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Introductions and greetings were received from Leroy Dougherty, Associate Dean and Associate Director, AES/NMSU. Research studies exhibited included: Subsurface irrigation for USGA and California greens style construction methods Warm and cool season variety trials NTEP trials Seashore paspalum test plots Water use efficiency tests Irrigation requirements for C3/C4 grasses Drip irrigation Weed control studies Water conditioning study Use of saline water for sub-surface irrigation Lunch was held at the NMSU Football Stadium . The report meeting was held on campus from 1:30 to 5:00 PM. Dr. Leinauer provided a handout from NTEP which addresses the new updated revisions of the Natural Turfgrass Federation (NTF), 3-page pdf attached. A question arose on the acronym change from WRCC 11 to WERA 11. The change was announced previously by the advisor. Next years meeting will be held most likely in Colorado at CSU (2007), and in Arizona at the University of Arizona (2008). This year was unique in that the June meeting was moved to October. Most people liked the move because of the weather considerations and the fact that both warm and cool grass projects could be observed. Representatives from the seed industry highly preferred the October date, since June is an extremely busy time for them, and as a result it is a struggle for the seed industry members to attend meetings in June. The time and date for the 2007 meetings in Colorado is forthcoming. Dr. Leinauer also reported on the NTF Board meetings help September 27, 2006. The NTEP policy committee was present. The objective was to continue dialogue for the turfgrass ARS positions. The tone within ARS has turned from observational to favorable to add ARS turf positions. State Reports Arizona Studies have been recently completed on determining the water use rates of saltgrass, Tifway bermudagrass and Seashore paspalum when soil moisture is not limiting (2 year study). The first year of water use patterns and response to drought was conducted from June to mid September 2006. This study will show if these grasses are water spenders, savers, drought avoiders or drought tolerators. Arizona hosts three on-site tests for NTEP (bentgrass, bermuda, buffalograss) and the 04-06 on-site test. Work is being conducted on salinity screening of saltgrass clones, and the evaluation of cold tolerant giant bermuda for turf home lawns when mowed with at rotary mower. Other research includes year-round maintenance of halophytes of paspalum when overseeded with alkali grass, with and without perennial ryegrass. California The State Extension Turfgrass Specialist position is now open for recruitment. Vic Gibeault remained in his position after retirement to maintain presence and continuity in the program. This new position is 75% extension and 25% research. California hosts NTEP trials in the tall fescue, bermudagrass, zoysiagrass and buffalograss. Low maintenance grass trials at both Las Cruces and Riverside include 20 species/cultivars irrigated at 70% of normal ET for warm season grasses and 1.0 lb of nitrogen/M per year. The plots in California are split in two separate mowing heights of and 3. The California Research Advisory Commission established in 1996 is comprised of 10 organizations for identifying and funding research needs in turf. These funds support Dr. Robert Green at UCR. Frank Wong, the State Extension pathologist has an excellent web site for turfgrass diseases. The UC system has a field plot set up in the Coachella Valley for turfgrass research. UC Irvine is looking at turf as an active carbon partitioning agent and gas cycler using greenhouse gases. Colorado Ned Tisseret is working on a project which will sequence the genome of Pythium. Tony Koski will be making a full time return to turf from extension administration. CSU will add a drought stress physiologist to the department this year. Applied projects include salinity tolerance of bentgrass, KBG/manure topdressing for turf quality and environmental safety. About 0.8 cubic yards per thousand square feet produces negligible phosphorous run-off, with minimal ammonium content as well. Other projects include carbon sequestration of turfgrass under different management regimes, soil and plant responses to effluent irrigation, and saltgrass studies. The combination of high daytime temperatures, low night temperatures and high soil moisture and low-to-moderate salinity all increase seed yield for Distichlis. Germination of saltgrass is enhanced by mechanical scarifications and hand nicking. Scarified and stratified seed germinate well. Cold moist stratification and dry mechanized scarification improved germination. Sulfuric acid, hydrogen peroxide or water soaking treatments are not very effective. The LT50 for saltgrass ranges from -14 to -20c as plants regenerated from rhizome pieces. Irrigation and drought studies showed that saltgrass clone A138 has roots present down to 9 feet in the soil, and that on average, consumptive water use is about 50% of that of KBG. Saltgrass will send roots deep in the absence of irrigation. Texas A new hire is Kurt Steinke, ecologist. Richard White is studying water use and consumption in domestic settings. Richard Duble continues to teach. Wallace Menn has retired. Phil Colbaugh is near retirement. Royalties to Texas A&M turfgrass from varietal development has been $2.8 million since 1998. Jim McAfee has been diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. Research has shown that Pythium volotum is enhanced in pathogenicity from abiotic salt stress (ETRI type infection). Milt Englke is part of the I-4 research team, which integrates genetics/biochemistry to improve stress tolerance in turfgrasses. Two new releases of St. Augustine are forthcoming while Texas bluegrass haploids are being developed as a bridging mechanism for Poa protensis breeding/improvement. Utah Landscape water use studies are investigating water use and homeowners preference in landscape plantings under well watered and drought stressed conditions. Landscapes include a mixture of native and non-native trees, shrubs, and turf grasses. Native landscapes used less water than traditional landscapes during drought periods, but homeowner preference was greatest for non-native landscapes, regardless of the amount of water used. Native grasses in this study include wheatgrasses, buffalograss, Poa spp., and sheeps fescue. Sheep and tall fescues had the best turf performance (appearance) while Black gramma did well in both monoculture and mixtures. Wheatgrass/sheep fescue mixtures did well also. KBG/western wheatgrass provided stable year round turfs. Mixtures with sheep fescue largely became dominated by sheeps fescue. Other projects include sod production of native/adapted grasses, and weed control using nurse crops during alternative grass establishment. A major project is studying gene flow and apomixis in Poa spp. Initial results show a low flow from P. pratensis to other species, with pollen competition in apomitic plants possibly affecting flow rates. The degree of apomixis within and between various species of Poa is being evaluated. A new ARS turfgrass breeding positive will be housed at Logan, Utah. Wyoming Justin Moss is a recent hire as Station Manager/Grass Researcher at Sheridan Station. This facility is 320 acres and will include a future turfgrass research sub-center. Studies included in the beginning will be NTEP KBG trials, homeowner variety plots, weed control of Poa annua on bentgrass greens along with PGR studies. Justin will also teach at a 2 year community college in Sheridan. Classes intended are Introduction to Soil Science, Woody Ornamentals, and Introduction to Turf. Pure Seed Testing, Inc. Varietal development with increased emphasis on stress tolerance. New and ongoing studies include selection schemes for drought, shade and salinity stress. The merger with Scotts is at or near completion. Respectfully submitted, David M. Kopec (University of Arizona) Recording Secretary 2006 In c/o Anthony Koski (Colorado State University) ADDENDUM A. Included : Program Agenda ADDENDUM A- Multi-state Research Project WERA11 Western Regional Turfgrass Research New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM October 2 3, 2006 PROGRAM Sunday, October 1: Travel to Las Cruces 6:00 6:45 P.M. Registration at Ramada Palms Resorts and Conference Center 7:00 P.M. Dinner at Lorenzos restaurant in Old Mesilla Monday, October 2 8:00 8:30 A.M. Registration at Ramada Palms Resorts and Conference Center 8:30 A.M. 12:00 P.M. Tour of research facilities Bus leaves from the Ramada Hotel at 8:30 A.M. 8:30 10:30 A.M. Fabian Garcia Research Center: Welcome remarks; LeRoy Daugherty, Associate Dean and Associate Director, Agricultural Experiment Station, New Mexico State University USGA and California Greens Construction Methods, Subsurface Irrigation for Sandy Root Zones Warm and Cool Season Demonstration Plots NTEP Zoysiagrass, Bermudagrass, and Buffalograss Seashore Paspalum Test Plots Increasing water-use efficiency of turfgrasses with management practices Warm and Cool Season Turfgrass Irrigation Requirements NM weed management studies Undergraduate Research Project - Drip and sprinkler irrigation for tall fescue establishment 10:30 11:00 A.M. Aggie Memorial Stadium and Salinity Test Site 11:00 A.M. 12:30 P.M. NMSU Golf Course Welcome remarks; Ben Woods, New Mexico State Universitys Senior Vice President for Planning, Physical Resources and University Relations Water Conditioning Study Sprinkler and Subsurface Irrigation with Saline Groundwater 12:30 1:30 P.M. Lunch, Stan Fulton Center 2:00 5:00 P.M. and continued on Tuesday, October 3, 8:30 A.M. 12:00 P.M. Meeting and Research Presentations; Corbett Center, Colfax Room Business Meeting NTEP Update 2007 Meeting Location Presentations University of Arizona University of California Colorado State University Texas A&M University Utah State University University of Wyoming Seed Industry Updates Adjourn ADDENDUM B- WERA 11 Mailing List Updated from October 2006 Meetings: Arden Baltensperger Professor Emeritus 1807 Halfmoon Dr. Las Cruces, NM 88005 505 524 2785  HYPERLINK "mailto:abaltens@zianet.com" abaltens@zianet.com Reed E. Barker Nat'l Forage Seed Prod. Res. Ctr. USDA/ARS 3450 SW Campus Way Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331-7102 Phone: 541-750-8736 Fax: 541-750-8750 Email: barkerr@ucs.orst.edu Leah A. Brilman Seed Research of Oregon Inc. 27630 Llewellyn Rd. Corvallis, OR 97333 Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:srofarm@attglobal.net"  srofarm@attglobal.net Ph: (541)758-9115 FAX: (541)752-2065 David R. Chalmers, Ph.D. Dept. of Soil and Crop Sciences - 233-A Heep Center Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-2474 Phone: 979-845-0603; FAX: 979-845-0604 dchalmers@ag.tamu.edu Gary Chastagner WSU-Puyallup 7612 Pioneer Way E. Puyallup, WA 98371-4998 Phone: 253-445-4528 FAX: 253-445-4621 Email: chastag@wsu.edu Stephen T. Cockerham Agricultural Operations University of California Riverside Riverside, CA 92521-0001 Phone: 951-827-5906 Fax: 951-827-5139 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:slee@ucrac1.ucr.edu"  HYPERLINK "mailto:stephen.cockerham@ucr.edu" stephen.cockerham@ucr.edu Philip F. Colbaugh Texas A&M Univ. 17360 Coit Road Dallas, TX 15252-6599 Ph: 972-231-5362 FAX: 972-952-9216 Email: p-colbaugh@tamu.edu Tom Cook Oregon State Univ.-Dept. of Horticulture 4017 Ag & Life Sciences Bldg. Corvallis, OR 97331-7304 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:cookt@science.oregonstate.edu" cookt@science.oregonstate.edu Ph: (503)737-5449 FAX: (503)737-3479 Dale A. Devitt University of Nevada, Las Vegas Department of Biological Sciences 4505 Maryland Parkway Las Vegas, Nevada 89154-4004 Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:dev50@nye.nscee.edu" dev50@nye.nscee.edu Ph: 702-895-3853 Milt Engelke Texas A&M University 17360 Colt Rd. Dallas, TX 75252 Ph: 972-231-5362 Fax: 972-952-9299 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:m-engelke@tamu.edu" m-engelke@tamu.edu Donald J. Floyd Pickseed West Inc.-Research 30190 Hwy 34 SW Albany, OR 97321 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:pickseed@sprynet.com" dfloydpswres@proaxis.com Ph: (541)967-0123 FAX: (541)967-6103 Jack D. Fry Kansas State Univ.-Div. of Hort. 2021 Throckmorton Hall Manhattan, KS 66506-5506 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:jfry@oznet.ksu.edu" jfry@oznet.ksu.edu Ph: (785)532-1430 FAX: (785)532-6949 Roch E Gaussoin Univ. of Nebraska, Dept. of Agronomy and Horticulture 377 Plant Sciences Lincoln, NE 68583-0724 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:rgaussoi@unlinfo.unl.edu" rgaussoin1@unl.edu Ph: (402)472-8619 FAX: (402)472-8650 Victor Gibeault Univ. of California-Riverside Dept. of Botany & Plant Sci. 4106 Batchelor Hall Extension Riverside, CA 92521-0124 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:gibeault@ucrac1.ucr.edu" gibeault@ucrac1.ucr.edu Ph: 951-827-3575 FAX: 951-827-5717 Ryan Goss New Mexico State University Department of Agronomy and Horticulture  HYPERLINK "mailto:ryangoss@nmsu.edu" ryangoss@nmsu.edu Robert Green Univ. of California-Riverside 4106 Batchelor Hall Extension Riverside, CA 92521-0124 Phone: 909-787-4401 Fax: 909-787-4437 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:robert.green@ucr.edu" robert.green@ucr.edu M. Ali Harivandi Environmental Horticulture University of California Cooperative Extension 1131 Harbor Bay Parkway, Suite 131 Alameda, Ca. 94502 Phone: 510-639-1271 Fax.510-567-6813 E.Mail: maharivandi@ucdavis.edu Garald L. Horst Univ. of Nebraska Lincoln Dept. of Agronomy and Horticulture 377 Plant Sciences Lincoln, NE 68583-0724 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:ghorst@unlinfo.unl.edu" ghorst@unlserve.unl.edu Ph: (402)472-2854 FAX: (402)472-8650 Paul G. Johnson Utah State University Dept. of Plant, Soil, and Biomet. 322 Agric. Sciences Hall Logan, UT 84322-4280 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:bjackjohnson@mindspring.com" Paul.Johnson@usu.edu Ph: (435)797-7039 FAX: (435)797-3376 William J Johnston Washington State Univ. Crop & Soil Science PO Box 646420 Pullman, WA 99164-6420 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:wjohnston@wsu.edu" wjohnston@wsu.edu Ph: (509)335-3620 FAX: (509)335-8674 Michael P Kenna USGA Green Section, PO Box 2227 Stillwater, OK 74076 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:mkenna@usga.org" mkenna@usga.org Ph: (405)743-3900 FAX: (405)743-3910 David M. Kopec Dept. of Plant Sciences Univ. of Arizona Room 303, Bldg. 36 Tucson, AZ 85721 Ph: 602-621-1977 FAX: 602-621-7186 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:dkopec@ag.arizona.edu" dkopec@ag.arizona.edu Kelly Kopp Utah State University 4820 Old Main Hill Logan, UT 84322-4820 Ph: 435-797-1523 FAX: 435-797-3376 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:kelly@ext.usu.edu" kelly@ext.usu.edu Tony J. Koski Colorado State Univ. Dept. Horticulture & Landscape Architecture 200 West Lake St. Fort Collins, CO 80523-1173 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:akoski@agsci.colostate.edu" akoski@agsci.colostate.edu Ph: (970)491-7070 FAX: (970)491-7745 Kent W. Kurtz (deceased) Virginia G. Lehman Blue Moon Farms, LLC 811 Mountain River Dr. Lebanon, OR 97355 Ph: (541) 936 1210 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:vlehman@aol.com" vlehman@aol.com Bernd Leinauer New Mexico State Univ. Ext Plant Sci Dept. Box 30003 N230 Skeen Hall Las Cruces, NM 88003-8003 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:leinauer@nmsu.edu" leinauer@nmsu.edu Ph: 505-646-2546 Fax: 505-646-8085 Ken Marcum Arizona State University Applied Biological Sciences Department WAN 340B 7001 E. Williams Field Road Mesa, AZ 85212 (480) 727-1213  HYPERLINK "mailto:Kenneth.Marcum@asu.edu" Kenneth.Marcum@asu.edu Eric Miltner Washington State Univ. Crop & Soil Sciences 7612 Pioneer Way East Puyallup, WA 98371 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:miltner@wsu.edu" miltner@wsu.edu Ph: (253)445-4594 FAX: (253)445-4569 Sowmya (Shoumo) Mitra California State Polytechnic University, Pomona Department of Plant Science 3801 W Temple Ave Pomona, CA 91768 Tel: (909) 869-2989 Fax: (909) 869-5036 smitra@csupomona.edu Kevin N. Morris National Turfgrass Eval. Program BARC-West, Circle Dr., Bldg. 003, Rm 217 Beltsville, MD 20705 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:kmorris@ntep.org" kmorris@ntep.org Ph: (301)504-5125 FAX: (301)504-5167 Justin Moss University of Wyoming Sheridan Research and Extension Center 663 Wyarno Road Sheridan, WY 82801 P: (307)737-2415 F: (307)737-2413 Email: jmoss@uwyo.edu Yaling Qian Colorado State Univ. Dept. Hort. & Landscape Arch. Fort Collins, CO 80523-1173 Ph: (970)491-7079 Fax: (970)491-7745 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:yaqian@lamar.colostate.edu" yaqian@lamar.colostate.edu James Reinert Texas A&M Univ. 17360 Coit Road Dallas, TX 15252-6599 Ph: 972-231-5362 FAX: 972-952-9216 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:j-reinert@tamu.edu" j-reinert@tamu.edu Terry P. Riordan Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln Director, Professional Golf Management Lincoln, NE 68583-0953 (402) 472-1142 (402) 472-4104 [Fax] triordan@unl.edu Charlie Rodgers Director of Research Pennington/Seeds West  HYPERLINK "mailto:crodgers@ag.arizona.edu" crodgers@ag.arizona.edu Crystal Rose-Fricker Pure Seed Testing Inc. P.O. Box 449 Hubbard, OR 97032 Phone: 503-651-2130 Fax: 503-263-0703 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:crystal" crystal@pureseedtesting.com Devesh Singh Director of Research Barenbrug USA  HYPERLINK "mailto:dsingh@barusa.com" dsingh@barusa.com Robert C. Shearman Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln Dept. of Agronomy and Horticulture 377 Plant Science, PO Box 830724 Lincoln, NE 68583-0724 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:rshearman1@unl.edu" rshearman1@unl.edu Ph: (402)472-0022 FAX: (402)472-8650 Gwen K. Stahnke WSU Pulyallup Res. & Ext. Ctr. 7612 Pioneer Way East Puyallup, WA 98371-4998 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:stahnke@wsu.edu" stahnke@wsu.edu Ph: (253)445-4513 FAX: (253)445-4569 Kurt Steinke Dept of Soil and Crop Sciences Heep Center, 370 Olsen Blvd Texas A&M University 2474 TAMU College Station, TX 77843 Ph: 979-862-1412 Fax: 979-845-0456 Email: ksteinke@ag.tamu.edu Steve Wallner Colorado State University Dept. of Horticulture and Landscape Arch. Fort Collins, CO 80523 Ph: (970) 491-7018 FAX: (970) 491-7745 Email: swallner@ceres.agsci.colostate.edu Greg Wiecko Univ. of Guam, CALS, AES 303 University Drive Mangilao, GU 96923 Email:  HYPERLINK "mailto:gwiecko@uog9.uog.edu" gwiecko@uog9.uog.edu Ph: (671)735-2132 FAX: (671)734-4600 Joseph Wipff West Coast Research Station Barenbrug USA, Inc. 36030 Tennessee Rd. Albany, OR 97322 Ph: 541- 924-0338 FAX: 541-791-9590  HYPERLINK "mailto:jwipff@barusa.com" jwipff@barusa.com Lin L. Wu 2734 Brandywine Pl. Dept. of Env. Hort. UC, Davis Davis, CA 95616 Phone: 916-752-7179 Fax: 916-752-1819 Email: HYPERLINK "mailto:llwu@ucdavis.edu"  llwu@ucdavis.edu  FILENAME WERA11 Mailing List  PAGE 14 89DEFGHIJKLTUVY[\]^l|  } xpepphehhfCJaJhhfCJaJhehe>*CJaJh CJaJhhfhhf5>*CJaJhhfhe5>*CJaJheCJaJh`|CJaJhZtdCJaJheheCJaJhe5CJ\aJhZtdhe5CJ\aJhZtdhe5CJ \aJ hZtdh`|5CJ \aJ $"9Ljkl: d ~  3 V } $a$gdeTT} R X ^ d n v ! 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