost ready to send to the Journal of Interactive Marketing.  Authors are Susan Gregory, Cynthia Jasper Jasper, Sherri Lokken and Mary Lynn Damhorst.


Paper 6:  Nothing has been done at this time.  Mary Lynn Damhorst and Cynthia Jasper should be added as authors.


Paper 7:  “Rural Consumer Attitudes Toward TV and Internet for Information:  Search and Product Purchase”  was submitted to the Journal of Consumer Affairs but after revision, was still rejected by this journal.  It will be reformatted and sent to the Family and Consumer Science Research Journal soon.


Paper 8:  Title:  US Rural Consumers Attitudes Toward Adopting the Internet for Information Search.”  Nothing has been done at this time.  The Leader is Karen Hyllegard and members are Sheri Lokken, Mary Lynn Damhorst, Hilda Buckley Lakner, Nancy Lyons, Holly Bastow-Shoop, and Linda Manikowske.


Paper 9:  A paper has been drafted on profiling of consumer’s information search and purchase factors related to  community satisfaction.  Authors are Mary Lynn Damhorst, Rita Kean, and Susan Gregory.  Plans are to send this paper to a community development journal.  


Paper 10:  A proposal is in development for a paper similar to Paper 9 with the focus on may be developed based on the information on older (over 60) consumers.  The leader will be Mary Lynn Damhorst working with Rita Kean  and Susan Gregory.


Paper 11:  A paper on the experimental data  -- “Shopping for Home Furnishings and Furniture Online:  An Examination of Rural Consumers’ Use of the Internet” has been submitted to ACCI by Sherri Lokken and the plan is to submit it to FCSRJ when some of the follow up data is received.  


Paper 12:  This is a re-write of the Fact Sheet that was developed last year.  A paper will be developed regarding the fact sheet.  The title is “Internet Retailing:  Impact on Rural Consumers’ Attitudes, Intent to Purchase, and Satisfaction with Access to Products Within Their Community”.   Leader is Cynthia Jasper with Rita Kean.  Planned submission is to the International Journal of Consumer Studies. 


































Appendix C


NC-222 Panel Survey Follow-up Discussion


The mailing will go out as before but only to 2,000 + respondents from the first survey.  Cynthia Jasper will look for the names of the respondents and send them to Iowa State.  All cover letters will be done on Iowa State University Stationery this time. 


Mary Lynn Damhorst suggested that we prepare a one-page, colorful report of what we found in the first survey along with this the follow-up questionnaire.  Discussion followed regarding whether or not this would bias the responses on the follow-up.  It was decided that we would not do this extra page.  Rather we will add the names of the universities participating on the cover of the survey, emphasize the longitudinal nature of the study, and the need for their response to compare with the first set of data. 


Time was spent refining and revising the questionnaire.  We decided to leave out Question 2 on how long they have been using the product information sources.  We also decided to eliminate Question 3, 10-17.


It was suggested we add items to question 18 to include trialability and observability for further analyses based on Roger’s Theory.   These items could serve as a pre-test for the next project.  Possibilities include: 

“I know someone who has purchased on-line.”

            “I’ve watched other people make Internet purchases.” 

“My friends purchase using the Internet.”


Other ideas for the future project include looking at E-Bay and the success of this type of shopping alternative. 


In the demographic section we decided to leave out Q. 37 on ethnicity and ask what year you were born as opposed to listing their age.


This follow-up survey will be sent out later in October 2002.


Other issues discussed:  The addition of two questions to the panel survey so that a paper can be written on the behavior of individuals who have tried the innovation (Internet, TV, etc.) but have abandoned it.  These are true non-adopters of the innovation.