
Project Statement

Project Participants

Annual Reports

Meeting Minutes



Minutes of the Winter Meeting
S-290 Technical Committee
January 25, 2002

Miami, Fla.

Present: Charlie Hall, John Brooker, John Haydu, Bob McNiel, Jeff Kuehny, Bridget Behe, Susan Barton, Roger Hinson, Kathleen Kelley, P. J. van Blokland, Robin Brumfield, Jennifer Dennis, Dan Warnock, D. C. Coston.

Chairman Behe called the meeting to order at 9:00am. She thanked Haydu, Hodges and van Blokland for arranging the meeting location, nursery tours, and a tour of cut flower importation procedures.

Administrative Advisor’s report: Dr. Coston commented on the high quality of Thursday’s tour.  He observed that the message provided by these businesses is consistent with observations from other industries concerning competitive pressures and response to them.

Manuscript reports:

Container nursery, field production nursery and landscape cost manuscripts ‑ McNiel reported that these manuscripts are at an advanced stage.  The container manuscript is finished and the other two are close behind.  The University of Kentucky has purchased software to permit this material to be accessed online on an interactive basis.  One of the sets of spreadsheets will be active in about 75 days.  Hall, Hodges and Behe volunteered to review the site.

Greenhouse manuscript ‑ Hall reported that the manuscript was submitted months ago to the adviser, but was lost somewhere and was not externally reviewed or assigned a number.  He will re-submitt the material to Dr. Coston.  External reviewers suggested were Holcomb and Uva.  The manuscript is posted as a pdf file on Hall's website.

Perennial manuscript ‑ Beattie has been ill and no progress toward publication was reported.

Pot-in-pot manuscript - Hall had no report regarding this work. Tilt has a “how to” document on the web, and Haydu has cost information in a document that has been provided to Hall.  Hall and Haydu agreed to take responsibility for this manuscript, and stated that the manuscript would be ready for review by the next meeting.

Progress on current studies:

HRI Landscape project ‑ Behe reported that the methodology to collect data had been tried and is not workable.  Problems include length of the instrument, landscaper reluctance to burden customers with a survey, and fewer landscape jobs in the slowing economy.  Several alternatives were discussed, including an online survey.  Finally, the choice to go forward was to interview at flower and garden shows in Philadelphia, Chicago, Cincinnati, and New Orleans.  An incentive ($5 or so) will be used to encourage participation by attendees who have done a landscape project in the past year.

Price study ‑ McNiel and Beattie evaluated a collection of nursery price catalogues held by the Cornell library.  This collection goes back about 100 years, covers 10 to 12 firms, and in some cases documents the same nursery over a large portion of that time.  McNeil has this information on electronic images and has created a data set for Monrovia nursery.  Quantity data is not available.  Some ideas for use of this data set include comparison of nominal and real prices, negotiated versus catalogue prices, and others.  Beattie is creating a data set on perennials.  Brooker, van Blokland and Brumfield also will work on this project.

Garden Center Cost of Establishment and Operation - Barton reported that the document has been reviewed within the committee. She has addressed the minor suggestions. A major comment related to updating the costs of hardware and other physical aspects of the costs.  It was reiterated that this material is to be used as a guide in a planning process.  Users should not think that these numbers can be appropriately used in the planning process of any given firm.  A statement addressing the appropriate use of the document was suggested and will be incorporated. More thorough comparison of customer demographics was another issue.  Demographics will be compared to the “grapevine” material from National Gardening Association.  There was discussion about an appropriate publisher.  NRAES has been suggested.  This organization would format and print the manuscript, and market the publication.  Cost would be about $20. The NRAES does have restrictions on electronic dissemination, since the organization seeks to sell rather than give away the work.  Coston stated that NRAES policy is consistent with Directors policy.  Barton will investigate publication through this organization.

Disease resistant dogwood study ‑ Behe reported that a journal article draft awill be completed soon.

Plant Display / Price Project ‑ no update.

Evaluation of State Promotional Programs ‑ Knight was successful in getting a $15,000 grant for this project.  Discussion of methodology is expected to begin soon.

Speciality cut flower budget ‑ Brumfield. reported that not much progress has been made.  However the Risk Management Agency is very interested, and opportunities for funding through that agency and other sources was discussed.  Haydu, Hodges, van Blokland and Kelly agreed to assist  on this project.

Edible flowers - Kelley reported that text and tables are ready for review and publication.  Behe will assist in moving this project forward.

Poinsettia preferences ‑ Kuehny reported that preference data has been collected at 6 locations.  Behe is conducting the data analysis.  Kuehny noted that last year’s procedure (poinsettias were grown in La. and shipped to the other locations) was shipping-expense intensive and will not be followed next year.  Also, more uniformity is needed in the evaluation procedure.  Evaluation at regularly held open houses was suggested.

Terms of trade - Hinson reported that limited progress has been made.  A graduate student has been assigned the project. It was agreed that Hinson will circulate a draft of the survey and related methodology for review.  Benchmark data for the current period and for some past year would be the procedure used for grower data collection.  Information from the retailer side also is needed.  Hodges agreed to lead that effort, determining the appropriate people to contact at the major retailers and at midsize independent garden centers.  Hall, Haydu, Hodges, Barton, Brooker, Brumfield expressed interest in participating.  Additional participation among states is encouraged.

Export markets - no report

Satisfaction/regret study - Dennis (Behe’s grad student) reported on her planned dissertation project.  Initial and followup surveys will be used to determine satisfaction and regret associated with purchases of garden center materials.  The objective is to identify the factors that affect the tendency to make additional purchases, either positive or negative.  The project will start with one product, expand to other products later, using surveys to compare intentions with actual behavior.  This information should assist garden center managers in identifying those factors that help to retain customers.  A pilot study will begin this spring.

Business Analysis - Haydu and Hodges have an ongoing nursery business analysis that provides financial and efficiency benchmarks.  They propose to expand this to other states.  The effort is part of the project discussed by Uva in the previous meeting.  Uva’s grant proposal was not funded, but the search for funding continues.  This effort would be a coordinated effort to extend this program to growers in other states.  Data would be standard across states and consistently collected.  There is a void on information that permits growers to compare themselves to other growers.  Potential participants and funding sources were discussed.  A proposal will be developed, designed for use by any state that would like to participate.  A training session to illustrate how the program is conducted, and the requirements states will need to meet to participate, will be conducted.at the next project meeting.

State Reports were not presented.

Other issues:  van Blokland suggested an organized symposium at next year’s AAEA meeting.  He encouraged everyone to become involved.  The idea received broad support, and will be pursued.

Meeting sites (date information to be provided later )

- Summer 2002: Buffalo, NY area

- Winter, 2003: New Orleans area

- Summer, 2003: Montreal, in conjunction with AAEA

Elections: Behe (Chair) and Hinson (Secretary) were reelected.

Respectfully submitted,

Roger A. Hinson

Comments or questions about this site should be directed to Tim Rhodus