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Northeastern Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors |
Appendix M
Minutes of the 2001 Annual Multistate Research Technical Meeting
Number and Title of Regional Project: NE-171, Biologically Based IPM Systems for Management of Plant Parasitic Nematodes
Location and Date of Meeting: Ramada Inn, Windsor Locks, CT, October 10-12, 2001
Project Participants:
Names | Representing |
Louis Magnarelli, Administrative Advisor | Connecticut Agric. Exp. Station |
George S. Abawi * | Cornell University, Geneva, NY |
George W. Bird * | Michigan State University |
John Halbrent * | Penn State University, Fruit Research & Education Center |
Jim A. LaMondia *, Local Arrangements | Connecticut Agric. Exp. Station |
Nathaniel A. Mitkowski *, Acting Secretary | University of Rhode Island |
Sandra Sardanelli *, Chair | University of Maryland |
Project Participants Absent:
Names | Representing |
Don W. Dickson * | University of Florida |
Joseph Esnard * | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY |
Michael Fitzner, CSREES Advisor | USDA, Washington, DC |
Jim Kotcon * | West Virginia University |
Nancy Kokalis-Burelle | USDA-ARS, Fort Pierce, FL |
Susan L. Meyer | USDA-ARS, Beltsville MD |
James F. Preston | University of Florida |
Judy Theis *, Secretary | USDA-ARS, Charleston, SC |
Robert L. Wick * | University of Massachusetts |
Other Attendees
Names | Representing |
Don Aylor | Connecticut Agric. Exp. Station |
Bert Zuckerman | University of Massachusetts |
* Voting members
Adopted Agenda (includes additions made during the meeting):
Ramada Inn, Windsor Locks, CT. October 10-12, 2001
October 10, 2001 (Wednesday)
October 11, 2001 (Thursday)
8:00 am
NE-171 Technical Committee Meeting
Review of Agenda: Sandra Sardanelli, Chair
Welcome and Arrangements: Jim LaMondia
Introductory Remarks: Lou Magnarelli
10:00 am
Review of NE-171 Web page
10:30 am
Annual Progress Reports
Connecticut, Jim LaMondia
10:45 am
Massachusetts, Bert Zuckerman
11:00 am
Maryland, Sandra Sardanelli
11:40 am
New York, George Abawi
12:30 pm
Lunch Break
1:30 pm
Pennsylvania, John Halbrent
2:15 pm
Rhode Island, Nathaniel Mitkowski
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
Annual Business Meeting
Review of Milestones
Progress Report Summary
Project Impact Statement
Meeting selection for 2002
6:00 pm
October 11, 2001 (Friday)
8:30 am
Discussion of Project Rewrite
9:30 am
Annual Progress Reports
Michigan, George Bird
10:30 am
Adjourn Meeting
Action Items/Assigned Responsibility/Deadlines/Target Dates
The participants introduced themselves. It was noted that Nathaniel Mitkowski will be replacing Steve Alm from the University of Rhode Island. Nathaniel Mitkowski was nominated by George Abawi for the position of Acting Secretary. The motion was seconded by Jim LaMondia. Nathaniel Mitkowski accepted the nomination and it was unanimously approved.
Sandra Sardanelli moved that the minutes of the 2000 Annual Research Technical Committee meeting be approved with corrections, motion seconded by Jim LaMondia, motion unanimously approved.
Sandra Sardanelli moved that the agenda be approved with corrections, principally, each state would present its report all at once, as opposed to presenting only one objective at a time. Motion seconded by John Halbrent and unanimously approved.
Jim LaMondia, Local Arrangements, welcomed everyone to Connecticut. Pointed out the low rate of attendance and attributed it to frequent cancellations of flights due to empty seats, conflicts with other meetings and teaching responsibilities and USDA travel restrictions.
Jim LaMondia introduced Don Aylor to the group and stated that because of lower than anticipated turnout, the CAES would subsidize registration fees for the meeting.
Lou Magnarelli passed out copies of Appendix D, format for accomplishment reports. NE-171 will continue to exist on CAES website. Lou Magnarelli also pointed out that text of reports should be non-technical, should address stakeholders' needs, and be able to be understood by persons who do not have scientific backgrounds.
George Abawi suggested that an executive summary should be included on the web site.
Lou Magnarelli also discussed the impact statement and its purpose, primarily to describe the applicable value of research generated by the project. He noted that last year it was developed at the last minute making it difficult to complete. It is a separate report, which goes to the Northeast Region Experiment Station Directors Association.
He also mentioned that the deadline for progress reports is 60 days from the end of the meeting.
NE-171 has a new address: http://www.caes.state.ct.us/CoopRegionalResearchProject/Multistatenematode.htm
George Abawi suggested that NE-171 generate a pamphlet or brochure, in fact-sheet format, highlighting the accomplishments and research outputs of the NE-171 group. He pointed to the Pratylenchus penetrans report, generated by a precursor to NE-171. Discussion about funding such a project arose.
It was suggested that web based dissemination of a fact sheet might be more economical and reach a wider audience.
Such a fact sheet could include impact statements and other deliverables.
Lou Magnarelli did the CSREES overview. Based on current projections, money for national security is not expected to be taken out of USDA budget. The House of Representatives has approved the Farm Bill, but the Senate is still working on it. NRI has been funded.
The group thanked Lou Magnarelli for all of his work in steering the group and his administrative assistance.
The 2002 Meeting will take place in Geneva, NY at the Ramada Inn, with George Abawi as the Local Arrangements Chair.
Summary of Discussions (Append distributed information):
Participants from the different states reported all of their research, dividing progress into various objectives as they proceeded. Progress reports distributed during the meeting can be obtained from Louis Magnarelli, Sandra Sardanelli, or representatives of each state.
Milestones were reviewed and it was agreed that a number of milestones had been achieved. Final determination of milestone progress will be based upon all progress reports when received.
Considerable discussion focused on the process for rewriting the project in the next cycle and what direction the participants are interested in pursuing. There was some consensus for a community-based approach and determining the role of nematodes in soil health.
George Bird will prepare a workshop on the identification and biology of free-living nematodes, to be presented during the first half of the meeting in Geneva, NY in 2002.
George Abawi thanked Jim LaMondia, Lou Magnarelli and the CAES for sponsoring the meeting and for subsidizing the registration fees.
Next Meeting Information:
Location and Date: Ramada Inn, Geneva, NY, October 2002
Responsible Individuals: George Abawi will serve as local arrangements chair
Between Meeting Information and Exchange/Development Information:
Nathaniel Mitkowski will prepare the meeting minutes and the meeting report and send them via email attachment to Lou Magnarelli and Sandra Sardanelli for approval. The minutes and report will then be posted on the project web site
____________________________________ __________________
Nathaniel Mitkowski, Secretary / Date
____________________________________ __________________
Sandra Sardanelli, Chair / Date
____________________________________ Dec. 7, 2001
Louis A. Magnarelli, Administrative Advisor / Date