Multi-State Research Coordinating Committee


Improving Stress Resistance of Forages in the Western United States



Participant List Meeting Minutes 2002 Meeting Schedule Appendix E's Reports

1. Exchange research approaches and results relating to the physiology, genetics, and breeding of stress resistance in forage species.

2. Identify forage species cultivars, and experimental lines with potential to extend the livestock grazing season during the late fall and winter.

3. Encourage adoption of research findings into more appropriate management systems in western grazing lands.
Accomplishments under this objective included: 1) feasibility of utilizing ley cropping systems and alternative legumes into livestock grazing rotations with winter wheat-summer fallow (WY). 2) the use of forage crops for N-P-K remediation of land receiving dairy waste applications (WA, MT, OR, ID), and development of management systems to improve the value of private and public grazing lands genetically improved cultivars and forage adaptation mapping (OR).

4. Exchange information in timely fashion on the availability and adaptability of new germplasm and cultivars of forage species.