Northeastern Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors

Northeastern Regional Association of State Agricultural Experiment Station Directors

Appendix M

Minutes of the 2000 Annual Multistate Research Technical Meeting

Number and Title of the Regional Project: NE-171, Biologically Based IPM Systems for Management of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes

Location and Date of the Meeting: Ramada Inn, Morgantown, WV, October 16-18, 2000

Participants in the Meeting Information:

Project Participants:

Names Representing
Louis Magnarelli, Administrative Advisor Connecticut Agric. Exp. Station
George S. Abawi* Cornell University, Geneva, NY
George W. Bird* Michigan State University
Don W. Dickson*, Chair, Local Arrangements University of Florida
Joseph Esnard* (for Susan L. Meyer), Acting Chair Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
Jim Kotcon*, Host State, Local Arrangements West Virginia University
Jim A. LaMondia* Connecticut Agric. Exp. Station
Sandra Sardanelli*, Secretary University of Maryland
Judy Thies* USDA-ARS, Charleston, SC

Project Participants Absent:

Name Representing
Steve R. Alm* University of Rhode Island
Don W. Dickson* University of Florida
John M. Halbrendt* Penn State University, Fruit Res. & Ext. Ctr.
Robin N. Huettel, CSREES Advisor (National USDA, Washington, DC Program Leader, Plant Pathol./Nematol.) USDA, Wahington, DC
Nancy Kokalis-Burelle USDA-ARS, Fort Pierce, FL
Susan L. Meyer USDA-ARS, Fort Pierce, FL
James F. Preston University of Florida
Robert L. Wick* University of Massachusetts

Other Attendees:

Names Representing
William Mai Cornell University, Geneva, NY
Franco Lamberti Istituto di Nematologia Agraria, Bari, Italy
Nathaniel Mitkowski Cornell University, Geneva, NY
Linley Smith West Virginia University

* Voting members


Adopted Agenda (includes everything added during the meeting):

Ramada Inn, Morgantown, WV. October 16-18, 2000

October 16 (Monday):

October 17 (Tuesday)

8:00 a.m.
NE-171 Technical Committee Meeting
Review of Agenda: Joseph Esnard, Chair
West Virginia Welcome: Jim Kotcon, Chair, Local Arrangements
Introductory Remarks: Lou Magnarelli, Admin. Advisor

8:45 a.m.
Review of NE-171 web page James A. LaMondia, Webmaster

9:00 a.m.
Annual Progress Reports
Objective 1: Evaluate the effects of rotational crops, organic amendments and host crop genetics on nematode community structure.

10:00 a.m.

10:15 a.m.
Objective 1: Progress Reports Continued

11:30 a.m.
Objective 2: Characterization of biological control agents for suppression of plant-parasitic nematodes.

12:00 noon
Group Lunch

1:00 p.m.
Objective 2: Progress Reports Continued

2:45 p.m.

3:00 p.m.
Objective 3: Comparison and evaluation of IPM system management of plant-parasitic nematodes based on crop rotation, organic amendments, host crop resistance and biological control agents.

October 18 (Wednesday)

8:00 a.m.
Annual Business Meeting

11:10 a.m.
Adjourn Meeting


Action Items/Assigned Responsibilities/Deadlines/Target Dates:

The participants introduced themselves. Susan Meyer, who was to be chair for the meeting could not attend. Judy Thies moved that Joseph Esnard act as chair in her place. The motion was seconded by Jim Kotcon and unanimously approved.

Joseph Esnard moved that the minutes of the 1999 Annual Research Technical Committee meeting be approved as submitted, motion seconded by Judy Thies, motion unanimously approved.

Joseph Esnard moved that the agenda be approved as adopted. Motion seconded by Jim Kotcon and unanimously approved.

Jim Kotcon, Local Arrangements Chair, welcomed everyone to West Virginia and summarized the status of agriculture and nematology in West Virginia.

Lou Magnarelli delivered introductory remarks as Administrative Advisor. Lou distributed copies of the new SAES-422 Format for the activity and accomplishment report and the Guidelines for Home Pages of Multistate Research Projects and reviewed the requirements.

Lou stressed that the annual report deadline has been moved up and the report is to be submitted by December 18, 2000.

As Robin Robin Huettel, CSREES Advisor, was unable to attend the meeting, Lou also discussed CSREES issues including the new Deputy Administrator, formula funds, and the current status of NRI funding.

Jim LaMondia reviewed the status and mechanics of the NE-171 Regional Project Web Site which he established and directed this past year. Contents of information to be introduced to the web pages in the future for enhancement were then discussed. George Abawi suggested highlighting specific nematode and crop combinations from individual state projects on the Home Page. Lou Magnarelli added that these highlights should be updated frequently. Jim LaMondia requested project members to contribute slides and information from their state project.

Joseph Esnard thanked Jim LaMondia on behalf of the membership for his outstanding effort in launching the Home Pages and moved that Jim continue as Webmaster for the Regional Project. The motion was seconded by George Abawi and unanimously approved.

Lou Magnarelli reminded members that progress on projected yearly milestones for the project would be an integral part of the new reporting format in SAES-422. Joseph Esnard moved that individual state report presentations for all objectives be completed on Tuesday, October 18 in order to provide ample time during the business meeting to review key program components, exchanges and the milestones through 2004. The motion was seconded by Judy Thies and unanimously approved.

Lou Magnarelli noted that both research and extension accomplishments are to be stated for SAES-422, Appendix D, including associations with industry and commodity groups. George Bird added that Extension publications and web site communications to stakeholders should be included.

Lou Magnarelli reviewed the new rules for committee governance reminding that the chair now serves for at least two years. George Abawi nominated Sandra Sardanelli as Chair for 2001-2003. The nomination was seconded by Joseph Esnard. The nomination was unanimously approved.

Jim Kotcon nominated Judy Thies as Secretary for 2001-2003. The nomination was seconded by Sandra Sardanelli. The nomination was unanimously approved.

George Abawi nominated Jim LaMondia as Chair-elect for 2001-2003. The nomination was seconded by Sandra Sardanelli. The nomination was unanimously approved.

Jim Kotcon moved that the committee set meetings for Connecticut in 2001 and Geneva, NY in 2002. The motion was seconded by Joseph Esnard. The motion was unanimously approved.

Joseph Esnard thanked Jim Kotcon on behalf of the committee for the excellent facilities and local arrangements. Louis Magnarelli expressed appreciation and thanked Joseph Esnard for serving as chair for Susan Meyer. A motion for adjournment was made by Joseph, seconded by Sandra Sardanelli, and approved by the committee. Joseph Esnard adjourned the meeting


Summary of Discussions (Append distributed information):

Participants from the different states reported on their research completed under various objectives during 1999 - 2000. Progress reports distributed during the meeting can be obtained from Louis Magnarelli, Sandra Sardanelli, or representatives of each state.

Joseph Esnard opened the business meeting asking for project discussion. George Abawi discussed the overall goals and objectives and introduced the possibility of intensifying member emphasis on objective one "Evaluate the effects of rotational crops, organic amendments, and host crop genetics on nematode community structure".

Joseph Esnard moved that objective one be strengthened by including a hands-on workshop in nematode community structure for the 2001 meeting agenda. The motion was seconded by Sandra Sardanelli and the motion was unanimously approved. George Bird volunteered to develop the workshop and suggested that the 2001 meeting be conducted in a campus setting.

Jim LaMondia extended an invitation to hold the 2001 meeting in Connecticut and volunteered as local arrangements chair. Jim stated that he would try to schedule meeting dates for the first or second week in October. George Abawi extended an invitation to hold the 2002 meeting in Geneva, NY and serve as local arrangements chair.

Joseph Esnard initiated a review of the project milestones requesting the committee for an overview of the four milestones accomplished for 2000. 1) George Abawi noted that the establishment of a low soil volume bioassay to evaluate nematode antagonistic crops had been accomplished by John Halbrendt and should be in the process of publication. 2) George also noted that the workshop on protocols for Pasteuria penetrans recognition, research and surveys was conducted at the 1999 meeting in Florida by Don Dickson and his laboratory personnel. 3) Committee members identified rotation and cover crop system research initiated in three subgroups: Geneva, NY, Ithaca, NY , MI; MD, SC, USDA-MD; and CT-NH, PA. 4) All committee members noted their activities in progress for the identification and evaluation of nematode resistant or tolerant varieties for integration in management programs and included in the individual reports for 2000.

Lou Magnarelli suggested a status review of the milestones projected for 2001-2004. Through group discussion it was determined that all projected milestones had been initiated. Jim LaMondia suggested that additional scientific knowledge was needed for evaluating winter survival of Pasteuria penetrans in northern states. It was agreed that this issue should be included in the agenda for 2001.


Next Meeting Information:

Location and Date: Connecticut, exact site yet to be determined; tentatively, early October, 2001.

Responsible Individuals: Jim LaMondia will serve as local arrangements chair.


Between Meeting Information and Exchange/Development Information:

Jim LaMondia will send a notice to remind members to submit information and slides on state projects for the NE-171 Home page and URL’s for Web biographies.

Judy Thies stated the difficulties with concurrent regional meetings and the subsequent attendance problems. The pros and cons of rescheduling meeting dates were discussed and Lou Magnarelli stated that he will check into operating procedures. George Abawi suggested that meetings should be scheduled quickly once the site was approved in order to address these possibilities. George also suggested that the committee consider summer meeting in order for the committee to visit the host state research sites during the meeting.

As secretary, Sandra Sardanelli will send a request to all members to submit their project reports via email attachment as soon as possible. This request hopes to efficiently address the new reporting requirements.

Sandra Sardanelli will prepare the meeting minutes and the meeting report and send them via email attachment to Lou Magnarelli and Jim LaMondia for approval. The minutes and report will then be posted on the project web site.


____________________________________ __________________
Sandra Sardanelli, Secretary / Date

____________________________________ __________________
Joseph Esnard, Chair / Date

____________________________________ Dec. 18, 2000
Louis A. Magnarelli, Administrative Advisor / Date


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